Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 311 The Journey of the Three Little Bears

Plants like Ficus macrocarpa can only grow under the canopy of fir trees, and their fruits grow on the roots and bottom of the trunk. They are not afraid of heat or cold. If they grow in fir forests, they don't need to worry about storms.

Hill used the seed bag to spawn many of these magic plant seeds and strengthened its fruits and roots: its fruits can replenish blood. Its roots can help the cedar forest gather water veins and absorb nutrients from the earth.

The fruit of Ficus macrocarpa is sweet and sour, and has a lot of water. It's just right for the Earth Bear who is tired of farming to take a few bites to quench his thirst.

If there is no problem here, Hill will consider spawning more and handing them over to the clan leader during the time when the Earth Bear comes back to rest.

Grace and the others only prepared food for a year, and no big bears came back to replenish it.

Hill can easily imagine that in a year, he will probably be able to see all the Earth Bears.

He kept thinking that if possible, he would follow the Earth Bear after he had rested. Walk to the north and see as far as you can.

Bring the hut and the adamantine board, and go to add some nutrition to the nearby fir trees.

Hill still remembered the memory dream. After Aurelio was kicked down the mountain, he fell next to the continuous cedar forest.

Hill's body has become much stronger after this year's exercise. He tried stabbing himself twice with the legendary sword, but there wasn't even a white mark.

Hill hadn't refined anything serious for a long time. He was a little itchy, and he happened to have to look at the three bears in the past few days. He planned to make something for fun.

Grace and the others have a great demand for pearls, which means they need enough clean water.

Hill didn't know how they planned to drink water, but according to his understanding of the world, they probably made a big pool and everyone took turns drinking from it.

Even in the valley, if the clean water is left outside, it will be quickly dissolved by the elements and become extremely unpleasant to drink. Nils is so lazy that he will never lie outside to drink water.

The elemental storm at the end of the world must be more terrifying than here. So every time the patriarch makes these bears drink water, it actually takes a lot of effort.

Hill had calculated the number of alchemy huts, and they were all in the clan's territory. They didn't bring them with them. Obviously, these earth bears were there, and they were all relying on their own bodies to resist.

At most, they can build a temporary camp with adamantine boards so that everyone can take a rest.

Hill heard the chats of several mother bears. At the end of the world, apart from drinking water and eating, they didn't even have time to sleep.

She was able to give birth because there were not enough fir saplings after Corellon helped Dadi that time.

Although Hill has been busy asking for trouble during this period, he also thought of many ways during the halftime break, hoping to find ways to make these bears drink water when they are thirsty, instead of having to endure it until everyone is very thirsty. Just fine.

The last thing Hill thought of was the instantaneous material that Frank used to build the underground area of ​​Central City.

Even if this material is made thinner than a hair, it can still allow water to pass through, and the water pressure will not be low.

He plans to make some 5-meter-high cabinet-type water curtain fountains. The water drawing area is sealed at the top and wrapped in fine gold to allow the water to flow downward along thin lines. The bottom is also a shell tank wrapped in fine gold.

In this way, only three water purification beads are needed in each fountain. This pure water array is almost natural and has little impact on the outside world. Fine gold can completely isolate this elemental reaction.

The little mental power used to activate this will not have much impact.

If everyone needs to drink, eat and rest together, just combine these fine gold-wrapped cabinets together. Each cabinet has a slight curvature and can completely form an oversized circular lounge.

Hill estimated that the pearls in his hand were not enough.

When he didn't know whether he would succeed, Hill didn't plan to include the pearl in the patriarch's hand. He felt that it was time for him to visit the Crystal Flower Ancestor.

His memory is very good, he can definitely find a way out, and his body is not that weak now.

Before Ulla left, he sent several bags of fine gold ore to Hill. Although each bag was of different sizes, the total amount was dozens of tons, which was enough for him to complete the preliminary work of these water curtain fountain cabinets.

This thing is not difficult. It is difficult to refine the materials and fine gold given by Flan.

Pulling this filament is not that easy. You can only use mental strength to pull it little by little. If you are not careful, it will be completely useless. There is no water hole in the middle, so you can only make a braided thread.

Although Hill rarely fails, as long as he fails once, thousands of meters of thin lines will be scrapped.

The job was boring and unbearable, and Hill's only pleasure was blocking bears at night.

Orianna really planned to run.

She saved food for a week, sneaked out of the house on a dark and stormy night, and headed south.

It seemed that he wanted to go to the outskirts of the wilderness and hunt by himself.

