Chapter 783

"Stop!" Liu Renshen sighed, walked quickly to the dark arrow man in disguise, glanced at a few, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Cheng Jin and others all frowned, but no one spoke, just silently facing Liu Ren. kenennetbsp; At this time, Cui Pei and Zhang Xuan, who were ahead, stopped and said, "General Liu, these brothers are all our own ..."

Liu Ren Lengbingbing geologically asked, "When did we have dark spiritual practitioners among ourselves?"

bad! After listening to Liu Ren's talk about the dark spiritual practitioners, Cui Pei and Zhang Xuan both trembled. They couldn't imagine that Liu Ren would also use insight into his own.

When the two of them were dumbly asked, and they didn't know how to answer, there were two secret arrow personnel who took out the sword without warning and slashed their dead hands against Liu Ren, chopping hard.

Liu Ren has been careful, but Lingwu is not his chief, and the sword of the Dark Arrow staff is too fast. There was a click in the ear wheel, and Liu Ren's body was chopped into three sections by two spirit knives. The plasma sprayed and the dead body fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the surroundings fell into a dead silence, and after a few seconds, the scene seemed to explode. Ning Bing, who lived in and out of the city, all pulled his neck and shouted, "There are assassins! People returning to the city There were assassins in the mix, General Liu was killed by the assassins— "

The shout was shocking, and the surrounding Ning Jun shouted strangely, rushing to the disguised wind army.

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Gu Yue no longer hid, and shouted to the men behind him: "Brothers, kill the Ning Army and keep the gate!"


With an order, the disguised generals of the Wind Army were all fiercely exposed, one after another showing off their weapons, welcoming and fighting with the Ning Army.

At the beginning of the battle, the Ning Army was disrupted. People could not tell who was the enemy or who was their own. However, the fierce tearing sounds around them were heard from time to time. Many soldiers of Ning did n’t even see the enemy anywhere. , He was chopped to the ground by a disguised wind army close at hand.

For a time, the inside and outside of Chengmen Cave in Liangzhou Beicheng were turbulent.

Cui Pei and Zhang Xuan did not participate in the battle. The two hid early and chaotically, neither helping the wind army nor the Ning army, while Zhang Tong on the top of the city looked coldly at the battle below without making any The commander did not tell the soldiers below how to deal with the wind army mixed in the city.

Regarding his inaction, the Ning generals who defended the city only when he was frightened by stuns. People pulled Zhang Tong into the gate building, leaving many Ning troops to protect him, and then more than ten Ning generals led the city. The defenders rushed down and participated in the battle. At the same time, the Ning Army camp in the north city also fry the pan, and tens of thousands of Ning generals panicked while arranging their armors and ran out of their camps.

Xiang Ning and others gathered more and more here. At this point, the battle has begun.

The three thousand wind army with Guyue mainly gathered inside and outside the Shing Mun cave, and the surrounding area was full of crowded Ning army. Looking up, the crowd was crowded, let alone the number, and the crowd's margins could not be seen. Here.

At this point, everyone in the Wind Army had been evacuated, and exerted all their strength to slay the Ning Army around him.

Gu Yue held the double-knife, sometimes shooting Lingbo, and sometimes releasing his skills. The bodies of the Ning Army around him had been stacked up high; Zhan Peng, Wei Xuan, and Zhang Tong also each took out the ability of pressing the bottom of the box and took the Ning Army in front of them. Killed one after another; the dark arrow personnel who used Cheng Jin were not with the generals of the wind army. They were not accustomed to position battles and were not used to cooperate with other generals. They were all interspersed with the Ning army. However, every appearance will always lead to screams around them. Although their number is small, they pose the greatest threat to the enemy. As for the following Sergeants of the Wind, in the case of the enemy and the others, they have a strong combat effectiveness, and they can engage in close combat with enemies several times their own, without falling into the wind. Even if they have injured more than ten places, they can still clenched their teeth and persist. fighting.

The wind army is brave and tenacious, but the Ning army has too many troops, as if it never ends. It died one team, rushed to two teams, died for a while, and surged into a regiment. Under the pressure of the Ning soldiers' sea tactics, the wind The overall formation of the army also began to deform, gradually becoming disjointed, and there was a tendency to be cut off by enemy forces.

Gu Yue, who was at the front of the battle, saw that the situation was not good. He immediately turned around and rushed back to Chengmen Cave to lead the Feng Army and Ning Army here to fight. The main point of this battle is to keep the gates of the city intact. As long as the gates are firmly controlled by them, the outside squadrons can directly kill the nearby city and lay a victory.

After hitting it, there was a brief stalemate on the battlefield. The Ning Army could not push out the Feng Army mixed into the city, and the Wind Army could not kill the surrounding Ning Army. The soldiers on both sides were just numbly tearing on the battlefield. kill.

But soon, the responsive Ning will take a large number of Ning troops to the city wall above the city gate cave and shoot arrows from top to bottom.

In the night, when both the enemy and us are wearing the same clothes, their arrows will inevitably hurt the Ning Jun himself, but most of the arrows still fall on the head of the Wind Army.

