Summoning Total War

Chapter 66 War breaks out! (superior)

Chapter 66 War breaks out! (superior)



When Murphy heard the news, he was shocked. For a moment, he failed to control the strength in his hand and accidentally crushed the cup in his hand.

The broken rubble scratched his palm, and traces of blood seeped out. But Murphy didn't care. The high priest's transformation of his body had become increasingly complete. Strictly speaking, he was no longer a mortal body.

At least now he no longer has the body of an ordinary person.

"How could it not last three days!" Murphy reached out and grabbed the soldier in front of him. The huge force from his arm made the soldier show a painful expression, but he did not break away, but quickly pulled himself away. Tell Murphy what you know.

Although Murphy had already anticipated the fall of Canyon Pass, there was a difference between anticipation and actual occurrence.

Murphy really never thought that Canyon Pass would fall so quickly!

In less than two days, it was captured by an army of orcs.

According to this momentum, as long as the half-orc *** army takes over Athens, they can march straight into it. At that time, God knows how many casualties humans had to pay to achieve final victory.

There may not even be a possibility of victory.



After listening to the soldier in front of him tell the story, Murphy stared at the map in front of him and said slowly: "The problem is definitely not gunpowder!"

Gunpowder technology of this era.

As an outsider from the earth, Murphy certainly knows, and he knows it very well.

Because he once had the idea of ​​embarking on a gunpowder civilization, but he gave up the idea in the end.

On Earth, gunpowder was born in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but it was not really developed until the Song Dynasty.

The Sui Dynasty was founded in about 600 years, while the Song Dynasty was founded in 1,000 years.

There was a gap of nearly four hundred years!

And even during the Song Dynasty, the technical level of gunpowder was still at the level of arson. Going too far, the golden ratio of gunpowder alone would have taken hundreds of years of experimentation and invention. The explosive performance of early gunpowder was not good, and most of them stayed at the function of arson, that is, taking advantage of the flammability of gunpowder.

This situation lasted until the Northern Song Dynasty.

At that time, the Northern Song Dynasty vigorously developed gunpowder weapons in order to resist the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and it was precisely because of this that the gunpowder technology at that time developed greatly.

After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, Mongolia rose and marched westward into Europe. It was not until the Ming Dynasty overthrew the Mongol rule and restored the authority of the Han people that firearms technology truly developed and expanded on a large scale.

If we count it as this time, the difference between before and after will be almost 1,000 years!

The gunpowder technology in this world is far from reaching that standard. Even the dwarves may not have the perfect proportion of black powder formula.

Early gunpowder was not very explosive. Is there any way to increase the explosive energy?

The only way is to add more.

That’s why the term gunpowder barrel came into being, because the gunpowder used for blasting at that time was measured in barrels.

This situation continued even into the late Middle Ages.

The dwarves have a better gunpowder ratio formula in their hands, but this is their son. Not to mention those half-orcs, even humans who have been on good terms with them would not be able to get it.

When it comes to gunpowder, humans have it, even Murphy has some.

Because it was simply impossible to build a quarry in this era without relying on gunpowder. But Murphy knew very well the level of gunpowder in this era. Not only was it insufficient in power, but it was also small in quantity. Sulfur may be obtained, but saltpeter is not so easy to obtain. The dwarves are very strict in this regard, and no other race has been able to obtain the optimal ratio of gunpowder.

Even if the orcs have gunpowder in their hands, the quantity will never be too much.

Otherwise, if they don't need a trebuchet, they can just use powder barrels to clear the way.

But this is indeed a problem.

It is simply a dream to create gunpowder with the level of civilization of the orcs! Then the only explanation is that someone assisted them with part of the gunpowder!

This is not good news for Murphy.



Gunpowder is not what Murphy is worried about. In fact, as long as the level of gunpowder does not develop to the point where guns appear, the danger is not great. Even when fighting against Mongolia in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the border troops refused to use matchlock guns, because they were only capable of firing a cannon, and after firing, they had to wipe the barrel, etc., and the speed was outrageously slow.

If it rains, those things are basically fire sticks.

Given the background conditions of this era, even the appearance of a matchlock gun may not be useful.

