The Book of Maiden Contract

580 Girls, the King of Gensokyo Comes, My Aunts Are Going to Clean the Railroad

If the runaway Reimu is terrifying, then the silent Reimu is eerie... Maybe it's just a psychological effect caused by a guilty conscience, but facing the gloomy and silent Reimu, Lin Luo really felt a lot of pressure, and the mental "torture" would not be much less than when facing the ghost witch.

For Reimu, losing her virginity is absolutely intolerable, and it happened more than once! But after experiencing a runaway, she completely calmed down and completely remembered what happened last night... To be honest, she is also responsible for this matter, because she was the one who took the initiative to go to bed, and she was the one who took the initiative to seduce, and even the first push-down game started from her side!

Thinking of what happened last night, Lingmeng couldn't help but feel a fever in her heart. She had the urge to find a piece of tofu and kill her. She really couldn't imagine how she could be so dissolute last night? Sure enough, it was because of drinking too much at the banquet that caused the drunken surname?

How to solve it, Lingmeng is also struggling with this problem now.

" should say something." Seeing Lingmeng's lingering silence, Lin Luo finally couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere, and couldn't help but said, "If you want to kill or cut, at least you have to say it before you do it."

When Lin Luo said this, he looked extremely righteous, but he wanted to cry in his heart. Pushing the girl out with the hatchet, it would be fine if it was all due to him, but the problem is...all things were done by Yakumo Zi. Although he was the one who actually pushed the girl, he felt that the process was no different from a dream, and it was not real at all.

Because of a "chun dream", he was killed by a hatchet. In a sense, he has surpassed Brother Cheng.

"That's the end of this matter!" Contrary to Lin Luo's expectation, Lingmeng didn't bother him anymore, but got off the golden bed, and said with her back to him, "Just pretend it never happened." She walked straight forward after saying that.

Although it seemed that Lingmeng had really let go, Lin Luo could still hear the faintly suppressed gnashing of teeth and unwillingness in her tone.

Lin Luo couldn't help smiling wryly, but since Lingmeng said that the matter was over, it's even more impossible for him to run into the muzzle of the gun... Well, let's pretend that nothing happened for the time being.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo also got off the gold bed, but before he could lift his footsteps, a gold brick flew towards him and hit him hard on the head with a bang, and then came Lingmeng's savage girlfriend's roar from the opposite side: "Bring me all the incense money back to the shrine!"

Lin Luo rubbed his head, and found that there was a big bump on his forehead... With his own physique, he would have been smashed out of the bump, but Lingmeng's blow was not light, if it was an ordinary person, he might be headshot directly.

Looking at the pile of gold bricks and incense money beside him that was higher than himself, Lin Luo felt that it would be a bit troublesome to carry it back by himself. He was about to ask Lingmeng for help, but found that the other party was limping and limping while walking, and could faintly hear something like "the butt hurts"... "Okay."

...Because of the harmonious and loving relationship with Reimu, although Reimu didn't yell at him anymore, he didn't give him a good face either. Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible for Lin Luo to stay in the Hakurei Shrine. So, after several times of hot faces and cold butts, and Reimu's staring eyes and gnashing of teeth, Lin Luo had to move to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. After all, it's good to be separated for a while to calm down... Speaking of which, since when did he live in Hakurei Shrine?

The Scarlet Devil House accepted him very generously. After all, if Remilia wants to upgrade to become a true ancestor, Lin Luo's blood supply is indispensable.

Except Yakumo Zi, no one knows about the matter between Lin Luo and Lingmeng. This is a good thing, otherwise, he might be chased and killed by some people.

Since that day, Lin Luo stayed in Gensokyo for another half a month. Apart from the daily life of being complained about and being complained about in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he also often went to other places. For example, Baiyulou and Eternal Pavilion are the two places he goes to most often. Firstly, there are super masters in these two places, which can give him room to grow, and secondly, they are also necessary for communication...Of course, Hakuli Shrine will also go, but well, let’s not talk about it.

Cultivation and daily life coexist. This is the last half month that Lin Luo stayed in Gensokyo. Originally, he wanted to stay for a while longer, but for some reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that if he didn’t go back as soon as possible, something big would happen. So early the next morning, Lin Luo proposed to everyone that he wanted to leave Gensokyo.

Although the two hosts did not sign a contract with him, this is not a problem that can be solved in a short while. There are still three unsolved problems on Kaguya's side. If it is faster, it may be solved within a few days like the first two problems, but if it is slower, it may be delayed for a few years, and he does not have so much time to spend on Kaguya alone. More importantly, he still has not fully understood the nature of the five problems.

As for Reimu's side, let alone, her existence is also related to the existence of Gensokyo. Before the thirteenth Hakurei Miko is found, even if Reimu is willing to go with her, Yakumo Zi will never let go. Moreover, I have done such and such things to her a while ago, and I am already quite polite if she doesn't kill her...Sign the contract? Go dreaming!

Even if it is really necessary to use a child as a breakthrough, at least it must be conceived in October! Besides, whether or not Reimu has her own child in her stomach is still a matter of debate.

As for the safety of the host, there is no need to worry too much about it. Kaguya is a novice, and she is also an earth-level person. There are not many walkers who can beat her, and the return of the demons will not work on her. With Yayi Yonglin's personal protection, the risk factor is almost equal to zero.

Although the compatibility with Reimu is not 100%, she is invincible in Gensokyo, and with her personality, it is estimated that she will not have any inner demons. Besides, Zi Yagumo has a good understanding of God War, and she will not allow any walker to attack Reimu.

