Summoning Total War

Chapter 16: Chaos is coming!

(This is the second update, with a total of 9,000 words. This month’s updates are very slow. I only wrote 120,000 words in total, and the average is about 4,000 words a day. People are so busy with worldly things that they can’t stop. Next month should be more leisurely. The goal is to get the perfect attendance award. I have the nerve to ask for a guarantee***.)


Katina is a small town about 150 kilometers away from Athens.

This is located in the heart of the southern plains, not surrounded by mountains like Murphy's north. The land here is fertile and flat, and thousands of years of human management have built towns and villages here one after another, and eventually developed into cities of all sizes. It is densely populated, with nearly a million humans living on the flat land.

This is also the core area of ​​the entire southern plain and the foundation of humanity.

There is a river flowing in this land, which is also a tributary of the Nidolia River, but it is the widest tributary outside the main pole. The river water is gentle and gentle, which is convenient for residents to divert water to irrigate their fields, so many villages are located along the river. The land here is fertile, so the food grown here is much better than other places. It is a place that all nobles covet.

The lord here has changed several times, and the one who controls this land now is probably Rothschild, the most prestigious and youngest Grand Duke in the Council of Nobles.

He is only in his forties this year, which is the time when the Spring and Autumn Period is at its peak.


In this land, near the end of the Karazhan Mountains.

There is a very inconspicuous little village.

There are not many domestic animals in the dilapidated thatched house and simple fence. There is only a solitary hen looking for food on the ground. Some vegetables are grown on the land next to the simple thatched house. This is common in small villages. A piece of land is opened next to the house and edible vegetables are grown, which is convenient for cooking and harvesting.

The village has a small population, about a hundred households.

The roads are very simple, and it seems that the village has not been established for a long time. There are still muddy roads in the village, which will become full of potholes when it rains. Under normal circumstances, any village that can make do will pave some stones on the roads in the village. Without even thinking about it, you can see that the villagers living here are living in poverty.

There are many such people in the southern plains, and most of them are serfs or humble poor people.

Serfs with no land, no property, and no personal freedom are quite common in the southern plains. After all, the current human social system allows slaves to exist. Even the slave trade was a major source of finance in some places. Of course, the number of human slaves is not large in comparison, and they are subject to certain legal protections. For example, human slaves cannot be killed casually, etc. Otherwise, the owner will be fined quite severely.

Most of the serfs were the descendants of the lords for generations or the criminal poor.

It has been reproduced from generation to generation and has not changed for hundreds of years.


The men who had been busy all day began to rush home, while the women who came back first had already begun preparing dinner.

They couldn't afford oil lamps, so dinner had to be ready before the sun went down.

As night fell, several dogs barked in the village, and then two black figures walked towards a simple thatched house in the far corner of the village.


The wooden gate was pushed open, and the owner of the house was obviously quite handy, because he made a simple fence around the dilapidated thatched house. And a sliding door was made with wooden dowels.

"Who?" A man's strong voice sounded in the room.

Two black figures outside the house walked straight into the room. One of them, a tall, dark-faced adult man, said: "Brother Borosa, it's me."

"Is that you?" The man in the room was eating. The dining table was filled with two plates of ingredients and black bread, and there was almost no oil or water visible. However, the half-year-old child sitting at the table happily wolfed down the food. A woman with a sallow complexion was mending clothes out of the corner of her eye. The shabby clothes were already covered with dense patches, and they looked like they were made of pieces of incomplete rags.

Seeing the two men come in, the thin woman with a sallow complexion immediately stood up with a smile and gave up her seat to them.

"Why do you want to come to my place today?" The man with a strong voice was tall and seemed quite authoritative. He glanced at the other two men in front of him and asked.

The two men looked at each other. One of the men with a scar on his face glanced at the woman next to him, and then said in a deep voice: "Brother Bolosa, I just received a piece of news about making money."

"News about making money?" As soon as he heard the news about making money, the man with a strong voice couldn't help but show a hint of excitement.

As a poor person from a poor family background, he only had a little bit of barren land, and he had to pay taxes to the noble lords in the town. After a year of hard work, the whole family is only half hungry and half full. If the harvest is poor, the whole family may be hungry.

"That's right!" the dark-faced man said excitedly: "A wild beast appeared in the northern town. The wild beast frequently attacked passing caravans. The noble master in the town offered one hundred silver coins to get rid of it. Drop it."

One hundred silver coins! ?

Hearing this amount, the man named Bolosa couldn't help but be shocked.

This is the harvest of more than ten years in the field!

However, with his mature and steady personality, he thought for a moment and couldn't help but frown and said: "Isn't there a guard team in the town? Why should we hire someone to deal with that beast?"

