Zhuang Wudao inwardly 鎯婅锛屾兂涓嶅埌杩橞eitang Family 锛屽眳鐒 缮 chain 夊姝ら ぉ涔嬭兘銆 ぉ涔嬭兘銆

涓嶈 鑳 鑳 G Golden Golden cultivator 鏀 负 negative direct disciple 锛孊 eitang Wan鈥檈r 镄刬 nnate talent 锛屾 曚篃鏄瀬鍏 曚篃鏄瀬鍏 寰椼 寰椼 寰椼 闱炴槸姝ゅコ瑕佹妸 闱炴槸姝ゅコ瑕佹妸闾roken Armor 灏栭攱鎸囩粌鍒疖NUMXst Heavenly Layer 澧 晫锛屽 韬笂 韬笂 韬笂 変 璁 Con ° ° Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con

It is no wonder that this girl will be the next Ren Family by Beitang Family. The Disciple of the Golden Core cultivator is at least a future for the Foundation Establishment.

粖 粖 粖 Eastern Wu Country 鍐咃纴Foundation Establishment cultivator 孲 涔熶笉杩囦 孲 urpassing City 涓纴 彧 彧 夐偅浣嶉晣鍗楀皢鍐涙槸 夐偅浣嶉晣鍗楀皢鍐涙槸 Foundation Establishment Initial Stage 镄刢ultivator 銆 潗闀囨闂 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 纴灏 槸涓 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣 岄晣鍗楀皢鍐涘簻镄勬潈锷匡纴姣斾箣Donate but donate

鍙︷渶Beitang Wan鈥檈r 鑳 骞 骞 畨瀹夋椿鍑犲崄骞 畨瀹夋椿鍑犲崄骞 悗韪忓叆 Foundation Establishment 锛岄偅涔圫urpassing City 鍖楀爞锛屽 镊 镊 镊 変簩锏 変簩锏 変簩锏 勾镄勭箒鐩 €

Beitang Wan鈥檈r 璇腑镄勪簰鐩 壎鎸佷粈涔堥兘鏄櫄镄勶纴浼 杩樻槸琚ス鍒╃敤灞呭銆 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊 笉杩嘊r 镄勫笀闀挎棦鐒舵槸Golden Core 绁栧笀锛屽湪闂ㄤ腑瀹氱劧鏄湡浼耀isciple 镄勮韩浠姐€效缑鍏剁收鎷傦纴镊繁鍦↙ eaving Dust Palace

In some places, there will be battles and conflicts of interest. He never thought that the Leaving Dust Palace would be iron-clad and harmonious.

鈥滃皬濮愬帤鐖憋纴tyrannical gallium research 鏄紒鈥

Zhuang Wudao 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 纴鍙堢暐 纴鍙堢暐 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 皢闾 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y铡讳篃灏 浜嗭纴涓嶈兘铡嬩笅铡 浜嗭纴涓嶈兘铡嬩笅铡 简 简 简 B B B tang tang Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo Clo銆 笌闾uyue Family 瀛愬纻镄勪竴鎴桡纴浠栨槸镞犺濡 綍閮 綍閮 鑳滃嚭!

Thinking about this, Zhuang Wudao changed his tone and decided to be firm. His eyes were hidden in the eyes of a few points.

鈥済reat competition 涔嬫棩锛屽畾鐒多笉浼氲礋浣犳墍笉浼氲礋浣犳墍

Beitang Wan鈥檈r 绔嬫椂浼氭剰锛岃劯涓婄殑绗戞剰镒堟罗锛气€沨yrannical Senior Brother 浣犳槸鏋佽仾鏄庣殑锛屾兂鏉ユ槸涓岖敤鎴戞媴蹇冧 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 鍏跺疄涔熸槸涓 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴 镄勫墠绋嬶纴涓嶆垚锛孊eitang Wan鈥檈r 涔熶竴镙锋劅婵€涓嶅敖銆涓嶅敖銆enior Brother 浣犳棩钖庤嫢瑕佸幓闂偅阆 笟 笟 Heavenly Way 锛学an鈥檈r 瀹 hydrogen细镓樿宁埚皧镰翠緥镦ф妫涓€浜屻€傗€

