Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 479: Put the cart before the horse

The core war was born in Bell Labs. This game is the product of three young people in their spare time. They are Mai Yaolai, Vysowski and Morris. Among them, Morris was Rot Morris' father who later created the "Morris Worm". All three were in their twenties.

In their eyes, these are games that are used in core wars. For example, the current program called crawlers will automatically generate a copy every time it is executed. Soon the original data in the computer will be eroded by these crawlers. Wrong, from the point of view of later generations, your hard drive is filled with crawler games. What about the original data? It must be missing.

There are many similar ones. For example, there is a game called "Gnome", which continuously advances along the storage space, and every fifth "address" it changes the stored things to zero. In this way, the original program, It was completely destroyed.

In their eyes, these are still games, but they are definitely terrible games!

Now, everyone was stunned when they heard Mr. Ni talk about crawlers. This computer also stored important files in the computer room!

"Open it again." Old Zeng said.

As long as the power is cut off, the program disappears. Now, when the computer is turned on again, Koyanagi uses trembling hands to input instructions on the computer and check the data stored on the disk.

That's right, all Creeper can't be seen at a glance, all are!

It is densely packed, taking up the entire screen.

"No, no, it's not like that. This was originally a design material for a general-purpose processor." Koyanagi was anxious, and pulled out the floppy disk: "Look, it's clearly written on it!"

Xiaoliu remembers very clearly that when I took this floppy disk, there was a handwritten Loongson No. 1 overall design drawing on it. These words are top secret. Just check the font to know who did it!

Well, it is Qin Guan. He is an enemy hidden among our people. He likes to do sabotage. It is he who sabotages our computer system!

At this time, Xiaoliu didn't care how much authority the other party had. In short, Xiaoliu must buckle the **** bowl out, otherwise, Xiaoliu himself would be in big trouble.

The floppy disk was ejected abruptly, and Koyanagi picked it up, suddenly dumbfounded.

What about those Chinese characters? What about those Chinese characters with clear handwriting? It disappeared, only a line of eagle letters is left on it, it is Creeper!

What's going on, what's going on? Am I dreaming?

Koyanagi squeezed her face vigorously, it hurts, not a dream, this is bad!

"Koyanagi, are you dissatisfied with our computers and deliberately sabotage?"

"No, no, absolutely not, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation, hey, Nigong, wait, come here and make it clear!"

Gong Ni and Gong Zhang have already left, and there are resignation letters on their desks.

Last night, after they studied the information all night, they came to the conclusion that this general-purpose processor can definitely meet the design requirements. Although the details have not been seen, it is theoretically okay. This processor , As long as it is produced, it will definitely be the world's advanced level, and at the same time, it will be enough to complete the task of software Sinicization. In that case, what are you doing with Sinicization cards?

The design of this chip is mature, and at the same time, Ni Gong has a bolder idea in his mind.

This is still early in the morning.

I was so tired last night, so few people got up, and there was a knock on the door outside.

"Xiang Jing, go and open the door."

"No, how can a girl see people without freshening up."

"Xiu Cai, Xiu Cai, go and open the door." Qin Guan continued.

The Xiucai turned over and continued to sleep, and the snoring sound became louder.

I have to fire you all and recruit new people! Qin Guan thought viciously in his heart, and at the same time, he got up and went down to open the door.

When the door opened, Qin Guan was stunned.

So fast?

Gong Ni and Gong Zhang are riding bicycles with blankets and luggage behind them. Are they going to move?

"Mr. Qin, I know we are very presumptuous to do this." Ni Gong said, "But after we studied the floppy disks you gave us last night, we can no longer conceal our excitement. We can't wait. I want to officially enter the R&D phase."

Qin nodded his opinion: "Two of you, I welcome it. However, we still have many office supplies that have not been fully purchased. We have to gather more talents. The development of this chip should not be rushed."

Qin Guan welcomed them very much, but now he has nothing here!

They need to have computers, people, and space for research and development. Now, the first money in the company has not been paid, and they cannot be invested here. In short, Qin Guan was caught off guard by the performance of these two people. .

Especially, they need to buy computers, which is a huge expense.

"Mr. Qin, we know it is very presumptuous, but we can't wait." Ni Gong said: "We don't think there is a problem with this design, so we can produce it first and then study it."

Produce first, research later? This made Qin Guan stunned for a while, this seems to be turning the cart before the horse, right?

"That's it." Zhang Gong, who was on the side, could express it more clearly. He said to Qin Guan: "Our idea is that the technology is already available. The 1109 factory opposite to us can already put into the production of 1 micron equipment. , We first produce part of the initial stage, such as 100 CPUs, and then use these CPUs to assemble computers. On the one hand, we can sell the computers, and on the other hand, we can also use them for ourselves. This solves the initial capital investment problem. We can enter a virtuous circle. At this time, we will use these assembled computers to study our CPU."

Although it is putting the cart before the horse, I have to say that this is a good idea!

First buy outdated computers, convene a large number of people, research CPU technology, and then produce, the initial investment is too much.

But now? If you produce and sell it first, you can just empty the white wolf. Oh, no, it's a virtuous circle.

Moreover, I helped the 1109 factory to improve the production line. It was no problem to owe the credit in advance.

As for selling, should I worry about it? The current northern heavy truck factory is seriously lacking a computer management system!

In this way, the inside is digested, and everyone is happy.

The Northern Heavy Truck Factory is now a fairly mature and large enterprise. It is absolutely no problem for them to spend a sum of money to buy computers.

At the same time, the contribution point proposal that I said can be carried out.

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