Supporting Role's Aura

Chapter 64 is wearing a giants in white moonlight 6

Wearing a giants in white moonlight 6

The finals of the finals are more luxurious than the venue. After all, it is the international top cost design competition. There will be a medium from all over the world, naturally we must arrange high-end scenes that meet international status.

After the game officially started, the models have taken to show their apparel. The following reporters are not photographed, even if the flash makes people feel some eye, but they can't resist these costumes to the attractions of the ladies, they widened their eyes. There is an idea that I want to choose a set of my favorite, and I want to bring all these clothing.

Ye Rate showed all the clothing in the finals, and those models debuted, they caused a lot of praise, the following people, simply did not open their eyes, simply didn't take care of other design The design of the teacher, just want to design these costumes in Yexun, every detail of each set.

Lu Ning sat and his assistants sat in the last row. He now does not have the costumes on the stage. He just wants to see who will take the stage to receive the award, for him, as long as it is not Ye Run is that any other person doesn't matter.

He feels that the possibility of Ye Shi Take award is not big. After all, many world-class design masters come to participate, how can the organizer will give the award to a newcomer? He is now stronger, and it is hope that those who have been admired by everyone, and attract most people's eyes, don't be Ye Shi design, even if Ye Run has no award, it will definitely cause a sensation in the domestic fashion circle.

After all designers' clothing is displayed, then start score and vote, after statistical scores, and the number of votes, the host issued a representative, announced the award-winning clothing, and then all other models go to the background, only wearing award-winning clothing Those models, standing to the Type of Type.

Lu Ning saw that the clothing that he didn't want to win, he could not help but comfort himself, and the designer who came out was absolutely impossible to be Ye Ren, absolutely impossible Is him, don't scare yourself.

"Below, let us welcome the designer of this group of clothing, go to stage to receive the award." The organizer represented loudly: "Welcome designers, Ye Ran!"

After Lu Ning's brain, immediately blank, he looked at Ye Shi, who took the leader of the award.

The flash is constantly flashing. The following people have a warm applause of Ye Run, and there is no qualification for the costumes of Ye Xian 's design. It is only a bit surprised to Ye Xun actually so surprised, and then think about the birth of a new genius designer. .

After the Ye Shi was published, he received a photo of the photographer with those models, and then tedied with the organizer, taking photos with the judges, and finally follow the fashion people in the voting group, and those celebrities The ladies took pictures.

Ye Rate has always maintained a decent smile, he felt that his face smiled and sore.

Lu Ning's assistant saw that his hard-looking face was scared, and he kept persuaded that he left, but Lu Ning was still sitting, and squatting in the spring breeze.

"Director, competition and the awards are over, the rest of the winners take pictures, we don't have to watch, or go back to the hotel." Assistant persuaded.

"It is impossible to be he designed." Lu Ning bite his teeth: "It is absolutely impossible to be the costumes of his own design!"

"Director, Ye Yake Award, is already a foregoing, we have no ability to change, or return to China as soon as possible to think about the countermeasures." Another assistant said.

"Who can't change it ?!" Lu Ning looked at the assistant and looked at him with efforts: "The clothing is not possible to be designed, I have to dismantle him with the organizer, let people around the world know He used the costumes designed by others to entertain, so that people in the country were cast aside him, insult him! "

Lu Ning stood up, the big step toward the organizer, those assistants wanted to grab him but did not catch, and only quickly followed.

Ye Shun was surrounded by the reporter and those who saw the game. Lu Ning thought that they didn't squeeze, and they can only wait for the time to take pictures. The reporters and photographers have packed things to leave, and Lu Ning looked at the organizer. Ye Shun, who left together, hurriedly chased it.

"Mr. Beld, Mr. Badel, please wait." Lu Ning called the name of the organizer represented, and he kept up.

Bayel heard someone called his name, stopped his foot, went to see the past, his people behind him also stopped, see Lu Ning's urgent running, letting a road come .