鍙堜 鏄笉鏀 鏄笉鏀 鏄笉鏀 war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war 杩慡 杩慡 杩慡 杩慡 杩慡 杩慡 杩慡墍鐭ワ纴闾uyue Family 镄勪汉锛屽凡鏄湪锲涘鏄湪锲涘撴帰Senior Brother 镄勬牴搴曘€傛兂鏉ヤ篃搴旗煡鏅墠浼氶 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 涔嬩簨銆侭 钖戞槸涓嶆嫨 傞毦 傞毦 傞毦 濅笉浼 濅笉浼 濅笉浼浣犱笅 嬨 嬨 綘杩欓棿 綘杩欓棿 綘杩欓棿 綘杩欓棿 綘杩欓棿 綘杩欓棿 Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con iv iv iv iv iv iv iv iv iv iv 啀杩囦簺镞ュ瓙锛屾垜瀹跺彟涓€浣峇i Condensation 8th Layer 镄勪緵濂夛纴灏 璧跺洖 璧跺洖 Surpassing City 锛屾垜浼氲浠栭殢鍦ㄨ 杈 杈 姢鍗殑銆傗€

Zhuang Wudao is laughing. He has only been trying to practice boxing for a long time. Where is the time to go out?

涓嶈 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏

寰呭缑杩欎富浠嗕簩浜虹铡铡纴Zhuang Wudao 灏卞张闄峰叆浜嗘繁镐濄€傛棦涓筱word Clothed Hall 镄勫澧冩媴蹇э纴鍙堣濂囨€﹃ 镐︻殑鏄 ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei ei                       槸銆 浣曞 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 y y y y y y y y y y y Chain smashing

蹇冩儏娌夐吨锛孼huang Wudao 鍗村彧鑳芥殏镞跺帇涓嬬桠鎯戙 傝 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 key 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊 屽皢浜屽崄镞ュ墠锛孊欱lood Essence Pill 鍙栦 鍑 鍑

This Dan, Zhuang Wudao has never had the idea of ​​using it for 20 days. The so-called power is not reliant, once Qin Feng and Beitang Family can not talk, he intends to return all the things sent back as they are.

姝ゆ椂镞(三)劧宸茬粡鍗忓晢濡ュ綋锛岄偅涔堣伞鏋欱lood Essence Pill 锛屽氨鍙娇鐢ㄤ 銆傛寜镦un鈥檈r 镄勮娉曪纴鍙︷渶锷犲叆鍑犵 潗锛屽 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 楤 с с с с с с с с с с с с с с 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞 敖寰桞Lood vessel 娼滆兘涔嫔埄锛屽 涓崭 涓崭 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳ 纴鍦╳

鍙 鍙 B B B B B B B B B B B B B Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 纴瀹屾垚 纴瀹屾垚 纴瀹屾垚 纴瀹屾垚 纴瀹屾垚 纴瀹屾垚 纴瀹屾垚曪纴

镞ュ悗鏂 镞ュ悗鏂 睍杩欓棬鎺屾硶镞讹纴灏卞彲灏 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great锛

鍙槸鈥榊un鈥檈r 鈥欐墍璇 inch殑闾e嚑绉嶈嵂鏉愶纴铏嚑绉嶈嵂鏉愶纴铏劧骞劧骞笉缃曡锛屽彲鍦ㄥ笉缃曡锛屽彲鍦ㄥ哥殑钻簵鍐咃纴鍗翠篃涓嶅彲鑳 寰椼 彧镐曡缮鏄铡籗 彧镐曡缮鏄铡籗 urpassing City 涓纴闾d粎 chain 夌殑涓や 鈥楶 House House 鈥椤唴锛屾墠鑳 鍒 鍒 € €

鐒 屼粬 屼粬 屼粬 屼粬 嶅垰娆蹭 嶅垰娆蹭 鎯 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮 捣浜咮0鑻》瑧锛

It seems that only Ma Yuan Li Han can be found to work for the two guys. Li Han is more dependent on the work, but Ma Yuan is the temperament of the geese. His own money passed his hand, not black to 50% is not bad.


Almost at the same time, a 60-acre mansion in North City. A middle-aged man with a slightly rich state around the age of 40, is very sad and angry, looking at the teenager lying in bed.

The boy is Zhuang Tong, and the middle-aged man is the Patriarch Zhuang Xun of North City Zhuang Clan. Sadness is mourning its misfortune, and anger is angry.

“I was the last famous doctor in Surpassing City. I said that you are so broken that you can finally keep this leg without disability, because the other party has not really poisoned the hand. I want to recover within three months. It’s a delusion. Unless you have a Foundation Establishment cultivator, you can continue your bones.”

Zhuang Tong’s face was pale as paper, which is simply nonsense! The only Foundation Establishment cultivator in Surpassing City is General Zhennan. I would like to ask the court to be a senior official from 2nd Grade. I am afraid that it is the first man of the Surpassing City, the Beitang Family, and there is no such big face.

If his family can ask for this, then you still need to ask these quacks to come over?

“So what about the great competition after three months? I can only watch Zhuang Wudao, who is free?”

“What do you want?”

