The Book of Maiden Contract

131 Tears shed by a girl, a death warrant is issued

131 girls shed tears and issued a death warrant

The funeral was carried out in a procedural way. Although it was her father's funeral, the young girl didn't show any sadness or anxiety on her face, she just faced the people who came to pay their respects blankly. (Niuwen novels ~ read novels online)

This is not love, but strength

Suspended in the void, Lin Luo looked at everything below, everyone's every move, including what they were thinking in their hearts, he could "see" everything in this memory world. Therefore, he knew exactly what kind of mood Rin was carrying out the funeral at the moment.

Suppressing all the sadness in my heart, not making any gaffes at the funeral, fully maintaining the dignity of the dead and the living, and maintaining the honor of my family, this is something that even many adults may not be able to do. What can be done, but this girl who has not even graduated from elementary school has done it. What kind of strong will is needed for this?

And the mourners around did not have any consolation for the girl's strength, not even a trace of sympathy or pity, because in their view, children born under strict education should be able to bear anything, even Just an eight-year-old child... Perhaps, this is the sadness of being born into a family of magicians.

Looking at the girl with a strong face below, Lin Luo's heart was full of bitterness, but here he couldn't do anything except look at him, even if it was just a simple thing like casting a comforting look, it was impossible here.

For the girl's sorrow, he can do nothing but sigh deeply.

After the coffin was buried on the ground, the mourners left one by one after saying their prayers. In the quiet rain, only the girl who supported the funeral and the priest who performed the ceremony remained.

"You have worked hard. Your debut as the new generation of patriarchs is already very good. I believe your father will also feel proud."

To the other party's words of praise, Rin just nodded silently in return.

At this moment, the Tohsaka family's magic engraving has been engraved on her bare left wrist. The transplantation of the engraving will cause a great burden on the human body. The body has not yet gotten used to the engraving that has been transplanted recently, and the pain is still continuing. But there was no pain on her face, and she persisted until the last moment of the ceremony.

Even now, she is still gritting her teeth and persevering, maybe it’s because she’s numb from the pain, maybe she doesn’t want to show cowardice in front of this person she hates, maybe it’s because it’s her father’s only relic, or she knows it’s Tohsaka The essence of the magic way accumulated by the family from generation to generation, or all of them.

However, in either case, this willpower is extremely out of proportion to her age.

"Should we let mother come out too?" Rin said lightly.

"Well, almost."

The black-clothed priest Kotoho Kirei looked at the cemetery, which had calmed down instantly, and turned to greet the taxi waiting at the back door.

Aoi Tosaka, the widow who was supposed to preside over the funeral, did not show up at the funeral because she was sick in bed. Although she was unwilling to let her have contact with outsiders, Rin still hoped that her mother could see her father for the last time before the coffin was buried.

Rin had been waiting for his mother's arrival when there were other mourners present. She walked to the car, helped her mother into the wheelchair, and headed towards Tosaka Tokiomi's graveyard. The still young and beautiful widow in the wheelchair had no expression on her face, just staring at the void with dreamy eyes.

"Mom, come, say goodbye to father for the last time."

Amid Rin's urging voice, Aoi Tohsaka's dreamy gaze finally slowly converged to a point on the ground. Her gaze slowly swept across the surrounding tombstones, and her eyes widened belatedly.

"Ah, that, Rin? Whose funeral is it today?"

"Yes, because my father passed away."

"Oh, that's too bad, I can't hurry up and take out Tokiomi's mourning clothes. Rin, go and help Sakura change first. Ahh, what should I do, I didn't prepare anything..."

Aoi Tohsaka, who was sitting in a wheelchair, fell into a brief panic, and then, she suddenly bent over like a puppet with a broken string. But when she raised her head again, she smiled gently at the air in front of her, and stretched her fingers forward.

"Look, dear, the tie is crooked again. There is also thread on the shoulder. Hehe, you should also cheer up. You are the proud father of Rin and Sakura."

Obviously, Aoi Tohsaka's sanity is no longer normal due to the huge blow. To describe her in a popular word, that is-a mental patient. She babbled to her husband, whom only she could see, while Rin just silently guarded her mother, not because she didn't want to talk to her, but now they couldn't even communicate normally.

For Aoi Tohsaka, who has been unable to correctly perceive reality, perhaps this would be happier. Her heart stayed in the time when Sakura was still at home and Tohsaka Tokiomi was alive. Wandering in the empty Tohsaka mansion, chatting and laughing with the husband and second daughter in memory, living in the dream of a happy family forever.


Only Rin was left alone in the real world. She took care of such a mother, but she could only watch her silently, unable to take a step into this happy scene. She hid the sadness that no one could understand, and took on the heavy responsibility of the head of the Mo Dao family with her young body, enduring the pain of engraving. What a cruel fate for a girl who is still an elementary school student.

