Summoning Total War

Chapter 40 Another general!

One day's march.

The weather has gradually turned from autumn to winter. There was even a large fog in the early morning, and there was an extra layer of frost and dew on the grass and trees. The cold weather is undoubtedly a good phenomenon, because the primitive civilization of the lizard people is not enough for them to have enough clothing to keep out the cold, and their characteristics similar to cold-blooded animals will also be affected when they fight in cold climates.

They have been living in tropical rainforests and may not adapt to the winter of the southern plains so quickly. []

"My Lord Governor, I'm afraid this battle will not be easy to fight." During the march, General Leo Dallie looked at the marching half-elves and shook his head.

As a top general and a born soldier, General Leo Dallie has a very keen vision of war. He can judge the military training they have received just by looking at the crooked and dragging half-elves in the marching team. How many. For this Athenian general who followed the rule of 'orders and prohibitions', these half-elves were not even new recruits and had no idea what discipline was!

"They have enjoyed peace for so long that they have forgotten the cruelty of the battlefield." Murphy shook his head, not caring that Artoria was beside him, and said solemnly: "Whether it is discipline or cooperation, they are far from lizards. Human opponents. Even in terms of will, they are unable to accept the cruelty of war as easily as the lizard people."

"Their only advantage is that this is their home, and they must fight to protect their home!"

General Leo Dallie nodded, stared ahead, and said slowly: "Time is too tight. Otherwise, we might try to train them. At least let them learn how to form a formation and cooperate in battle."

"They are not the army of Athens, or even human beings." Murphy sighed, and he didn't have this idea of ​​​​General Leo Dallie.

But it’s still difficult to actually do it.

Artoria's mouth moved when she heard this, as if she wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

Not to mention whether the half-elf queen will hand over the leadership of the army to Murphy, but based on the proud temperament of these half-elves and their natural sense of superiority in the face of other races, will they Following Murphy's orders is also difficult to say.

Moreover, the scale of this war affected more than hundreds of thousands of people, and training such a large-scale army was simply not something that could be accomplished in ten days and a half.

Even if Murphy is the reincarnation of the God of War, it's impossible!

"Take a step at a time, maybe the war can sharpen them." Murphy shook his head.

If it weren't for Artoria's request, Murphy really wouldn't want to get involved in this mess, because after all, this is a foreign matter, and even if he has sufficient military talents, he may not be able to display them. And if he really wants to take over, it will have to be when the half-elves are beaten to pieces and crippled. Only then will he be able to integrate all his power as a savior and fight the lizardmen to the death!

But now, the time is still not right!

"What can you do in this battle?" The girl looked at Murphy and asked cautiously.

Murphy met the girl's gaze, sighed, and said slowly: "I can only defend one point on the battlefield, but whether I can win the final victory is not something I can decide. It depends on what other half-elf armies can do. We can’t withstand the first wave of lizardmen’s impact. If we can hold on until those high elves arrive, we might still have a slight chance of winning.”

"But now..." Murphy glanced at the half-elf army that stretched for dozens of miles, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not."

"They are a militia, not an army."

These half-elf armies are generally equipped with leather armor, and the weapons they use are mostly long swords and stabbing swords. This is their traditional fighting style. Compared with the spears, shields and heavy armor of Athens, these half-elf armies can be said to be very crude. At least except for some elite regular troops equipped with iron armor, Murphy rarely saw other soldiers wearing full iron armor. , there are even very few scales and the like.

Not to mention the disadvantages of long sword stabbing, it is too late to forge weapons now, but many of these half-elves don't even have a shield.

That's right!

Half-elves are agile. If they are one-on-one, they may be able to dodge the enemy's attack with their agility. However, in a crowded battlefield, let alone whether they have space to dodge, even if they dodge successfully, this Where will they leave the comrades behind them? And after your dodge and my dodge, how will the entire army's battle line look messy?

On the battlefield, the most important thing about the front line is two words!

That is - hold on!

If you can't even hold on to the front line, what's the chance of winning this war?

