Dongfang Yu followed Lin Yue to the old house.

This old adobe house looks like it's been around for some years.

The roof was hollowed out one by one, and the tiles fell all over the floor.

The gate was hidden, and most of the wood was a little decayed.

Many of the adobe bricks on the walls were drenched in ravines by the rain.

The whole house looks like a broken wall.

Lin Yue kicked open the hidden door and entered the house.

It's a small yard inside.

When you enter the small courtyard, the first thing you see is a series of footprints on the dirt floor.

These marks are evident all the way to the inner rooms of the house.

"Ringo, such obvious marks, this place should be constantly walked around. "

"And it's swaggering in and out without shying away. "

Dongfang Yu said to Lin Yue after seeing these traces.

"Well, he guess he's sure that the demons out there can stop anyone who intrudes into this place. "

Or maybe he was confident that he could keep out the intruders. "

Lin Yue said.

"Also, a ghost master is guarding outside, even people below the realm level of the Spiritual Bureau can't get in. "

"Unless someone at the king level of the Psychic Bureau can find this place. "

Dongfang Yu echoed.

"However, it should not be taken lightly. "

"There's no way this guy can just put a ghost master outside and rest easy. "

"It should be weird that he dares to be so presumptuous. "

Lin Yue reminded Dongfang Yu.

"The soldiers are coming, and the water is coming to cover the earth! Besides, Brother Lin is here. "

"Hehe, so, I don't have to be afraid!"

Dongfang Yu said indifferently. She regarded Lin Yue as a protector, and with him, she was relieved.

"I can't help you!"

Lin Yue said a little dotingly.

No matter what, Dongfang Yu can put Lin Yue in such a high position in his heart, and Lin Yue is still quite useful.

Then, Lin Yue followed the footprints and walked to the inside of the house.

Inside the house is not very much, a living room, several rooms.

There was still some furniture in the house, but it was all in tatters.

The inside of the house was dusty and covered with cobwebs, even on the door frames.

However, there is a passage in the living room that leads to the back door, which is not cobwebbed.

Footprints can also be seen on the floor of the passage.

"Brother Lin, this footprint leads to the back door?"

Dongfang Yu said a little puzzled.

"Let's take a look!"

Lin Yue said as he walked towards the back door in the direction of the passage.

The back door is also an ornament, and it is crumbling when you push it.

Walking to the back, there is another yard.

The walls on the left and right sides of this courtyard are built directly on the cliff wall, enclosing the whole place under the cliff.

There are also a few small rooms built under the cliff wall, which look like pig pens, chicken pens, utility rooms or something.

"Brother Lin, these footprints lead to that small room. This room looks like a utility room, could there be a problem with this utility room?"

Looking at such a big room, you can see the end at a glance, what can be the problem, Dongfang Yu is a little puzzled.

"Let's go inside!"

Lin Yue didn't know either, so he could only go in and look at it again.

Lin Yue walked into the room, and Dongfang Yu followed.

The inside of the room was dark and gloomy, and when you came in from the light, you could not see anything.

However, as soon as I entered this room, I felt a cool moisture slowly entering my nose.

After a while, Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu both got used to it, and they could vaguely see what was inside.

The house is indeed a utility room, a mess of farm tools, and miscellaneous items are placed haphazardly.

After a few glances, he couldn't see anything unusual, and Dongfang Yu kicked up the sundries inside in boredom.

"Ah, Brother Lin, there's a hole in this corner. "

Inadvertently, Dongfang Yu kicked open a large basket in the corner of the wall, revealing a hole.

She quickly screamed.

Hearing Dongfang Yu's cry, Lin Yue walked over, squatted down, and leaned his head over.

Suddenly, a cold moisture rushed to his face.

"There's weirdness down here!"

"Let's go down and have a look!"

Lin Yue bowed his head and got in.

Dongfang Yu saw Lin Yue getting in, so he also arched his body and lowered his head into the hole.

The entrance to the cave is very small, and the inside is dark and secluded, and you can't see your fingers.

The passage was quite long, and they had been walking in for a while, and it had always been the same narrow passage.

Lin Yue still used a talisman to illuminate the road like a tyrant.

This passage is surrounded by natural stone walls and is moist.

It should be a natural cave.

"Brother Lin, you're too extravagant, aren't you!

"Use my phone's flashlight. "

Dongfang Yu couldn't stand it anymore.

"No, the talisman is easy to use!"

Lin Yue is used to using talismans, which are bright, convenient and don't need money, so why use anything else.

"Oh, well. "

Dongfang Yu surrendered.

Anyway, it's not hers, her brother Lin is a local tyrant, why is she so distressed.

After walking forward for a while, the passage finally became larger, and I didn't have to bow my head and go.

"Hey, I can finally straighten my waist, it's really tiring to walk like this. "

Dongfang Yu straightened up, tilted his head back, stretched out his arms, and said with a sigh.

"I didn't expect you to be Miss Jiao. It's only been a long time since I walked, and I shouted tired. "

Lin Yue joked about Dongfang Rain.

"This sect leader is not Miss Jiao!"

"It's no problem for this sect leader to go up the sword mountain and down the sea of fire. "

Dongfang Yu heard Lin Yue say that she was Miss Jiao, her hypocritical temper came up again, and she immediately stopped to defend herself.

"But being tired doesn't mean you're not tired. "

"People don't have a constitution against the sky like Brother Lin!"

After a pause, Dongfang Yu explained softly to himself.

"Okay, good, you're not Miss Jiao, you're the Great Sect Master of the East!"

"Eastern Great Sect Master, hurry up and move forward!"

It is rare that Lin Yue can also use such a soft tone to coax a big child to speak.

"Well, Brother Lin, you don't have to call me the Great Sect Master of the East. "

"It's more kind for you to call me Dongfang Yu!"

Dongfang Yu took it when he saw it, and immediately followed.

Lin Yue and Dongfang Yu continued to walk for a while, and several forks appeared in front of them.

"Brother Lin, we should take this path on the left. "

"There is no trace of any road on the right-hand side, only the road on the left-hand side is a little different. "

Dongfang Yu observed for a while and said to Lin Yue.

"Listen to you!"

Lin Yue can actually see it, and his opinion is of course the same as Dongfang Yu.

Choosing the path, they continued without hesitation.

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