Technological Hegemony

Chapter 24 Making Robots with Robots

Luo Jia opened the laptop to read the news.

Early in the morning, the Chinese science and technology circle was completely blown up. The news that the four giants will hold a press conference together on May 16 swept through the major forums like a hurricane.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world. The rumors that the mobile phones of the four giants are about to achieve cornering overtaking, surpassing Apple and Samsung in one fell swoop, have already been reported.

Netizens are asking whether the news is true or not.

Among them, the most questioned posts. After all, it has not been a day or two since domestic mobile phones have been suppressed. People have formed a thinking inertia and always feel that domestic products are unlikely to surpass the mighty Apple.

Luo Jia didn't care about all kinds of rumors on the Internet, and didn't even dispatch a smart navy to lead a wave of rhythm.

To live in this world, people still depend on their strength. If others want to talk, let them talk. By May 16th, everything will be settled. Luo Jia has this confidence.

After closing the forum, Luo Jia checked the account and found that there was an extra 3.5 million yuan.

The money was paid by major mobile phone manufacturers for large-scale testing. Huawei alone bought one million licenses.

And this is just the beginning. If mobile assistants are adopted on a large scale, Luo Jia’s income will be much more than this. After all, not only new mobile phones need to pay installation fees, but also old mobile phones that were sold a few years ago have to be updated.

There are about 2 billion domestic mobile phones in stock, plus the new phones that will be sold this year, Luo Jia estimates that the mobile assistant project will bring him no less than 2.5 billion yuan in revenue this year .

From the second year, the net profit will stabilize at 500 million to 600 million yuan.

More importantly, Luo Jia will have a platform with huge room for development, and billions of mobile phones are under his control. If Luo Jia wants to promote the new software developed by himself, it will not be too easy.

After closing the notebook, Luo Jia walked around the company.

There was no one in the company, the project was over, most of the students were on vacation, only Li Moran and a dozen employees stayed behind.

Luo Jia has put the Eye of the Sky under the name of Xingchen Technology and handed it over to his employees. Now it seems that the Eye of the Sky is just a small business, and there is no need for Luo Jia to continue to spend time on this or that.

In addition, Li Moran recently made Luo Jia a little angry and asked him to recruit a few beautiful financial and administrative sisters. As a result, this guy recruited eight more male compatriots.

In the financial office, there was a certified public accountant in the first grade, and three novices who had just graduated from Shanghai Finance. The four people in the administrative department all had work experience, and one of them was an administrative manager of a Fortune 500 company.

"I don't look at gender when I recruit, I only look at ability."

Li Moran said quite frankly that Luo Jia was irrefutable, the eight newcomers were indeed excellent in their work, and it seemed that he would not be able to take off his title of head of the Iron Straight Boys Group in a short time.

After inspecting the company, Luo Jia closed the door and started messing around in the office again.

The unqualified robot has been disassembled by Luo Jia in sevens and eighties. He also bought a full set of professional tools to carefully inspect and analyze the robot.

As a student majoring in computer science, Luo Jia had no experience in mechanics, but fortunately, the extraterrestrial civilization transmitted a set of basic mechanical principles, which solved his problem.

After several days of high-intensity struggle, Luo Jia finally understood that the failure of this robot was due to the low precision of parts and assembly.

Although the harmonic geared motor and RV geared motor are imported, other parts, such as gears and bearings, have millimeter-level errors after Luo Jia's careful inspection.

In addition, when assembling, the workers didn't pay too much attention, thinking that as long as the screws can be put on, it will be considered a success.

This simple and rough manufacturing method,

It may be fine for making small toys that do not require high precision, but this is a robot! The brightest pearl on the pyramid of machinery industry!

Originally, according to the design requirements, the gear spacing should be less than 0.1 mm, but the error was as high as 0.5 mm. Once it was running, the mechanical vibration and resistance would increase the error, and the final result could only be a failure. .

At present, the domestic machinery industry generally faces similar problems. For the same machine, the installation effect of the same machine is better than that of a novice.

Besides, the factory in Wuxi did not take into account the problem of precision compensation in the design, leaving enough room for adjustment.

All in all, the problem is multi-faceted, and the problems of parts and design are easy to solve, just spend a little more money and find customized parts from top manufacturers.

Only installation is very difficult and requires a large number of skilled industrial workers.

And if any master drank two more glasses last night, his work status must be poor today. If any master is addicted to smoking, if he doesn't smoke for half an hour, he will not be able to concentrate.

These problems are all inherent defects of human beings, and there is no way to solve them unless they are all produced by robots.


Luo Jia rubbed his chin and thought, why didn't he think of it earlier, the robot has the ability of self-replication.

With primary robot technology in hand, why do skilled workers need to do it? It is completely possible to build a black lamp factory without any human participation, and hand over all complex and high-precision tasks to robots.

Robots don’t know how to drink or smoke, they don’t need to fall in love and watch movies, and they don’t beat their children after arguing with their wives. They are the most powerful productivity tools!

If robots are used to make robots, one becomes two, and two becomes four. It won't take long for Luo Jia to have a robot army!

At that time, no matter what it manufactures, it must be of the world's first-class level. After all, the robot's ability is too strong and its precision is too high!

Luo Jia was very excited to understand the development direction of the robot industry.

He now needs a small batch of qualified robots first, and with this batch of robots, he can begin to replicate infinitely like a virus.

"I need to go to Wuxi immediately and talk to that robot factory." Luo Jia thought to herself.

Picking up the pullover, Luo Jia rushed out of the office, "Moran, I remember you have a car, right?"

Li Moran nodded. He is a native of Shanghai and his family is in Nanxiang. With the large-scale demolition of the city, his parents bought several houses and lived a comfortable life as a renter.

Li Moran has been competitive and studied well since he was a child. His parents gave him a Mercedes-Benz C200 early on, so that he can have a girlfriend and take girls for a ride.

It's a pity that Li Moran's personality of a straight guy in science and engineering doesn't appeal to girls at all, but he does have a car, and he hasn't found a girl who is willing to go for a ride with him so far.

"Get ready and go to Wuxi with me." Luo Jia said.

"Going right now?"

"Yes, it's now."

Luo Jia felt that the enthusiasm for working hard in the robotics industry was burning hot, and he couldn't wait at all.

Li Moran frowned and said, "Boss Luo, today is May 16th, and in ten minutes, the press conference of the Big Four will be held, and tomorrow we have invited students to come to collect their salaries, and discuss the signing of the contract by the way. Isn't it appropriate to go to Wuxi now?"

Luo Jia slapped her head hard, she was so busy that she forgot these two things.

The press conference of the Big Four will determine the future fate of the company.

As for those high-achieving students of Fudan University, Luo Jia really wanted to keep them. He made an appointment with them tomorrow, just to have a good talk with them.

"The time is really not suitable, so let's go tomorrow." Luo Jia said.

Then he turned on the projector in the hall, entered the live broadcast room of station B, and prepared to watch the performance of the Big Four today.

China's Big Four VS Apple. Samsung.

The long-awaited battle of the world is finally about to begin.

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