Zhuang Wudao 娣眅xhaled 锛岃皟鑺 涓 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 鐣犸 or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or涓湁镌€涓€鏉嗙槠铚“ぇ鏋﹃€侳orm Intent Six Directions Fist 涓澶氭灦锷匡纴 chain ammonia鏄粠鏋硶涓鍖栬€屾潵锛岀◢锷犲彉鍖栧 鍙 傝兘 傝兘 傝兘 変竴鏉嗗ぇ鏋湪 変竴鏉嗗ぇ鏋湪 変竴鏉嗗ぇ鏋湪 嬶纴渚濈劧鍙 嬶纴渚濈劧鍙 嬶纴渚濈劧鍙 嬶纴渚濈劧鍙

Zhuang Wudao 鏄痹ithout the slightest hesitation 锛屽 鏂 鏂 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 浜咷 ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing鐪煎墠涔嬩汉锛岄】镞跺氨鐩剧敳镄嗙锛岃倝宕╅ⅷ鎶桡紒

Iron Blade Group 镄勪汉鎸’粬涓崭綇锛屾崲鎴怲hunder Dragon 宁殑绮 donation

Today’s long street bloody battle, just blocked the other, are kill without mercy!

鈥淔eng San !Hu Li !閮界粰鎴戞粴鍑烘潵锛佹棦鐒舵潵锛佹棦鐒暍璇垜鍑垜鍑垜鍑潵浼忓锛岄毦阆撹繛鐜锛岄毦阆撹繛鐜镄勮傧镄勮傧°°C湁锛熻翰鍦ㄥ悗闱纴璁╁柦阃佹锛岀畻浠€涔埚ソ姹夛紒鈥

Zhuang Wudao 娴戣 娴 娴 锛屾斁澹 锛屾斁澹 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏 鏄竴鎺孏鈥樿 鈥欑殑涓 澹 澹 澹 澹 纴鍙堟槸涓 纴鍙堟槸涓 纴鍙堟槸涓 纴鍙堟槸涓 纴鍙堟槸涓 tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre鐢 垯 垯 変 変 娣 娣 娣 娣 娣

These hundreds of sergeants, wearing fine black-skinned armor, are equal to nothing. As long as the palm is slightly touched, it will not hurt. Even if you are caught in the middle of the palm, you will often have no direct breathing.

This is the iron armor that can be seen in danger. It is like a decaying wooden stake. It is like a Zhuang Wudao crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. The armor on the body is like a thin paper.

涓€婫婫婫reat Falling Monument 濞佸娍灏 睍锛屾 睍锛屾 涓 鎺屽嚭閮 鎺屽嚭閮 鎺屽嚭閮 鎺屽嚭閮 槸锷垮ぇ锷涙 槸锷垮ぇ锷涙 槸锷垮ぇ锷涙 槸锷垮ぇ锷涙 锛屽 锷 锷 锷 锷 锷 傛墍钖戞姭 傛墍钖戞姭闱★纴鎶婃嫢鎸ゅ湪杩椤 阆 阆 腑镄勯 腑镄勯 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great

Zhuang Wudao is short of breath, but only feels that the chest is abnormally refreshing. The boxing is stretched, the body is inflated, and no one is not obedient.

鑻ラ潪鏄缮璁 缑瑕佸敖 忚妭鐪佸姏姘旓纴涓 杩炲洓鍗佹帉杩炵 杩炲洓鍗佹帉杩炵 杩炲洓鍗佹帉杩炵 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣 涓嶅仠镄凣镒熺柌鎯纴姝ゆ椂鍙﹄ 旋 翠 鐤妫銆

杩椤Great Falling Monument Hand 锛屾灉鐒 槸鐖 槸鐖 槸鐖 揩锛佸偓阌嬬牬阌愶纴纭疄 揩锛佸偓阌嬬牬阌愶纴纭疄 钖戞棤鏁岋紒

At this time, Zhuang Wudao is fortunate enough to meet the ‘light cloud’ and be able to practice this set of techniques.

Otherwise, how can it be so happy today? The man in his mind should be like this, with a pair of flesh palms, the enemy of the million soldiers!

涔熸槸鍓嶆墍 chain湁镄勮嚜淇★纴浜旗栌浜栌浜纺鍑诲 Zhang镐庢牱锛熸柀鏉€Feng San 锛岃嚜宸卞畾鑳 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒

“You two are timid, there are not five Qi Condensation cultivators? If you die, you will not dare to come out? Don’t let these minions come to death. Only half an hour, do you really exhaust the strength of my Zhuang Wudao?”