More importantly, even the strongest evil king among the walkers has been repelled, so which walker can take advantage of Gensokyo? Even if there is another all-out war in Gensokyo, it is purely looking for abuse... After knowing part of the truth about the war of gods, they will not be as merciful as before.

It's not that Lin Luo gave up on Reimu and Kaguya, it's just that there are too many things that haven't been resolved. He can't solve these fundamental problems within a limited time, so he can only look to the future... He believes that one day he will come to Gensokyo again in the future. Just like Xingyue World, unfinished regrets will be resolved at that time!

In the spacious courtyard of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Lin Luo and Lily Yiwen Mercury Lamp stood in the center. Next to them were Remilia, Marisa Kaguya and the others. There were more than 20 girls in total.

Only Lin Luo and the three girls he brought over were the ones who were sure to leave, and Sakuya was still a little hesitant...whether to leave or stay.

Remilia already knew about the battle of the gods, and she didn't express any opinion on whether Sakuya would go or stay, and everything depended on Sakuya's own opinion.

Although Remilia let go, it was even more embarrassing for Sakuya.

"Since it's difficult to make a decision, let's stay here for the time being." Lin Luo smiled. He didn't just say this casually. Staying in Gensokyo is also good for Sakuya. There are many strong people here. If she works harder, she may not be able to become very strong in a short period of time with her quality, and as far as the current security surname is concerned, his world is far inferior to Gensokyo.

"Okay." Now that Lin Luo said so, Sakuya no longer struggled, nodded, and decided to stay in Gensokyo. Although Lin Luo was a little disappointed in this, she still respected her decision.

Finally, at the end of the farewell banquet, Lin Luo summoned the Avenue of Stars, and the beams of light were dazzling, but before he could enter, a familiar voice came from the Avenue of Stars, "Hahahaha! King Ming, your world is almost becoming mine, you are late!"

Hearing this voice, Lin Luo's face suddenly changed, because the owner of the voice is... the evil king!

"What's going on?" The evil king's voice was heard not only by him, but also by everyone around him. During this period of time, they basically had a general understanding of the war of gods, and from the evil king's words, it seemed that Lin Luo's world had been taken over by him!

"Father!" The faces of the three of Mercury Lamp were not much better than Lin Luo's, and they were also shocked. Yiwen Jielin even asked: "Could it be that our world has really been broken?"

"It shouldn't be possible." Lin Luo didn't think so. If the evil king really occupied his world, then the hosts in that world would definitely not be alive, and they would be affected if they died, but everything is normal now, no one died, and no one was threatened with their lives, so there should be no truth to what the evil king said, but... why can the other party spread the word here through the Avenue of Stars? !

Also, the evil king has obviously left this plane, so where did he get the word from? What was the point of him saying these things to himself? Just to make yourself feel uneasy?

All kinds of questions gave Lin Luo a very bad premonition, although he didn't know what was going on, but! No matter what happened, he had to go back immediately. Since the evil king said such a thing, even if he didn't really occupy his world, he might have already started to do so.

It's just... I can't imagine what the evil king used to break into his world? !

"Miss, I'm sorry." Almost at the same time as hearing the words of the evil king, Sakuya suddenly turned around to face Remilia, bowed and said, with a trace of apology and determination on his face.

If there was any hesitation before, then there is no hesitation in Sakuya's heart at this moment. Although she didn't get along with the people in Sky City for a long time, she was a partner who lived and died together. Now that her partner is in trouble, she can't just sit idly by. She... wants to leave Gensokyo!

"Go, go." Remilia waved her hands indifferently, curled up her mouth, and said proudly with a strong smile on her face, "Don't worry, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will operate normally without you, but there is an order that you must follow, otherwise I won't allow you to leave."

"Miss, please tell me." Sakuya nodded without hesitation.

Remilia put her hands on her waist, closed her eyes and took a deep breath at the same time, opened her eyes the next moment, stared at Sakuya, and solemnly said: "Give me... come back alive!"

"Miss..." Sakuya's eyes widened immediately, and she didn't seem to have thought that Remilia's request would be this. She was inexplicably moved and extremely excited, staring at the other party with eyes with tears flashing faintly, and said seriously, "Yes, I will definitely obey this order to the death!"

"Sorry, we can't go with you." On the other side, Kaguya whispered, with a hint of worry in his tone.

"I know, don't worry." Lin Luo nodded. Even if Reimu and Kaguya left, it would be useless. If Reimu left Gensokyo, her strength would drop to the lowest point. Although Kaguya is an earth rank, her strength has not been fully recovered because she has just been reborn. Even if she can play a role in the battle, if the evil king sees her again, then the play she performed half a month ago will be meaningless.

Therefore, the two of them cannot go to Sky City with him. Not to mention others, although Lin Luo would like to bring a Kazami Yuka or Yakumo Zi, but... this is obviously a luxury.

When Lin Luo and Yiwen Jielin stepped on the Avenue of Stars, although everyone outside had a trace of uneasiness in their eyes, Lin Luo smiled confidently and comforted them instead: "Don't worry, it's just a lively farewell and welcome ceremony."

Although the evil king is very strong, he didn't give it to him for nothing. He learned about the opponent's strength from Gensokyo's all-out war, as well as the results of his practice in the past half a month... If it was in his own world, even if he was fighting against the evil king, he believed that the outcome would be divided between 50 and 50, and his own world would be protected by himself!

Afterwards, the Avenue of Stars rose, and Lin Luo closed his eyes as he watched the continent gradually go away.

"Goodbye then."

Farewell, Gensokyo! And... here I come, Castle in the Sky!

(to be continued)

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