"I don't know why, but many powerful kobolds came from the west, and some even said they saw hobgoblins moving in that area. Don't those things always live near half-elves? I don't know how they came there. Run here!" The man with the scar on his face said: "Now, in order to deal with those wandering kobolds, the guards in the town are already very busy, and now they have no time to deal with that beast!"

The man named Borosa closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said, "I'm afraid that beast is not easy to deal with, right?"

"Yeah. I heard that it was cunning and tight, and several groups of people suffered losses at its hands, and several people died." The two replied.

As soon as she heard about the dead person, the thin and sallow-looking woman at the side immediately tightened her hands and looked at her husband.

The man named Borosa was a hunter in his ancestors. Although there are fewer prey now, his skills are still there. The Jackal War broke out a year ago, and these men were selected and recruited into the army because of their good physiques. Then the war ended and they returned to this barren village. After receiving formal military training and going out to see the outside world, these men have improved a lot in terms of experience and courage.

Naturally, we are no longer satisfied with our current poverty-stricken life of not having enough to eat.

This man named Bolosa was a very prestigious man in the village in the past. After being recruited into the army, he participated in several wars and even killed a high-level jackal with his own hands! Although the credit was passed on to the heirs of the town's nobles, the prestige was passed on to several nearby villages. These two men are both very skilled in the villages in this area.

It is precisely because of this that after receiving the news, the two of them came to Bolosa and wanted to work with him to get rid of the beast.

Even, if that's possible.

They even wanted to form a small mercenary group and elect Borosa as its leader. This man is mature and stable, has the most experience and knowledge in the area, and is also a good person. Because they have received the news, many mutated beasts have appeared in various places, and some other creatures have also flowed into the southern plains. There are a lot of troubles everywhere now.

If they were just ordinary poor people, of course they would not dare to have such thoughts.

But they had served as soldiers, received formal military training, and even fought to the death on the battlefield!

With ability, naturally comes ambition.

They are all trained warriors, so naturally they are not willing to be poor people who cannot even have enough food to eat. But they are pretty good people, and they don't have the idea of ​​being a bandit. As a result, the only way to make money based on their abilities is to become mercenaries.

With great ability comes great responsibility.

Having grown from poor people to warriors, they feel that it is necessary for their families to live a better life, so that their sons can have enough to eat, their wives can wear new clothes, and their parents who are over fifty years old can enjoy a little happiness. At least I can eat some meat occasionally!

"There are a lot of troubles popping up everywhere now, and those noble gentlemen must be very busy!" The dark-faced man looked at Bolosa, who was meditating in front of him, and said with expectation: "Everyone who came back from the battlefield is convinced. You, as long as you nod, brother, we can immediately pull out a team of twenty or thirty people! Otherwise, there is nothing we can do if we continue like this! Brother Bolosa! The harvest this year is not good, and my family is almost out of food. ”

This sentence touched the heart of the meditating man. He raised his head and glanced at the half-grown child next to him, and at the sallow-faced wife beside him.

Due to low productivity and exploitation by the nobility, the poor in this world have been barely surviving starvation.

If they hadn't been drafted into the army for more than a year and had enough food to eat, the men would probably be extremely thin. Thinking of this, Bolosa looked at his wife, this woman, his own woman!

She married him when she was sixteen. She has only had two sets of clothes since her marriage. She has been wearing them until now. They have long been washed and whitened and covered with patches. Due to insufficient food, she had to let her children and husband eat first every time she cooked. Due to long-term malnutrition, her body was thin, her complexion was sallow, and her body bones were very weak. Looking at that face that had nothing to do with beauty, Bolosa's eyes suddenly turned red, and he turned his head and wiped his eyes inadvertently.

This woman is not yet twenty-five years old!

But after having suffered so much, wrinkles have begun to appear on my face!

The expression on the man's face turned to determination. He looked at the two robes in front of him and clenched his hands together involuntarily. His initial plan was to see if he could find a job in the town with his skills, but now he suddenly changed his mind.


Before the rise of Athens, the human city-states fought a tough battle with the gnolls! He was one of the few survivors at that time!

At that time, he didn't think he could survive at all!

His merits have been misappropriated several times, and Borosa has long seen through the ugly faces of the nobles in the town.

His eyes swept over the bewildered half-year-old child, and finally fell on his wife, who had a worried face but said nothing. At home, he is heaven and earth. Although she is worried in her heart, whenever she sits down to make a decision, this woman will just silently prepare her luggage. It was such an ordinary woman who had nothing to do with beauty. Borosa saw brilliance in her, just like the mother he remembered.

And he himself will choose whether to be like his father.

To shoulder the responsibility of being the head of the family, let the family live a better life, at least they can eat meat.

Children need nutrition, otherwise they will not grow up.

