The American Scripture

Chapter 137: Interview

[Dao Zang America] General Chapter Serial Post [Forbidden Water] m

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   Claire asks for votes and subscriptions for Half Immortal!


   "Uncle Zhen, your phone is a very disgusting voice!" Claire knelt on the sofa, holding a Barbie doll, raising her mobile phone, shaking her face at Zhen Fan, wrinkling her nose. .


   During dinner, Zhen Fan and Claire spent time together, and then Zhen Fan washed the dishes in the kitchen, and Claire played with Barbie on the sofa while watching TV.


   "I am Angelina herself!"


   "Hi, Angelina, hello, this is Zhen, I am very happy to receive your call." Zhen Fan smiled.


   "That's it, you know Joe? De Labont?"


   "Of course, I have watched the show he hosted, it's very good!" Zhen Fan answered casually.


   "I knew..." Angelina's brisk laughter came over there, "I called you before and knew when you returned home, but... you know, I'm worried about you."


   "Thank you, Angelina, I'm glad to hear you say that!"


"Well... I call today, I do have something to tell you." Angelina over there seemed to have made up his mind, "Is it Joe? De Labont wants me to contact you, he wants you to **** him The show...I am his friend and I owe him favor, so I call this...Of course, if you don't want to..."


   "I promised, Julie!" Zhen Fan smiled, "Is there anything I need to prepare? You know, I'm on TV for the first time, Joe is a great guy!"


"Don't prepare anything, I warned him, if Zhen can come up, don't make him feel embarrassed!" Angelina could not help but exclaimed after hearing Zhen Fan's words, "Thank you very much, Zhen, now...I I don’t owe him any more, but I only owe you one!"


   "I have to remember this!" Zhen Fan laughed, and the two said a few more words before they said goodbye.


   Zhen Fan put down the phone, Claire was looking at him, her big eyes flickering.


   "What's the matter? Claire!" Zhen Fan squeezed her face.


Claire pursed her lips, and then looked a little unhappy and said, "Why didn't Aunt Stuart come? I want to play with her. Dad won't go home. When Uncle Zhen doesn't go home, only me and Mom is at home!"


   "Christine is going to make a movie, Claire, isn't Uncle Zhen going home now?" Zhen Fan sat next to Claire, picked her up, put her on her knees, and sat facing herself on the horse.


   "But... but when Aunt Stuart comes, you can still chat with her mother. I know that mother loves to chat with people, and I want Uncle Zhen to chat with her mother every day!"


   Claire raised her small face in anticipation and looked at Zhen Fan, holding her breath, looking at Zhen Fan nervously.


   "Well, I promise you, as long as Claire wants to, let her mother come over, we will talk very happily, always like this!" Zhen Fan was a little bit dumbfounded.


"My mother is always reluctant to come. Even if she can come occasionally, I can see that she really wants to come. Uncle Zhen, can you go to see your mother sometimes? Or you also want to come to my house, but always I don't want to go!" Claire's words are somewhat contradictory, and the child's logic makes Zhen Fan a little dumbfounded.


   "Okay, okay, what Kerrair said, Uncle Zhen agreed, okay?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but scratch her little nose and laugh.


"I knew it!" Claire was happy, and suddenly straightened up and hugged Zhen Fan's face. He kissed Zhen Fan's face, and then giggled, trying to escape, but was caught by Zhen Fan. , The two laughed and fell together on the sofa.


   Annie really wanted to chat with Zhen Fan, but she was always reserved. Even if she was able to go to Zhen Fan occasionally, she used Claire to go there. Because of Thomas' problems, Annie can only regard Zhen Fan as a more trustworthy person and is willing to share some of her thoughts with him, but the premise is that she has to let go of her reservations. Obviously she has not done this yet.


   Later, Annie knocked on Zhen Fan's door.


   "It's very late, I have to take Claire home, I will disturb you, Zhen!" Annie stood at the door and said to Zhen Fan very politely, "She is always naughty!"


   "No, I'm good!" Claire immediately objected to Annie's words.


"Yes, Claire is absolutely right!" Zhen Fan stroked her little head like praise, looked at Annie and smiled, "Don't worry about her, Claire is our baby, I enjoy the time with her very much. . If... if you can also come, I will be very happy, Annie, we are good neighbors and good friends, aren’t we?"


   "Of course, Uncle Zhen promised me just now, mom, he said he would go to our house often!" Claire smiled and held Zhen Fan in one hand and Annie in the other.


   "Okay, Claire, we should go home, and see Uncle Zhen!" Annie's face turned a little red, and she quickly turned the topic off and waved to Zhen Fan.


   "Goodbye, Uncle Zhen!" Claire grinned.


   "Goodbye, Claire, goodbye, Annie!" Zhen Fan smiled and waved to Annie.


   "Good night!" Annie said in a low voice, holding Claire, and left as if she fled. What Claire said just now made her feel a little ashamed.


