Super Star Martial Arts

0247. Storm of public opinion

There are many reasons why Li Xiaofei stood out today.

First of all, it was naturally because Bai Longfei was his brother.

Secondly, it is because the disciple has to do his job.

We can't really let the peach-eyed principal and teachers throw their arms away and go hand-to-hand with the Du family's thugs.

If people's teachers fight indoors, they will easily be named and criticized by the Education Department.

This in turn affects the school’s resource allocation. .??.??

The penalties for student fights are much lighter.

In the end, I was impressed by Miao Youwei's courage as a new cleaner.

Li Xiaofei himself donated 10 million to Hongqi High School, which was already a large donation.

Miao Youwei directly donated billions, almost all of her net worth.

This kind of courage is really rare for ordinary people to have.

At the most critical moment in Liuhe Base City, such a huge donation is undoubtedly a timely help. For the citizens whose homes were destroyed by the invasion of star beasts a few days ago, it is basically life-saving money.

No, it is life-saving money for the entire Liuhe Base City.

Great love in the world!

How not to be admired.

This wedding left an unforgettable memory for everyone.

After the wedding, Wang Siyu, Zheng Beast, Gu Haochen, Huang Yueru and others came to Miao Youwei convinced and called her sister-in-law.

Then they all patted Bai Longfei's shoulder gently.

The meaning is obvious.

You little pretty boy, if you dare to do anything wrong to your sister-in-law in the future, don’t blame us for destroying our relatives out of justice.

Bai Longfei was going crazy.

Is there any mistake? Donating family property is a decision made jointly by us as husband and wife.

My moral integrity is also very noble, okay?

He had a very aggrieved intuition——

From now on, everyone may call themselves 'this is my sister-in-law's man' instead of 'this is the handsome guy Bai Longfei'.

Marriage is really a man’s grave.

When everyone walked out of the Qingyaxuan restaurant, everything outside had been cleaned up.

There was no blood on the ground.

The horsemen of Yuntianshe stood neatly around, patrolling to maintain order.

It was as if nothing had happened.

But everyone knew very well that the Du family was defeated.

Got crushed by a high school student.

The calmer and cleaner the scene at the entrance of Qingyaxuan is, the more terrifying everything that happened before was.

The Du family is one of the five major families.

This time, all the old family heads have come forward, and all the strength must be mobilized.

Unexpectedly, he was kicked out of the wedding venue, blocked at the door, and beaten violently.

One person beats up a group of people.

Wang Siyu and others also completely realized that they and Li Xiaofei were no longer on the same level.

Now, there is only one huge question mark in their hearts——

Li Xiaofei, how strong is he?

"Li Xiaofei, how strong is he?"

This question has become a hot search topic on Optical Network Weibo.

The reason is that someone posted the video of the battle outside Qingyaxuan to the Ladder Ranking Forum.

Li Xiaofei was originally a high-traffic figure on the forum.

Any one of his posts will get hundreds of thousands of clicks.

The ‘Boxers’ went out and fought all over the optical network, just like a bunch of mad dogs, hunting down heretics everywhere.

They praised Li Xiaofei crazily.

Any posts that dare to slander or belittle Li Xiaofei will become the target of their crusade.

Even if someone uses the words "I don't mean to brag, Li Xiaofei is actually...", "I'm not a boxer, let me be fair", "Am I the only one who thinks Li Xiaofei is actually too praised", "Li Xiaofei is very strong but..." "Speaking in a reasonable manner will also be directly attacked by crazy boxers.

Either absolute loyalty or absolute disloyalty!

This is the slogan of the boxers.

And how strong is this person named ‘Li Xiaofei? ' In the post, the video content shows the entire process of Li Xiaofei beating up the Du family at the entrance of Qingyaxuan alone.

It's exactly like a father beating his son.

Li Xiaofei did not use any martial arts or combat skills. He just walked through the crowd and knocked down the masters of the Du family one by one with one slap after another.

The scene seemed simple at first, but terrifying when you think about it carefully.

The several powerful priests hired by the Du family with high salaries could not withstand his slap.

In the end, even the head of the Du family, a long-famous master of the Pulse-Tuning Realm, was slapped to the ground mercilessly by Li Xiaofei. .??.

The Du family, one of the five great families, was overthrown by him alone.

This picture is simply too fantasy.

A lot of people don't actually know what's going on in the gang world.

I just fancied Li Xiaofei because of his strength in the high school league.

But the top students in the high school league can still be considered strong in society, but they cannot be called the top.

Not to mention fighting against the five major families.

However, Li Xiaofei did it.

One person pushed the Du family aside.

Relaxed and freehand.

Now even the craziest 'boxer' is a little confused.

What kind of monster have I become a fan of?

On the optical network, this storm swept across uncontrollably.

It not only shocked major high schools, but also excited major forces in society.

A group of gang leaders and club owners in the gang world were trembling with fear after hearing the news.

Especially those gang bosses who accepted the Du family's invitation and appeared at the wedding almost had a heart attack.

Being able to overthrow the entire Du family by oneself means that all forces in the entire gang world unite and are no match for Li Xiao alone.

Not to mention that he also has Yuntian Club under his command, and there are so many brave members in Yuntian Club who are not afraid of death.

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