The Book of Maiden Contract

633 The Last Six Seeds of the Sacred Stones... Show the Miracle of Opening the Sea

It is normal for Precia to be shocked and frightened, because what Lin Luo said is basically the truth, and some of them have even been forgotten by herself. Of course, the important thing is not this, but that Lin Luo actually knows all this. From Precia's point of view, this was simply impossible. No third person knew about her and Alicia's affairs... It should have been like this!

"It seems to have cut to the core of the question. Forget it, leave your answer for later." Facing Precia's question, Lin Luo shrugged and smiled indifferently, "As for who I am, you don't have to care about it. Whether it's a cosmic person, a future person, or a person with superpowers, those are just trivial things."

"I won't help you, nor will I hinder you. In other words, I won't interfere with you trying to snatch the Holy Stone Seed... Then, I'm done talking, goodbye."

As he spoke, Lin Luo and Precia passed by and walked out the door. Although the latter wanted to say something, he moved his lips but did not speak. He seemed hesitant to speak, and finally let Lin Luo leave.

Lin Luo didn't know what Precia was thinking. Maybe she loved Fett, maybe she hated Fett... Although he has extraordinary abilities, he can't see through a person's thoughts, and he doesn't have much mood to pay attention to it. Some things are right or wrong, just do it.

... In the morning, Lin Luo and Feite left the Garden of Time and Space, and he could feel that Feite was in a much better mood than when he came here, just because of Precia's non-critical tone yesterday.

"Feite!" As soon as he returned to the apartment, Elf ran out of the room and said in panic, "It's not good, Feite, we are in big trouble, the Space-Time Administration... The Space-Time Administration has appeared!"

"Space-Time Administration?" Hearing this sentence, Feite's mood dropped by a percentage point, and he said in a deep voice, "When did they come to this world?" There was a bit of vigilance in his tone.

The role of the Space-Time Administration is to maintain the stability of the parallel world, and the Sacred Stone Seed, an ancient heritage, has the power to destroy the world. Once it is held by evil people, it will pose a huge threat to all worlds. The current situation is... Fate is a mysterious terrorist who took the Sacred Stone Seed, and the Time-Space Administration is a government officer. The relationship between the two is like a cat and a mouse. It is natural for Fate to be vigilant.

Elf immediately replied: "Shortly after you left yesterday, I went to look for the whereabouts of the Holy Stone Seed as usual, but before I could find it, I found people from the Space-Time Administration, and...and the girl named Naye has been taken away by them."

"That's it..." Fate walked to the sofa next to him and sat down, he was silent for a moment, "There are still seven remaining holy stone seeds, and we must get them before the Space-Time Administration. I'm sorry, I'm going to cancel the competition mode." The last sentence she said was to Lin Luo.

"No problem." Lin Luo nodded. The Space-Time Administration will not allow the Seed of the Holy Stone to fall into the hands of dangerous people like Prezia. Since they have already appeared, the game cannot continue. Moreover, Naye may have been recruited by the Space-Time Administration at this moment, and other measures must be taken.

"Cancel the game mode, and I will do my best to assist you next." Lin Luo said to Fett, "But you need to be more careful in your actions, otherwise, once you meet people from the Space-Time Administration, conflicts will inevitably occur."

"...Let's do it this way. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, we only operate in the night sky." Feite thought for a moment and made a decision. After finishing speaking, she got up and walked to her room. Although she had enough rest last night, but now that a strong enemy appeared, in order to obtain the seed of the holy stone, she must protect her best state at all times. Unnecessary consumption is obviously not advisable.

Elf also ran to Feite's room after talking to Lin Luo about the Space-Time Administration.

Lin Luo sat alone in the living room, thinking about the next steps... There is no surprise that the Space-Time Administration will come to this world, and it is the general trend for Naye to go to their side, and there is no need to stop it. It is estimated that Naye's simple guy has revealed all the information about Feite at this moment, even including him, so it is inevitable to be an enemy of the Space-Time Administration in such a short time.

Although the upper level of the Space-Time Administration is very dark, it is a political institution after all, no matter how good the system is, it will decay after a long time, and the more centralized power will make those in power become more greedy... However, the group of people who came here now are rare good people in the Space-Time Administration.

Lin Luo always felt that it was necessary for Naye and Feite to join the space-time bureau. After all, they are only nine years old now. Although they are very talented, they still have a lot to learn, and it is impossible to truly stand alone. It is a bit too cruel to drag them into the battle of gods at this age.

