After listening to Yao Zhengqi’s story, Xiao Yu fell into contemplation.

It is indeed a bit unscientific.

The lab had no communication, no network, and no channel to deliver messages.

How did the semi-finished formula of the anticancer drug leak?

Just as Yao Zhengqi guessed.

He wouldn’t leak the recipe himself, so the leakers could only be nine researchers.

“That day, it called all nine of them together.”

Yao Zhengqi’s expression was sinister, “I asked them, who leaked the anti-cancer drug formula, and how did it come about?” ”

“Of course, there’s one more key that I don’t understand the most.”

“I asked nine of them to study the recipe, and it was divided into ten parts, and ten parts together were the complete formula.”

“The guy who called and threatened me actually knows the nine recipes?”

“It’s exactly the nine recipes that the nine of them know.”

“It’s completely impossible, but it just happened.”

“In the end, I can only guess that the nine of them colluded and leaked the formula to blackmail me.” They actually wanted to blackmail me… A hundred million cash! ”

A hundred million… Xiao Yu smiled.

Let’s not talk about how many people have seen a hundred million.

Do you know how big an area and how much does a hundred million cash pile up together?

According to the hundred-dollar bill.

It takes at least one cubic meter to pile up, and it weighs seven or eight hundred kilograms!

Of course, compare the formula value of an anticancer.

One hundred million is really not much.

Know how many annual sales are the world’s largest anti-cancer drug manufacturers?

Start with 10 billion!

Xiao Yu thought of a funny question.

Is a semi-finished anti-cancer drug worth a hundred million?

First, before it is perfected.

No one knows if it will be able to develop a finished anti-cancer drug.

Second, even if the development is successful.

Yao Zhengqi has a hundred million?

Xiao Yu was curious.

Faced with this situation, how will Yao Zhengqi deal with it?

“They think I’m an idiot or an idiot, think I’m really a bully?”

The fierce color on Yao Zhengqi’s face became even stronger, “I can let them come and help me study, I must be prepared.” My preparation is… A pistol! ”

I see…… Xiao Yu’s face gradually became cold.

No matter how the state bans guns, there will still be some people.

Because of the profitable industry, some people dare to take risks.

For example, the police destroy many gun dens every year.

It’s been banned!

Sometimes on the black market, a homemade gun can be sold for more than 10,000 yuan.

As for the cost… Nothing!

“I pressed them to ask who leaked the secrets.”

Yao Zhengqi gritted his teeth and continued, “As a result, none of them admitted it. I started searching each of their rooms, and I went through all their personal belongings… I still haven’t found a way to communicate with the outside world. ”

“They are also begging me bitterly, saying that they are all working together these days to study, experiment, everyone is inseparable, there is no communication equipment, how can they pass on the anti-cancer drug formula?”

“To be honest, my suspicions were really shaken at the time.”

“Yeah, there’s no communication equipment at all, and there’s no photography equipment. And the anti-cancer drug formula is not a word or two, it is a full thirty pages… Even if they saw it all, how many people’s brains could remember that recipe? ”

“Then they themselves got into infighting, they became suspicious of each other, and they fought each other.”

“Seeing this scene, I became even more suspicious. Because I found that it should be impossible for the nine of them to cooperate, put together the nine recipes they knew, and pass them on. ”

“Then, how did the person who threatened me know about these nine recipes?”

Yao Zhengqi’s expression was so dazed and confused, “It’s completely impossible, but he just knows the person who threatened me!” ”

Don’t say that Yao Zhengqi doesn’t understand.

Xiao Yu’s brain was also a little knotted.

If according to Yao Zhengqi’s statement.

The nine researchers did not cooperate to steal the recipe if they were not acting.

How could the people who threatened Yao Zhengqi possibly know about this recipe?

Supernatural, supernatural, occult series?

“At that time, I also wanted to break my head, and I didn’t come up with a reason.”

Yao Zhengqi’s face turned painful, “However, the person who threatened me called again and gave me a deadline.” If I can’t come up with a hundred million in ten days, he’ll sell the formula to another pharmaceutical manufacturing company! ”

“It’s just a semi-finished recipe.”

Xiao Yu asked in a cold voice, “Even if the person who threatened you knows, what can you do?” ”

This kind of truth is understood by the people of the earth.

Even if you get this formula, you may not be able to make anti-cancer drugs.

Can’t do it, anti-cancer drug formula is equal to waste paper.

So is it still worth a hundred million?

“You don’t understand!”

Yao Zhengqi’s expression became more painful, “That recipe, it is, it is…”

“I understand.”

Xiao Yu was dismissive, “Is it a finished formula for anti-cancer drugs?” ”

Yao Zhengqi’s body shook violently, and he was shocked again, staring at Xiao Yu foolishly.

Looking at Xiao Yu’s eyes, it was like looking at a god!

“Are your purpose simple, to hide your eyes and ears?”

Xiao Yu smiled contemptuously, “Its purpose is to let others know through the hands of these nine researchers, through the experimental process, that the anti-cancer drug was developed and invented by you.” After all, every new product needs to have a process. ”

“It’s like, someone suddenly makes a flying saucer, and everyone is shocked. But if there is no process, then how do you build it? ”

“People will suspect you and will look you up, and what you’re worried about is that it’s going to happen, so you hired nine researchers to help you disguise such a process, right?”

“In fact, you already have a formula for anticancer drugs, or a finished product.” So…”

“This recipe is not yours, and you don’t have the ability to come up with the recipe.” It…… You got it from someone else, right? ”

“You dare to take it out so grandly, and you still want to develop anti-cancer drugs.”

“Come to think of it, the people who first developed this anti-cancer drug … Already dead, right? ”

“That’s why you dare to say that only you know the complete formula in this world, and no one else knows it.”

Xiao Yu sneered and sneered at Yao Zhengqi, whose expression changed constantly, and who looked frightened.

“Am I right?”

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