Technology Bigshot

[Chapter five hundred and eighty-seven: Want to grow vegetables on Mars? (2 chapters merged)]


NASA is worrying about money, but CMSX, since Ren Hong greeted Liu Yuliang and released the bold statement that the Mars space elevator will be built in 10,000 years, it is not just a joke.

The space elevator immediately became another new super project within CMSX and even the entire matrix technology and was officially approved.

This super project has even attracted the attention of Zhongnanhai, and the government's attitude is also very clear: if you don't ask for money, other things are basically fine, and the green light will be given to those who can satisfy.

This project not only involves top-level strategic reserve materials such as Amethyst, once the Mars space elevator is actually completed, it will completely establish an unparalleled bridgehead for the Republic on Mars, which will have far-reaching strategic significance for the century-old strategy of colonizing Mars in the future.

The sister planet of the earth is now a barren wasteland, and there are indigenous creatures such as snakes and lizards, but in the future, with the development of technology and the progress of civilization, the Republic has a space elevator for the transformation of Mars, which means— No—wrong—the novel www.{qu}{ledu} is far-reaching.

As Ren Hong said, this is a super project of a century-old strategy.

The project was approved with an investment budget of 10 trillion yuan (RMB). This astronomical figure was written in black and white in the filing. The current Matrix Technology must not be able to spend so much money. Even if such a figure is the largest in the world Super donors can also appear cash-strapped.

Fortunately, the investment in the project will be 10 years later, and the money will be invested in batches. A one-time allocation of 500 billion yuan, a budget of 10 trillion yuan, will last for about 20 cycles, and 20 projects will last for about 30 years. It may be accomplished overnight, but it must be done step by step.

However, just an "interstellar transport cruise ship" is obviously impossible to meet future transportation needs. Most of the materials needed to build a space elevator are transported from the earth to Mars. To this end, the CMSX space base is ready to start building the second ultra-long-distance interstellar transport vehicle-"Super Mars Rover".

The "Tiangong Orbiting Starport" is also taking advantage of the trend to move towards a real space interstellar port. The expansion of the orbiting starport is imperative. It is currently 7,700 tons in volume. A super "interstellar transport cruise ship" with a load capacity exceeding 50,000 tons. The "Tiangong Orbiting Starport" will also expand the first space dock, and the volume of the orbiting starport will also break through the 10,000-ton level.

The "Super Mars Rover" will be assembled on the Xinggang Dock. The longest length of the Mars rover will reach 2,700 meters, the thousand sets of lasers will also reach 11,000 sets, and the light sail will also exceed 80 kilometers, costing 150 billion (RMB) .

After the completion of this super space transport cruise ship, it will serve for up to 101 years. It will be used in the construction of a space elevator to transport construction materials, and then it will undertake the transport of Amethyst, and even go to asteroids to mine and transport minerals in the future. It will be very useful.

The collateral effect is terrifying. The space elevator is not something that can be built. Once the project is approved, all major departments must follow up in a coordinated manner. The CMSX space base must also be expanded accordingly. An arc-shaped launch tower simply cannot satisfy The demand will soar sharply in the future.

For this reason, the CMSX space base decided to build two new arc-shaped launch towers and 18 "Arc Eagle series" aerospace transport aircraft. This series of corresponding subsidiary plans are all gold-eating beasts, and all the revenue of Matrix Technology Almost all of it was spent on space exploration, but even so, since the establishment of the space elevator project, Matrix Technology, which never said it was short of money, felt the moment when it was not enough for the first time.

If you say this, the whole world will probably be surprised.

But this is the fact. Space exploration is such a gold-eating monster. It is a great pleasure to throw in tens of billions and make a little splash.

However, all these investments are absolutely worthwhile. Amethyst is the best return. Leveraging the era of wireless energy and Chinese standards is the most lucrative benefit. The space overlord is an irresistible temptation.

In the short term, the benefits may not be seen, but once it comes, it will shock the whole world.

