Super Wizard

: Important help notice.

Just now a book friend sent me a message. When I saw the news, I was not hesitant to be thundered.

A fellow book friend got a disease: Ma Fang syndrome!

I thought about facing the book friend and several other book friends last year. Everyone laughed and talked about the novel and the story direction of the teacher. Shy boys.

Who ever thought that the devil was so ruthless, seeing his photos in the ward was very touching.

However, Jiudeng is only an author, not Qin Yu or Fang Ming. What Jiudeng can do is to help with his own strength.

This disease is hereditary and has a relationship with the heart. It is currently undergoing emergency treatment at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University. Type O blood is urgently needed. If there are book friends over there, if it is convenient, you can go to the hospital to help with the blood tomorrow morning. (This is very important!)

The disease is ruthless, the world is affectionate!

In addition, after twelve o'clock, I will also be in the slight public hao: nine lanterns are kind.

Repost his easy plan above, you can help if you can.

Well, don't reward me this week, donate five pieces to this book friend.

Maybe our strength is limited, but this is all that Jiudeng can do.

In addition, it seems that I still owe two chapters.

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