This is Tang Yin's style. He will not easily believe others, even if he is sure, he will have to see the results with his own eyes.

The number of counties in the seven counties can be quite large: 50,000 in Taean County, 30,000 in Shangqing County, Goyang County, and Lingdong County and Lingnan County, and 20,000 in Fuchuan and Hepingxi County, which add up to 200,000. Congregation, after the 200,000 county army entered the capital, the first thing Tang Yin did was to disrupt it and disperse it, all divided into the various units of the Tianyuan Army.

He has two advantages in doing this. One is that the county army is scattered and difficult to gather, and it will not pose a threat to himself. The second is that the county army is mostly recruits, with low combat power, scattered to various legions and led by veterans. The recruit method can enable these 200,000 recruits to form combat power in the shortest time, and at the same time, the veterans 'ideas and concepts can be instilled in the recruits' minds so that they can establish a high enough loyalty to themselves.

The Tianyuan Army has been recruiting troops in Yancheng, and its strength has been expanded to 600,000. With the addition of the 200,000 county army, its strength has reached 800,000. Except for the 100,000 elites of the Plains Army, which have not changed, the Sanshui Army, the Chifeng Army, and the immediate army have reached 200,000, and even the Tianying Army that later relied on Tang Yin has reached 100,000.

In addition, with Fu Shichen of Qijun County, Tang Yin finally seized the opportunity to send additional troops to Yemen. He ordered Shen Zhizhang to be the main general, and to draw 200,000 generals from the various army corps of the Tianyuan Army, sent to Yamen, and replaced the Sanshui army generals with Liang Qi and Shangguan Yuanrang.

Shen Zhizheng was originally a military commander and a general. He once defended Jinhua City with Tang Yin and blocked the Ning Army. In that battle, Tang Yin was very impressed with Shen Zhizheng. He felt that he was alert, decisive, calm and calm, even He can quickly make a judgment in a critical moment. He is a rare defender and sent him to guard the gate. Tang Yin was very relieved.

Yamen is a natural danger, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In this case, Tang Yin still sent a 200,000 army to defend it. It can also be seen that he attaches great importance to this point of Yamen.

Liang Qi and Shangguan Yuanrang's return were welcomed by the people in Yancheng. These two people had a great success in attacking Yamen. In the eyes of the people, they are already the heroes of the Wind Country, especially Shangguan Yuanrang. The **** that is passed on is almost the God of War in the Wind Country. People want to see Shangguanyuan with their own eyes. The grace of the people, the crowds of people on the streets, are even more lively than when the three of Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang Haochun returned to the capital.

When the two rode into the city on horses with high heads, the entire city of Yancheng cheered and thundered, and the bright red petals fluttered in the sky. The lively scene was called unprecedented.

Tang Yin also saw the scene at this time, and still had a faint smile on his face, but his smile at this time was different from the smile when Liang Xing and others entered the capital. At that time, he was just a smirk, but now he is smiling from his heart. In his opinion, Liang Qi and Shang Guan Yuanrang deserve the welcome they deserve.

The detour from Tianyuan County to the Federation of Murphys, and then sneaked into the gates by way of road. The journey is more than a thousand miles. It is just that the soldiers who have damaged more than 10,000 soldiers during the march show their hardship. Liang Qi and Shangguan Yuan allowed the 80,000-tired Sanshui Army to attack the Yemen in one fell swoop, and to resist the Ning Army's countless counterattacks. This was a difficult thing. Tang Yin admired and convinced Appreciate the two.

When Liang Qi and Shang Guan Yuanrang saw Tang Yin, the two bodies were shocked, and they rolled over and dismounted, hurriedly walked to Tang Yin's horse, kneeling on both knees, intervening in salute, choking and said, "The last general Liang Qi (Shangguan Yuanrang), see Master! "The tears of both fell down between the words.

It is not easy to defend the Yamen with tens of thousands of Sanshui Army. Ning Jun's counterattacks continued one after another. It has never stopped for several months. The 80,000 Sanshui soldiers who entered the city at the beginning followed Liang Qi and Shangguan. Only 30,000 Yuan was left by Yuan Rang, and everyone was injured. On several occasions, even Liang Qi thought that his side could no longer hold it, and the Yemen was soon broken by Ning Jun, but in the end He still clenched his teeth with the soldiers below, and stood up to make sure that the door was not lost. Seeing Tang Yin at this time, the hardships and fierce dangers of the past few months came to my heart, and then I thought that there were still so many soldiers buried in the door, and they would never be able to return to their hometown.

They both cried, and Tang Yin's eyes were red, and she almost burst into tears. Only a few months later, Liang Qi and Shang Guanyuan let both lose a lot. Their armors were obviously new, but the armor was in accordance with them. The original figure was made to wear on the body, and now looks much larger, as if not two people.

Tang Yin quickly turned over and dismounted, stretched his hands to support the two at the same time, he was also very excited at this time, even with a trembling voice, said in a low voice: "Two brothers, hard work!"

