Yu Yiduo looked at the text message, and was too excited for a while without thinking, and looked at the man beside him, "Husband, how did you propose to me back then?"

Li Zheng glanced at Yu Yiduo, "Have I proposed to you?"

"Don't you? How could I marry you if you don't propose to me!"

Li Zheng:...

After living together for thirty years, this woman has forgotten what they once happened!

Li Zheng replied in an annoyed manner: "I didn't ask, you were the one who gave in!"

When Yu Yiduo heard what he said, he was immediately unhappy, "You answered so arrogantly, when I was blinded and used my life's happiness to trade with you, but in the end it was fine, there was no romance at all!

Li Zheng frowned, "Did you forget? Didn't I provide you with my subsequent marriage proposal?"

Yu Yiduo thought for a while. At that time, her marriage with Li Zheng was just a deal. Later, after the deal had feelings, Li Zheng made up her marriage proposal.

As for the process...

Yu Yiduo patted her head suddenly, how could she forget it!

After getting pregnant that year, her belly grew big day by day. At that time, her feelings for Li Zheng were still unstable. Once again, Li Zheng knelt in front of her with one hand on her neck, very affectionate and serious. He told her that he would take care of her and the children for the rest of his life and protect them for the rest of his life, hoping that she would give him this opportunity.

At that time, Yu Yiduo was so touched that he nodded and agreed, and the two of them let go of their previous suspicions, and since then they are so happy.

Thinking of this, Yu Yiduo began to feel nostalgic again. It took him a while to calm down and send a message to Li Yan in his cell phone: "Son, the way your father proposes doesn't seem to be of any use to you. The life of his proposal to me, I I have you in my stomach, and if you want to imitate us, then my grandson must be born!"

Li Yan was waiting for a message with his mobile phone. After a few minutes, the message came back, and when he saw the line of text, his brows wrinkled.

Immediately afterwards, Ms. Yu sent another message: "The proposal is really important. This matter is related to your lifelong happiness. If the proposal is unsuccessful, in the future, Mu Mu will use this matter to make trouble with you from time to time. When that happens, don’t blame. Mom didn't remind you in advance."

The corner of Li Yan's mouth twitched.

Ms. Yu seemed to be addicted, sending messages one after another to give Li Yan ideas.

"Other people's marriage proposals are holding roses, kneeling down on one knee, giving the diamond ring, and having a romantic proposal, putting the diamond ring in the food, thinking about it is quite romantic, Mu Mu will definitely be happy."

"Or if you love to have a hydrogen balloon in the air with a love word like'Mu Mu, marry me, I love you forever', maybe Mu Mu will die for you all his life."

Li Yan rubbed his temples, looking at the messages one after another, only felt that his head was big.

He really had a convulsion in his head before asking her this question.

Looking down at the woman in his arms, I thought it was just a word to marry her home, but I didn't expect to get to this point and be stumped by the proposal ceremony.

Li Yan has never been a romantic person. If she likes it, he will give it, and if she wants it, he will be satisfied. This is the most direct way for him to treat her well.

He felt that he had used all his emotional cells for nearly thirty years on her, but now he encountered such a problem.

Li Yan sighed helplessly. It seemed that he really had to think about how to marry this little woman home.

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