The Book of Maiden Contract

605 First Encounter, First Defeat...Nanoha's Heart Activates!

I don't know when it started, Naye often dreams. Dreaming is not a big deal, everyone dreams, and some people can have several dreams in one night. But Naye's dream is a bit abnormal, because she has similar dreams every time, the same people will appear in the dream, and the memory in the dream will be very clear, as if it is not a dream but reality, but every time she wakes up from the dream, she can no longer remember other things except remembering the dream... including the environment in the dream and the people in the dream.

I don't know when it started, Naye felt that she was special. Everyone has something special, which is not surprising, but Naye's special is different... I thought that it would be great if I could go for an outing tomorrow, but the next day my father decided to go for an outing with the whole family;

Although it doesn't work every time, but it's not just one time. It was as if this time, before coming here, she thought that she might meet the girl with double ponytails that she had been looking for all along, but in the end, she really met the blonde girl with double ponytails in front of her.

Why do you keep trying to find it? I didn't know it before, but the moment I saw Feite, Naye understood, because the other party had appeared in her dream, although I couldn't remember the girl's appearance clearly before, but some things are just like this... You don't need to remember, you can feel it.

However, it doesn't seem to be going so smoothly, because I promised Yuno to help him find the lost Holy Stone Seed. This girl seems to be here to grab the Holy Stone Seed too. Will I...will become an enemy with her?

Looking at Feite standing on the top of the lamppost, Naye thought so.

Unlike the bewilderment on Naye's face, Feite maintained her cold face from beginning to end, her eyes were as calm as water, and no one knew what she was thinking. After a while, she slowly said, "Imperial Legacy...the seed of the holy stone...I'm sorry, I want to take it away."

Speaking of which, the black magic wand Thunder Lightning Battle Ax in her hand has turned into a sickle shape, holding it with both hands, and quickly chopped it down towards Naye.

"Ah!" Facing this sudden attack, Naye seemed to be surprised before she could react, but the wand in her hand helped her at this time.

"Avoid, Flying Wings!"

The Heart of the Rising Sun made a feminine and deep voice, and the next moment, two white wings formed by magic power appeared on Naiye's feet. With one flap of the wings, Naiye had already risen to the sky by the wind before Feite's attack came.

"Foxlight Flying Blade!" Feite's expression remained unchanged, and he assumed a slashing posture, and swung the yellow blade formed by the magic power at the front of the Thunder Light Battle Ax forward. The crescent-shaped blade spun rapidly, and blasted towards Naye at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Naye was already prepared. Although she hadn't made a decision on this matter yet, she had recovered her composure. Knowing that the magician should not be distracted during the battle, she immediately moved her wand forward, "Heart of the rising sun, defend!"


Because of the timely formation of the defensive cover, the two magic forces collided, and the sound of the explosion flashed with lightning. Although Naye was inevitably shocked, she was not hurt and rushed out of the explosion range in time.

But Feite had expected this a long time ago, and rushed to the sky above Naye in an instant, and the light blade formed at the front end of the Thunder Light Battle Ax once again slashed towards the front of Naye. With a click, Naye put up his defense in time and blocked Feite's attack. The two held each other in mid-air, staring at each other.

Elf could tell that Naye's strength was far inferior to Fate's. If Fate didn't show mercy, he could definitely kill Naye in an instant, so she didn't have to make a move in this case, and she was happy to watch from the sidelines. Although Yuno was worried about Naye's safety, he also knew that with his own strength, he couldn't fight a magister of Feite's level. In addition, the opponent had a familiar, so it was obviously unwise to make a move.

The two each had their own moods, and they were watching the battle in the sky below. Because it was almost late at night, and with the barrier that was set up from the beginning, there was no need to worry about ordinary people getting involved.

In the sky, Naye, who resisted Feite's strong attack, felt very hard. Although she was a genius, after all, she had only been exposed to magic for less than a week. However, Feite has been trained under the guidance of Linis since he was a child with the goal of being an excellent magister. Whether it is the use of magic or combat experience, he is far superior to Naye.

Even though the magic power of the two of them is similar, the overall strength is very different.

"Why...why do you have to do this?" Naye gritted her teeth and struggled to support herself, holding her wand tightly with both hands, barely resisting the pressure from Feite, looking at the calm and indifferent eyes of the other party, and couldn't help asking.

