Mikami Manor.

Family Council Office.

A white-haired couple sat at the top of the long marble table.

The man's name is Yue Huaye. He is already one hundred and fifty years old, but he looks like a man in his sixties or seventies. He has a rosy complexion and gives people the impression of a child with long hair. He wears an upright suit and has his hair combed meticulously.

Next to him sat an old woman with snowy hair. The wrinkles on her face were piled up like an aged Shar-Pei, and the wrinkles almost overwhelmed her facial features.

On both sides of the long table, there were people sitting directly from the Yuehua family.

There are men and women.

All looked solemn.

"Do you know what you did?"

The third seat on the right was a middle-aged man in his fifties who was also in a suit. He pointed angrily at Yue Hua Ren who was standing aside and said, "You actually unite with outsiders to attack our own sect. You let Feitian strike with a sword?" Your reputation has been ruined and you have become the laughing stock of the entire Urawa City. At such a critical moment, you have made all the elders’ previous efforts fall short.”

He is the nominal father of Yuehua Ren.

"Atsushi is your younger brother, and you have the same blood flowing in your bodies. You...how could you do this!"

Another middle-aged woman complained sadly.

She is the mother of Yuehua Atsushi.

In the conference room, everyone stared at Yuehua Blade with accountability eyes.

The fall of Feitian Ittoryu and the change of ownership in less than an hour caused the Yuehua family's prestige in Urawa City to plummet.

It also put the Mikami Consortium's military support in a huge crisis.

During this time, Urawa City was already facing a storm.

Now that this matter has spread, it has deepened the crisis of the Yuehua family.

Like a fuse.

About to ignite the entire powder keg.

This emergency meeting was held to discuss countermeasures.

The instigator Yue Hua Ren was also forcefully summoned.

She needs to explain her behavior.

Li Xiaofei stood behind Yuehua Ren.

He looked at everyone present with some curiosity.

of the Mikami Foundation

The senior executives are all wearing suits and leather shoes, they are dignified and well-behaved, and they look like elites from a century-old family.

But it was also this group of people who launched the infiltration and invasion of Daxia.

In Liuhe Base City and Haijing City, there are shadows of the Mikami Consortium.

They're like a bunch of blood-sucking parasites.

I want to absorb enough nutrients to strengthen myself from the rich flesh and blood of Daxia.

If you line up these people and kill ten and let one go, the evil ones will slip through the net.

Yuehua Ren didn't say much.

She projected everything that happened in the Feitian Yidaoliu headquarters office into the air.

Seeing Tsukuka Atsushi and Okamoto Jiro attacking at the same time, sneak attacks on the Tsukuka Blade, especially seeing Tsukuka Atsushi's mechanical body, there was an exclamation in the conference room.

In any case, Feitian Yidao style is still Jie Peng's partial ancient martial arts sect, and Xinwu surgery follows the route of the inscription treasure bone transplantation style.

Transforming the entire body into a metal machine like this is a betrayal of the tradition of the Hiten Itto-ryu.

The key is that this kind of whole-body mechanical transformation surgery is in the hands of the rival red shirt consortium.

Yuehua Duren has secretly defected to the Red Shirt Consortium?

The middle-aged woman who had been angrily accusing Yue Hua Ren before now completely shut up and looked confused.

"The family is riddled with wounds."

Yue Hua Ren had an indifferent expression and said, "Small repairs are of no use anymore. It must be reborn in the ashes of blood and fire."

There was an uproar again in the conference room.

"So I propose."

Yuehua Ren glanced at these uncles, uncles and elders who held family power but rarely contributed to the family.

Finally it landed on the faces of the old couple at the end of the long table.

"I suggest that my grandparents abdicate and take good care of their health when they get older. The position of head of the family should be left to me from now on."

Her voice was soft and clear.

After a brief silence, the conference room was like a hornet's nest with a stick poked into it, and the roaring sound almost knocked down the ceiling.

Angry faces.

Pointing fingers one by one.

The elderly couple sitting at the end of the long table that symbolized the road to power also looked at Yuehua Blade, with a bright cold light shining in their old eyes.

"Who instigated you to say such things?"

The Shar-Pei-like old woman spoke.

The voice was clear and clear, like that of an eighteen-year-old girl.

Yue Hua Ren looked straight in the eyes and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone, "I am doing this for the future of the Yue Hua family and the Mikami Consortium. My grandparents are old and confused. They cannot take care of such a huge family. It is better not to occupy it anymore." Now that you have the authority, leave it to me.”

Bang! .??.

The old man slapped the long table and stood up directly.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was stagnant.

"You disappoint grandpa very much."

he sighed.

Yue Hua Ren also sighed.

"I'm disappointed too, really disappointed."

"Grandpa, you outlasted six successors.

"In the past hundred years, eighteen family geniuses who have posed a threat to your status have been eliminated overtly and covertly."

"Grandpa, I don't understand."

"What are you craving for?

"Are you really doing it for the family?"

"Don't you understand that it is because of your corpse that the current Yuehua family is deteriorating and that the leader of the Yuehua Tianshuang Sect has fallen into a foreign country."

"So, today, please abdicate, okay?"

Yuehua Ren's tone gradually became sharper.

Everyone in the conference room stared at Yuehua Blade like they were looking at a madman.

Do you want to overthrow the current tyrant and ascend to the throne yourself?

Why should she?

"I really underestimated you."

The old man behind the long table smiled faintly, "It seems that you are

Daxia, who has been seduced by something he shouldn’t have been, who is it? Is this the boy behind you? "

Yuehua Blade shook his head slightly.

Thinking back to that time in Daxia...

The violence in her heart sprouted wildly like buds in spring, and in a blink of an eye turned into wild black vines that took over her entire body.

So, she turned around and left without saying anything.

"Who asked you to leave?"

"Baga, apologize to the head of the family quickly."

"I should have sent you to the temple a long time ago."

"Stop him."

"Want to leave? Come back... ah."

The curses soon turned into obstruction.

Yue Hua Ren did not stop.

She walked out of the conference room and slammed the door.

Isolating the curses and screams in another world.

Li Xiaofei was left alone inside.

The wind is blowing and it is slightly cool.

Yue Hua Ren let her black hair brush past her earlobes and slowly walked to the open-air corridor outside the door.

She held her hands gently on the metal railing.

Looking into the distance.

It's late autumn.

The streets of Urawa City are deeply desolate.

The withered yellow leaves, entangled by the autumn wind, finally couldn't help but leave their fingers and fell to the ground involuntarily.

Yue Hua Ren seemed to have seen the future of the empire.

Winter is coming.

Chinese people are still immersed in the dream of a great power with the rise of new weapons.

It was like in the conference room behind them, the tribesmen who were accustomed to controlling the fate of others were so fragile and vulnerable in front of the strong man who really controlled their fate.

It only takes five or six minutes.

The conference room door behind him opened.

Li Xiaofei walked out of it.

He looked as if he had just gone to the toilet and felt refreshed. He held a white handkerchief and gently wiped his hands.


Li Xiaofei threw the handkerchief into the wind.

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