Murphy now finally understood why the half-elf army collapsed on the frontal battlefield, even though they had a far larger and more powerful archer force than Athens.

But then again, the number of half-elf archers is really terrifying!

Almost all of the more than 100,000 half-elf troops have a bow in their hands, and they don't have bows on their backs. They are also good at picking up bows and arrows.

This is their innate advantage.

Half-elves are born with the ability to use bows and arrows. Even an ordinary child can compete with a human archer who has received formal training.


What they have in their hands are bows and arrows, not machine guns, let alone cannons.

The range of the bow and arrow is only five hundred steps at most, which is the limit of the enhanced longbow. If it is an ordinary war bow and hunting bow, it is already very good to have a range of three hundred steps. The distance of three hundred steps is actually very short. A tall creature like a lizard man with agile hands and feet can sprint there in about a minute. This is because the terrain and other aspects are taken into account.

If the front line cannot hold, these half-elf archers really have no chance to shoot a few arrows.

This is also the reason why archers have always existed as an auxiliary unit on the battlefield, because in the cold weapon era, the range of archers was originally a huge limitation.

"Lord Governor, I think that instead of spending time training them, it would be better for them to prepare some Roman shields. The use of Roman shields is very simple. You can use them with just a little knowledge. There are thick trees everywhere here. If they are crudely made, The long shield is very simple. Although it is not that convenient to use a Roman long shield with a bayonet, it is at least better than withstanding the impact of the lizard men like them." An officer who graduated from the Academy of Athens suddenly said.

"That's a good idea!" Murphy couldn't help but look at him with admiration and said.

The Roman shield is simple to use. You only need to hide the person behind the shield and thrust the sword. Although to exert full combat effectiveness, the warriors still need to cooperate with each other, but at this time there is not much that can be done. At the very least, it is necessary to ensure that these half-elves will not collapse when they are attacked by the lizardmen head-on. Moreover, if the long shield is made into a double layer, it can withstand several waves of impact even if it is standing on the ground.

This is currently the only idea that can be achieved quickly and effectively change the situation of the war.

So Murphy immediately went to discuss with the half-elf queen.

The long period of peace has made the half-elves' war reserves quite poor. Apart from a large number of bows and arrows, they really don't have much war reserves to speak of. It's a pity that in such a large-scale war, there is no way for so many archers to be effective. Half-elves have no horses, and they can't outrun the lizard men with naturally long legs. Even if they want to use bows and arrows to engage in mounted shooting tactics, it is impossible. .

Although Mongolia is famous for its cavalry and archery, nearly half of its cavalry troops are heavy cavalry.

The impact on the frontal battlefield is incredible!

Because of the short distance, the half-elf army arrived near the battlefield half a day earlier than the lizardmen. It was an open flat bottom, with the last extension point of the Karazhan Mountains on the right, and a wide river on the left. The direction in which the Lizardmen were marching was a dense jungle. Deep in the forest was the place where the ancient elves planted the Tree of Life.

A huge tree hundreds of meters high can be seen from a distance!

And just before the battle, a new general in Athens was born.



Character attributes.

Name: Kane Pollard.

Commander: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (You are a good general!)

Management: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (You can read the ledger.)

Reputation: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (People know your name!)

Personal Combat Power: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (You received Spartan training.)



Basic military training (Personal combat effectiveness +1.)

Spartan training (Personal combat effectiveness +2.)

Bravery (Personal combat effectiveness +1, reputation +1.)

Mathematics Education (Management +1.)

Smart person (you are a smart person, commander +1, management +1, reputation +1)

Orphan (You are an orphan and were adopted by an officer. You have been exposed to a lot of war-related things since you were a child. Commander +1, get a special title.)

Military education (you received military education from the Academy of Athens and graduated with honors. Commander +2)

Tactical Thoughts (You understand the meaning of tactics during the learning process. Commander +1.)

Courage (The suffering of childhood has sharpened your character, and your courage inspires those around you. Battlefield morale +1, people's support is 5% higher)


Followers: None

(To be continued).

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