Super Tech Powerhouse

Vol 3 Chapter 487: Armistice: Giants meet

Full text without ads Chapter 487 Armistice: Meeting of the Giants

When five cities and regions including Washington, Chicago, London, Birmingham, and Karelia were attacked by the Empire ’s strategic nuclear missiles, the US interim government led by Eisenhower and the British government led by Churchill successively announced unconditional surrender. (Full text eBooks for free download)

The only condition they proposed was that they hope the empire will stop this appalling transcontinental nuclear strike.

While the Axis was cheering, the United States and Britain just announced their unconditional surrender to the empire. When Eisenhower mentioned the future of the two camps, he proposed a truce negotiation.

This situation caught the Germans by surprise. The United States and Britain only mentioned unconditional surrender to China, but turned a blind eye to Germany. Hitler was very angry, and naturally contacted China as soon as possible, hoping that China would stand on the stance of its allies and realize a unified understanding.

As a result, these problems ran to Zhang Shusheng's desk in the end.

"From a personal point of view, I definitely hope that the United States and Britain will only surrender unconditionally to the empire, but as a great empire, they should indeed keep their covenants."

Zhang Shusheng cut aside a lot of documents on the table and had a headache.

The United States and Britain only surrendered unconditionally to the empire, but were somewhat unconvinced by the Axis organization. This is normal. After all, the war went to the final armistice stage, it involved too many interests, Britain and the United States did not want the Germans to get too much benefits, and Hitler believed that Germany had suffered huge losses in this war, and now it is time to harvest Already.

From a personal point of view, Zhang Shusheng hoped that the Germans would have nothing in this war, but from the perspective of allies, if they eat meat by themselves, if they don't even give soup to the Germans, the Germans must be furious now.

However, the goal of the future empire is global. To domesticate the original Western subjects, we must first stand at a very high level.

Letting others fear the empire is not just a matter of strength, but also slowly allowing them to identify with the dominance of the Chinese nation. In this way, on the one hand, it needs great strength, and on the other hand, it must have the style of a future super empire.

According to Zhang Shusheng's original arrangements, after the unconditional surrender of the Americans, the world situation will remain the status quo for a period of time. But with the development of science and technology and the economy, the empire has made incredible achievements in these nine years of war, and it has already had the strength to rule the United States and Britain.

At least, it is governing some areas.

Judging from the current military strength of the empire, whether it is the size of the army, equipment, logistics, etc., the army that surpassed the United States, Britain, Germany and other countries is calculated for two decades. (Full text eBooks for free download)

Therefore, Zhang Shusheng came up with the idea of ​​faster development, smashed the might of victory, and laid the majestic foundation of the future global empire in one fell swoop.

"Chairman, General Jiang Baili is here."

Mao Yunxian knocked on the door to interrupt Zhang Shusheng's contemplation, and from time to time, a costumed Jiang Baili came in.


"Bali, let's sit over there."

The two walked into the tea room, one of Zhang Shusheng's old habits, and he also liked to make tea in person when something was in his heart. Making tea is a process that can calm him down and make him think deeply in his heart.

"In the morning meeting, the chairman, you just gave a relatively simple instruction. I came here to hear the views of the chairman on the future situation in the world. Forgive me, this is related to the future achievements of the empire."

Jiang Baili still pays more attention to the words, and it is also euphemistically proposed.

Just in the morning, the empire was announced by the Minister of Defense Cai Yan to the world that the empire will accept the unconditional surrender of the United States and Britain, but Cai also believed that the allies should follow the same path and declare the unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers. He also announced a seven-day temporary ceasefire on all battlefields in which the Emperor Team participated.

All this shows that the empire has decided to end the war and accept the unconditional surrender of the United States and Britain.

The so-called unconditional surrender means that the defeated country accepts that the defeated country will obey the instructions and orders of the defeated country from the political to the military level.

Its main feature is that, without negotiation, the victorious country only communicates unilateral forced surrender requirements and specific matters of surrender to the defeated country, such as time and place.

Second, the victorious nation did not recognize the former government, political group, or leader of the defeated country. From the surrendered country ’s surrender and signature to the establishment of normal relations with the victorious country, the functions of the victorious country ’s government are exercised by the garrison ’s head office.

This is on the bright side, but actually involves a lot of details.

For example, to whom does the army surrender? Does it involve war compensation? With reference to the First World War, the defeated country is subject to severe punitive military sanctions? Do they need to cede land, or even the entire defeated country to be occupied by the victorious country?

Any one of these issues is enough to have a huge impact on the future world situation.

Jiang Baili is the chief of staff of the emperor team. His strategic ability is very global.