锻ㄥ洿镄凾hunder Dragon 宁敳澹纴闱笂铏芥棤浠€涔埚彉鍖栵纴鐪肩鍗村凡鏄湁浜涢棯鐑和€傛槑鐭huang Wudao 杩欎簺瑷 璇纴灏 璇纴灏 璇纴灏 璇纴灏 璇纴灏 鏅 € € € € € € € € € € € 彲蹇冨唴鍗 彲蹇冨唴鍗 涔 涔嬫椂锛岄兘寮€濮嬬姽璞€备篃寮€濮嬬晱缂╄捣鏉ワ纴涓嶆暍闱犲墠銆

鍗婂埢镞堕棿锛孼huang Wudao 鍑犱箮宸蹭竴浜 箣锷涳纴韪忕炕浜嗕粬浠殑 箣锷涳纴韪忕炕浜嗕粬浠殑 箣锷涳纴韪忕炕浜嗕粬浠殑 傛浼ゅ嚑 傛浼ゅ嚑 傛浼ゅ嚑 傛浼ゅ嚑椿涓嬫潵镄勶纴鏄秺鏉ヨ秺灏戙€傝嫢闱炴槸璁粌涓ユ牸锛孲hen Quan 涔熻祻缃氭繁涓ワ纴鐭ユ檽姝ゆ椂鑻ユ槸阃€钖庯纴瀹氱劧瑕佸弹岖綒銆傝 岖綒銆傝 鍓╀ 镄勭栌浣橳 hunder Dragon 鐢 锛屾棭灏辫 锛屾棭灏辫 huang Zhuang Wudao 褰诲簳 撴 撴 撴 锛

However, even at this time, Zhuang Wudao’s momentum is still fierce and strong, and there is no sign of partial decline.

It’s frustrating, how many lives will be sent, when will it be necessary to wait until Zhuang Wudao is exhausted?

Feng San Hu Li Con汉蹇蹇 柤Qi Condensation 澧僣ultivator 镄勬€у懡锛屽氨鍑嗗璁╀粬浠€佹涔堬纻

“Give me away!”

涓 澹 澹 澹 啛 夌殑澶 夌殑澶 枬锛屼粠杩滃浼犺呖銆 枬锛屼粠杩滃浼犺呖銆 枬锛屼粠杩滃浼犺呖銆 枬锛屼粠杩滃浼犺呖銆 殑 殑 under Thunder Dragon 鐢 锛岄兘濡傝挋澶 锛岄兘濡傝挋澶 郸锛岀悍绾 郸锛岀悍绾 郸锛岀悍绾 锛岄 锛岄 锛岄兘璁╁紑鍒 竴镞 and €

Zhuang Wudao is about to chase after a quick step. However, in the distance, there were three consecutive hydrangea-sized fire groups that fell to him.

褰 笅鍙︼兘鎶婃浼愭 ュ仠锛屼竴鎷 ュ仠锛屼竴鎷 ュ仠锛屼竴鎷 ュ仠锛屼竴鎷 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 纴鎸ュ姩 皵锛屾妸杩橣 皵锛屾妸杩橣 ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball ╃殑鐏槦銆

And at the same time, several shackles, from all directions, fly to lock his limbs.

Zhuang Wudao can’t be distracted by the defense method, and can only avoid most of it. There are still five or six shackles, which are entangled in his hands, feet and limbs, and are firmly locked.


There was a laughed heartily sound on both sides, which seemed to be very happy. Then there were more than a hundred people, and they cheered.

“He is dead!”

Re 彂锷涙 浠栵紒 浠栵紒 Body Refining Hegemon Body 鍙埚浣 aven eaven 镙 槸姝 槸姝 紒鈥

“I don’t believe this guy, I really have the ability to rival us!”

涓や晶涓庤韩钖庯纴姝ゆ椂绔熸湁镌€锏句 bundle Iron Blade Group 镄勬画浣椤府浼楋纴閮芥槸槸嬫姄镌杩欎簺杩欎簺杩欎簺Gallium

闾f鎸佺潃涓鎸佺潃涓鎸佺潃涓鍙岀传戝叓妫戝叓妫戝叓妫huang Wudao 姘斿娍镓€杩纴涓嶆柇钖庨€€镄刉ang Ba 浜《槸涓€锽溿€效媷姘斿镣斤纴涓嶅啀钖庨€锛学 ang Ba 澶ф寰€鍓嶏纴镫犵嫚镄勪竴阌わ纴灏卞线Zhuang Wudao 镄勫ご閮ㄧ牳铡汇€

Zhuang Wudao is also a tight heart. Knowing that if the hands and feet are completely trapped, today will die.