My wife needs nutrition, otherwise her thin body and bones may...

Think of this.

The man named Borosa looked increasingly resolute. He looked at the two hopeful men in front of him and said in a deep voice: "You ask them to come to me tomorrow. I will find a way to prepare some weapons!"

"Yes! Brother!" The two men were overjoyed and walked out of the house without saying anything.

They prepare to tell others the news.

With Brother Bolosa's skills, it may not be difficult to find a job in the town, but his agreement to lead everyone now will undoubtedly bring the goal of establishing a mercenary group one step closer.

Scenes like this are happening almost everywhere in the southern plains.

With the frequent appearance of mutated beasts and other creatures flowing into the southern plains, the nobles had to deal with all kinds of troubles. When they were short of manpower, they had to start hiring mercenary teams that sprung up all over the place.

The troops trained by the Jackals in the southern plains began to transform into mercenaries before this great change affected the entire world.

With the hope of making their families live a better life, these humble mercenaries embarked on a journey to hone themselves in battles and killings. Perhaps not many of them can really grow up, but their appearance has undoubtedly caused changes in the pattern of the entire southern plains.

Just one month.

Hundreds of large and small mercenary groups emerged one after another in the southern plains.

They honed their martial arts in battles and grew up in killing, and with their appearance, some military combat skills began to spread among the lower classes. With the hope of changing their destiny, more and more lower-class poor people who have received military training choose to become mercenaries. When the noble council reacted, the number of mercenaries in the entire southern plains surged to nearly ten thousand!

Once change occurs, the momentum is unstoppable!

*************************************************** **********************************************

Athens. Governor's Palace.

As soon as it got dark, Murphy woke up.

After stretching his muscles a little, Murphy suddenly felt refreshed. Glancing at Lady Elizabeth who was still sleeping next to him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve. This woman's behavior last night completely angered him, and the result was a brutal war that lasted almost all night long! Murphy's body is now far beyond the normal range, so naturally there is no problem. Instead, he feels energetic after venting.

But not Lady Elizabeth, she is just an ordinary woman.

Even though she has begun to learn knight-style swordsmanship, this alone is not enough.

You will not live if you do your own thing!

Today, she would just lie down on the bed.

As soon as Murphy came, the bedroom door was pushed open. The two maids, who were in a bit of a bad mood, walked into the room carrying basins. Angela's eyes fell on Mrs. Elizabeth on the bed, her face turned slightly red, and then she looked at Murphy, with a faint trace of emotion in her eyes. Resentment. As for the bell, she pouted her lips and said nothing after entering the room, looking depressed.

Looking at the two of them, Murphy suddenly smiled.

Raising his hand and giving each of them a slap on their round buttocks, Murphy washed himself up and said teasingly: "Master, I will pick a good time to eat you together someday!"

As his personal maids, sleeping with him is one of the things they should do.

Because in Chinese terms, they themselves were the concubines chosen for Murphy. Originally, according to Murphy's idea, to show fairness, the two should be eaten together. However, since Ling Dang was still growing body bones and his own sexual restraint was pretty good, he never took action.

But now, looking at the appearance of the two personal maids, they seem to have eaten.

Upon hearing Murphy's words, a blush suddenly appeared on the girl's face. Especially Angela, the girl who originally led the temple priests was too embarrassed to raise her head. Last night, under Murphy's 'training', Mrs. Elizabeth crooned for most of the night, causing countless young maids to have sleepless nights, and causing several people to have erotic dreams.

It can be said that Lady Elizabeth's tragic battle last night taught all the maids in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion a vivid physiological lesson.

The result was that when Murphy finished washing and walked out of the room.

All the girls who met him blushed with shame, lowered their heads and left quickly. Some of the more daring maids took a sneak peek at Little Murphy's hiding place, secretly guessing at its astonishing combat power.

Mrs. Elizabeth will probably have to stay in Athens for a while during this trip, because Murphy only showed her some rough plans last night. Many of the subsequent arrangements still need to be discussed by the two of them. Murphy is simply too busy with many things, and a powerful person must come forward on his behalf. Lady Elizabeth is undoubtedly the best candidate. What's more, she may not be able to leave today if she wants to.

Walking out of the Governor's Mansion, Murphy led the guards and attendants towards the dock.

Next minute.

News from some nearby territories was passed back by spies and spies.

The matter is far more serious than Murphy imagined, because mutated beasts have appeared one after another everywhere. Athens was a little better. I heard a large number of kobolds and other creatures coming into the territory near the rear for unknown reasons. Even the gray-haired gnolls who were driven out during the First World War have resumed their activities in the rear of the southern plains.

Frowning at the news that was being sent back one after another, Murphy suddenly felt like a chaos was coming!

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