Orianna probably thought that Hill would only look to the north, but now the little female bear didn't want to go to her cruel mother at all.

All she could think about was delicious food out in the wilderness.

Hill stood in the mountains without saying a word.

For him who has mastered the laws of the earth, this mountain of fine gold is enough to keep Orianna lost until dawn.

He didn't plan to take Orianna out from the beginning this time. After all, it would be too unfair to just teach her a lesson every time.

Orianna is not the only bear who stores food.

Hill showed a smile, looked at the sneaky Bucky, and walked into the Adamantine Mountain from the corner.

He was smarter and planned to go around from the east to the south.

Hill didn't know how unpalatable the meat was for Bucky to keep in stock, but he had no other choice but to let Bucky run around the mountains without knowing it.

It's good, this is a crater, big enough for Bucky to run.

Nils ran out two hours later, and he rushed directly in the direction of Orianna.

Hill always thought that Niels, who was watching him through the window, would not come out. After all, there was still food.

But it seems that the forced exercise and enough unpalatable food made this lazy bear choose to run away from home.

There are good and bad things about inheriting memories.

Just like now, these little bears know very well that as long as they run to the outskirts of the wilderness, they have nothing to fear from the high-level monsters.

Generally speaking, monsters with a higher level than them would not harm the Earth Bear easily, and no one wanted to offend their parents.

Unfortunately, these two words generally do not mean absolutely not.

If something really happened, what would be the point of killing all the monsters and even elves and humans that hurt them?

Hill folded his arms and watched the three cubs struggling forward in the crater.

Hill frowned. Someone entered the Adamantine Mountains. He quickly went around and saw a big bear with a frowning brow.

"Hill?" The earth bear said in a gentle tone, "I am Orianna's father, Elihu. The patriarch asked me to come back to take care of them."

Hill walked up to Elihu: "I can keep an eye on them. Don't worry."

A strange expression appeared on Elihu's bear face: "No need to look, let them go, especially Orianna."

Hill was surprised: "Let them leave? It's not safe outside! The elemental storm will also do great harm to them."

"I will follow. Can you think of a way to get them together?" Elihu sighed and said in a vicissitudes of tone, "Every bear of the earth has had such a day. He will not do it without asking for death. Give up.

According to the rules, the most noisy little bear's father has to follow them around.

I am the only little female bear in my family! How could I be unlucky?

If they go together, I can save a lot of trouble. "

Hill resisted the urge to snicker, lowered his head, and said slowly: "Then let Niels and Bucky meet first! They can walk together. Orianna is not exhausted, and she will never stop. .

Wait until she can no longer hold on and rest, then let the two catch up with him. In this case, Orianna would probably be able to accept them, otherwise she would always despise them as lazy and stupid. "

"Ha~" Elihu couldn't help but sneer, "It's okay to be lazy. If she's stupid, it's only her."

It took Hill several hours to finally get the three bears to join together. As expected, Orianna couldn't resist the sweet talk of the two bears. She accepted Nils and Bucky's following, and walked at the front with her chest raised.

After they walked far away, Hill and Elihu stood side by side outside the Adamantine Mountains and sighed together.

Both Orianna and the two of them had forgotten how terrifying the elemental storm outside was, and they went straight to the south with such arrogance.

Hill took out a shaped water curtain fountain cabinet and handed it to Elihu: "Take this with you! It's enough for you to drink water with them."

Elihu, who was told how to use it by Hill, liked it very much: "This is very easy to use! I don't have to go to Grace to drink water! Just give me a few drinks of water, and Grace has to ask me to help her plant some." tree."

Hill didn't intend to pay attention to this boring couple's interest, and said indifferently: "I plan to go to the sea to get some more pearls. I planted some large-fruited figs in the fir forest. The fruits will be edible in about a month. If at that time You haven’t finished this trial journey yet, remember to try to see if you can get used to the taste of the fruit.”

Elihu nodded happily. He knew very well that if they could eat this fruit and it would not affect the growth of the fir tree, he would be able to eat the fruit at any time in the future.

The Earth Bears are not carnivores. They only eat meat now because in the wilderness, hunting is the most cost-effective, and the meat of high-level monsters has the highest energy, allowing them to eat it for several days.

The three little bears left the sight of one man and one bear without looking back. Elihu shook his head: "They are not as good as Aurelio. After all, that guy is still guarding the edge of the mountain to see if he can get out. !”

Hill watched Elihu walk slowly in the direction the three bears left, then turned back to the valley.

He also wants to pack his bags and go find crystal flowers.



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