Super Star Martial Arts

0659. Dislocation

Before Li Xiaofei traveled through time, he grew up in a relatively wealthy family. Both his parents were wealthy, so they could support him when he was obsessed with ancient martial arts in college. He also worshiped 1,808 masters to practice and study.

But family assets are definitely not considered wealthy.

Following the memories in his mind, Li Xiaofei came to a small town in the northwest.

But I didn't see my parents in the familiar small construction company, and the company's legal person name was also very unfamiliar. .??.??

In the entire company, there were only a dozen familiar faces that overlapped with the people he remembered before traveling through time.

But the other party had never heard of the name Li Xiaofei.

He was confused and thoughtful.

Then he used his magical power and sensed it for a moment, and gradually a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He sensed a familiar scent.

It's on the outskirts of the city.

Then he quickly teleported over.

But I saw a middle-aged man and woman winnowing wheat on the field in autumn - using the natural wind to separate the wheat kernels and husks, then bagging the clean wheat and moving it back to the yard of the house next to the field. …

Earth brick door.

There is an aluminum household plate on the upper left side of the door with the detailed address written on it.

Red Flag Village!

Liuhe Township.

The ninth production team.

Household 37.

Of course none of this matters.

The important thing is that Li Xiaofei is extremely certain and certain that the middle-aged men and women working in the barn are the parents in his memory.

This is their youth.

There is an 18-year-old boy next to him. He has tanned skin but handsome features. He is about 1.78 meters tall. He is helping with sweat and is very diligent.

a family of three.

There was a yellow skewered dog next to him, lying in the shade covered by the wheat bag, panting heavily and wagging its tail lazily.

Blue sky, white clouds, scorching sun, valley, wheat grains

This picture looks very beautiful and warm.

But Li Xiaofei's heart was filled with turmoil.

Because he was in an invisible state, through a conversation between a family of three, he learned that the dark-skinned boy was the son of a middle-aged couple, named Li Guorui...

This name is somewhat familiar.


Isn't this the name of the most powerful man who broke the moon on the dying earth that he visited - the world where Liu Earth is?


Or the same person?

Li Xiaofei observed secretly for a long time and fell into deep thought.

Why is this happening?

He would never mistake his parents.

But on Earth 1818, my parents are not small business owners with small assets, but hard-working farmers.

None of this is the key.

The key is that his parents' son is not him?

The young man named Li Guorui has a thin body, quite handsome features, a well-proportioned body, and moves quickly. He looks gentle, but he is very strong. A bag of wheat weighs more than 120 kilograms, and he can easily lift it when he bends down. If he can carry it, he is obviously a good hand at farm work...

This is a typical farmer's boy.

The family of three were talking and laughing, talking happily about something.

Through the conversation, Li Xiaofei learned that this young man named Li Guorui graduated from high school this year, performed normally in the college entrance examination, and was successfully admitted to Balitai University in Tianjin. He will set off to report the day after tomorrow.

The key point of discussion in the family is whether the parents should send their son to school. After all, Li Guorui has grown up and no one has traveled far away. The parents are a little worried.

But long-distance train tickets, from northwest to Tianjin, to

It costs at least 400 yuan, and it's just a hard seat. The journey takes 41 hours, and you need to reverse in Lanfu in the middle. If two people go there, it will cost at least 1,200 yuan in travel expenses - you have to take the train after sending your son back.

Coupled with other miscellaneous expenses, 1,500 will definitely not be affordable.

This fee is definitely not small for the Li family.

Li Xiaofei listened to the family of three calculating their harvest in a casual chat.

The Li family has 30 acres of land, nine of which are privately cultivated by themselves. If they grow wheat, one mu of land can produce about 1,000 kilograms per year. The purchase price of grain supplied by the grain station is between 80 and 90 cents per kilogram of wheat. The commercial grain purchased by private parties is 90 cents, which means that the annual output of one acre of land is about 900 cents. After deducting water fees, fertilizers and other expenses, the net profit is less than 500 cents.

If you grow other commercial crops such as cotton, safflower, cumin, seed melon, and sugar beet, your income will be higher.

However, the price of commercial crops is not as stable as that of wheat. When the year is good, one acre of land can produce one or two years, but when the year is bad, it may be completely lost. Therefore, farmers plant land in composite planting.

The Li family's total annual income is about 30,000 yuan, but every year they take out loans to grow grain and pay water bills. They are so busy that they can barely make ends meet, buy some furniture, buy a few new clothes, and then celebrate the New Year. , wait until the beginning of the new year, and then take out a loan to farm, and so on...

Li Xiaofei couldn't help but feel complicated as he listened.

The final result of the family discussion was that Li Guorui would go to school by train alone, and his parents would not send him off. The money saved in this way could be used as university living expenses...

After that, Li's father rode a motorcycle and took his son to the town to get a poverty household certificate and a bank card to prepare for applying for a student loan after enrolling in school.

The next day, a family of three drove a four-wheeler and went to the street to buy two sets of clothes, busy preparing for Li Guorui's college life!

Li Xiaofei has been observing silently.

There were still many questions in his mind.

One hundred thousand base star worlds are actually equal to one hundred thousand archives of different eras. From the moment they are archived, they form an independent plane.

But the problem is, these archives are based on the same world.

Logically speaking, two 'archives' with overlapping timelines must be relatively consistent.

It shouldn't happen that his parents suddenly have a new son, and the time calculation is also wrong.

How did this dislocation occur?

Li Xiaofei was puzzled.

In the afternoon of the next day, Miss Fan suddenly called. The voice on the phone was panicked and she said, "Master, something happened. Where are you? Can you help me? I'm..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard an exclamation from the other side.

Then there was a loud slap.

Then the call ended abruptly.

Li Xiaofei called again and was unable to get through.


Could it be that the people in Eden couldn't help but take action?

If this is the case, these people's patience is much less than Li Xiaofei imagined.

"Let's go back first."

Li Xiaofei said to Ah Qing beside him.

Ah Qing didn't know what Li Xiaofei was thinking, nor why he was so interested in such a nondescript rural family of three. He actually observed them silently for more than two days.

She just said seriously, "Yeah."

Li Xiaofei rose into the air with his sword and left with Ah Qing.

A few minutes later.

Jin City, the Meilin Mansion villa area next to the water park.

As soon as Li Xiaofei entered, he saw the villa was in a mess, as if it had been robbed. Many furniture had been overturned, and there were several blood stains on the ground.

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