Recently, especially this year, it has been the most exciting year for domestic aerospace companies, as Matrix Technology has gone crazy and poured money into space exploration. As a result, domestic aerospace companies have ushered in unprecedented opportunities for development, and the crazy investment in Matrix Technology is also stimulating enterprises in this field like never before.

Matrix Technology is always a single investment of 100 billion (RMB) to supermodels. It is impossible for CMSX to complete it alone. However, under the coordination of the National Aviation Administration CNSA, the order of 10 billion has been won by major domestic aerospace companies. .

Yes, in the past, the overseas market in the field of space exploration was basically occupied by the Western world. It is quite difficult for domestic aerospace companies to expand overseas business. How much is it to launch a few satellites to some developing countries? Moreover, in order to compete with established Western companies such as Laura Space Systems, they have to give up their profits if they want to win the bidding.

There really isn't much money to be made.

In fact, thanks to Matrix Technology’s virtual world project a few years ago, the creation of a virtual network, a large number of satellite orders and satellite launch services, more than half of the space hardware facilities built by the virtual network have been handed over to domestic aerospace companies, Since then, Air China has really lived a period of good times. It is no exaggeration to say that the order from Matrix Technology made them full, and with the help of this batch of income There has been good development.

With the official establishment of China Matrix CMSX, domestic aerospace companies have officially ushered in a new spring. In just a few years, many private companies have even risen, and the entire field has ushered in a blowout development. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the strong demand for matrix technology has strongly driven the development of the country's aerospace industry in recent years, and since the "Gemini Project", it has become even worse.

In the past, if any developing country needed satellite launch services, these companies would rush to participate in bidding and compete with Western companies.

Now, as long as you hold the big and thick legs of CMSX, you don’t have to worry about no orders. The business has soared, and a large amount of income has been injected into the research and development of more advanced technologies. The beneficial cycle continues. In recent years, the speed of China's technological innovation in the aerospace field has frightened Western countries.

It can be said that China Matrix CMSX has stimulated the development of the entire country's aerospace industry, forcibly propping up a blue sky for the aerospace industry. With strong demand, as long as you have the technology, you will not worry about no business.

The blowout development in the aerospace field is only one aspect. The nearly 4 trillion (RMB) budget of the "Gemini Project" directly stimulates one field, and affects several different fields and hundreds of different industries. From the needs of basic materials to the needs of high-tech.

The 4 trillion directly stimulated a high-end field, but indirectly drove the entire national industry. These are all exhausted under the internal and sound industrial system, and the fertilizer does not flow to outsiders, but that is the case.

Seeing that other people's lives are so prosperous, foreign companies also want to get a share of the pie, but they can't get in even if they are overwhelmed.

The reckless development of the space industry by Matrix Technology has not only affected the country, but also has a huge impact on the world. Foreign space companies that have not benefited from Matrix Technology have begun to exaggerate the importance of the "big aerospace era". Western countries are also unwilling to see falling behind, and naturally increased investment in the field of space exploration.

When later generations mentioned the development of the human space industry, they always couldn't get around the matrix technology and CMSX, which shows how big its influence is.

However, the development has not been smooth sailing. Matrix Technology is playing like a lunatic, and it has also attracted a lot of negative effects. The most typical comment is "wailing that the people of the west are eating grass", and they have the heart to invest trillions in sky-high prices. in.

Fortunately, it is Matrix Technology who paid the money, and these remarks will not affect the implementation of the strategic plan.

Three months later, just as the "Mars Express" is about to enter the earth, Mars is also undergoing great changes.

With the help of CMSX, the American outpost base was transferred to the low-lying land of Dika Walker, the abandoned outpost base in the Pezos area, and all the recyclables were taken away, not even a single part was spared, there is no way , on this planet, the real local tyrants are next door, and the old Mineng saves as much as possible.

There is no permanent banquet in the world. With the 27 tons of weapons brought, the Americans obtained 10 tons of weapons supplies for the defense needs of the Deca Walker outpost base.

