Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 250: Sudden! Change of power in the Elf Forest

Hill originally thought that the Elf Forest was going to go through the motions and let the group of Dark Moon elves resolve their internal disputes.

Keep as many as you can, and the unlucky ones who can't are just those who want to be the Lord of the Dark Moon Elves.

Most elves are not interested.

The relationship between the elves and the dark moon elves has always seemed harmonious, but in fact it is not friendly.

When the Hunting Goddess was still there, the elves just gave way to the Dark Moon elves. Hundreds of thousands of years of humility actually made these elves very dissatisfied.

So the Dark Moon elves are now fighting life and death, and there are no elves to even watch.

But something unexpected happened.

Virginia's ex-husband jumped out.

He rushed directly to Virginia without hesitation.

The few legends following him rushed towards the group of fellow racers who wanted to leave.

Hill's eyes widened nervously, what do you want to do?

Virginia laughed heartily: "I'm waiting for you!" Then she instantly transformed into a huge white leopard and rushed forward.

Silver-blue lines shimmered on her snow-white fur.

Hill suddenly felt that no wonder Virginia didn't care about the Earth Bear at all. She really hadn't awakened any of the Earth Bear bloodline. A true moon elf indeed.

She had probably never felt the intimacy of blood connection with the Earth Bear. Even though it was her biological father, she had probably always felt the attraction of the Moon Elf bloodline.

Bloodline is really a very strange thing. There is an innate sense of intimacy and belonging.

Hill lowered his head and smiled. What is the difference between elves and Warcraft who use blood to distinguish between close and distant elves?

Fortunately I am human.

Hill's closeness to the Earth Bears is more because he agrees with what they do, rather than believing that they are trustworthy relatives because of their blood.

Maybe it's because human bloodlines are relatively chaotic, so there's never been this inseparable feeling of having the same bloodline.

Hill felt in his heart that this was good.

There was a commotion among the Dark Moon Elf moving team, and they quickly hid under the big tree, protecting all the children behind them.

Probably because they felt that the Elf Forest wanted to save all of their lives, the legends who had originally been very polite suddenly changed their attitude and decided to fight tooth and nail.

A dark moon elf female priest with beautiful appearance and elegant posture floated in the air and comforted her with a gentle tone: "My people, I am standing here not to do anything to you, but I just hope that you can think about it carefully. For a moment, don’t abandon our home of the Darkmoon Elves just because of impulse.

Druids can survive well in the wilderness, but how can ordinary elves do the same?

And there are so many little kids!

How cherished are the children of the elves! How could they be allowed to live a life in the wilderness where they were constantly facing crises?

What happened this time was because we didn't think carefully and thought that there was absolutely no problem with the name that the God King could decide, so we didn't inform everyone.

I will never do this again in the future! No matter how small it is, every clan member will be told! "

It's a pity that her gentleness and kindness did not impress the tribe, but instead provoked a quick-talking leopard.

"I have always been curious, is your biological father the idiot in front of me, or the god-king in the sky?" Virginia suddenly roared, scratched half of the ranger, and while he was avoiding it, she laughed and said, " But he still looks like the idiot in front of him! After all, if he were of the blood of the God King, there would be no need to save these tribesmen who wanted to leave!

But you do have some divine aura about you! Not just because of the pastor’s relationship! "

She easily stopped the demigod ranger who rushed towards him in anger, and quickly finished what she wanted to say: "It seems that when she was pregnant with you, your mother was the lover of the God King! No wonder the God King's attitude towards you It’s so weird, I don’t want to pay too much attention to it, and I won’t ignore it at all!”

She laughed loudly and without hesitation got into a fight with her ex-lover who broke out: "Are you angry? I asked you why you like this moon elf daughter so much! It's such a blessing to have a daughter together with the great God King. What an honor! Haha!”

Virginia is going to die with her ex-husband!

She is not afraid that the Elf God King will throw down a few thunderbolts and kill her!

Hill nervously glanced at the sky of the Elf Forest, but there was no reaction.

Then Hill belatedly discovered that the god-king was famously romantic and had lovers all over the world. As long as he didn't scold him directly, he didn't care at all that his romantic affair spread all over the world.

Is it really confusing?

Human beings really cannot understand this kind of strange thinking.

Hill could feel that most people thought that the Elf God King would fly into a rage and kill Virginia for talking nonsense.

However, the clear sky tells humans that this is a P.

The elves are such a wild and unruly race!

"The response from the elves is so dull. Does it mean that this matter is nothing in their eyes?" Leitel Moon quietly asked his companion, "Then why is the demigod so angry?"