"Rin..." The great sadness came from somewhere, and Lin Luo could empathize with Tohsaka Rin's mood, and his heart seemed to be bleeding, what kind of force is it for the current situation.

Lin Luo can imagine that this scene should appear in Rin's memory more than once, or it will appear in her dreams several times in the middle of the night. Before she is redeemed, her weak side will always torture her.

In addition to sadness and help, another mood appeared in Lin Luo's heart-excitement, joy and luck.

Of course, it's not his feelings, nor Rin's, let alone Tohsaka Aoi's, but another person present - Kotomine Kirei

In this world, Lin Luo can "see" the psychology of anyone, including Kotomine Kirei of course.

Now he can see, under Kotomine Kirei's sad expression, what kind of ugly face is hidden... If demons are disgusting existences, then Kotomine Kirei is probably even Devils will hate it.

It is Kotomine Kirei's deformed nature that he can only feel joy from the sorrow and pain of others. To appreciate Rin's current situation at such a close distance, for him, this is undoubtedly the same enjoyment as tasting the ultimate fine wine. Being able to be the protector of such a tragic girl also made him feel extremely lucky.

But Kotomine Kirei was not satisfied with this, because despite bearing such a tragic fate, the young Rin never shed a single tear, and never even said a weak word.

Even now, in front of her poor mother who couldn't understand her father's death, she still had a calm face, forcibly suppressing the sadness in her heart, and waiting for her mother to calm down. And this was originally a situation that a child of her age who was spoiled by her parents could not bear.

Rin has acknowledged and accepted his fate, and has the courage to face it with determination. Such rare self-esteem and self-control are the greatest virtues of a girl named Tohsaka Rin, but this is what annoys Kotomine Kirei the most.

After suffering all the bitterness, the gem named Rin began to take shape gradually from the original stone. She thought that seeing the ugliness of her beloved mother would scar her heart, but she did not expect that she accepted her mother's weakness of indulging in dreams with tolerance and compassion.

This girl is stepping towards the path of foreign law called magic way step by step. Perhaps in the end she will, like her father, abandon all distortions and evils of magicians and form the most upright and balanced personality.

Of course, this is the most interesting development for Kotomine Kirei. He was so looking forward to what kind of distorted flowers that Tosaka Tokiomi's daughter would bloom. the painful side.

Hiding the secret in his heart, Kotomine Kirei put his hand on Rin's shoulder as if encouraging.

"I will stay in Japan for a while, do you have any worries about the future?"

"It's nothing. I've troubled you too much, and I'm fine now." Rin replied in a strong tone without even looking at him.

Rin didn't know that her father died at the hands of Kotomine Kirei, so she obeyed her father's last words and didn't raise any objection to the fact that Kotomine Kirei became her protector. Even so, she couldn't hide her disgust for him. As his father's assistant, he went to the same battlefield, but in the end he failed to protect his father. For such Kirei, Rin was inevitably angry and jealous.

As for Rin's blunt hatred, Kotomine Kirei didn't care, instead he looked forward to what kind of expression this girl would have when he learned the truth one day.

A slightly wicked idea suddenly flashed in Kotomine Kirei's mind.

"Rin, from now on you will be the veritable head of the Tohsaka clan. In order to celebrate this special day today, I will give you a present." As he spoke, Kotomine Kirei took out a sheathed pistol from his bosom. dagger.

"This is what I got when my magic practice achievement was recognized by Master Tokiomi in the past. I think it's better for you to hold it from now on."

Rin took the dagger, drew it out of its sheath, and looked at it carefully. She touched the leather of the hilt and the magic writing on the blade almost respectfully, as if she could feel the warmth of her father's fingers.


Small ripples suddenly appeared on the dagger in the girl's hand, and a drop of tear suddenly rolled down on the flawless blade... Under Kotomine Kirei's deliberate teasing, Rin finally couldn't help shedding tears. tears.

As if tasting the long-awaited fine wine, Kotomine Kirei's heart was throbbing with joy.

Rin didn't know that the sword in her hand that bore his tears was once covered with blood from Tohsaka Tokiomi's heart. In the future, she will keep this sword as a relic in memory of her father, and store it with extreme caution, on the premise that she does not know that it is the murder weapon that killed her father.

This extreme irony and the pleasure of trampling on a pure heart gave Kotomine Kirei great satisfaction.

But Rin, who was crying with his head down, didn't notice the smiling priest beside him at all, but tightly held the sword of fate in his hand.

And above the void, looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Luo clenched his fists tightly, his teeth were almost bleeding, and his eyes shot out a murderous aura as sharp as a blade.

"Kotomine Kirei, it's not enough for you to die ten thousand times."

At this moment, Lin Luo hated Kotomine Kirei even more than Matou Zouken, and forced himself to suppress the urge to leave this "world" immediately to tear Kotomine Kirei to pieces.

"It won't be long, let you live another seven months...Kotomine Kirei"

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