Super Anti-war System

Chapter 728: Jade Order

"Head Ye, you have worked hard!"

At this moment, Jiang Jieshi had mixed feelings when he saw Ye Tian's extremely standard military salute, and when he saw Ye Tian wearing the military uniform of the superordinate commander.

He has countless things to say, but a thousand words have only turned into these words.

"Serve China!"

Without hesitation, Ye Tian shouted again.

Hearing this, Jiang Jieshi was overjoyed.

After giving Ye Tian a thumbs up, Jiang Jieshi said: "In this way, let's first..."

Before Jiang Jieshi's words fell, Ye Tian winked at him, and then looked at the German pilot who was getting off the plane.

Jiang Jieshi was a personal spirit. After quickly understanding Ye Tian's meaning, he smiled kindly at Ye Tian.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jieshi signaled Ye Tian, ​​Song Meiling, Chen Cheng and others to walk towards these German pilots together.

I have to say that the military literacy of these pilots is too high.

They didn't use Ye Tian's order. After getting off the plane, they consciously lined up and waited for the order.

Seeing their meticulous expressions, Jiang Jieshi was overjoyed.

Ye Tian is very good at coming, lest these pilots don't know who Jiang Jieshi is, so he immediately used German and made popular science for them.

Upon hearing this, these pilots immediately gave Jiang Jieshi a military salute.

Jiang Jieshi was taken aback when he discovered that the military salutes of these pilots were the same as those of the regular Huaxia Army.

In fact, the same is true for Song Meiling, Chen Cheng and Zhou Zhirou.

There is no doubt that these pilots play like this, showing their attitude.

At this moment, they are no longer Germans, but Chinese soldiers.

Their mission is very simple, that is, to execute various military orders under the orders of the high-level Huaxia military!

"Good, good, good!!"

In shock, Jiang Jieshi said three good words in succession.

Naturally, Ye Tian played a guest role as a translator.

"Allegiance to China!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Allegiance to the chairman!"


As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, these pilots once again paid a military salute to Jiang Jieshi and showed their loyalty.

Jiang Jieshi was overjoyed in this situation.

With majestic and heroic hair, Jiang Jieshi's eyes widened, and he walked around the queue three times in a row.

What I have to say is that Jiang Jieshi will come.

When he played this way, every pilot said that he had received his ardent eyes.

Subconsciously, these pilots raised their heads and chests, and their military posture was more standard.

Next, Jiang Jieshi pointed to Song Meiling and Zhou Zhirou, and made popular science for such international reinforcements.

Every time Jiang Jieshi said a sentence, Ye Tian fluently translated a sentence immediately afterwards.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jieshi introduced them to Chen Cheng and other generals.

What makes all Huaxia people quite useful is that every time Jiang Jieshi introduces a person, these German pilots will do it together and pay a military salute.

Feeling that it was almost done, Jiang Jieshi was eager to go back to discuss the strategic deployment of the Battle of Songhu, and wanted to go back.

Frowning slightly, after thinking about it, Ye Tian made a suggestion.

Worship Yanhuang!

Issue an order to punish the Japanese!

This is Ye Tian's suggestion.

The Battle of Songhu is about to break out, when the time comes, all the elite of China will come out.

There is no doubt that this is China's life and death battle.

Once, as in history, these elite troops have all suffered heavy losses, then it will be no fun.

Conversely, if it can boost the morale of the Chinese Warriors, it will definitely have an effect.

Hearing Ye Tian's suggestion, Jiang Jieshi was really dumbfounded.

Jiang Jieshi believes that Ye Tian's suggestion is a bit of a quagmire.

However, Jiang Jieshi suddenly thought that when he was young, he had also mixed with the Qinggang.

After thinking about it, Jiang Jieshi said in deep thought: "Well, that's a good idea!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jieshi turned to look at the staff around him and asked them to prepare.

Then, smiling, Jiang Jieshi looked at the German pilots who were still in line.

Jiang Jieshi said that if they came over thousands of miles, they would definitely be tired and tired, so they had better go to rest immediately.

The leader of the pilots is a regiment commander.

Although he didn't know much Chinese, he became interested when he saw that Jiang Jieshi seemed to have accepted Ye Tian's suggestion and what the staff were preparing.

After getting the answer from Ye Tian, ​​the group leader said that he would also participate together, and declined the kindness of returning to the guest house to rest.

Knowing this, Jiang Jieshi was very happy.

Soon, the worship ceremony began gradually.

The sacrifice to heaven began in ancient times and is the most solemn and largest of all rituals.

This kind of ceremony represents people’s admiration and gratitude to God,

Of course, in ancient times when offering sacrifices to the heavens, the emperor himself presided over most of them.

The ancients believed that this is a way of communication between man and the sky. Through grand ceremonial activities, prayers can bless China.

Because it is too hasty, all kinds of preparations are difficult to do too well.

Such as tablets, offerings, offerings, etc., are all prepared by the airport staff on site.

There is no way, Jiang Jieshi plans to let the military band fill the numbers.

The most important thing is that Jiang Jieshi intends to sacrifice to the sky.

Realizing the importance of the ceremony, it was natural that Jiang Jieshi called someone urgently.

His name is Chen Bui, outstanding talent, and he is known as China's first literati and China's first pen.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chen Bui splattered ink and wrote countless immortal articles that inspired national ambition and became popular.

After receiving the order, Chen Bui rushed over.

Under Chen Bui's command, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is more professional.

However, Chen Bui lived up to expectations and immediately produced a memorial text and handed it to Jiang Jieshi.

Soon, through the microphone, Jiang Jieshi's voice floated throughout the airport.

In the 26th year of the Republic of China, I was in Bingzi, August 2nd.

Chairman Jiang Zhongzheng, dare to tell Huangdi Xuanyuan and Yandi Shennong:

When there is a strong enemy, the Japanese pirate, guilty of China!

My Chinese industry is dying, but the Japanese have sharp teeth.

This is a crisis of survival!

Please pray carefully. May the two ancestors of Yan and Huang protect my China and drive away the barbarians.


Still feast!

After reciting this prayer to the heavens, at the suggestion of Chen everyone chose to bow down.

After the military band played a piece, Jiang Jieshi read out the order of the Jade Dynasty.

Since ancient times, the emperor came to imperial the world, and all Huaxia lived inside to control Yi Di, and Yi Di lived outside to serve China. It was never heard of Yi Di invading China.

At present, China's national strength is weak, and there are Japanese pirates who are called island nations, with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, in an attempt to occupy China.

To the people of Zhejiang, because of the chaos in the world, they are pushed by the public, and they are ready to lead the Chinese military and civilians to launch a desperate struggle against the island nation.

The end of the war has already begun. Under Jiang Zhongzheng, the land has no distinction between the north and the south, and there is no distinction between the old and the young. All have the responsibility to defend the land and resist the war!

As for the Chinese people, even if our brains and wives are scattered, we will never hesitate.

The ancients said: Evil is overwhelming with righteousness.

At this time, the fortunes of the sky circulate, the Central Plains are full of vitality, and the fortunes of the country are rising like the sun.

Get rid of the Hulu, restore the Chinese, establish an outline of Chen Ji, and relieve the people, the opportunity has come!

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