Lu Ning stood in front of Bayad, he looked at Ye Xin, said to Beld: "Mr. Beld, I want to report a thing to you."

"Report?" Byad asked: "What do you want to report?"

"I want to report him." Lu Ning pointed to Ye Xin said: "Reporting him to participate in the work designed by others."

Ye Weizhou looked at Lu Ning, Lu Ning's move, in his expectations.

Bayel squatted and asked: "Do you have evidence to prove that he is using someone else's work?"

"I know him for many years, so I know him very well. He is graduated from the music college. I haven't learned the design of the clothing. I haven't had any works before, so it is impossible to design those costumes." Lu Ning urgently Say.

"I am sorry, what you said is unable to be evident. If you want to report him, you must provide the actual evidence that can prove his costumes, otherwise we can't accept it. Because you have to know, After all, there are many people who have a prize in the eyes. If everyone just says some empty talk, let's report, then we will ask more people, and I have been busy. "Said Baide.

"I have said that these can be found, and he is still so young, it is impossible to design a better costume than those masters!" Lu Due, more excited.

"Are you also a clothing designer?" Asked Byade.

Lu Ning stunned and said: "Yes, I am also a clothing designer, and I have participated in this game, but this does not mean that I am an eye, but I really understand him, know He can't design such a clothing. "

"That seems to, you are still very short, or, you can don't know enough for other master's designers. If you have time, you can go to our designer award hall show lobby. Some designers, when they were teens, they have been awarded, and genius designers have always existed. "

"How can he comply with those genius designers? And now it is not that year, he ...."

Bayel took his hand to stop Lu Ning to say: "I finally said, if you want to report his words, please provide enough actual evidence. If you can't provide evidence, please leave, otherwise, I Just call the security guard, please leave, and report others, add you to the blacklist, and you will never allow you to participate in the Phoenix Clothing Design Competition. "

"Director, let's go, if you are taken by the reporter, you are dragged out, then you really want to sweep the floor in China, the company is more impossible to turn over."

"Yeah, the director, you are so irrational now. If you really join the blacklist, you will have no way to participate in the future."

Several assistants took the hand of Lu Ning to take him away. Lu Ning glared in Ye Xin said: "I will definitely find evidence that those garments are not you design, you will wait!"

Y Shizhen looked at Lu Ning to take him by his assistant half-handed him, and smiled in his heart, then he turned around with the organizer to continue.

"We specially prepared a banquet for you, please be necessary to participate, I think a lot of fashion people, I must know you." Byad said.

"I will participate, thank you for your banquet for me." Ye Xi smiled and said that a banquet for the winners is already a practice.

Ye Yake is awarded, any report and questioning, he is not afraid, let alone Lu Ning can't take any evidence, even if he wants to fake evidence, it is impossible to succeed, because the organizer's behind-the-scenes boss, Du Yu himself.


The next day, the domestic news has been reported, and the major media have reported that Ye Run is the first person who got the Finis Design Competition Gold Award. Even if there is no Du Yu's operation, it is also worth it. Reported. Photographs of Ye Shi design have also been publicly displayed by the media, got a favorite of many people.

He family sits in the living room and looks at the news, all are unbelievable.

"Ye Yuxi got a Phoenix Gold Award? How can this ?!" He Lan Qin glanced at his eyes, thinking that he heard wrong: "Ye Run is not a graduation of the music college? When did he learn the clothing design? Or press The person said, with him with his name? "

"He is indeed graduated from the music school, he will violin, will also piano, but it will not design the costume, I look at him, after he abroad, I know, he can't Designed in costume. "Yu Fenglian did not stop.

"Do you watch the award of the TV above, is it true?" He Lanqin stared at the TV screen: "It's impossible to say, even if you are so like it?"

"It is him." He Xu said very certainly. He felt that he would not recognize Ye Rate, so the picture played on TV, the person who was awarded the award, must be Ye Ran.

"This, how is this possible ?! He, how can he be the Phoenix Design Gold Award ?!" Yu Fenglian saw that the person on TV is indeed Ye Shi, more shocking and incredible.