濂 湪杩椤 湪杩椤 様锛岀劧 Blade Blade Blade Blade Blade Blade Blade Group岃兘鐪熸鍙戝嚭鍏ㄨ 涔嫔姏镄勶纴涓嶈 涔嫔姏镄勶纴涓嶈 涔嫔姏镄勶纴涓嶈 涔嫔姏镄勶纴涓嶈 涔嫔姏镄勶纴涓嶈 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 夎澶 粬 粬 粬镄勯 fan threshold

Critically power 娑屾潵銆俍huang Wudao 镄勫弻瓒 纴鍗 纴鍗 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu

Within the body 涔熺珛镞跺 浠 浠 reat Falling Monument Hand 镄勫彂锷涜璇 锛屽皢娴戣 锛屽皢娴戣 锛屽皢娴戣 涓娄笅 € € € € € €銆

Zhuang Wudao smacked his tongue and slammed it out.


The sound is like a spring thunder, and the eardrum is fried. Zhuang Wudao The whole person, like a gyro, usually turns in place, and then turns faster and faster. Like a tornado, it is very violent.

With five shackles around the body, plus the number of people who failed to let go in time. First, the heavy walls on both sides of the wall, so that the two sides of the wall that had been broken, immediately collapsed and collapsed.

寮曞彂涓 阒 阒 樀鎯ㄥ懠锛岄偅浜涜 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang Ton

If you are not lucky, it is when you hit the wall. It has completely disappeared.

And where the chain passed, everything was smashed. If the houses are on both sides, they will break down and collapse. If they are people, they must be killed by the chain! Within fifty feet, he was raided and emptied, and there was flesh and blood everywhere. The brain is splashed. After several rounds of sweeping, there are few more people in this range.

闾ang Ba 涔熸槸闄╅橹灏辫镰镐腑锛屽埌搴曡 韩褰 (2) 晱鎹 bee 簺銆傜珛镞跺 ammonia chain 掑湴涓 婊 婊 纴闄╅橹镄勬粴浜嗗嚭铡 纴鍐岖珯璧 纴鍐岖珯璧 镞讹纴婊 镞讹纴婊 镞讹纴婊 镞讹纴婊 ご婊¤劯閮 ご婊¤劯閮 ご婊¤劯閮 ご婊¤劯閮 ご婊¤劯閮 ご婊¤劯閮 ご婊¤劯閮 銆

The eyes are still amazed, but if it was just being smashed. Although he does not die on the spot, he must be seriously injured. It is difficult to stand up with his feet!

姝ゆ椂 ㄥ洿 ㄥ洿 € € € € € huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang Attle intent 銆

After turning these shackles for a few laps, they made another fifty people, and nearly 60 people lost their lives. Such a fierce, who can be? Go up again, that is to die!

Key 岀溂鍓嶈 岀溂鍓嶈 浣峈 fin efining Marrow 锛

Zhuang Wudao 杞 锲涘湀灏卞仠涓嬶纴鍙 锲涘湀灏卞仠涓嬶纴鍙 腑镐ュ枠镌 姘旓纴寮哄帇浣忎 姘旓纴寮哄帇浣忎 姘旓纴寮哄帇浣忎 鐤 鐤 俪銆 俪銆 俪銆 俪銆 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪嬫椂寮 濮嬶纴镊 濮嬶纴镊 濮嬶纴镊 宸 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F窛锏歌窛锏笀銆傝岃岃岃宸烽宸烽宸烽涓纴鍙湁瀵ュ鍑犱锛屾嫤鍦ㄤ锛屾嫤鍦ㄤ(一)墠銆

Before deciding to let Qin Feng and others go first, before he broke. Zhuang Wudao never thought that he could do this.

At this time, if he is willing to retreat, no one in this place will be able to stop him, but he can easily escape.

鐒 孼 孼 Wu Wu 镄勭溂绁烇纴鍗 Wu 镄勭溂绁烇纴鍗 洿涓哄潥瀹氥 备 备 杩橣 杩橣 杩橣 杩橣 杩橣 杩橣 锛屾潵鍗 锛屾潵鍗 锛屾潵鍗 锛屾潵鍗 锛屾潵鍗 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 涓湀镞堕棿涓殑 art愬 ammonia 锛屾垚涓 粬纾ㄥ垁涔嬬煶锛屼 粬纾ㄥ垁涔嬬煶锛屼 粬纾ㄥ垁涔嬬煶锛屼 曗

There is a hunch in the faint, if you can achieve what you want. After today, my Fist Technique will definitely go any further!

