Final Chapter 73

"Yes, the general will come this time to make a special trip to ask the princess for help!" Ren Fang said.

Xiao Xiaoxiang smiled and said softly slowly: "General Ren should know that if this palace helps you this time, you will have to help this palace!"

Ji Ren let out a sigh, nodded, and said, "I will understand."

"It's good to understand." Xiao Xiang's smile was stronger, and he walked slowly in the lobby and said, "Last time, this palace reminded the general that there is a place that you can't think of or find."

Xi Ren arched his hand and said, "Please also ask the princess to show."

Wu Xiaoxiang turned around and said word by word, "King, palace."

"Royal Palace?" Ren Fang suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Xiao Xiang in disbelief, and was so surprised that he did not return. The grand palace was placed there, and Ren Fang certainly wouldn't ignore it, but he would never associate the palace with the gangsters anyway.

The King Palace is heavily guarded, and even the best Lingwu masters can't get in. How can a gangster enter the palace and bring his family into it? This is simply impossible.

After a long time, Qiu Ren stood still like a chicken. He hurriedly stood up, faced Xiao Xiang, and said, "Princess, you can't say this stuff ..."

Xiao Xiang smiled coldly and said, "If the father and the king are here, no one dares to hit the king's palace, but now the father Wang Bintian, the king has no master. It is hard to guarantee that no one with ulterior motives will hit the king's palace The palace is important, let alone that General Ren dare not touch, even if he did not dare to think about it, in the entire Zhaoyang City, does General Ren think there can be a place safer and more suitable for hosting hostages than the palace? "

Qi Ren turned his mind at ease, and at the same time couldn't help breathing down. Yeah, I never thought that there would be a problem in the palace. If the gangster really hid his family in the palace, the means would be too clever and bold, but then again, what is the means by which the gangster kidnapped his family? It's not only brilliant and bold, but also stealing so many important things from Lieutenant's Mansion without knowing it. It can be said that it is possible to mix them into the palace.

Thinking of this, Ren Fang stimulated Lingling to fight a cold war. He had to face up every day, and he had to enter and leave the palace every day. Did he pass by his family every day?

I thought of this, and he shook his head again and again and said to Xiao Xiang: "Even your Royal Highness ... Even if you are hiding in the palace, the general ... the general will not have the right to search the palace!"

He is more than searching without authority. Except in the dynasty, he cannot even enter the palace.

Seeing Ren Fang's anxiety, Xiao Xiang smiled lightly and said, "Don't talk about General Ren, the palace is important. No one except the King has the right to conduct a search, including this palace, but it cannot be checked. But they can investigate secretly, and this palace can help the generals! "

Ji Renfang's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly asked, "How does His Royal Highness investigate?"

"Tomorrow, this palace can bring any general into the palace to make an unannounced visit. If the family of any general is really hidden in the palace, some clues will be left after all." Xiao Xiang Zhengshi said.

Ren Fang nodded while listening, and when Xiao Xiang finished speaking, he bowed to the ground and said, "Thank you very much for your help, Your Royal Highness Princess. If you can find a clue this time, you will rescue the Royal General's family, Your Royal Highness. Dade, the generals will also be unforgettable. "

Xiao Xiaoxiang smiled, waved his hand slightly, and said softly, "General Ren should not be polite. Regardless of whether he is public or private, this palace should help the general."

I was speechless that day. On the next day, Xiao Xiang took Ren Fang and went to the palace. Xiao Xiang is a princess. Of course, entering and leaving the palace is like returning home. However, Ren Fang is a foreign minister. If he wants to enter the palace, he must obtain the approval of the king. , The guards outside the palace did not interrogate, and released smoothly.

Although Bian Renfang would go in and out of the palace every day, it is also limited to the front palace. As for the middle palace and the harem, he has never been in. This follow-up visit by Xiao Xiang also opened his eyes.

The Chuan Palace occupies a large area and is divided into front, middle and back palaces. The area of ​​the front palace and the middle palace are similar, and the area of ​​the harem is the largest. Large area.

If it is a purposeless stroll, even if you go all day, you may not be able to finish all the Sichuan Palace. Xiao Xiang and Ren Fang first conducted unannounced visits in the surrounding area of ​​the palace. The unannounced interviews were mostly guards of the palace who were on guard and patrolling.

In addition to the north and south front gates of the Xichuan Palace, there are also side gates on each of the east and west sides.

When it was almost noon, Xiao Xiang and Ren Fang went crazy to the east gate. Compared with the north and south main gates, the guards here are slightly less, and their strength is relatively weak.

The guards of the King's Palace all knew Xiao Xiang, and when they saw the princess, the chief of the guard immediately rushed forward, bowed and saluted, and said, "Look at Her Royal Highness!"