   Watching Annie and Claire return to their house, Zhen Fan shook his head, smiled slightly, and entered his house. I took out my cell phone and dialed Christine's number.


   "Hi, Christine..." Zhen Fan said, there was a noisy voice on the phone.


"It's me, Sibera, is it Mr. Zhen? Christine is filming. I'm not sure when she will finish it. If possible, can I call you when she stops?" The voice of Sibela, Christine's assistant, turned out that she was still on the set and there was a night scene.


   "Forget it, it's okay, just say a greeting, goodbye Sibera, and say hello to Christine on my behalf!" Zhen Fan hung up after hearing the response from there.


   Zhen Fan just wanted to ask for Kristen’s opinion. She has been on TV talk shows many times. It’s the first time that she has to ask people about her experience. This is not a question of tension. Zhen Fan's cultivation way is destined to be not a little better than usual.


  Since I can't chat with Christine, I have to rely on my own performance.


   The time is set for tomorrow night, but Zhen Fan has to prepare in advance and go to the studio. The next day, Zhen Fan didn't make any special preparations. After seeing the patient, he prepared to go alone.


"Your phone rang!" When Zhen Fan left, Julia followed up from behind, said to Zhen Fan, and then passed by. She was still a little angry about what happened yesterday, and she didn't have it all day. How to deal with Zhen Fan. And Zhen Fan also regarded this as a woman's little surname, and didn't care at all.


   "Thank you, Julie!" Zhen Fan smiled and then connected the phone.


   "Christine, God, you finally called. I'm going to Los Angeles soon to join Joe? De Labont's talk show. Before that... Is there any advice you can give me?"


"Is it Joe's show? Ha, I know him well, I participated in an interview with him, don’t worry, my dear, he is a very easy person to deal with, I promise, as your current American hero, he will not I'm embarrassing you." Christine's laughter came over there.


   "Are you gloating?" Zhen Fan heard the teasing in the laughter and couldn't help complaining.


   "No, no, fortunately, don't you know how high his ratings are? You will become a celebrity, no, you are quite famous now, but he will make you more famous!"


   "I don't want these! It seems that you don't have any opinions on the construction of a surname. Goodbye, Christine, I have to prepare!" Zhen Fan said, hung up the phone, it seems that he still has to rely on himself.


   "Hello, Zhen!"


   Zhen Fan waited for Joe in the dressing room? De Labont, he came over laughing and shook hands with Zhen.


"I have always been looking forward to your coming. I expressed this regret last time on the show without Danny and Rose. Yes, your deeds make all Americans feel incredible, Danny and Rose. I highly respect you!" Joe? De Labonte smiled, "Of course, me too!"


   "My pleasure, Mr. De Labont!"


   Zhen appeared polite.


   "Call me Joe, I like you to call me like that!" Joe? De Labont said to Zhen Fan solemnly, "I have always regarded you as a hero, and now you are too, so I prefer to be closer to the people I admire. Don't you object!"


   "Of course, when shall we be on the show? Joe!"


"Immediately, there will be a staff member who will arrange you to go. Wait a while, I will go up first, the time is almost up!" Joe looked at his watch, "I will see you later, Zhen, I am looking forward to it!" He said, walking to the dressing room At the door, suddenly turned around and pointed at Zhen Fan, making a weird move.


   Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile.


   Within a few minutes, a staff member came over and told Zhen that he was ready to play. At this time, I heard Joe shouting from the studio: "Is there a hero, the legendary Fan? Mr. Zhen!"


   "Here you are, Mr. Zhen!" The staff quickly said to Zhen Fan and pointed to the door leading to the studio.


Zhen Fan nodded and opened the door, and he saw a big was sitting on the stage of the studio. There were two couches there. He saw Zhen Fan and stood up. Come on, step forward and win.


   There is an audience seat under the stage, and they are responding with warm applause.


"Hello, Zhen, when I was in the audience just now, I said, you must call me Joe, so that our relationship is very close, then... I can tell everyone who knows me, hey, I know Zhen, don't be jealous of me!" As soon as Qiao saw Zhen, he started to make trouble.


   The audience suddenly thought of laughter and applause.


   "The other way round, I will say the same!" Zhen Fan smiled, and gently hugged Joe, "Joe is much more famous than me, it looks like this deal is very good!"


   The audience burst into laughter.


Qiao led Zhen Fan to the sofa, and the two of them sat down. Qiao said proudly to the audience at this time: "During the last show, I said that it was a huge mistake to not be able to invite Zhen. I also said Now, does any of you have Zhen’s phone number? Now I have to say it again."


   Joe sat upright, facing Zhen Fan, and said, "Do you have the phone number at Zhen's house?"



   [To be continued "This text is provided by the Shan Shen Tuban group@魔掌". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. If you want to provide the fastest and best updates for your friends like us, please click to search for the Flash God Tuban group and join us! 】

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