Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 182: Crotan's final battle (9)

The blood, cold and sticky, fell on the ground along the edges of the building, along the gaps in the armor.

The corpses of some vehicle drivers leaned over near the hatch, some had been burned to coke, some were bleeding, and some were half missing. Broken internal organs, bones sticking to the muscles, black flesh with a pungent smell, and even broken hands and residual limbs, are everywhere in the snow.

War is always accompanied by cruelty. The battlefield is a giant meat grinder stained with dark brown blood. Life goes in from the front and death comes out from the back. Once the noble knight and the respected general become a cold and stiff corpse on the ground, There is no more dignity or glory to speak of. On the road full of death and killing, a dead man and a dead dog are actually the same.

Tang Fang looked at the flashing light in the distance, his heart filled with a faint sadness, his personal power was so small in a war, so small as a stray bullet that was inaccurate, and a piece of steel that collapsed would be enough to kill you.

The number of casualties of the rebel army has reached nearly 4,000, and the government army has reached a terrible 30,000. Although the ratio of deaths and injuries between the two sides is close to 1:10, the situation of the rebel army has been precarious, and the situation of the rebel army has been precarious. Can't afford to consume it like this.

The good news is that the room leaked in the night rain, and a Viking fighter that was fighting with the government army suddenly returned a picture.

There was something weird in the sky close to the coastline. Oh, no, seriously, that thing is more like a spaceship, a spaceship comparable to a space aircraft carrier.

Its upper part is a diamond-shaped hull, the waist is a ring structure, the lower section is large and small, a total of 32 thrusters, and the zero-element-powered anti-gravity engine provides strong and unmatched thrust, even if it is such a behemoth. It can climb up quickly like a fighter plane that takes off and landed vertically.

Of course, the huge hull of more than 700 meters is not the key, the key is during the flight. It is also slowly changing its shape. The pyramid structure on the upper half of the diamond-shaped hull stretches out like a flower bud, forming an empty platform. Hundreds of aerospace fighters are lined up on two wings, and on the upper and lower edges of the triangular "petals" are rows of different electromagnetic orbital guns. There are as many as 120 doors.

These are all secondary guns. The main gun is a super plasma cannon in the center of the platform. Its caliber is a circle larger than the two missile bases.

In addition, the lower half of the diamond-shaped hull, and even the upper section of the power ring, also have a double projectile turret. If you add various missile launching systems, the total number exceeds 200. .

Aerospace fighters, more than 300 secondary artillery, plus plasma cannons this big killer. This... what kind of ordinary warship is this. It is clearly a mobile military fortress. Even worse, this thing is not one, but two!

"'Skidplatny Project'? The treasure ship of Apollo? I should have thought of it long ago."

Tang Fang suddenly recalled the hidden underground facility in the northern part of the Antarctic Air Force Base. No wonder it was empty when he went there. It turned out that the military was transferred to the North Pole to participate in the battle.

Think about the big tank that stores the zero element. He couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Kane Rudolph was really willing to pay for the cost. The anti-gravity engine driven by odd elements is simply burning money!

As we all know, the speed engine is a product of Epsilon technology, although with human imitation technology, the speed level can only reach a pitiful 7. It is far from the 9.999 limit value of the Ypsilon advanced spacecraft. From transmission and filtration, to catalytic energy release, to energy utilization, the entire set of equipment occupies nearly one-third of the space of the ship. However, it has an advantage. The utilization rate of zero element is very high, and there is almost no waste of resources.

The anti-gravity engine developed entirely from human technology, although small in size, is a big energy consumer. Generally, anti-gravity engines driven by nuclear energy can only support some special types of destroyers and cruiser-level space warships to penetrate into the atmosphere for combat. No matter how large it is, it is obviously limited by factors such as hull structure, energy distribution, system balance, and complicated atmospheric environment.

Later, some scientists thought of replacing nuclear energy with a scarce resource such as zero element. Its terrifying output capability would inevitably support large ships and even aircraft carriers to fight in a planetary gravity environment.

The idea is very full, the reality is very skinny, the anti-gravity engine has been improved many times, and finally it can adapt to the zero source element. However, the energy utilization rate has always been kept at a very low level, causing a lot Waste of resources.

After argumentation, this is due to the difference between the Epsilon technology tree and the human technology tree. Due to the huge civilization gap, the current level of technology cannot solve this problem at all. In the end, the zero-element-driven anti-gravity engine became a tasteless product with high investment and low return, and related research and development projects were also suspended and shelved.