The arrow shooting at this time was too threatening to the wind army. Only one round of arrow rain poured down, and the soldiers of the wind army fell down. Most of them were arrows in their heads. They died on the spot and did not give them at all. They continue to fight.

After one round of arrows had been fired, Ning Jun immediately started the second round of arrows, then the third round, the fourth round ...

The arrows that fell from the head made the wind army invisible and defenseless. In an instant, there were hundreds of people in the wind army who died of arrow shooting in the city.

When Gu Yue saw an anxious situation, he rushed out of the gate of the city gate, looked up and looked up, but did not see Ning Jun, but saw a row of arrows that were not shot out of the city wall.

He didn't even think about it, waving a volley to make a knife.

Huh! The Lingbo flew out, passing past the city wall, listening only to a click of a crisp sound, and dozens of arrows were swept by the Lingbo. At the same time, a scream came from the city wall.

This round of the Ning Army's arrow formation was disrupted by the spiritual waves of Gu Yue. The city's Ning Jiang immediately realized that the enemy was at his feet. He directed the soldiers and soldiers around to drop arrows and shoot the enemy.

With his order, more than twenty soldiers of Ning jumped into the gap between the arrow stacks, leaned out, twisted their bows and arrows, and aimed directly at Gu Yue directly below.

Their arrows still had to be shot in the future. Gu Yue rushed out first, and the second Lingbo flew over. More than 20 Ning soldiers were killed. Among them, more than half of them were swept by Lingbo, half of them broke, and they even called. Before coming out, he fell into the city with a cloud of blood.

The remaining Ning Bing saw the enemy so powerful, where did they dare to throw arrows, Qi Qi retracted his body.

Ning would be furious. He said nothing, raised his leg and kicked a frightening Ning soldier directly from the city. He shouted, "Fear the enemy to kill without pardon! Let the arrows go! Let the arrows go!"

Under his roar and rage, Sergeant Ning stiffened his head and poked out his head again, and drew an arrow down in horror.

Their arrows had just shot out, and the Lingyue of Gu Yue arrived again. At a few moments, several people were recruited, or they fell on their backs, or fell outside the city.

Gu Yue wanted to continue to release Ling Ling, but a flower in front of him, an arrow from the sky hit his eyebrow. There was a click in the earwheel, and Gu Yue was impacted by it. She sat on the ground with her buttocks, and her double knives almost let go.

The arrow branch failed to break his spirit armor, but the powerful impact made Gu Yue's head buzz. He hadn't calmed down the tone, the second arrow, the third arrow, the fourth arrow ... The branch struck his spirit armor, clanged, Mars was splashing, and the Yue Yue's body shook constantly.

The opponent's arrow shot too fiercely, and Gu Yue's Spirit Armor couldn't support it if he was hit like this.

The wind army in the city gate cave rushed forward, dragging Gu Yue hard back.

Just dragged him away, more than a dozen arrows were nailed to the ground where he was just now.

"The enemies in the city are too threatening to our brother and must be defeated!" Gu Yue, who was breathless, shook his head, panted, and stood up, thinking about how he was going to kill the city. "Gagaquaga" sounded the sound of the iron gate continuously.

"General, the enemy is closing the suspension bridge!" A wind soldier screamed in surprise.

Gu Yue turned around and looked out of the city, wasn't it? I saw that the suspension bridge outside was slowly being pulled up by the shrinking iron chain.

Too late to think about it, Gu Yue threw away the double knives in his hands, reached for two spears from the wind army brothers around him, raised his eyes to see the gap between the iron cables, took a deep breath, then leaped tall, his arms toward On the first look, first a long gun was inserted into the gap in the left cable, and then another long gun was severely inserted into the gap in the right cable.

The Ning Jun in the city turned the pulley to shrink the iron cable, and two lances were inserted into the gap of the iron cable, making it stuck outside. No matter how hard the people above it, the pulley can no longer turn half a minute, and the suspension bridge is lifted less than half a meter. , It will not move.

Gu Yue is in danger, and the ability to respond to changes is startling.

But waves are flat and waves start again.

The city's Ning Jun saw that he could not return to the suspension bridge ~ ~ and began to drop the jack gate.

This is beyond the expectation of Gu Yue and other wind forces, they are the first time they have seen a city with thousands of gates.

The jack gate is located on the inner side of the gate. It is not the same as the gate. The gate is fan-shaped and can be opened outward or inward. The jack gate is straight up and down. The agency is located in the gate. The Jinjin Gate slowly fell from the top, and its sturdiness was not inferior to the city gate, or even better, it can be said that it was the second city gate.

Normally, the jack gate is not activated, and it will only be used at the most critical moment.

Feng Jun's information, as well as Cui Pei and Zhang Xuan, did not mention that the gates of Liangzhou had hidden gates. At this critical moment, a huge and heavy copper gate slowly descended, how could Gu Yue and others not be dumbfounded.

It only took a few seconds, but it seemed as long as several centuries for Gu Yue. He turned back and yelled at the wind sergeants and soldiers around him: "Resist the copper gate, and never let it fall! After speaking, he was the first to rush under the jacks, raise his arms, and make a stance to push the jacks hard.


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