鈥淣inth Prince 锛屾垜灏忕湅浜嗕綘锛孋rown Prince 灏忕湅浜嗕綘鍟婏紒鈥

Look at Qin Yi 璧版潵锛孊aihua Langjun 寮 墦璧稴 墦璧稴 pirit 锛岀敤娌椤搼镄勭 锛岀敤娌椤搼镄勭 澹 澹 阆撱

杩欐槸Baihua Langjun 鐪熸镄勫0 纴鍒 阔 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒 纴鍒


Qin Yi sneered 锛宲air of eyes as cold as ice and frost 锛屼刊瑙嗙潃 Baihua Langjun 銆

Reversal of the wheel of fortune !

鍒氭墠 Baihua Langjun 鍦ㄤ粬闱 (2) 伆涓嶅彲涓 涓栵纴鏂 涓栵纴鏂 涓栵纴鏂 垗浠栫殑镐沧偗锛岀幇鍦ㄨ 垗浠栫殑镐沧偗锛岀幇鍦ㄨ 鍒 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞 杩橞


Qin Yi 旋存槸涓 鑴氲笍鍦 ̇aihua Langjun 镄勮兏鑶涗箣涓婏纴杩欎竴鑴 箣 箣 嶏纴鐩 嶏纴鐩 嶏纴鐩 鍏 竴鍙 竴鍙 竴鍙 竴鍙 竴鍙 竴鍙 竴鍙 竴鍙

Baihua Langjun 镄勬€佽剼绛嬭Bai Zai 鏂╂柇锛冤ithin the body true qi 旋 槸琚帇鍒讹纴璁╀粬镙 湰镞犳硶鍙嶆姊 in Qin Yi 镄勫姩浣溿€

鈥淣inth鈥inth King鈥[€ Your Highness Ninth Prince 锛屾眰浣犳斁浜嗘垜钖э紒鈥

杩欎竴鍒 纴 纴 Baihua Langjun 缁堜簬鎱屼 锛屼粬鍙笉鎯 锛屼粬鍙笉鎯 锛屼粬鍙笉鎯 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 屻

浠栦笉鎯虫鍦≦ in Yi 杩欎 杩欎 搴熺墿Prince 嬩腑锛屼粬杩樻湁澶 嬩腑锛屼粬杩樻湁澶 ソ骞 ソ骞 ソ骞 ソ骞

镓€浠ワ纴浠栧悜Qin Yi 姹傞ザ浜嗭紒


Qin Yi 鍡ょ瑧涓€澹帮纴寰井寮叞锛宻uddenly 浼告渚挎槸涓€a slap 嶉 囧湪 囧湪 囧湪 hua Baihua Langjun 镄勮劯涓婏紒


杩欎竴澹 addiction slap 锛屾竻鑴嗗搷浜€

Baihua Langjun 镄勫 鑴 鑴 灛闂 鑳 潵锛宑 潵锛宑 潵锛宑 潵锛宑 潵锛宑 潵锛宑 or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or ㄥ湴闱笂銆


Baihua Langjun pair of eyes

浠栧彲鏄竴浣岻nnate Martial Artist 锛屽眳鐒  Royal Capital 璧 夊悕镄勫 chain curtain 鐗 ccrince 锛岀粰鎶 涓 涓 a a a a a a

What a humiliation this is!

鈥沨his slap 鏄垜 緷渚濇墦镄勶纴 緷渚濇墦镄勶纴 she is indeed my Little Concubine 锛屼笉鏄綘鑳   囨壆镄勶紒鈥

Qin Yi 璇皵dreary cold 锛宻aid with a cold laugh 銆

Baihua Langjun 鑴 壊闂︼ 壊闂︼ 涓 涓 涓濇 涓濇 涓濇 掕壊锛屽紶寮犲槾锛屾娆 掕壊锛屽紶寮犲槾锛屾娆 掕壊锛屽紶寮犲槾锛屾娆 掕壊锛屽紶寮犲槾锛屾娆


浣嗘槸锛孮in Yi right hand 涓€锷纴鍙嶆 鍙堟槸涓€a slap 鎷嶅湪Baihua Langjun 镄勫少鑴镐笂锛

涓嶆秷鐗囧埢锛孊aihua Langjun 镄刢orner of the mouth 涔熻繀阃熻 璧 璧 璧 璧

鈥沨his slap 锛屾槸旋挎垜 撶殑锛屾垜璐 撶殑锛屾垜璐 negative Bulo Dynasty Ninth Prince 锛孖nnate nobles 銆



鈥滆 鏄垜 鏄垜 鏄垜 挎垜杩欎 挎垜杩欎 鎴垮唴锛岃 鎴垮唴锛岃 鎴垮唴锛岃 鎴垮唴锛岃 鎴垮唴锛岃 鎴垮唴锛岃 鎴垮唴锛岃 绫嶆墦镄勩

杩欎簺鍙兘鏄垜姣嶅璧犵粰鎴戠殑锛屽矀鏄綘鑳 鎹熷潖镄勶紒鈥

鈥 瓑绛夛纴闅鹃 瓑绛夛纴闅鹃 瓑绛夛纴闅鹃 鎴戣缮姣斾笉涓婅 浜涚牬鐑 浜涚牬鐑 浜涚牬鐑

钖埌杩椤彞璇濓纴Baihua Langjun 椤挎椂鐬狰ig eyes 锛屾 庣潃璇撮 庣潃璇撮 庣潃璇撮 庣潃璇撮 庣潃璇撮

浠栧彲鏄痉ignified 涓€浣岻nnate Martial Artist 锛岄毦阆撹繛杩欎簺镰寸儌涔》睄閮芥睄閮

Baihua Langjun’s humiliation is at the extreme!

“In my eyes, you can’t even compare the mice on the ground, disgusting sissy!”

Qin Yi’s hands are constantly moving, opening the bow left and right, playing Baihua Langjun’s face creaking!

“Ah, you are a sissy!”

Baihua Langjun heard the words of Qin Yi, suddenly angry, want to struggle to resist.

“Oh, still want to resist!”

Qin Yi raised an eyebrow and was a slap of a slap. He was on the face of Baihua Langjun, and he did not leave any effort!

The crisp slap sounds sounded in the study.

Bai Zai on the side looked like a mistake. In his eyes, Qin Yi has always been the image of Young Master.

Now, it is so mad.

However, this look makes Bai Zai even more enjoyable!

For the enemy, it should be so overbearing!

For a long while, Qin Yi stopped swimming for air, and the suffocation of the heart suffocated.

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