Survive the Fourth Natural Disaster

Chapter 403 What does Aislin want to do?

Asmodeus certainly knew what it would look like when a world came to an end.

Even if the world after the devil's rampage can still continue, it... is not a real world anymore, so even if the world's will is on the verge of destruction, there will be a crazy resistance.

Many worlds would even choose to die together.

But what if, as a last resort, the world chooses to go to hell?

No wonder in this world, even in this state, the devils still try their best to hide their existence.

It seems that Asmodeus really attaches great importance to this world... Thinking of this, Hill couldn't help but sneered in his heart: This is just an ordinary new world, otherwise there would be no resistance at all.

Therefore, the fact that Asmodeus behaves so cautiously only proves that what he is looking at is definitely not this small world.

As a desert in the can even be called a fringe galaxy, the only world worthy of the Lord of Hell's attention is Trasil.

Although Hill had already guessed this, every time he found another sign, it still made him feel very bad.

After hearing Gilbert's words, Aisling, who fell into silence, suddenly said: "Gilbert, you didn't lie to me?"

Hilbert gave her a dull look: "I want to keep Carpenter, so there is no need to lie.

Or do you think you can get past me and deal with my students?

Aislin, don't forget, you are only responsible for handling some affairs in the magic tower... Small things don't matter, big things, especially... Oh, don't think you can make any decisions on his behalf. "

Aislin said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you so annoying?

I'm just here to test the apprentice's status in your heart. Are you going to elevate me to a fool who competes with the teacher for power?

Gilbert, can you not be so wicked when it comes to your own people? "

Hilbert turned back coldly: "Should I bear any temptation?

Did you say it for me?

When you set your eyes on my side tower, you should know that I won't be polite. "

Aislin frowned: "Although the teacher protects others, he has never been so..."

"Aisling is Gilbert's student and Gilbert's family. Why should we treat her according to other people's ideas and practices?" Hilbert stared at her and asked seriously, "In other words, Aisling belongs to love. Does Silin’s life have to be like that of others?

How on earth did you become an eighth-circle mage? "

"Ha~" Aislin suddenly sneered, "You don't really believe that, do you?

Only by walking on your own path as a mage can you see nonsense like mountains and seas... Haha~

Following the path blazed by others, especially those you trust, may not be as exciting, but it is stable enough. "

Hilbert couldn't help but sit up: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

The mage can indeed follow a path opened by others... but that would be equivalent to handing over his life to the other party.

The spells created by others, the rules studied by others, and even the mental power are similar to others. If this "other" suddenly turns against them, there is no way to survive.

As for questions like whether the nine rings above the law can be reached, Hill is not interested in asking.

Even Lute cannot be regarded as a pure nine-ring mage.

The top combat power in this world can only be regarded as the eighth level. Many people can only use a few eight-level spells in their lifetime... Anyway, as long as they can summon meteorites, they are the boss that no one dares to mess with.

But with Aislin's talent, if she were in other worlds, she would definitely have the ability to advance to the ninth ring.

She can walk out of her own life.

But she... isn't this tantamount to giving herself completely to Root?

No wonder Aislin's status in the school was unique, and Lute, who was so suspicious, trusted her so much.

Aisling suddenly laughed: "Ah... Gilbert, you really don't understand what I am doing!

Also, although you have suffered a lot, you made all the choices you made with a very clear understanding of the consequences.

People who can make their own decisions about everything and never make mistakes... are really enviable. "

Hilbert controlled the urge to roll his eyes... This woman actually gave up herself completely for those things in the past?

It is really difficult for Hill to understand this kind of person who lives completely dependent on the decisions of others.

Then he couldn't help but take a look at Aislin's dress, which looked very royal-sister-like, and her somewhat deep V collar: he always felt that something was wrong.

Hill didn't believe that his feelings were wrong. When he first saw Aislin, he felt that this woman was very powerful.

A strong person will never let others control his future.

Even if she had suffered numerous setbacks before.

There are indeed people who give up on themselves because of the weakness of their character, but... it's not Aislin's behavior.

Perhaps because Hilbert couldn't control his eyes, Aisling rolled her eyes: "Ah, wasn't it obvious enough?"

Huh... Hilbert breathed a sigh of relief obviously: "I thought my health was so bad that I was blind!"

Aislin stretched out her hand and tapped him: "Otherwise, why would the teacher trust me so much?"

Hill finally felt that the natural consciousness reaction was a bit slow and weak: there were some things that he needed to think about before he could make the most appropriate judgment.

Of this woman's words, 99 out of 100 are true, but they are mixed with some self-recreation and must be distinguished carefully.

Fortunately, Hill is rarely wrong about people's temperament.

"Carpenter is really good at illusions, isn't he?" Aisling asked again.

"Yes." Hilbert thought for a while and then added, "Only illusions, general spells are almost the same as ordinary mages, and the rest... well, they should be similar to the apprentices in the outer tower, right?"

The corner of Aislin's mouth couldn't help but twitch: "Let's be clear, if those apprentices learn such standard runes, will Carpenter still be the same?"

"That's almost it." Hilbert answered honestly, "But what's the problem? As long as she can protect herself, right?"

"Russell has a good relationship with her?"

"It's much better than your relationship with Noam Oliva." Hilbert thought for a moment and compared it with another Eighth Ring student who was more valued by Archmage Root.

If Aisling is the queen, Noam Oliva is the straight man.

The relationship between the two of them cannot be said to be bad... but anyone who has brothers and sisters knows how miserable their life would be if they had a similar brother or sister.

People with the same personality will either fall in love or kill each other.

Generally speaking, due to the limitations of brotherhood, it is difficult to directly kill each other, so you can only love and kill each other.

With such a pair of senior sisters and brothers above their heads, the students of Archmage Lute would not easily seek their help.

Just like the senior brother who came to Gilbert for help some time ago... Aislin would definitely lend a helping hand, but he would rather pay a price to come to Gilbert.

After all, the attitude towards the two needs to be balanced.

If Aislin took the initiative to come to Gilbert, that would be no problem.

But if Gilbert went directly to Aisling first... Norm Oliva might ask what was it that he, his senior brother, couldn't solve, so he had to find that useless woman.

Of course, the reverse is also true.

These two didn't think there was anything wrong with what they did... they were just joking with their junior brothers anyway! Neither of them is serious!

But the junior brothers felt that the pressure was a bit too much. Who the hell has to bear the jokes of two eight-ring mages!

Hill was shaken in the front, but after Aisling left, he would also want to understand: How could a woman who can play the game of "who do you like more" with a tough guy like Noam Oliva? Put your life in the hands of others.

Then, he looked out of his window in confusion... Who was Aislin intending to tell when she suddenly said such words?

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