"I quickly called Lu Ning, what is going on?" He Lanqin said.

"Lu Ning is now on the plane, waiting for him to come back." He Xu looked at Ye Run, published the award-winning, and gradually lost his god.

After Lu Ning returned to China, it took a plane to go back to the land, not a congratulatory family.

"Dad!" Lu Ning entered the door, especially urgently, Lu Chang Xiaoji sitting in the living room: "You must help me find evidence, those winning clothing, it is impossible to be Ye Xinye design! "

"You don't worry, sit down and slowly say." Lu Hui pulled Lu Ning's hand, let him sit down and act: "You now have a child, so excited to hurt children, you can rest assured, everything, I have your dad to help you, don't worry, "

"If he is really uses someone else's work, I will find ways to find evidence, but this kind of thing, to come slowly, step by step, we are more urgent, the more it is easy to make the foot. Lu Chang Xiao said.

"But I just don't want to wait, I just want to let the whole world to cast aside him, ridicule!" Lu Ning said: "I just can't see him proud! In the case of our Ye's family than us, he I have to make it, now they are far more than our Lu family. What else is there?! He has learned music graduated, actually to add the clothing design competition, actually got the gold medal! I am absolute It is impossible to embrace, he has no one who has not learned the design of the clothing, with someone else 's work, then the name is called! I will never allow this happening !! "

"Emergely gas, eliminate gas." Qu Hui lightly patted Lu Ning's back and said: "The higher the stood, the more you fall, let him get it first, wait for the evidence. After that, let's kill him again, let him turn it again! "

"I have heard some news, Ye Jia has re-registered the trademark, they will definitely take the Ye Yake award, the heat of the big, and retain the business." Lu Chang Xiao sighed and said: "Blocking them from reopening, definitely blocked Can't, after they re-opening, let's find ways to get them. "

"Let's take a while, or wait a year or two, we also re-registered the trademark, come back from the beginning." Lu'an recommended.

"No!" Lu Ning immediately opposed: "I have been in this past few years, for this company, for my creation, how much energy and blood? How many days and nights have been worried? How can I say give up? ? "

"But after the last time, when the last time, the last time, the owner is now accused of our home, saying that my family threatens that the leaves are in front of him, and he is a third party, forced him to commit suicide, marry us The home is very difficult, I have long advised you to do this, you don't listen. "Lu'an said that he was angry and helpless:" The clothing business is not more than our other business, the clothing is facing all consumer public, There is no good reputation, don't say it is making money, we have to keep money in the inside, what is the meaning? "

After Lu Ning listened to Lu'an, his face was more ugly, and Qu Hui immediately glared at Lu'an: "You talk to your brother? He is now with your child, you want to take him out, How do you teach you! "

Now that their family is really unbearable by ordinary people, the two people try to look at Lu Ning, do not want him to move abortion.

"It is because our clothing company, now the reputation is very bad, so I have to grab this opportunity to turn over. As long as you can prove that Ye Shen's works are entertained, and we can fight the house. At the same time, I can also promote the clothing I sent to the competition. Even if my name is not particularly brought, at least I am designing the costume, this is the focus of promotion. "

"Well, how about you say, but it is a clothing company, even if you have to stick it in, we also stick it at home." Qu Hui said Lu Ning: "You are the most tight thing now. It is to raise the body, good to born, other things, I will hand over your dad and your brother, you will do it, you don't worry, then you will raise the tires. "

"You are used to him, so soon, I have to get a bigger thing. I will not take it anymore, I will not take it again, I don't want to go out to find a job! For everything behind the land, no matter whether it is good or bad, He inherited, I don't want it! "Lu An was angry and got up.

"You! Is this what you said when your brother should say ?!" Qu Hui stood up: "Where are you going? You stand!"