鍗佸嚑镞ュ唴锛屼粬涔熷繀鍙笍鍏i Condensation Realm 锛佽瀺镣 嚭镊 镄凩 Source ife Source Prfound Technique 锛


Shen Quan 姝ゆ椂宸 啀镞犳硶绋 啀镞犳硶绋 屾槸绔椤埌浜呜 屾槸绔椤埌浜呜 屾槸绔椤埌浜呜 屾槸绔椤埌浜呜 屾槸绔椤埌浜呜 屾槸绔椤埌浜呜 闂撮泤瀹ょ殑绐楁爮涔嬫梺锛岀洰鍏夊啺鍐 闂撮泤瀹ょ殑绐楁爮涔嬫梺锛岀洰鍏夊啺鍐 闂撮泤瀹ょ殑绐楁爮涔嬫梺锛岀洰鍏夊啺鍐 闂撮泤瀹ょ殑绐楁爮涔嬫梺锛岀洰鍏夊啺鍐嬬潃杩滃銆

鐪 墠姝ゆ儏姝ゆ櫙锛屼 墠姝ゆ儏姝ゆ櫙锛屼 鏄皝鑴 壊閮 壊閮 潵锛屼粬 Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan

Thunder Dragon 宁澶 笟澶э纴锷犱笂澶栧洿 笟澶э纴锷犱笂澶栧洿 変笁鍗冨 孍 Lane Lane Lane Lane Boat Lane 鍐呯殑浜岀栌鐢 锛屽嵈鏄粬璐 锛屽嵈鏄粬璐 锛屽嵈鏄粬璐澶 澶 澶纴 澶纴 澶纴 澶纴 澶纴 澶纴 岖粍寤 岖粍寤 岖粍寤 阌愩 阌愩

鑻ユ槸钖屾牱镄勪汉鏁帮纴杩欎簺鐢插镄勬暣浣揿疄锷涳纴姣斾箣+镄勬暣浣揿疄锷涳纴姣斾箣Surpassing City 涓晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勪翰鍐涜缮瑕佸涓娄笉灏戙€效厜鏄叺鍣ㄧ敳鍏凤纴灏辫姳浜嗕竴澶х玛镄勯挶璐纴旋翠笉鐢ㄨ娌°C湀渚涘簲镄刴edicinal pill threshold挶銆

But here, in the hands of Zhuang Wudao folded more than half.

鈥淏ody Refining Hegemon Body 锛孧agnetic Origin x健锛屽簲璇ユ槸 Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body 镞犵桠銆傜劧 岃 岃 cultcultivation technique 锛岃槠鏄粷椤讹纴涔熸棤杩欐牱镄勫己妯猼remendous power 銆傗€

Guyue Ming 涔熷悓镙 珯鍦ㄧ獥镞侊纴涓嶈 珯鍦ㄧ獥镞侊纴涓嶈 岖偣涓嶅悓锛屼粬渚濇棫鏄湪镰 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z

鈥滃簲璇ユ槸闾e 娉曟湁寮 娉曟湁寮 € € € re re re re re re re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re汉銆效皢鐗涢瓟涔嫔姏锛屽鏁板嶈€屽彂銆傛湁浜涘彝镐紒鈥

Shen Quan 涔熸槸濂囨   鈥滃彝涔嬮 鈥滃彝涔嬮 ▉姘斿娍涔熶笉杩囧姝わ紒 ▉姘斿娍涔熶笉杩囧姝わ紒 ▉姘斿娍涔熶笉杩囧姝わ紒 ▉姘斿娍涔熶笉杩囧姝わ紒 Great Falling Monument Hand 锛屽叚钖 or orm Intent 锛屼粠镞犱Han 鑳 皢涓ゅ鎷 皢涓ゅ鎷 帉鏂 睍鍒 睍鍒 睍鍒 睍鍒 搴 搴 搴 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern tern  夎 夎 涓ら棬姝 涓ら棬姝 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋 镄勫彝璋

Only a small part of the current Culture Technology is created by contemporary people. The vast majority of the rest were passed down from the ancient times.

涓嶈 iv 铡嗙粡鏁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁 湁Mustard 杩纴澶 杩纴澶 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜 鐪熶紶瑕佷箟锛屼笉鍐嶈浜

Occasionally, there are ancient cultivators, and the remains of the cave house have been excavated. Among them, there is a long-awaited Cultural Technique, which can reproduce the ancient gods.

These ancient examples of Cultural Technique, often different from today, are called ancient spectrum.

“At least it is the power of thirty cows, but this time it is a miscalculation.”

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