Especially Naye, if she is taken away now, it means that she will be separated from her family for a long time, and it is unknown whether she will even be able to come back, but if she does nothing, letting them stay in this world will also be dangerous... "Well, although it is a problem that I knew a long time ago, it is still a bit troublesome to think about it now... Then let's go according to this plan for the time being. After all, Naye has the ability to predict the future, so I can be more insured. All magic gems can recover about 50%, so it should be fine."

After a while, Lin Luo stood up and said so.

Because of the intrusion of the Space-Time Administration, Feite's search for the seeds of the holy stone was much slower. It was not until ten days later that she discovered the six seeds of the holy stone immersed in the sea near Haiming City.

In fact, Lin Luo knew the location of these six holy stone seeds. Even if the distribution was slightly changed because of his intrusion, there would definitely be holy stone seeds in the sea. The reason why he didn't tell Fei Te was because he deliberately delayed time... Just like Fei Te kept at his peak state all the time, he also needed to strengthen his strength as much as possible, or restore his strength.

In the past ten days, he has used up almost all the magic gems in the storage space. Although he has not repaired 50% of the sources as expected, it is not much worse. His combat power is close to the ground level, enough to face any enemy in this world... Of course, referring to pure human enemies.

During these ten days, he still kept in touch with Gui Daiju, and he also took the time to go to Naye's house. As he expected, Naye was not at home, but went to the battleship of the Space-Time Administration... Most of the things were under Lin Luo's control, but there was one thing that made him very strange, that is, the whereabouts of the last holy stone seed.

From Elf's mouth, Lin Luo knew that on the day he and Feite stayed in the Space-Time Garden, neither the Space-Time Management Bureau nor Naye found the Seed of the Holy Stone, and during these ten days, they did not feel any sign that the Seed of the Holy Stone had been sealed... After all, with his perception domain and Feite's ability to capture the Seed of the Holy Stone, they would quickly notice if the Seed of the Holy Stone fluctuated.

In other words, apart from the discovery of the six holy stone seeds in the sea, the whereabouts of the last holy stone seed is still unclear, which is a bit concerning.

But for the time being, I can't control so much, because the action of sealing the six holy stone seeds in the sea is imminent... At least since it has been discovered, Feite will definitely not wait any longer.

It was evening when Lin Luo, Feite, and Elf came to the sea, and the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunderstorms were falling. It looked like it was dark at night, and there were no ships around the sea area, and it was extremely far away from the city. Even without setting up an enchantment, the sealing operation could be carried out. For Feite, this is undoubtedly the best time.

"The seeds of the six holy stones, but the specific location cannot be determined. Only by using magic power to force them to activate can the correct location be determined..."

"Wait for Feite!" Before Feite finished speaking, Elf immediately said worriedly, "Although this may be the only way, but with your magic power, you can't bear it at all. Even if you find six seeds of the holy stone, it is extremely difficult to seal them. Maybe we should think of other ways."

"There is not so much time. The search network of the Space-Time Administration has probably arrived here. I can't think of other ways in a short time. If I miss this opportunity today, I will never get these six holy stone seeds again. Therefore, I must do it here!"

As he said that, Feite raised the Lightning Warlord, and the magic power began to surge, but before she could make a move, Lin Luo reached out and stopped her, saying, "You can prepare the magic formula to seal the holy stone seeds, and leave them to me as the task of finding them."

"Is this... okay?" Feite was taken aback and asked involuntarily.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "Don't worry, even though I don't have the same surname as the Holy Stone, this kind of thing is still possible."

"Okay." Wei Wei hesitated for a while, but Fate finally agreed to Lin Luo's proposal, and retreated tens of meters away with Elf.

But Lin Luo stood in mid-air, pulled out the sword of mist and rain, and said in a deep voice: "Heaven, earth, people, air... The four directions are gathered in one, showing the limit that humans have not reached, the sword of miracles-opening the sea!"

As soon as the knife fell, an ear-shattering thunder sounded in the sky, and at the same time, a sword light that was bigger than me fell down. In just a moment, the sea water began to violently churning, and the boundless sea was unexpectedly split into two halves!

Combining swordsmanship and magic, Dongfenggu Sanae's miraculous technique is presented in his hands.

(to be continued)

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