Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1299: The real purpose is to be a robber

At this moment a person came to the subway station and it was Tagore.

He waved his order and said, "Get out of the way, go and do something. Do you have money to make up for the gun? Have the time, dig the hole as soon as possible."

Then he pointed to the other two workers: "Throw his body in the corner and cover the blood with mud, don't let anyone find it."

The two workers approached silently, raised Luke's "corpse" and left.

I walked to the corner, and the two of them threw people at Luke's soft "corpse", and then came back: "Take care, boss."

Tagore didn't care at all, just nodded and held the intercom: "Come down, the passage is ready."

With his words, several engineering vehicles drove off the paved steel plates and rushed into the subway station.

While these "workers" were busy starting work, Luke's "corpses" slowly sat up after a pile of tattered cabinets in the corner of the subway station.

At the heart of his mind, he had an extra can of spray in his hand and sprayed it on himself.

破裂 The ruptured blood bag on the back made the blood stains on the half body combined with the sprayed aerosol, which quickly turned into white particles and fell, and then was collected into the storage space.

As for the two bullets, he didn't hurt his skin at all, and he was already wearing his body armor for waiting to be shot.

Except that there are two holes in his back clothes, everything is the same as when he first came in.

One of the people who shot the gun still wanted to bang Luke's head because of his handsome face.

仇 The hatred of Luke.

Fortunately, just before he came in, he could use basic hypnosis for a while, as well as spiritual communication.

Everyone else received the psychological cue, watching the blood rush behind him, so he didn't come to check.

Xun Wei's ugliness was deeper than that of Han Han's heart. There was a bit of awkwardness in his heart, and he almost aimed his gun at Luke's back.

If the suggestion is invalid, this guy has to take the lead, then Luke can only pretend to slip and avert this attack.

No longer stubborn, Batman, who was hidden on the side, could only shoot.

But this is the worst solution, not a last resort, and Luke doesn't want to do it.

Untagal and his men were locked in, but Simon's neurosis had not yet disappeared, which was a big problem.

While Simon was caught, it was the best time to close the net.

Anyway, there are only gangsters in this subway station, and no idle people wait and see.

For Batman, these gangsters are just lambs to be slaughtered.

Just then, Tony suddenly sent a message: "Someone just sent me a message telling me that Tagore and Simon were at the Wall Street subway station and were about to dig the vault of the New York First Bank next door and steal A batch of unnumbered multi-currency cash and ten tons of gold inside. "

After a short while, Luke found a fragment in his memory: "This bank seems to be just a small bank?"

He still remembers that when investigating a robbery in this bank, he happened to meet a "robber" who went to the bank to "rob" a 40-hour weekly job with five insurance and one gold job.

At the same time, the amount of money involved in the robbery before the first financial bank was more than US $ 3,000, which is a super poor ratio among banks.

Tonyha: "Do you think it is a serious bank? The cash and gold in it are used for the kind of unseen private transactions."

After hearing this, Baluch no longer investigated this issue.

As long as the banknotes and gold inside are true, the news may not be false.

谁 "Who sent you a message?" He asked a key question.

Whether the source is reliable or not is very important. Under the threat of a “big accident”, nothing can be tolerated.

Tony: "You may not believe it, I can't find the exact location of this person, but his approximate location is indeed within 200 meters around the Wall Street subway station."

Crouch narrowed his eyes: "Same as our previous tracking results?"

Tony: "Well, I'm coming. I'd like to see, what genius this man is, he can actually hide from me.

Baluk's heart moved quickly, and in the end he just sent a sentence: "There are ninety-five gangsters here, including Tagore. Can you handle them?"

For a moment, Tony said silently: "You must subdue Tagore and Simon in the first place, you cannot give them a chance to react."

Baluq: "Then you wait, they wait until they move money, it is a good opportunity to start."

Tony's side was quiet for a while before he said, "Okay, now I'm back at the Stark Building. Remind me two minutes before the action."

Baluq knew that it was time to dress + fly over.

The Stark Building is right next to the Empire State Building, and even if you slow down, Tony will be within a minute from Wall Street.

I briefly answered, and Batman, who came in stealthily, touched the gangster.

I scanned it again, and he was sure there was no Simon in it.

But Tagel called Simon's name when he used the gangster's radio communication.

塔 From Taguer's words, it can be inferred that Simon's side is already inside the First Financial Bank, and has controlled the lobby and alarm system, and is entering the vault.

These two people also said these words and interrupted the communication.

It seems that I really have to wait for the two guys to pierce through the vault and meet again to get started.

Baluch thought about it, and by the way told Tony what was going on here, so that young and old could find a way to sneak into the neighborhood without alarming others.

Actually, he always wanted to talk about the sarcastic character of young and old.

Isn't this special a superhero movie? It takes such a showy bag to show up, flying over the heads of all New Yorkers?

Not to mention that this guy ’s main battle, Methyl Ben, was so upset that the golden red color can be noticed by ordinary people a few hundred meters away.

These gangsters are not stupid.

Their anti-tracking methods could not even be completely cracked by Tony, and they knew that they were very vigilant, and it might not be to prevent Iron Man from coming out to disrupt the situation.

It is even possible that these people's actions seem to account for the superheroes in New York.

先 They first exploded through the Wall Street subway station, disrupting the alarm systems of many banks here.

Threatened again with a "big accident" ~ ~ to mobilize police forces all over New York and possible superheroes.

Because there is everything around Wall Street, there is no school.

As long as they are not hypocritical, most people will have scruples, and look for the big killer first.

First Financial Bank is a special existence involving underground transactions. They are unwilling to be followed by the police themselves.

This set of sounds hit the west, Li Daitao was stiff, and the serial scheme of hiding the sky and the sea was used, and the robbers' looting operations were naturally smooth.

Yes, now Luke doesn't take this group of people at all.

In the robbery at Langzhongfu Mansion, Hans-Gruber acted very much like an empty cloth lunatic, his speech resembled an empty cloth lunatic, and his style was similar to an empty cloth activist, but in the end he went for the money.

It now seems that Brother Gruber's method of doing things is really, brother brother inheritance, passed down in the same vein.

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