Lu Ning because of pregnancy, the original emotions are relatively large, all things happening this time have been constantly accumulating stress in their hearts, and now they have come out because Lu'an's words, crying.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Qu Hui immediately sat down, holding Lu Ning comfort: "You don't have it, wait for him to come back, mother must have a good lesson. In fact, your brother is also distressed, only this time He is too tired, so there is some out of control, just talking is a feeling, don't go to my heart. "

Lu Chang sighed and said: "If you are not fortunate to create the brand and company you have, then we will take a while, don't cry, things will always be solved. You have a long plane, there is already Tired, eat something, go back to the room to rest. "

Qu Hui helped Lu Ning to return to the room, so that the helper puts the cooked meat porridge and also on the side.


Yejia did as Lu Chang Xiao said that the heat and attention of Ye Yake award, let the company resemble it.

With the power of Du Yu, please have a big-red star, and even the shooting content of the advertisements is what he thinks. It has begun to play a publicity at home and abroad. Advertising, gives people a very tall feeling, and I know that it is a high-end brand that is now a very common person.

After returning to the congratulatory family, I was originally intended to listen to his parents, and the peace of mind was raised at home. No matter what is going, I will give birth to him again. But he is idle, you can't help but want to see TV to see the fashion magazine, but whether it is a fashion magazine at home and abroad, or TV, all the Ye's clothing advertisement.

Lu Ning was torn with all the magazines. He didn't understand why Ye Jia suddenly had such a big energy. It would be able to invite the big advertisements at home and abroad, and it is still the best TV at home and abroad. Time playing advertisement.

Lou Ning, who is angry, suddenly received a text message, is the assistant of Lin Moon Si, the content of the SMS is to participate in the opening ceremony of the Yejia Clothing Company, with the name of Lin Moon, and also special note Ming, no other people invited a congratulatory family, just invite him, there are deliberate irritation and provocation.

Lu Ning was angry to throw the phone into the wall. He took a deep breath and told himself that he could not be angry.

Lu Ning wants to go, go, really when he does not dare to do it? He is going to see, how cold is the opening ceremony of their total store. Then he picked the phone, dialed his dad's number, let his dad used their land for the power, whether it is a threat, buying, in turn, let those who are invited, don't go to Yejia Total The opening of the store, he can go to the joke directly.

Lu Chang Xiao promised Lu Ning to do it, but I still advised him to take a good rest at home, don't look at what jokes, wait for him to have a child, I want to see the joke.

Lu Ning agreed, but he arrived on the opening of Yejia sales store. He not only went, but also let He Xu will go with him. He is going to show him with He Xu in front of Ye Shi. Good gas and a gas.

After Lu Ning got off the bus, he took the hand of He Xu, and the smile stepped on the red carpet, but when he entered it, the smile immediately was stiff on his face. Not only because it is very lively, but also because of the decor of this, let him really want, Ye Rate is from the interior designer, how much is it, only to decorate a shop? High-grade pretty.

Lu Ning walked, the smile could not be maintained, because this store can say that all the stores in the country are different, not only is the big picture is an exhibition hall, but also according to different styles of clothing, it is divided into different styles. Decorated area, customers just sit on the sofa and drink champagne to eat snacks, you can pick your favorite clothing on the rotating display desk, try on, and wait for the service personnel to help them come quickly. Suitable hairstyles, together with the appropriate accessories.

Lu Ning didn't want to go inside, he wanted to go home immediately.

"He Xu ..." Lu Ning's face is hard to see.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" He Xu looked at said: "If we still go back."

Lu Ning nodded, he heard Ye Xun voice, then looked up and saw Ye Run from the stairs.

"Welcome to the opening ceremony of our total shop." Ye Xi smiled and said to them: "Today's guests have some, if there is a place for hospitality, please forgive me."

He Xu looked at the Ye Xin, wearing a suit, more tailored, and his exquisite five senses have made him a heartbeat, and the temperament of the refined, but also a feeling of forgotting breathing. Sensual suffocation. He thinks that Ye Shi seems to be more good than before, and the temperament is also more outstanding. I think that he has no way to have this person, and his heart is painful and uncomfortable. I wanted to have a determination to Lu Ning over the days and began to shake.

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