"There is a difference between being a scumbag and being a scumbag. It's not a lover who has broken up, but his officially married wife." His companion replied quietly, "Especially when someone is a scumbag who he can't afford to offend. Biological daughters have to rely on others to enjoy their happiness. Confusion is just a matter of different thinking, but it does not mean that they have no self-esteem."

Hill and Rhett Moon nodded together.

Then Hill looked at this companion. He was also a legend, but he had fewer laws to control.

Hill feels that these legendary mages outside of the Mages Association are actually a bit interesting, and they speak and act much more normally.

The female priest stood stiffly in mid-air.

Her father was currently having a fierce fight with his ex-lover, and the tribesmen who were supposed to have feelings for her words now had no intention of paying attention to her at all.

In the eyes of most Dark Moon elves, she is simply a traitor and is no longer a member of the tribe they recognize.

It was impossible for her not to know that no one who was proud of being a moon elf could bear to have his name turned into darkness.

But he still followed the group of senior officials of the Elf Forest who had long disliked the Moon Elves and insulted the entire Moon Elves!

Who doesn’t know what dark moon means?

The dark moon is the shadow of the soul, the black desire that can only appear in places where there is no light.

Even the underage Dark Moon Elves know that their race has become a joke!

The Elf God-King cursed the Silver Moon Goddess with their names, and they accepted their fate.

But the Elf Forest, which didn't even give them a chance to struggle, was their enemy from now on.

Just say a few nice words to get them to stay. Even the goddess of hunting would not be so stupid!

Hill looked at the faces of these Dark Moon elves from a distance, and his face slowly darkened.

The mood of these elves has become too dark!

Too many negative emotions have made them stand on the cliff. If they are really left in the Elf Forest, something big will happen sooner or later!

Rose, indeed, did not fall in love with the hunting goddess for nothing.

Moon elves are a race that is easy to get into trouble. They may not care about anything, but they can also easily turn to evil.

Maybe it would be better if they entered the wilderness and no longer had people yelling about Dark Moon Elves.

Otherwise, Rose's maid Karula would be attracted to them sooner or later.

Fortunately, those who blocked them only sent more legends, and did not intend to put those who wanted to leave to death.

Although the fight was fierce, at most they were slightly injured, and no Dark Moon Elf was killed.

Virginia was jumping up and down, and her claws had already scratched out many beautiful patterns on her ex-husband's face, so she was very patient and not afraid of continuing the beating for several days and nights.

Although the Elf Queen single-handedly provoked this internal fight among the Dark Moon elves, she had no intention of taking action. All the elves were silent, and no one except the biological father intervened.

And even the Dark Moon elves who stayed in the Elf Forest seemed to be of different factions.

The few legends who came to stop him were obviously paddling.

Even after Virginia passed by and roared at them a few times, she quietly retreated, leaving the battlefield to the legends brought by the female priest.

Hill blinked: Is this the original Moon Elf royal family?

Virginia's blood flows in their veins!

Virginia's daughter was originally a member of the Elf Royal Family and married the Moon Elf King.

Given the long life of the moon elves, the blood relationship between these legends and Virginia is not too far away.

No wonder those moon elves asked Virginia for help.

Hildo wondered if there was any royal blood running away with him.

Hill sat on the bow of the boat, watching the Dark Moon Elves, and continued to fight for three days.

For this group of Dark Moon elves who easily chose to compromise after the death of the Hunting Goddess, they were incredibly persistent and tenacious.

Including the ordinary tribesmen standing under the big tree waiting, no one wavered.

It seemed that the name Dark Moon really hit them hard enough.

The Elf Forest has never come out to take care of this matter, which also makes Hill a little surprised.

According to his speculation, it's long past time for an elf to come out and be a good person!

Especially the elf queen who caused trouble.

Didn't she cause so many things just because she wanted to attack the new Lord of the Dark Moon Elves so that she couldn't compete with herself?

If she comes out too late and causes losses to either party, she will not come out to be a good person, but will be targeted!

If you choose the wrong time to help someone down the steps, if you try to help someone fall down, you won't get any gratitude.

Hill fished out a handful of grapes and ate them one by one to pass the time.

I don’t know if this queen was pointed at her nose and scolded by the Elf God King. Why hasn’t she appeared yet?

Green light suddenly flashed in the sky of the Elf Forest, and a wood elemental lord suddenly flew into the sky, releasing wood spells to soothe his emotions.

A beautiful elf girl slowly appeared: "Stop your fighting!

His Majesty, the great Elf God King, is very dissatisfied with this incident!

The Elf Queen who dared to conceal His will has been deprived of her throne! "

Hill only felt a row of question marks above his head.

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