The "Firefly Space Station" has also been separated from the American "Noah", and they are operating in their respective orbits.

Next, everyone is basically playing their own way.

Old Mount Olympus, Bleeding Wind.

Three months ago, Haifengkan welcomed visitors. CMSX’s outpost base was officially established in Haifengkan. A large-scale base has appeared here in a few months. Kavok's base is five times larger.

The most beautiful scenery in Biefengkan is the "Terminator" meteorite that wiped out Mount Olympus. From space, it looks like purple starlight dotted here. Over the years, this huge crystal has absorbed countless The solar energy has already changed from a colorless dark purple to a brighter color, although it is still dark purple.

Today marks the first phase of the official construction of the tunnel.

Both Ren Hong and Commander Li Xingfeng arrived at the outpost base. They are standing on a small high ground overlooking the Blastwind Kan base. Two M-series earth-drilling omnics are digging a tunnel at the designated entrance. The goal is to dig a tunnel with a length of eight kilometers. underground tunnels until reaching the Crystal Meteorite.

"If it weren't for the 'Observer 5' from the sky to blow the autumn wind over our heads from time to time, we would be able to mine ore now." Ren Hong glanced at the skyline of Mars and said helplessly.

However, Li Xingfeng looked around and said, tsk, you said that wherever your eyes pass, it's all wasteland. Seeing such a large area of ​​land being desolate, I want to grow vegetables. "

As soon as Ren Hong listened to the music, Li Xingfeng laughed and said that the tradition of us Chinese is being neglected invisibly, and when we see it, we always want to plant something. "

"Don't talk about the commander, you have a good idea." Ren Honghuan looked around for a week, and said that the geographical location of Haifengkan is unique, and it is really not a problem to build a few sheds to grow the land, and to grow a few acres of vegetable fields. . "

"How many acres? This is too exaggerated." Li Xingfeng said that we are here to mine, not to open up wasteland on Mars, and we don't do business at a loss. "

Ren Hong is aware of the matter of building a space elevator on Mars, and has invested heavily. In the future, more people will come to work on Mars. Thinking about it later, this will lay a solid foundation for the future colonization of Mars.

"It's really necessary to tell the headquarters about this." Ren Hong said, you see, more people will definitely come in the future. We have been consuming supplies from the earth. If we can get some supplies on Mars, that would be great. It's very important, even if it's just to prevent accidents, we have a piece of land here, at least we can solve the urgent needs in emergencies. Now that half of Mars is ours, sooner or later we have to open up wasteland, why not start now? "

The idea of ​​farming on Mars has been officially approved by Ren Hong. He estimated that the excrement of all members on Mars or the space station is excellent waste, and there is moisture in the Martian soil. Maybe it is under the volcano. There is also liquid water. In addition, liquid water can also be technically obtained through chemical means. It is completely feasible to create a small ecology with internal circulation, and make the best use of everything.

Life on Mars is very boring, and he has also experienced it in the past three months. This kind of food can also find something new to cook in his spare time, which is a good thing that serves multiple purposes. Growing vegetables is only one aspect. For the parties involved, this is a great cause of expanding the territory.

Mining and land reclamation are both correct, perfect! Ren Hong nodded silently in his heart, already thinking that the "Mars Express" is about to leave, and it is still on the earth, so they need to bring some materials for building a shed. It is too extravagant to use the Beam inflatable space capsule to cultivate the land. It might as well bring supplies directly from the earth.

"I'll withdraw first, Commander, I'll go get in touch with Mr. Ren, there's something going on in this kind of place." Ren Hong said with a smile, in fact, he was Mr. Ren in his mouth, and left after saying a word

"Hey..." Li Xingfeng looked at "Professor Wang" who was happily walking towards the base.


…(to be continued.)

[Chapter 587: Want to grow vegetables on Mars? (two chapters merged)]

[Chapter 587: Want to grow vegetables on Mars? (The two chapters are merged)] was written by members of [Wu * Wrong] [Xiao-shuo-wang]. For more chapters, please go to the website:

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