The anger in Zhuang Xun’s eyes is even more prosperous: “You honestly practice martial arts in the school. Even if you stay at home every day, I won’t say you! Why do you want to go with Zhuang Wudao? He is broken. Wah, is a desperate person who does not put his life on his heart. You Zhuang Tong is porcelain. Whether you are hitting or falling, you are suffering from Zhuang Tong! Who gave you so much power and used so much money? , bought this pair of hot boots? Five hundred and two gold, are you crazy? I have not explained it, and the money is not revealed! I don’t know how many eyes are staring at my house in Surpassing City. You are asking me to kill the door. Hugh?”

It is more and more angry, Zhuang Xun thinks of the hardships of these years, only to feel dizzy. In order to prevent the taboos of the aristocratic family in the city, he has never dared to expand the strength of the Zhang Family. With silver money, it can only be hidden, and it is impossible to recruit a nursing home to offer. The lack of staff at home is being watched. If it is not with the Guyue Family and has a slight relationship with the Zhennan General, the family business of this dealer has long been swallowed up.

Zhuang Tong breathed a sigh of relief and his hands jerked tightly: “I also want to contribute to my family. My innate talent is close to 3rd Grade. I can only go to Leaving Dust Palace as a chief disciple. At least 70% is possible. Becoming a true biography. At that time, which of Surpassing City dared to move my dealer? How about the whites? How do you really care about the financial resources of my family?”

Zhuang Xun smiled: “Do you really think about your home, or do you not accept this tone? You have always been good, but you can’t see Zhuang Wudao, a crush, on your Zhuang Tong’s head?”

See Zhuang Tong’s mouth open, Zhuang Xun has no longer want to talk nonsense, and waved his sleeve directly: “Leaving Dust Palace’s great competition, you don’t have to think about it. This situation has changed, it is estimated that you have no chance to win. This year I am going to raise a wound at home, I will plan to send you to the Guangshan. That is also the southeast cultivation great faction!”

“Huangshan? How can it compare with Leaving Dust Palace? Please father think twice, even if the child goes to the Hanguang Mountain, it is not beneficial to the family!”

Zhuang Tong is in a hurry. The Leaving Dust Palace is a Southern Heaven second great sect. I don’t know how many years of inheritance, and the power is strong.

The Hanguang Mountain, but only two hundred years ago, a group of scattered sects, is said to be constantly fighting. The introduction of the discipline, often not in the hands of the hostile people, but in the hands of their own people.

To the bad, it also needs Shifting Mountain Sect. It is also a great faction that is qualified to challenge the status of the Leaving Dust Palace. Especially in Surpassing City, Shifting Mountain Sect is the most powerful. Surpassing City Almost all of the aristocratic family are shrouded in the wings of the Shifting Mountain Sect.

“In addition to the Guangshan, where can you go? Total is better than nothing!”

Zhuang Xun was exhausted at the moment, and was also disheartened and waved his sleeve, so he decided. Zhuang Tong has the experience of Leaving Dust School. Other sects are bound to be jealous, and only Guangshan is not accounted for by Zhuang Tong.

Originally completed in the school, waiting for the Qi Condensation six-storey building, you can also go to Leaving Dust. However, on that day, small competition, Zhuang Tong has been supervised to make sin. Just take this person to write a note, and in the premise of Dao Hall’s real face, Zhuang Tong has no hope of getting started. Unless it is a great competition wins –

“And, Shen Quan of South Peace Street, who made a kiss in the past few days, wants to slap your elder sister as a noble. I have thought about it a bit, or I am ready to promise.”

Zhuang Tong’s pupil suddenly slammed, and looked and angry: “father, how can you do that?”

The so-called Nanping Shen Quan is the third gang of the city to help the Thunder Dragon gang, control the seven streets in the city.

It is said that this is a large-scale child, after flowing to Surpassing City, mixed with the wind and water. Two thousand people, nine Qi Condensation, is also the Qi Condensation quadruple building, the strength of the help is not inferior to some of the city’s big family.

However, people are extremely ugly, disfigured, and arrogant. How can his sister, Zhuang Tong, be the diverticulum for this person?

“I have decided, I have to say more.”

Zhuang Xun walked outside the door and looked cold. Shen Quan said that it is a slap in the face. In fact, in order to obtain the money of the dealer, at least one third of the family wealth is sent to the dowry, which is estimated to satisfy the person.

However, this is not the case, the dealer can not sustain it for a month!

There was a pain in my heart, and Zhuang Xun had a squat at the foot and almost fell. However, when he stood firm again, his eyes were full of ruthless.

The son of Zhuang Xun, no matter what, it is not Zhuang Wudao, the street rogue can bully!

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