The Bald Monk in the City

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: Legendary luck


Chen Guapi was lying on the floor of his adventure room, and soon medical staff came to assist him in training on the professional equipment nearby.

This is the benefit of owning an organization, which can provide a richer and superior resource and environment than fighting alone.

The deep death is like some invisible cold substance waiting for his soul...

The whole world seemed to have become dull under that weakness and coldness.

Chen Guapi stared blankly. This was not the first time he had come into contact with a soul death in the comprehensive network.

But no matter which time it was, it was painful enough...

The monster that was suspected of being the queen of the Zerg clan crushed Chen Guapi and his teammates with absolute power.

The large amount of high-lethal equipment they prepared in the item backpack had no room for manipulation at all.

Even with the relevant approvals, his backpack contained a miniature nuclear bomb launcher and a miniature nuclear warhead.

Chen Guapi did not delve into the source of these things.

But he knew what thought and energy everyone had spent on this matter.

But it still failed...

All preparations are of no use, everything becomes pale under the ruthless power like an abyss...

Can such a power really be blocked by a flesh and blood body?

The memory of Chen Guapi could not help showing the torn earth and the deeply sunken sky.

It was a memory full of pain, he could feel all the phantom pain that was crushed...

Everything is like a real nightmare.

But this bit of confusion was suppressed under more intense pain!

Because Chen Guapi couldn't help but think of that existence...

But with flesh and blood, he hammered the gods arbitrarily under the sky, and with his own power, he frightened the existence of the void and everything!

Chen Guapi's breathing couldn't help but become quicker.

That's because of the pain, but also because of the blood that became turbulent in some instant!

This makes the surrounding medical staff instantly enter a certain busy state.

There is no reason to panic. After all, the medical staff here are absolutely experienced.

But they are also a little worried about Chen Guapi's current state.



Countless scenes appeared in front of Chen Guapi...

He saw the ancient, he saw death, he saw the unyielding figure...


And at this moment, the iron beast that was lazily eating bamboo and certain iron utensils on the other side suddenly stopped eating.

It uttered a scream that was quite different from its usual charm!

It was full of wild and wild sounds, and it carried the echo of the brutal and fierce beast thousands of years ago!

It is a mount for Chi You's **** battle!

That directly achieved extraordinary charm is showing in another form!

It is the embodiment of fear!

And at this moment, traces of blood began to appear on Chen Guapi!

It seems that something is trying to break free from his body!

Under the slightly disturbed and curious gaze of the surrounding medical staff, hallucinations suddenly appeared before their eyes!

It seems that there are countless complicated figures shaking before their eyes!

They are groaning slowly, they are creeping chanters!

Some ancient power, at this moment, began to truly restore its true colors!

The muscles above Chen Guapi's forehead began to twist involuntarily!

Like some kind of burn marks, some strange lines began to appear on his forehead!

That pattern seems to be full of a certain ancient and wild atmosphere, it vaguely outlines a certain special pattern!

"That is……"

Suddenly, someone nearby exclaimed.

His expression looked very excited, and he seemed to remember where he saw this pattern!

But before he could say the answer, he fell to the ground due to the intense pain!

The answer is already obvious!



"You made a great sacrifice, and you get the following benefits from this sacrifice:

1. Increase your plane's interference to 40% (10%), and your plane's interference is at least constant at 20% before you do not engage in actions that touch the core issues of the plane's survival.

2. Your luck is permanently increased to 28 (3↑).

3. You have acquired special abilities:

In charge of order:

When you are in the plane from which you are born, you will receive a full bonus from the order of the plane:

All your actions will gain divine power buffs (based on the current plane strength, the universal buffs are regarded as weak divine clergy characteristics);

All special effects related to your non-superior abilities will be regarded as extraordinary special effects, all special effects related to your extraordinary abilities will be regarded as legendary special effects, and all special effects related to your legendary abilities will receive additional divine gain levels (based on Current plane strength, the gain is considered +1 maximum ability level);

To a certain extent, you can make weak adjustments to the order of the plane, and this adjustment has a greater controllable territory for the player himself.

You will be immune to death, withering, laws, etc., all spell effects based on related divine order.

You will not be harmed by mortal attacks (all non-divine attacks) mortal creatures (all non-divine beings) will not be immune to your attacks.

"Your luck has exceeded 25 points. You can choose one of the following abilities as your legendary lucky reward."


1. The Man of Destiny:

Type: Legendary ability

Attribute: Legendary Luck +25 basic life level


You are the man chosen by the destiny, and everything will be like a turbid current under the torrent, surrendered to the panic!

Special effects:

When your environment triggers a special event of fate, you have a great possibility of getting a key role.

Whenever you enter a state of frequent death, you have a certain probability to trigger a special event that allows you to escape.

ps: Every time you trigger a special event to escape, you will be punished by a random drop of 1~3 luck within a certain period of time.

2. Really lucky:

Type: Legendary ability

Attribute: Legendary Lucky


Your luck is not something you can promise, your request is not empty and echoes.

Special effects:

In all random events, you will always get a good result, and the effect will not be subtracted by other negative effects.

3. Lucky dice:

Type: Legendary ability

Attribute: Legendary Lucky


The power of destiny gathers into a lucky die. Throw it and you will get the expectation of destiny.

Special effects:

After a standard action, you roll a lucky die.

According to the number of lucky dice, you will get different destiny effects.




With the information displayed on the retina, the mystery of legendary luck is slowly uncovering in front of Yi Qiu's eyes...

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