Wu Xiaoxiang waved his robe sleeve casually, motioned him to flatten, then looked up and down the guard chief, and asked, "What's your name?"

The head of the guard was stunned, and she did not understand why the princess suddenly asked her name. The palace guards may still be prestigious in front of others, but in the presence of the royal family, they are the servants and slaves. When Xiao Xiang meets them, he will not look at them, let alone ask their names. After a brief moment, the other side replied cautiously: "His Royal Highness Princess, the villain's name is Xue Hui."

恩 "Well!" Xiao Xiang replied casually, and then asked, "Are there any differences in the palace these days?"

The leader named Xue Hui was frightened, and he waved his hands and said, "Nothing strange ..."

"Don't answer the palace so quickly." Xiao Xiang waved his hand to him with a smile, and said, "Seven days ago, around midnight, can anyone enter and leave the palace from now on?"

Hearing this, Ren Fang immediately became nervous, and stared at Xue Hui without blinking.

Xue Hui was full of confusion and lost his thoughts. He put his fingers to the end, and apologized to Xiao Xiang, saying, "His Royal Highness, unfortunately, that night, seven days ago, it was not a villain who was on duty. Dongmen enters the palace here, and the villain is not clear. "

"Who was on duty that night?"

"It should be Brother Hong ... Oh, it's the head of Hongyuan Hong!" Xue Hui answered.

"Where is he now?"

"It's a villain's errand today, the head of Hong should rest at home." Xue Hui answered truthfully.

Xun Xiaoxiang groaned for a moment, looked behind Xue Hui, then turned around and asked, "Are your brothers on duty that night seven days ago?"

"Here ... the villain asked His Royal Highness to ask." After speaking, Xue would quickly rush back to the guards, look around at the crowd, and asked, "Who among you was on the night seven days ago?"

The guards looked at each other, and no one dared to stand up and talk. They don't know what happened at night seven days ago. Since it was the princess who came to ask in person, the matter must be a big deal. Even those who were on duty that day were afraid to come forward and admit it.

Seeing that none of the guards stood up to answer, Xue closed his eyes and said Shen: "Lao Tzu asked again, who was on the night seven days ago? Now I can stand up and talk about everything. , Be careful of your skin! "

"..." The guards were still silent. Seeing this, Xue Hui was about to go back to Xiao Xiang to return to life. At this time, some of the guards muttered in a low voice: "Old Sun, wasn't you on a business trip that night seven days ago?"

The mumbles were not loud, but it was enough that Xue would hear clearly. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who? Who is talking?"

With his interrogation, a guard in his thirties walked out of the crowd, reaching to Xue Hui, whispering, "Master Xue, that night seven days ago, villain ... villain There's an errand. "

会 Xue Hui heard that his nose was almost crooked. If it were not for the princess, he really wanted to slap him. He whispered angrily: "Are you deaf? Why couldn't you stand up just now, his mother, I almost killed you!"

The guard asked with a grin, "Master, that day ... what happened to the palace that night?"

"How do I know, ask your Royal Highness yourself!"

Xie Xue said angrily, and then, dragging the guard, strode back to Xiao Xiang and pushed him forward, arching his hand and saying, "His Royal Highness, he was on a business trip seven days ago."

"Little ... villain see Her Royal Highness!" The guard's legs were weak ~ ~ and threw himself to the ground, nodding to Xiao Xiang.

Seeing that he was scared to sweat and rain, Xiao Xiang threw a vocal sound and waved his hand and said, "You get up, don't be afraid, this palace just has something to ask you."

"What does Her Royal Highness want to know, the villain knows everything ..."

Xun Xiaoxiang nodded, and said to Xue Hui aside: "Go back and be on business, there is nothing for you here."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" Xue Hui promised, before he left, he did not forget to give the guard a stern glance, implying that he was careful not to trouble himself.

"You accompany this palace." Xiao Xiang turned and walked away. The guard hurriedly wiped his forehead with cold sweat, and followed carefully behind Xiao Xiang.

"This palace asks you, seven days ago, on the night you were on business, someone could come in and out of the palace from the east gate?" Xiao Xiang walked slowly, walking slowly, as if asking casually.

"Oh ... please let the villain think for a moment." The guard frowned, not thinking for a long time, suddenly remembered something, raised his head, and said hurriedly: "Yes, General Jin has come in and out from the east gate. ! "

"General Jin? You said Jin Liren?" Xiao Xiang looked back at the guard.

"Exactly!" The guard nodded again and again.

Xiao Xiaoxiang's eyes rolled, and she said with a smile: "It happened seven days ago. Can you remember it so quickly?"

"His Royal Highness, there are not many people entering and leaving the palace from the east gate, especially late at night, and it is rare, so the villain is more impressed by this." The guard swallowed, and returned carefully.

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