Lead bullets can't penetrate half armor at all, and the cavalry's sprint speed can only allow the opponent to hit one shot at most. The horses in this world are much taller and more explosive than those on Earth! Unless there are guns and guns from the late industrial revolution, the power of early firearms is really disappointing. And this was also an important reason why Murphy gave up taking the gunpowder path.

Big investment, little gain.

It is simply impossible to transform it into combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

This had very little effect on Athens back then. In Murphy's view, the best things are the things that can be used now. Otherwise, you can’t even keep your territory, which is useless!

There was a gap of hundreds or even nearly a thousand years between the emergence of gunpowder, the application of firearms, and then the emergence of muskets and cannons.

The historical time difference is really too big.

There is no problem in using knowledge to open one or two cheats, but this kind of big leap forward includes physical chemistry and so on.

That means golden thighs are needed.

Murphy is not a science student, and even a large number of science students may not be able to handle the progress of the development of gunpowder civilization. Because there is no Baidu in this world, and people's memories will disappear over time. How many people can still remember the physical and chemical knowledge they learned originally after working for several years? Besides, Murphy just has advantages in history and humanities.

There was silence for a while.

Murphy stared at the bloody soldiers in front of him and asked in a deep voice: "You mean you encountered a stronger orc army when you came out?"

"Yes." The soldier nodded and responded: "They are very strong! They are all wearing armor, and their weapons are very sharp. After a few cuts with them, there were gaps in our weapons."

"I understand. You go down and rest first."

Murphy waved his hand, frowning and lost in thought.


The orcs received a number of quite beneficial material aid.

This batch of aid even includes gunpowder and a lot of elite equipment, and may even include a few flying mounts!

Otherwise, they would not have been able to launch a surprise attack behind the canyon pass without anyone noticing!

Such generous material aid.

There is no doubt that it is the work of the Orc Empire. Only they could come up with so many things at once to aid the orcs.



There are flying mounts!

This is really a problem.

Murphy, who comes from the earth's civilization, cannot be afraid of gunpowder. He has always been closely concerned about the progress of civilization in this era. Anything that exceeds historical progress will be interfered by the gods. Now that the gunpowder used by orcs has appeared, it means that this is not a technology that is beyond the level of the times. But within the scope allowed by the level of civilization in this world.

Based on this calculation, the power of gunpowder should not deviate from the level of the development progress of gunpowder on earth.

If it were just early black powder, even if there were still some Orcs left after capturing Canyon Pass, it would not be a problem for the Athenian territory.

But those flying mounts.

But it really gave Murphy a headache.

The role of flying mounts is really great. Not only does it mean that it can airlift soldiers to ambush behind the enemy, it also means that it can conduct the best reconnaissance of this era!

did not do.

The biggest headache for Murphy is reconnaissance, which means that everything he owns is easily exposed to the eyes of the enemy.

This is what really troubles Murphy.

"Send someone to invite the high priest." Murphy rubbed his forehead and said to the attendant waiting outside the door.

According to Murphy's estimation, the canyon gate can basically not be defended under such circumstances. But there should be no problem in delaying for a while. The aboriginal general guarding Canyon Pass is a talented person. Murphy has heard his name from Mrs. Elizabeth. With his ability, even if he cannot hold the canyon pass, he should be able to delay it until this morning.

In other words, Athens still has about a day and a half to prepare.

"Forget it!" Murphy suddenly stopped the attendant who was about to leave. He stood up slowly and frowned: "I'd better go see the high priest myself."

The number of the half-beast army is probably more than 100,000.

With such a huge number, it would be difficult even for Athens to have a fortress as a gateway.

Murphy must know what kind of assistance the Olympus gods can give him before he can decide how to arrange his plan next.

Just when Murphy was about to walk out of the Governor's Mansion.

Suddenly there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky outside!


A burst of noise and exclamations sounded outside, followed closely by the footsteps of the army's emergency mobilization.

Murphy was immediately shocked.

He quickly walked out of the Governor's Mansion with a few general guards and rushed towards the place where the noise was coming from.



(This is the first update. I plan to stay up late tonight, conservatively estimate it will be the third update.

Call for recommendation votes, *** and rewards. )

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