"Even if I answer you, maybe... it doesn't make any sense." Feite's clear eyes were indifferent, facing Naye's questioning, his tone was as calm as water.

The next moment, the magic power oscillated, and the two retreated at the same time. Feite adjusted the Thunder Light Tomahawk to the normal form again, while Naye adjusted the Sunshine Heart to the shooting mode, pointing at each other.

"Photon Spirit Gun, get ready."

"God breaks, prepare."

The two sets of magic devices issued bombardment prompts at the same time, but Naye was still inferior to Feite in terms of combat experience. Before the gods were released, Feite's photon spirit gun had already shot over, and it was too late to defend. The whole person was blasted out and fell into the distance.

"Nanoye!" Yuno was shocked when he saw this, and immediately ran over with Naye's figure, and finally caught her with magic before she fell. Seeing that Naye was only stunned by the magic power and did not suffer major damage, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He could somewhat feel that Feite had shown mercy, otherwise, with the opponent's strength, the blow just now could definitely hit the fatal part and kill Naye's life. Even, if the opponent is really murderous, he can easily kill Naye only by relying on melee combat.

On the other side, Feite has already started to seal the Seed of the Holy Stone.

"Sealed form... activated!"

The Thunder Light Tomahawk shone brilliantly, and there was a sound like thunder and lightning.

"Capture! Immemorial Legacy—Seed of the Holy Stone, serial number 16, seal!" Following Feite's order, an extremely bright yellow light beam shot out from the Thunder Light Tomahawk, and shot straight into the sky, even piercing the sky. Then, dozens of rains of light fell from the sky, covering the unstable Seed of the Holy Stone.

Soon, the fluctuation of the Holy Stone Seed gradually subsided, and finally stabilized completely. Feite leaned his wand towards the Seed of the Holy Stone, which flashed a light blue light, and finally entered the Thunder Light Tomahawk.

After solving all this, Feite looked at Naye who was lying not far away and hadn't woken up. He didn't speak or blink. After watching for half a minute, Feite suddenly turned around.

"Come on, Elf."

"Goodbye." Elf jumped down from the lamp post, happily waved to Yuno and the unconscious Naye, and then ran out following Fett.

The battle for the seed of the holy stone ended with Feite's victory. Although it was only a few minutes, Naye had no strength to resist at all during the battle. Naye was undoubtedly extremely weak at this moment, but... With Naye's luck in this world, how long will she remain weak?

... "Have you already got a seed of the holy stone?" When Feite and Elf returned to the apartment, Lin Luo couldn't help being surprised to hear the latter happily talking about the harvest of the seed of the holy stone.

"Of course, although there is a little girl who is messing with our affairs, she is not good enough compared to our Fate. She is a newcomer magister, and Fate cleaned her up in a few seconds." Elf seemed very happy, and he did not hesitate to praise Fate in his words.

Lin Luo knew that the little girl Elf was talking about must be Naye. Although the encounter between Feite and Naye was not the same as he remembered, it was not surprising that Mr. Butterfly was there.

"By the way, is that little girl?"

"It shouldn't be a problem, Fate just knocked her out, but I think after this incident, she shouldn't come to grab the seed of the holy stone again, haha."

No, you are wrong, the little girl you mentioned will not be afraid because of this kind of thing, she will not only come to snatch the seed of the holy stone, but also come to snatch Feite... Lin Luo said inwardly with a look of embarrassment.

"I'm going to bed first." Feite didn't care about the conversation between the two, said something lightly, and then walked to his room, and Elf followed closely, waved to Lin Luo, and followed Feite into it.

After the two left, Lin Luo thought for a while in the room alone, and finally opened the door and walked out. He decided to see Naye...Because his body has not fully recovered, flying will hinder his recuperation, so he had to go on foot.

At this moment, Takamachi Nanoha's house.

"...Her magic weapon, clothing, and the means of using magic, there is no doubt that she is from the same world as me..." Yuno told Naye about Fate's origin based on what he knew.

"Oh." Naye's mental state didn't seem to be very good, and she responded lightly, her eyes were somewhat melancholy, she knew that if she continued to collect the seeds of the holy stone, she would still confront that girl, although she was not afraid psychologically, but... very sad.

I don't want to be against that girl, but I can't leave the holy stone seed alone. It would be great if I could become friends with that girl... just like in a dream, playing with everyone.

By the way, there seem to be many people in the dream, who are everyone?

(to be continued)

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