As commander-in-chief and general, being able to match his subordinates with brothers in public is not something that ordinary people can do in an era with a strong sense of class. This brother of Tang Yin made Liang Qi and Shangguan Yuanyuan let the tears flow more. Now they feel that all the hardships they have had over the past few months are worthwhile, and nothing else, just for Tang Yin.

"The end will not humiliate the mission ..."

Before waiting for Liang Qi to finish his speech, Tang Yin had already pulled up his hand with Shangguan Yuanrang and said, "Don't say this now, let's go home!" Talking, he took the two and walked towards his house. go with.

In Tang Yin's opinion, it would be too hypocritical to talk about any merit or reward at this time.

This unusual behavior of Tang Yin made the people around the people cheer continuously. In the minds of the people, the commander who can be as close as his brother-in-chief is the good commander. People also want to see that the army of the wind country can be united. Now the performance just satisfies people's desire.

With Liang Qi's return, the commanders of the five corps of the Tianyuan Army have gathered in Yancheng. Next, Tang Yin set about preparing to wave his commander southward and continue to conquer Zhong Tian.

At present, Tianyuan's army is more general and broader. Whether it is supplies or grain, it is very sufficient. The following soldiers are also fighting for it, and they hope to send troops to Zhongtian as soon as possible.

At this time, Qiu Zhen put forward one thing to Tang Yin, which he had said before. Tang Yin must be justified in order to claim that the king, and this must be approved by the emperor in Shanghai. Now as long as Zhongtian is eliminated, the new monarch will be on the agenda, and it will be too late to prepare in this regard.

After listening to Qiu Zhen's opinion, although Tang Yin felt reasonable, she could n’t get away now. If she went to Beijing, she would not only have to pass through the south of the country of wind, but also go through Mo and An. How long does it take to get back?

Qiu Zhen nodded, thinking that Tang Yin was right. He said quietly: "But this thing can't be done. An adult can send a powerful person to Beijing to have a relationship. As long as the adult takes time out, he will immediately rush over. . "

"Well!" Tang Yin answered as he pondered, but who should be sent to Beijing first?

After thinking about it, a person's shadow flashed in his mind, Jiang Lu. Jiang Lu has a lot of problems, that is, he will not lead soldiers to fight or make plans, and he is sour, and he can raise his **** to the sky with some credit, but no one looks at him, but he has a little The advantage is that no one else can match, that is, his mouth. Jiang Lu can say that if he talks, the dead can be said to be alive. When Zilu took Huya Mountain in the first place, it was Jiang Lu who came up to persuade him to surrender. Even a loyal person like Zianzi could surrender Tang Yin regardless of his family's life.

Now we need to send someone to go to Beijing to charge the imperial court minister. Who else can we send? Thinking of this, Tang Yin couldn't help laughing, and said, "I think Jiang Lu can take on this task."

After hearing the words, Qiu Zhen laughed on his back and said, "My grownup really thought of going with me. I also think Jiang Lu is the best candidate."

After listening to Qiu Zhen saying the same, Tang Yin no longer hesitated and said, "Then let Jiang Lu do it!"

"Okay, sir, even if Jiang Lu can talk again, there is no shortage of things!" Qiu Zhen reminded thoughtfully.

"How about five thousand two gold?" Tang Yin asked.

Qiu Zhen shook his head and said, "Things of gold and silver, I think it may not be able to impress the Minister of Shanghai, it is better to send treasure."

Tang Yin smiled and smiled bitterly. He shrugged and said, "Where do I have any treasure?"

Qiu Zhen was well-informed, and smiled softly and said, "I do not have an adult, but there is in the palace."

Oh? Tang Yin froze, yeah, there are treasures in the palace, Zhong Tian fled in haste, and many of the remaining treasures were not taken away, and are now sealed in the palace. He asked: "Do you mean to let me steal the treasures from the palace as a bribe to the Minister of Beijing?"

"It's not stealing ~ ~ It's just taking it in advance." Qiu Zhenzhen said frankly: "In the future, adults will be the monarchs of the wind country, aren't the treasures in the palace all adults? Now adults only take out a part How can it be considered a steal? "

Tang Yin shook her head with a smile. Qiu Zhen said that Jiang Lu's mouth was terrible, why wasn't he? He responded: "You are right, just do what you want! I will go to the palace tonight to pick some treasures."

"I'll go with the adult!"

The royal palace is now tightly controlled by the Tianyuan Army. It is closed for the rest of the time except when it is open for discussion. People inside ca n’t get out, and people outside ca n’t get in.

As the commander of the Tianyuan Army, Tang Yin didn't dare stop anyone entering or leaving the palace.

That night, Tang Yin took Qiu Zhen, the Shangguan brothers, and dozens of guards to the palace. Before waiting, he was stopped by the sergeant Tianyuan who guarded the gate of the palace, waiting for a thousand captain to run to Tang Yin and others approaching him. The torch in his hand was forwarded, and he lifted his eyes to look at it again. His body was shocked, and he hurriedly kneeled on one knee, intervening in saluting: "My subordinate has seen an adult!"

"Well!" Tang Yin said casually, "Open the palace door, I want to enter the palace."

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