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Several arrogant gunmen were immediately startled, and began to seek cover to escape.

Before, they dared to stand on the street and push them over so boldly because of their heavy shooting and bullying their opponents without heavy firepower.

As a result, others also have heavy firepower.

As soon as the shuttle came over, they almost hit two people.

This is an assault rifle, and it will lose half of its life on one shot.

As Selena opened fire and kept shifting her position, the other party no longer dared to pretend to compare, but only cooperated with each other, while suppressing her, they took turns.

Luke flew out quickly as Selena opened fire.

Supported by strong Strength and Agility, his actions are quick and efficient, and there is little movement.

Soon he passed through the yard next door, leaning against the corner of the room, and quickly looked at the exchange of fire beside him.

Now, in front of him is a street about 15 meters wide.

Texas is big, and the road is very wide.

He wants to directly charge ahead in this way, otherwise he will be killed by those gunmen in the middle of the road.

He has probably seen clearly, the opponent has at least 8 people, and the combat experience is not bad.

The continuity of the firepower is very good. Generally, it is maintained in a state where 2 people change magazines and 6 people fire.

In addition, he also noticed that there was a person who had not opened fire but was hiding behind a truck on the corner.

This person is very threatening.

Luke’s eyes rolled, and he scanned the circle quickly 4 times, grabbing a round pebble from a flower pot.

After weighing it in your hand, the weight is still appropriate, a little pressure, but not too heavy.

Looking at the timing, he slammed hard, threw the pebbles in his hand to the truck, and shouted, “fireinthehole!”

The gunmen over there stopped subconsciously, but in the dark, no one could see a pebble dropping from the sky.

However, the pebble was directed towards the truck, and it hit the windshield with a thud, and then flew out obliquely, hitting a metal object, making a sound.

The gunmen were horrified: WTH! ? (What the hell) Are all the policemen in this town carrying grenades? Are you sure this is not a SWAT?

As soon as the gunshots stopped, the gunmen rushed to the bunker near them.

Then … nothing happened.

After that, Luke saw the reaction of the gunmen, especially when the guy beside the truck was frightened by the gu lu, he fell down, rolled into the truck, and suddenly burst into strength, rushing out of the street, It took 2 seconds to cross the street and plunged into the old Bill’s yard.

The gunmen waited a few seconds, but did not hear the explosion, and immediately understood that they had been tricked.

You ca n’t blame them for being stupid. On the contrary, the battle they experienced was too bloody. How many companions and opponents did this grenade blow up?

Therefore, they are so sensitive.

Besides, here is Texas, one of the most popular states for firearms in the United States, and one of the states with the largest number of soldiers. Who dares to ensure that these veterans do not get a few grenades at home.

Luke had just finished crossing the street, and he heard another shot in the distance, his eyes narrowed: This is … the direction of his own home?

How many people are there in this group of guys? Actually attacked 3 places at the same time.

However, Luke is not impatient.

Who is Robert? Veterans who have fought for eight years overseas have their personal skills trustworthy.

And he is not alone, except for Luke, there are 2 small town police officers at his disposal who can be dispatched at any time, and the front and ten-twenty gunmen are okay.

Naturally, Luke will not panic like Selena.

He did not rush to fire, but was waiting.

The battle broke out suddenly.

From 2 people being hit by a truck, it is now less than 3 minutes.

In order to hide themselves, the FBI team and the town police officer are only on standby at a few points in the town, and they will come after the battle.

With this area of ​​town, support will be available within a maximum of 5 minutes.

Sure enough, when the group of gunmen flew into a rage out of humiliation to stand up and began to frantically shoot at the piece where Selena was, a Chevrolet SUV quickly rushed over.

It has no driving lights, and the dark body in the dark is not conspicuous.

When there was more than a hundred meters away from the gunmen, the car stopped to the side and quickly came down with 4 fully armed agents. None of them were pistols, all automatic rifles and micro-punches.

They did not shout, nor rushed to shoot, but leaned on the street to cover all kinds of debris and quickly advanced.

Of course, the FBI is not as stupid as in the movie, and directly drives the car to the battlefield to shout, so that the AK in the hands of the gunmen can definitely make the car and people together into Hexagonal Household Coal Briquette.

Until the agents approached 50 meters, the gunmen found them there. There was no hesitation at all. The four gunmen immediately turned their muzzles and fired fiercely at the four agents.

At this time, there was a shout out there: “FBI, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!”

Luke grinned.

This is also not stupid FBI, but the procedure.

After showing their identity, as long as one of the other party did not put down the gun, they could fire at will.

As the law enforcement section, of course it is necessary to talk about procedures.

The New York police smashed the door when handling a case, and shouted loudly when entering: NYPD! (New York Police Department)

It is both a deterrent and an indication of the identity of Law Enforcer. It warns the people in the house that any resistance is illegal and can only be considered bad luck if killed on the spot.

The gunmen are fierce and brutal. In Mexico, Brother Xi killing people like scything flax. The four FBIagents who have just arrived are also well-trained. They are well-coordinated and their weapons and equipment do not fall.

The two sides exchanged fiercely through thirty-forty meters.

Selena happened to form a 90-degree angle with FBIagent, besieging the gunmen, making them uncomfortable.

Luke’s eyes flickered, and there was no fire. His body flickered, and he walked around the old Bill’s house again, and then climbed out of the small street where the truck rushed.

He didn’t rush to jump down, but used the Agility beyond ordinary people to bow forward at the wall.

Condescending, from a later perspective, he finally saw all the gunmen’s situation.

The truck that hit him was actually a garbage truck, and besides looking at the head of the garbage truck besides the person who kept issuing orders, there should be a driver in the cab.

Together with the eight gunmen outside, this group of attackers totaled ten.

According to Chris’s estimate, this group of gunmen is estimated to be within 20 people, and Selena and his family will have a total of ten gunmen.

There are more than 20 FBI plus police officers on their side, which is not much weaker than the other party’s strength.

Moreover, they are the defensive side, as long as they delay, the police on the Knox side will also come over within an hour.

At that time, it was difficult for this group of people to run.

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