Tang Fang never expected to see this thing here and now, and it was deployed on a giant battleship more than 700 meters long and wide. Oh no, it's a battle fortress!

I am afraid that most of the internal space and energy of this aircraft carrier are used to supply weapon systems. The energy consumption of the 120 electromagnetic railguns and central plasma guns alone is not comparable to that of one or two ordinary space aircraft carriers. Plus 4 sets of anti-gravity engines and various auxiliary combat units. If it is in a combat state, the consumption of zero elements per unit time will be an extremely terrifying value.

The money burned will definitely be tens of millions per hour.

Why did Kane Rudolph build two such things that burn money? Guard against Garcia's Resistance? Obviously impossible, I'm afraid that the old Piff left Aldridge to contain Armsden Adams, or a super weapon to defend the Sulu Empire that may appear.

Once this thing flies into the sky and enters the orbit of Crotan's planet, there is no doubt that it will become a battlestar, with two such "Skid Platteni" aircraft carriers, coordinated with missile bases on the ground, and Various air and space combat units, Armsden Adams' cruiser fleet is a group of scum. Even if Sulu and Monya go to war, facing the enemy's fleet, they can delay a long period of time and gain time for the empire to build forces.

As expected, none of the hottest powers in the imperial political arena was easy to follow.

However, Kane Rudolph did not expect that Ramsden did not rebel, nor did the Sulu Empire fleet attack. Aldridge was helpless, but used them on the head of the insurgents.

Submarine aircraft carriers, aircraft carriers, space carriers, star-track fortresses... Don’t look at this thing as a big money-burner, but the combat power is not enough. The two and a half legions that attacked the base together are not enough for those two "S." "Kid Platney" aircraft carrier's attack power is one or two.

No wonder the Governor-General knows that the mysterious force that has stirred up the Apalus Military Industrial Base and the Antarctic Air Force Base has appeared in the rebel camp and dared to launch a general offensive. With the big killer in hand, and with the cooperation of ground forces, even if the gods descended, they would not be able to save Marion's fate.

Based on the information sent by the Viking fighters, it is estimated that in another half an hour, the missile base will enter the fire strike range of the two "Skidplatny" aircraft carriers, facing 120 electromagnetic railguns and plasma main guns. When the rainy projectiles pour down, the defense system of the missile base is bound to collapse instantly.

The 200,000 armored corps plus sea support has already made the rebels struggling to cope with it. If you add these two "Skid Plattney" aircraft carriers, you will know what the result will be.

If you want to leave, you can guarantee that Marion, Virginia and other high-level leaders can smoothly escape the encirclement of government forces. But what about those soldiers? What about the soldiers who fight for a future with no future, a vow, an unreachable dream? Give them up? How is it different from such imperial nobles?

Abandon his companions and run for their lives, believing that Marion will not do it, Grant will not do it, and Kleiya will not do it either. As friends, if you have the ability to help them but look around, and don’t do it because of excuses like this, afterwards, how can you face conscience torture? Even a few friends can’t save them, and talk about gratitude and gratitude. Yu Xin, talk about overthrowing the rule of Kolklav I.

Now that you have made a decision, you must grit your teeth and persevere to the end, even if your head is broken and your bones are broken, you will never give up. A man establishes a world, he would rather be a coward than a coward.

"Aros, are you scared?"

"Puff~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Aros did not speak, just spit out the cigar in his mouth, and drew a skull pattern on the muddy shoulder armor with his hand.

"Grant, stand on your ground and tell Marion and all the brothers of the insurgents, no matter what strange things you see next, don't be surprised, don't be afraid."

"Huh?" When Grant heard the voice and looked back, several black shadows whizzed past in the sky. Aros crouched on a Viking fighter plane, like a sky knight, flying quickly to the south. .

Immediately behind it was a multi-eyed behemoth nearly 40 meters in size. Tang Fang stood on it with his hands under his shoulder. Not far away, accompanied by waves of vulgar curses, Howson was surrounded by a balloon-like monster, like swinging. Generally drift south quickly.

At the same time, the light and shadow in the buffer zone in front of the frontal position flashed, and the heads were as tall as half a person. The ugly monsters with fangs and claws, ribs and wings jumped out, like a wave of rolling insects, quickly toward the government army. The infantry swarmed.

After this, it is a kind of crawler with a blade on its back and a hard shell that wraps its body tightly like armor. As soon as they hit the road, they swarmed with four claws, digging holes in the snowy field, and quickly burrowed under the ice.

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