Super Anti-war System

Chapter 499: Hidden Murder

After obtaining this military information, a large wave of Devil warships will follow the picture, block up the battleships that China has spent a lot of money to buy, and blow them up.

In addition, in the short term, even if you have money, you can create several large fleets, especially destroyers and cruisers that **** battleships, which can form combat effectiveness. It is not easy.

Don't even think about it after a few years of effort!

Reminiscent of devils not paying attention to protecting maritime lines of communication, thinking of the wolf pack tactics of German submarines, Ye Tian has a soft spot for developing submarine forces.

Moreover, under his operation, the ghost team headed by Wu Yikui, although it only has one submarine under its name, has already formed combat effectiveness.

What I have to say is that the Ghost Team has gone through actual combat drills.

Guizi's two grain ships have achieved the brilliant results of the Ghost Team.

The devil's extortion in China, and even the large amount of rice and other food that Ming grabbed, has become the ration of marine life.

Compared with developing the navy, developing the air force is much simpler.

Of course, developing the air force is much more difficult than developing the army.

In Ye Tian’s impression, in the early days of the War of Resistance, China’s air force performed very well, shooting down many Devil’s planes, and a large number of air combat heroes emerged.

It is a pity that, relying on its superiority in numbers, the Guizi Air Force still had the last laugh.

Moreover, for a long period of time, China’s air force, like the navy, has fallen into a state of mere existence.

In addition, Ye Tian also knows a little bit about the inside story of the China Air Force.

After the start of the all-out war of resistance, as the chairman of the committee, Jiang Jieshi made a shout, saying that he would use the power of the whole country to fight for the island country.

Brothers squint at the wall, and guard against their insults!

In the face of national justice, many armed forces, such as the brave and well-fighting Gui Army, the Huazi Army but the very hard-working Sichuan Army, including the Eighth Route Army, put aside their contradictions, clustered around Jiang Jieshi, and listened to his orders.

In fact, this is the origin of the Central Army and the local army.

However, although the vast majority of people think in one place and use their energy in one place, a large number of wretched figures have emerged, including many high-ranking officials.

Cowardly fighting, or preserving strength, just want to let other high-ranking officials who are armed and bloodthirsty don't talk about it, just talk about the corruption.

They use the power in their hands, whenever they deal with public funds, they will play with layers of skin, that is, they will fill their own pockets.

However, in order to maintain the superficial balance of power, although Jiang Jieshi is insightful, it is inconvenient to tackle corruption.

In addition, although Jiang Jieshi also attaches great importance to the Air Force, but not as much as his wife Soong Meiling.

The point is that, as the first lady, Song Meiling is personally responsible for the construction of the air force and has worked hard for this.

Also, even if there are a lot of corrupt officials, few people dare to steal money from the first lady.

So Ye Tian thought, if he had the chance, he would meet Song Meiling once and give her a large amount of money directly.

Ye Tian believed that, given Song Meiling's preference for the Air Force, she would definitely use it to buy fighter jets.

In addition, even if Jiang Jieshi knew about this, he couldn't say anything else.

Also, what is the difference between giving the money to your wife and giving it to you?

His mind turned, Ye Tian quickly returned to reality.

Already entered the arsenal compound, there are 360 ​​devils here, and a team of devils is watching. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by nearly 1,500 devils.

Long nights and many dreams!

Although pretending to be very fun, it will inevitably reveal something suspicious after a long time.

It is a foolish act to think of a devil as a stupid-force, and it is also irresponsible for your own life.

Therefore, Ye Tian planned to cut the mess with a quick knife, and do things here with speed.

In addition, after finishing things here, there are two tasks waiting to be done.

The commander of the lieutenant general of the North China garrison died aggrieved, and the news has spread.

Once it spreads, although the devils don't know how Tanshiro Wanichiro died, all the devils troops are ready to guard against the intrusion of enemies, and strictly identify strangers, it is very obvious.

After shirking for a while, smiling, Ye Tian put the check for 2 million yen in his arms.

Looking at Ono's two with a smile, and taking a sip of tea, Ye Tian smiled and said, "Ono has two. It's true that you have a pretty good network of people and you know a lot of big people.

Come on, what are your plans?

If you tell me, I will try to run it for you. I guess there will be no problem. "

Hearing this, Ono Yuji's eyes lit up.

What a special thing!

Money can make ghosts grind, this sentence is really too correct!

This Daro Yamamoto had a solemn expression when he first saw me, but his attitude changed a lot after he accepted 3 million yen.

Strike while the iron is hot!

Climb up the pole!

A rare opportunity, if you miss it, you will no longer have it!

Thinking of this, respectfully, after putting a cigarette on Ye Tian, ​​Ono Yuji immediately entered the role.

"Your Excellency Captain, the war has broken out, I want to go to the first line of troops!"

Hearing this, he looked at Ono You Er meaningfully, Ye Tian frowned and focused on the cup of tea.

In this situation, Ono is like sitting on pins and needles, with strong expectations on his face.

After pondering for a while, Ye Tian raised his head again and said: "Ono has two, I understand your feelings of making contributions.

In this way, you first wait patiently for a few days, and I will run it for you. "


Thank you for your cultivation! "

Hearing that, Ono's two were extremely excited.

Realizing that he had met a noble person, the opportunity to become an official and enter the jue had arrived, and ecstasy was written on his face.

At this moment, the whistle for dinner rang.

Hearing this voice, Ye Tian had a clever move and thought of a good idea.

So, looking at Ono has two meaningfully, Ye Tian said, "Ono has two. The battle is going on. The soldiers have been busy recently.

Well, you take me to the cafeteria.

As for me, I will hold a short meeting for the soldiers while they are eating to reiterate the issue of discipline and let them study hard.

Let's go "

Hearing that, plus this idea, Ono Yuji agreed without hesitation.

There are two Ono very good at When I came out of the office area, I did not forget to invite Qianchuan Zilang and the others to eat.

In this situation, Ye Tian waved his hand to the dead men.

Inside the canteen.

I have to say that Guizi's discipline is good.

Although this is a second-line unit, the devils are very orderly when they eat.

They lined up neatly, and after finishing the meal from the window, they all sat in their seats and ate quickly.

In this situation, Ye Tian was deeply moved.

What a special thing!

If you refuse to accept it, wow!

Qianchuan Zilang, some of them were cooking, and some were waiting in line to receive the meal.

Ye Tian winked at him when Xiao Ye two brought the food.

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