Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1800: The director of the competition must also bring new people

Just wanting to fall in love, Eddie, who doesn't want to work as a casual worker, annoyed the director, and naturally he had no good food.

The gold nuggets were even more enthusiastic, and they constantly encouraged the adult director to teach the two casual workers who were dying.

So, after nine o'clock that night, Eddie and Annie had a romantic dinner, but she refused to enter the house without hesitation. He could only return to his newly rented bungalow with a little regret.

Now he doesn't need to check in to work and his income is not bad. He rented a house in a more remote location.

More importantly, venom is easily regarded as a neurosis when he does not dare to live in an apartment building with others.

Moreover, venom is particularly annoying to noise.

Before living in the broken apartment until the next day, it almost broke the dog head of the opposite neighbor, because the guy liked to play music when he was fine.

Not only the audio amplifier, but also the old metal heavy rock music, the two-story wooden door could not isolate this horrible noise.

The opposite door was left for an hour from morning to night, and from time to time, not to mention that Venom couldn't stand it, Eddie felt that his head was going to explode.

So he can only move quickly to avoid the angry venom stabbing that guy's head.

He didn't want to bite people's head without a word, let alone taste the taste of brain flower in person.

The brain flower of pigs and cows made him nauseous. If he wanted to enter the human brain again, he was afraid of anorexia.

He hummed the song, opened the door, turned on the lights, and walked across the living room, preparing to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

There was a shadow of light in the sight of his eyes, and Eddie was suddenly excited, turning his head to look.

I saw my new employer, Black Catwoman, sitting on the sofa.

She hugged her chest with her hands, tilted Erlang's legs, looked at him slightly, her green cat's eyes flickered.

Eddie felt that eyes seemed to be a great mockery.

He was a little nervous and smiled awkwardly: "You are coming."

Selina was too lazy to say nonsense, "Wait for you for a long time, change clothes and go."

Eddie: "Ah?"

Five minutes later, Eddie stopped pedaling with a tangled face, covering his mouth with his palm, and lowered his voice: "Black cat, black cat, I'm a black bug, has arrived at the designated place, please indicate."

Selina, who stared at him from a drone from a distance, said on the temporary team channel: "Black worm, your character tonight is to save innocent citizens ten times. The task requires one and you must not be found out of your appearance and identity. . Requirement two must not seriously hurt or kill the criminal. Requirement three must not cause the police's attention and pursuit. Now please repeat the content and finish. "

Eddie's dry paparazzi is now only 26 years old and has a very good memory.

He heard that he repeated the task and task requirements, but could not help asking: "Well, what kind of serious injury?"

Selina: "... fragments of limbs are not counted."

"... I see." Eddie smiled wryly: he was still naive. Obviously, as long as fatal injuries are avoided, all others are not considered serious injuries.

He leaned his bike on the wall at the corner of the lane, then pulled up the hat of the large black sweater, and put on the mask and sunglasses. This was the attitude he learned in the film and television drama, and he bowed his head slightly and walked outward. go with.

Before reaching the alley, a sound of vocals sounded, and two middle-aged women shoved a middle-aged woman into the alley.

One reached out to grab the women's shoulder bag, while the other shook the knife in his hand: "Well, don't move, otherwise you have a lot of scars on your fat face, and even the pigs don't want to come to you."

Eddie was a little nervous: Whoops, why did you come here so soon the first time? They are not prepared at all! Would you like to shout out a few lines?

Selina's cold voice sounded: "One arm holding a knife and one finger grabbing a bag."

As soon as Venom heard it, he shouted in Eddie's head: "Go up, bit their heads."

Eddy: ... you are neuropathy, they just grab money, and you just let me scratch their heads? Do you know how long people haven't washed their hair!

The lack of brain in the heart of the venom, he also tried to calm down.

Robbery is routinely managed in the United States. Eddie has been robbed many times, and most of the processes are similar.

Therefore, what he needs to do is not complicated.

Eddie quickened his pace and walked towards the alley. The two men and a woman who were pulling each other heard the movement and could not help but glance into the alley.

At night, a completely dark person emerged from the dark alley, like a ghost, and scared the three of them.

The one who took the knife was well-informed and waved twice with a small knife, warning: "Hey, we're working, go further."

"Yeah." Eddie responded dumbly, letting aside slightly, and continued walking against the wall away from Humming.

Bag grabbing continued immediately, and he drew a knife and stared at him alertly.

Eddie lowered her head, bowed a little more, and looked timid and uncomfortable.

Looking at this dark guy with a knife, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

When Eddie walked two meters in front of him, he couldn't help screaming, "Hey, stand still, you ..."




"Ah ah ~"

Eddie trembled with his hands: "Why do you want to force me! I don't want to."

The middle-aged woman stood there, stunned, and had been unwilling to let go of the bag strap, letting it fall to the ground.

But no one here pays attention to this shoulder bag that caused everything.

Robbing the bag bowed like a prawn, vomiting on the ground while covering his stomach.

A small arm with a knife has been turned into a right-angle S-shape, screaming sternly in his mouth.

Eddie was also a little overwhelmed.

He didn't actually plan to be so fierce, but for the first time he was a little nervous, and he used three points of subconscious power.

He didn't interrupt his hand to grab the bag, but he was punched in the stomach, and it is estimated that Shi was beaten out.

The forearm with the knife is broken so that it can throw out the windmill shape.

"Leave, do you want to wait for someone to give you a medal?" Selina's cold voice woke Eddie up, and his feet began to move immediately.

Selina: "Increase your stride and keep your pace a little faster, which won't be noticeable ~ ~ Eddie did something awkward, and she couldn't help looking at the alley A glance.

"Look what you think, you think you have become too murderous, come back to see your" masterpiece "." Selena's spit came in time, and Eddie's little excited flame went out instantly.

Yeah, it's the Los Angeles kneebreaker, the New York bonebreaker, who is commanding himself at this moment! Fifth limb cleaner.

Over the years, the criminals in the two cities were so frightened that she couldn't even say her code name.

Just now he interrupted one of his arms, and there was nothing to be proud of.

"Twenty meters forward, turn right, enter the small supermarket fifty meters away, stop the robbery there." Selena's pace was still calm, and she gave a very straightforward command.

Taking a few steps in accordance with the order, Eddie looked at the familiar street scene around him, suddenly returned to his feet, speeded up under his feet, and came to the small supermarket not far away.

He looked up, and the familiar white-light-red Chinese signboard was clear at night—Chen's Supermarket.

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