Chapter 201.2

201 . 2 - Phantom

"Commander Luo, are you okay?"

Gong Jing is standing in front of Luo Hong in order to protect him . Xue Qilin purposely stands behind Luo Hong .

"Hey hey, Luo Little Hong, how could you be so easily hit?"

With a sword in one hand and a talisman in the other, the lass complained without looking back .

"This one was careless . "

While clasping his wound, the hoarse-sounding Luo Hong stood up slowly .

"This one caused trouble for the both of you . "

"All right, save your strength . "

The expression on Xue Qilin's face became a bit more grim .

It seems like the attacker doesn't exist, like he never appeared in the first place .

"What the hell!"

No matter what perception ability she used, Xue Qilin could not detect any clues . She scoffed in annoyance .

Just then —

"Lady Xue, the left side!"

Luo Hong suddenly gave a loud warning .

Before his voice reached Xue Qilin's ears, a sharp whistling pricked her eardrum . She still hasn't turned, when the black phantom has already burst into her peripheral vision . She held up her sword to block .

The sound and sparks produced by metal rubbing against metal assaulted the senses .

At the moment of the confrontation, Xue Qilin felt like there was no weight behind the other party's dagger . As soon as Xue Qilin pushed her sword forward, the attacker flew back as if he bounced back .

"Leaving the moment the attack didn't succeed!"

Xue Qilin pursued and chopped with the sword, angry .

The attacker dodged the counterattack with strange movements, and then changed direction abruptly . Like a sharp arrow turning suddenly, he drew an angular trajectory around Xue Qilin, and then approached Gong Jing behind her from a tricky angle with grace and speed .

Faced with the dagger radiating cold rays, Gong Jing did not retreat, but advanced .


After stepping forward and assuming the bow stance, the old man tensed up and threw a straight right punch with the power of his whole body .

The rumbling sound of ripping silk made the unprepared Xue Qilin tremble . She knows that this ordinary punch contains the destructive power to pierce through stone .

The fist containing rich true qi pierced the atmosphere and struck the target in the blink of an eye .

— there was no sound .

Despite receiving such a heavy blow, the black phantom wasn't sent flying . Instead, they unnaturally stopped in place .

Aware that something is amiss, Xue Qilin shouted, "Old Master Gong, some -"

Before she could finish her warning, she saw the black phantom suddenly disappear in front of her eyes like mist .

As for Gong Jing —

"Ugh -!"

By the time the dull groan of pain sounded, several cuts appeared on Gong Jing's right arm and spurted out blood . With a stern face, he pressed the wound and retracted his fist .

Was Old Master Gong cut? When did that happen? Xue Qilin couldn't help holding her breath . Even though she witnessed the whole process, she still didn't catch the moment when Gong Jing was injured .

In other words, the other party's dagger was too fast to catch with Discerning Eyes .

Who are they exactly? Xue Qilin broke out in cold sweat from her forehead .

The identity of the attacker is thought-provoking .

Gong Jing undoubtedly possesses Heaven Realm strength . Furthermore, he is not a newcomer to the realm . The power of the punch just now can testify to this point .

However, he, who not only possesses Heaven Realm strength, but also has experienced many battles, was easily injured by the attacker .

This fact makes Xue Qilin deeply apprehensive .

Whether it is in terms of strength or realm, the attacker is likely to be above Gong Jing . Maybe they are a great Heaven Realm master .

— a great Heaven Realm master who is expert in breath concealment .

"Blast it, do great Heaven Realm masters like to wander about now?"

Xue Qilin complained in a low voice, puzzled about why a great Heaven Realm master would suddenly intervene in their dispute .

More importantly, unlike their initial claim, the attacker is an enemy, not an ally . Otherwise, they would not have attacked Xue Qilin from the get go .

"One against three, we're really being looked down on…"

"At night, he does indeed have that capability . "

Gong Jing's answer came from behind . Even though he was injured, but his voice remained unshakable .

When he said that… Xue Qilin frowned .

"Old Master Gong, do you know who the other party is?"

"If this old one didn't guess wrong, he should be that great Heaven Realm master from the Shadow Gate . Commander Luo, is this old one right?"

Gong Jing turned his head slightly, glanced at Luo Hong, and threw a question at him .

"Yes, Great General Gong's guess hit the mark . "

Luo Hong left the protection of the two . Standing in a triangular formation, the three are on alert of the attacker, who is hiding somewhere in the area .

Then, Luo Hong affirmed with certainty, "He is my former Senior Disciple Brother — Shadow . "

The identity of the attacker is far beyond her expectation .

Shadow? The current Gate Master of the Shadow Gate, the person hailed as the No . 1 assassin in the world? Why would he be here, why would he suddenly attack us? Xue Qilin is both shocked and confused .

"You talk too much . "

Likely because he noticed the gap in Xue Qilin's concentration, Shadow appeared out of thin air, looking like he is wrapped in a piece of black cloth . He stabbed with his dagger at Xue Qilin from her blind spot .

The dim light that surfaced from the dagger's tip forced her to snap out of it quickly, and she secretly scolded herself for being carelessness . At the same time, she yelled .

"- ah!"

Xue Qilin concentrated true qi into her right foot and stamped on the ground violently .

The sound of the impact and the sound emitted by the ground spread in the courtyard .

Unable to withstand the lass's full-strength blow, the ground instantly depressed and cracked, and then exploded . Propelled by a strong force, a large number of small stones shot at Shadow .

The next moment, a dark flower bloomed before her eyes .

Several dark strips suddenly extended from Shadow's waist in different directions . As he span rapidly in the air, the dark strips, as if blades of a windmill, knocked away the small stones shooting at him . Some of the small stones that were knocked away shot at Xue Qilin . However, they were ultimately blocked by the lass's domain .

"Heavenly Dragon Lifts Head!"

In the meantime, Xue Qilin shouted the name of a move and thrust her sword . The green sword suddenly bent, dodged the dagger, and stabbed into the opponent .

But —

The feeling of stabbing the other party is missing! Xue Qilin retracted her sword at once .

However, since she isn't good at martial arts, she doesn't know that by retracting her sword, she gave the opponent a chance in disguise .

Of course, Shadow didn't miss this chance . He dodged Gong Jing's fist and rushed into Xue Qilin's bosom . Upon seeing this, Xue Qilin threw a kick forward .

Although it has both speed and power, but the kick is meaningless .

Shadow bent at a 90 degrees angle . Xue Qilin's right foot streaked past his waist and missed by a hair's breadth .

Crap! Xue Qilin has a bad feeling . She is wide open at the moment .

As if to tell Xue Qilin that she was right, the feeling of being pulled came from her right foot . Like a moth flying into the flame, she stumbled towards Shadow, who in turn thrust his dagger towards her .

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