The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 202: Mark of Magic

The night is dark, this is Yi Qiu's first night in this copy world.

Yi Qiu raised his head and looked at the full moon in the sky. The cold moonlight shone on his bald head with a silver shimmer.

Perhaps because the moon in this world is relatively close to the material world, the full moon on his head looks much larger than the moon in the material world.

Aria-Hand of Nature lives in a small forest not far from the Goblin Wilderness, which is different from the creepy appearance of the forest where the Banshee's Child is.

Although the trees here look a little different from those in the Yiqiu material world, the overall style is still general.

It may be not long ago, and the trees here are not very tall.

However, after Yi Qiu went deep into the forest along the moss trail in the forest, a new discovery made him learn about the forest.

Yi Qiu looked at a sapling beside the road. It may have been planted by Aria-Hands of Nature in the morning, and there were obvious artificial traces nearby.

This sapling has just been irrigated by the force of nature and needs to be delayed for a period of time before it can undergo secondary development.

Aria-Nature's Hand may be prepared to take care of it after the inspection.

Yi Qiu suspects that this entire small forest was cultivated by Aria, the hand of nature, and a low-ring druid does not have the power to directly generate a small forest.

But a low-ring Druid who insists on planting, irrigating, and taking care of every day, time will make it here.

Whether it is good or evil, the life of a wise life is always complicated.

Yi Qiu doesn't quite understand their behavior of attacking humans in order to maintain nature, but if they clearly understand the meaning behind this behavior, and are willing to sacrifice in order to stick to their beliefs.

So at least, Yi Qiu thinks they are not sad.

What is really sad may be those who perform for profit, label themselves, and advertise themselves as the existence of so-called nature protectors.

Yi Qiu touched his bald head, he bypassed the saplings and continued into the forest.

Not long after, Aria-Nature's hut appeared in front of him.

This is a very delicate forest hut, surrounded by wooden fences to prevent wild animals from entering by mistake.

Unknown green vines were plated on the fence, and some were still blooming with small white flowers, which smelled of dust in the soft moonlight.

I have to say that although most druids are far away from human civilization, their quality of life is still quite high.

Yi Qiu pushed open the fence, and some land was reclaimed in the yard. Some plants were planted like strawberries, while on the other side was a thin, pale white plant.

Yi Qiu took a closer look, then brought up the comprehensive web panel and looked at it. He estimated that the pale white plant was the essence of the epiphany mentioned in the last wish event.

In the material world where Yi Qiu is located, there are epiphanies.

This is a very beautiful flower, and its flowering process is quite legendary.

It is fleeting, beautiful and unusual, and even has a unique related culture.

Even people like Yi Qiu who don't pay much attention to flowers and plants understand a little bit.

There were no enemies around, which made Yi Qiu a little confused when he was ready for a battle.

From Yi Qiu's experience with the comprehensive network, the value of task rewards is proportional to the difficulty of the task.

Although Pengniao's Yushi is just a blue strange thing, this does not mean that the comprehensive network does not understand its value.




Yi Qiu opened the door of the hut. There was no one inside, and the furnishings looked very messy.

Based on the generalized characteristics of single male humans, this phenomenon is not surprising.

Yi Qiu carefully looked at the interior of the hut. Apart from some tools that Yi Qiu didn't know the purpose of, there were more samples of various plants, and there were many living things inside.

An owl is standing on the shelf of the windowsill, looking at Yi Qiu with its piercing eyes.

It was already night, and the day that belonged to it was about to come.

And there was a nest of rabbits in the corner of the wall on one side of the hut, and even the druid turned it to open a passage in the corner to facilitate its entry and exit.

There was only one table in the hut on which was placed some potion bottles filled with turbid liquid, and there was also a cat-like guy with an injured paw and bandaged lying on it.

According to the characteristics of cats, the potion bottles on the table should be very dangerous, but until Yi Qiu came in, this caracal cat-like fellow had nothing to do with the potion bottles.

Yi Qiu's entry shocked the guy who looked like a scary cat. It took a cautious look at Yi Qiu, and then continued to lie down to sleep.

It seems that the druid's cabin provides it with a different sense of security.

Since it didn't make trouble, Yi Qiu ignored it either.

Although up to now, the blood on his hands is not too small, but Yi Qiu still holds the attitude of avoiding worthless killings.

According to the description of the last wish event, the cultivation liquid of the essence of Epiphany should be in the pile of potion bottles on the table.

But Yi Qiu searched for it, and he found a problem: the druid's logo was not as eye-catching as the event description.

In other words, more abstract.

Just like Yi Qiu's psychic tattoos, if you don't have the corresponding psychic tattoo knowledge, it is difficult to distinguish some similar psychic tattoos.

According to Yi Qiu's observation, in a pile of potion bottles on the table, he found at least five signs of suspected epiphany, and they were not very different.

Yi Qiu doesn't have too much talent for distinguishing in this area.

Just like when he was looking at the old paper books on medicinal herbs in the material world, he felt that many images of medicinal herbs looked the same to him.

After thinking about it, Yi Qiu continued to search in the cabin.

Finally, he found some books in a small cabinet inside.

Yi Qiu cautiously used Shi E to hook out a book and it did not trigger any magic trap.

Judging from Yi Qiu's current knowledge of this dungeon world, books are very expensive items, so it is a matter of course that some magic traps should be placed in the place of preservation.

Yi Qiu picked up a book directly, with some words on the cover that Yi Qiu couldn't understand.

Just when Yi Qiu was about to open it, he felt a slight numbness in his hand, and a prompt message was refreshed on his retina:

"Detected that the character has encountered a magic trap, the check is in progress..."

"The check succeeds, the character is immune to this paralysis effect, and the magic mark mark fails."

Yi Qiu looked at the dozen or so books in the cabinet, and if magic traps were attached to each of them, the resources to be consumed would appear to be very considerable.

However, Yi Qiu thought about it. After all, it was organized support, and it was another level of difference from a solo person like him who needed to seek advanced resources on his own.

Yi Qiu shook his head and began to flip through the books...(https://)

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