Zhang Shusheng said while making tea, "I have basically considered these things, and it's okay to talk to Barry."

"From the current point of view, it is nothing more than the issue of military surrender, the issue of war reparations and land mutilation, the issue of military sanctions, etc." Zhang Shusheng looked at the burning coal fire and said carefully.

"According to my thoughts, the question of the surrender of the army is based on the principle of proximity. Whoever comes near can surrender to whom. It is not too cheap to occupy.

India, Central Asia and the Middle East, these are the territories of the future empire, and any military force of the Allies in these regions should surrender to us, as is the case of some European troops.

As for war reparations ... "

Jiang Baili: "Chairman, there must be war reparations. At that time, Western powers had never relented to China every time, except for reparations and land cuts. We must not relent."

"This is natural. Britain's land area is relatively small, but its location is very important. It will play a role in enclosing Europe in the future world structure. Therefore, we must have Britain at all costs.

Britain's land area is narrow, the population is concentrated, and the terrain is not complicated. As long as the garrison is strong enough, it is easy to manage. Approximately 300,000 to 500,000 troops will be able to preemptively deter the British. "

Zhang Shusheng's eyes seemed to bloom with wolf light, "Britain must become like Japan. As our temporary overseas enclave, we must occupy and rule it at all costs. It will also be a white country that we really occupied except the Soviet Union. "We will be experimenting in this region with many of the ways and policies for managing the white world in the future that will greatly assist our future global domination."

"Great! Occupy Britain !!! I support this decision." Jiang Baili said.

Zhang Shusheng continued: "Well, Britain must be occupied. As for the United States, we want to eat all this meat, it is very difficult. My idea is to first take all Canada, where there is vast land, rich mineral resources, scarce s population.

As for the United States, I mean it must be divided. We occupy half, Americans continue to rule, and Germans take part.

In this way, it will not only completely weaken the United States to the extreme, but also cause complex situations in the United States. In the future, when we have the ability, we can deal with it in one breath. "

After listening to Zhang Shusheng's remarks, even Jiang Baili was taken aback. Originally, he meant to ask the chairman, because he was afraid that he would be weak at the last door of World War II, causing irreparable losses to the future of the empire. , But I think too little.

Zhang Shusheng, while savouring tea, recalled the original World War II. The strength of the two sides seemed to be the overwhelming superiority of the Americans. In fact, the superiority of the United States was completely incomparable with that of the current empire.

Moreover, the empire has Southeast Asia, Japan, and the Soviet Union as the leading examples. Occupying the United Kingdom is just a bit more difficult. In fact, it will not be too laborious. Although occupation of the entire United States still faces many problems, letting them cede land to pay money is no problem at all.

Don't pay for not cutting? OK, keep fighting!

Anyway, after the World War, the atomic bomb was thrown down like no money. Zhang Shusheng really has nothing to be reluctant to do. The empire has not suffered much damage since the start of the war, and it is really not afraid of a US landing war.

You know, the war is not merciful. Originally, Americans were preparing to drop a large number of atomic bombs in Japan. Even after the end of World War II, they filled the world with atomic bombs. They are planning to bomb the Soviet Union today and nuclear bombing China tomorrow.

In this case, Zhang Shusheng will not be soft-hearted, and the non-ethnic people will have different hearts. If they don't come a little hard, how can they scare them.

Zhang Shusheng continued, "Bai Li, for Americans this time, in addition to war compensation, the most important point is to give us land. The few states I am going to occupy are Alaska, California, Washington, Oregon. , Hawaii. You make a plan to send a huge fleet to the sea near San Francisco to ensure that you can land and take over these states as soon as possible. "

These states are all states on the east coast of the United States. Among them, Alaska is the closest to the Far East and can be connected with the sparsely populated Canada in the future. The California states, which are linked together, have good economy and industry, and there are many Chinese, such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and other cities. Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific Ocean took over.

Zhang Shusheng's intention to occupy these states also included a home for the Chinese Americans,, to allow them to migrate from other parts of the Americas.

"Chairman, I fully support your decision. These states are very important to us. Although they are not many, they are all the best choices in areas where we may ask them to cut land."

Jiang Baili was overjoyed, he did not expect that he could meet with the chairman once, and he could get so much important information. However, he also knew that since the chairman had said it, it would soon be announced to the top.

"I plan to convene a meeting of giants as quickly as possible, and it will be arranged in Hanjing. It will be a meeting before the official surrender ceremony."

Therefore, a pre-surrender giant conference composed of the victorious and defeated countries was thus settled and will be held in Hanjing, China.


These two days are so bad that I can't write them, and I dare not read the book review area ... sorry.

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(Full text eBooks for free download)

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