Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 162: Alpha Dog

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So now Wu Hao plans to spend more than half a year building a football field, as long as he is willing to spend money, and then get the support of the local city government, and finally after the detailed calculation and division of labor in the construction process by the brain, then half a year to build A big stadium is no miracle.

According to the stadium construction plan formulated by Wu Hao and Zhinao, during the specific construction, it is necessary to occupy a certain amount of shares in these companies in the name of Oriental Galaxy Investment Company in various countries around the world or acquire or invest in technology.

The reason for doing these things is nothing else, but because in this century-old stadium, from the most basic concrete structure to the decoration materials and the main steel frame roof structure, as well as the intelligent management system of the entire stadium, all It is a new technology that has not been popularized or invented in the world at present.

So since Wu Hao has come up with so many new technologies in construction and civil technology this time, it is natural to occupy the patents first, and then control some construction materials and technology manufacturing companies through acquisitions or technology shares, and The design and development organization, because only in this way can he ensure that all building materials can be supplied in time during the construction of the stadium.

For example, first of all, Wu Hao's stadium design drawings must be produced through a professional architectural design company. This company does not need to be too big, but must have relevant international certification qualifications.

As for this matter yesterday, Wu Hao asked Zhinao to use the name of Oriental Galaxy Investment Company to register a new offshore company overseas again, and complete the acquisition task of a European design company with a market value of about 10 million US dollars.

This small company named c** Architectural Design is naturally an insignificant small design company in Europe and internationally, and it has only been established for two years, but it will definitely be civilized in the world in a short time, because they will have a century architectural design.

Therefore, this company will definitely have a huge development in the future, and if Wu Hao comes up with any design plans in the future, he can also release them in the name of this company. Even if others investigate, there is no problem. After all, architectural designs like this It can't be done by one person. With the ability of the brain, it is completely possible to create some designers in the company, and the final designer is of course directly signed by c** company.

And this is just a company that was acquired for design drawings. Now Wu Hao lets Zhinao control and there are six or seven companies that are acquiring or buying shares!

Among them, there are two in Europe and the United States, three in China, and two companies in Europe, both of which are companies that develop and produce carbon fiber and new composite materials. These two companies, Wu Hao, only use technology to invest in shares and cannot fully acquire them, because these two companies are not small companies, and the materials they produce are also new materials in the world.

such as carbon fiber,

The use of carbon fiber as a material can be said to be very extensive. This is a material that is known as a material that can replace steel. It can be used in automobiles, aerospace, or all kinds of buildings. Although this material is very good, because the manufacturing cost is too high, it is naturally impossible to replace steel extensively.

For example, in the high-end car modification market, carbon fiber modification components are highly sought after by the majority of modification fans, and the price is not cheap.

At present, the production list of carbon fiber materials in the world is occupied by Japan, the United States and some European countries, and China's current technology is still very backward, and the carbon fiber raw silk is imported from Japan.

This time, the stadium designed and built by Wu Hao needs to use a lot of carbon fiber materials, so he released the new carbon fiber manufacturing technology he currently has, because if Wu Hao doesn't take out this technology, the current world's carbon fiber The output, production speed and price are all things Wu Hao is very unwilling to see.

Now as long as the production of carbon fiber materials is carried out according to the new technology he provided, the production time and cost will be greatly reduced. For example, the price will be three times lower than before. Slowly popularized, it is bound to have a huge impact on the steel industry.

For example, in the automobile industry, after the price of carbon fiber is reduced, they will definitely use it in large quantities in automobile production without hesitation.

Now if cars with full carbon fiber bodies can only be used on high-end cars, then mid-range cars and low-end cars will be used one by one in the future. After all, everyone knows the benefits of carbon fiber materials. It can be used to make cars lighter and stronger. If The same is naturally true of the roof used to make the trellis structure.

The frame structure of the outer wall and roof of the stadium designed by Wu Hao will be constructed with a large amount of carbon fiber and a small amount of low-alloy steel. Such a structure is not only more beautiful and simple, but also greatly reduces the weight of the roof.

In addition to these, Wu Hao also wants to acquire two software R\u0026D and manufacturing companies in Silicon Valley. Although the market value of these two companies is not high, the combined value is only about 3 billion US dollars. However, it is difficult for Wu Hao to hold shares now, because he is not willing to sell too many shares, so now he is negotiating and negotiating through technical shares.

However, Wu Hao naturally hopes to fully control these two companies, at least 80% of the shares. Even if it doesn't work now, Wu Hao will definitely find a way to control these two companies under his own name in the future.

Because Wu Hao's technology in these two companies is related to artificial intelligence technology, and artificial intelligence has become very popular in the world at present.

For example, not long ago, AlphaGo, a research artificial intelligence company under Google, used its own artificial intelligence to engage in a man-machine battle with the current human Go world champion. At that time, this matter was very hot.

The artificial intelligence program that Wu Hao is launching now is based on this and has been improved accordingly, so that this artificial intelligence can manage all aspects of data.

For example, a large underground parking lot will be built under the stadium designed by Wu Hao, with a total of nearly 400,000 square meters in three underground floors, with more than 8,000 parking spaces.

Although such an underground garage is not the largest underground parking lot in the world after it is completed, it is definitely the most advanced and intelligent parking lot, because the management of this parking lot will be based on Wu Hao's upcoming artificial intelligence management system.

Moreover, this stadium not only adopts such a management model for the parking lot, but the entire stadium, including all access passages, seats, various advertising signs and signs, stadium lighting, hydraulic facilities, and electrical facilities will adopt corresponding artificial intelligence management programs. .


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