Finish this testimonial!

The story of this book ends here. In Lu Qiu's view, it is a fairly satisfactory conclusion. Qi Ming has entered the 'source world' and the mystery of 'on-hook software' has been solved.

As for the story after entering the 'source world'.

You don't have to write anymore.

End here.


Dear readers.

See you on our new book.

The title of the new book.

"So I'm Really Daozu"

Introduction: My name is Li Daoyuan, an ordinary ordinary mortal. By the way, I am also a traveler. I have traveled from the earth to this immortal continent.


I am also the owner of a 'You Yuan Bookstore'.

Ok? !

I'm Daozu, how come I don't know? !

Say it again.

The new book is invincible and ideological. The protagonist is the strongest existence, but the protagonist himself does not know it. Here, for the new book, seeking support, recommendation, collection, watering and irrigation, and taking care of the seedlings of the new book can make the new book grow strong. growing up……

Thank you all...

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