Summoning Total War

Chapter 50 Murphy’s new ability! Second update, please vote for me!

If a high degree of soju can really drive those barbarian warriors into a state of rage, then there is no doubt about the importance of these spirits to them! As the only person in the world who masters distillation and purification technology, Murphy has monopolized their needs in this aspect. As long as you can firmly hold the distillation technology in your own hands, then this will undoubtedly be a huge source of profit!

Moreover, with the connection of this layer of relationships, it is very likely that I will draw those northwest barbarians to my side!

Increase the amount of low-alcohol soju, and then strictly control the amount of high-alcohol soju!

Low-alcohol shochu can be sold in large quantities as a commodity at a slightly lower price in exchange for profit, while high-alcohol shochu is strictly controlled as a special item and sold to the northwest barbarians at an expensive price. The quantity does not need to be too much, but the less the better. After all, scarcity is the most valuable thing. If the quantity of high-quality shochu produced is too high, it will not appear precious and important, and it will not be obvious when you win over them.

Anyway, the key to everything lies in distillation technology.

Murphy plans to set the alcohol content of commonly sold soju between 30 and 35 degrees, and to increase the alcohol content of strictly controlled spirits to 45 to 60 degrees, or even above.

There is no need to lump the two wines together.

Although they are all brewed from corn, the names of the wines can be different. The low-alcohol ones can be called "vodka" or other popular names. These are mainly aimed at low-end consumers such as mercenaries and others. The price is a bit more expensive, after all, the alcohol content is still a bit higher and stronger than the original brewed wine today.

High-altitude spirits can be used as brands. The more expensive the better, the smaller the quantity.

Of course, too little is not enough.

You can create the illusion that it looks like a small amount is sold, but in fact the sales are not much at all.

The name of this wine needs to be more domineering, and the output must be controlled. The main sales direction is the barbarians in the northwest.

Murphy initially planned to call it "Burning Knife".

Of course, this is the Middle-earth way of saying it. If translated into the language of this world, it would be 'as hot as a red-hot sword'.

Murphy thinks this name should suit the taste of the barbarians in the northwest, right?


After telling the general story, diplomat Tobayes left.

During this time, he was rushing all night to escort the first batch of food back, so his mental state seemed very excited, but in fact he was very tired. Murphy asked him to go back and have a good rest today and coordinate with the generals to host competitive sports tomorrow. This guy's eloquence is very good. If he has some speech problems, General Leo Dallie doesn't need to rack his brains.

"Total War" auxiliary system, trade supplies page.

"Coal mines: These open-pit coal mines have good value in trade, and blacksmiths will use them when forging. (Territorial trade income +1),"

"Timber: These high-quality timbers are expensive trade materials. The only troublesome thing is that transportation is difficult. (Territorial trade income +1),"

"Dried fish: Although fresh fish is not easy to preserve, people in the territory are already trying to make dried fish. This is a very good trade good. (Territory trade income +2),"

"Spirits: Liquors are expensive trade goods. In this era, liquor and women are the pursuits of most warriors. They are happy to spend a sum of money to buy strong enough liquor to get drunk and vent their anger. In trade Before the monopoly is terminated, this is an incredibly profitable trade! (Territorial trade income +4),"

[Note: Wine is just a commodity, but food is the foundation of everything. Only a foolish lord would use all the grain to make wine. 】


Unexpectedly, after this incident and such a stir, in the "Total War" auxiliary system, the recognized value of spirits as a trade material actually reached the sum of other trade materials! In other words, because of the strong liquor, the income from trade within the Athens territory was statistically doubled!

Murphy looked at the city page in the auxiliary system.


The monthly income has reached nearly 18,000 silver coins!

This is of course not the entire income in the territory, but refers to the territory's surplus after deducting soldiers' military expenses, official salaries, and a small part of construction consumption.

These additional income are the pure profits after maintaining the operation of the territory!

It is funds that can be directly collected into the national treasury as strategic reserves.


City management interface:

City: Athens (City)

Popular sentiment: loyalty (loyalty, suspicion, riot)

Taxes: Moderate taxes

Revenue: 18540 (surplus).

Treasury: 54712 (silver coins), 24064 (grain)

Population: 9543.

Population Growth: +8.5% (Agriculture +5%, Happiness +1%, Medium Taxation +1%, Health +0.5%, Temples +1%)

Population required for upgrade: 12,000

Troops owned: Twenty Greek hoplites (experience +2, 1,600 men), Twenty Athenian longbowmen (experience +1, 1,600 men), Five Cretan longbowmen (experience +2, 400 men), Sri Lanka Bada heavy-armed fanatic warriors (experience +3, 127 people), 6 Macedonian elite cavalry teams (experience +2, 324 people), and two ballistae teams (48 people)

Has Affairs Officer: Diplomat (1) Spy (3)

Food can last for a city under siege: half a year.


List of existing buildings:

Governor's residence, stone wall, urban barracks, cavalry stables, shooting range, commercial area, armor shop, shipyard, university, public baths, crop rotation, paved roads.

Temple of Leadership, Temple of War, Temple of Love

Troops available for recruitment:

Greek faction army, Seleucid faction army, Macedonian faction army.


"There is still a population of 2,500." Murphy rubbed his forehead and said a little depressed.

During this period, the population in the city of Athens increased relatively rapidly, but according to this progress, even if some of the indigenous people were absorbed into the citizen formation, it would be impossible to upgrade the territory to a big city in a short time. According to Murphy's estimation, it may be necessary to delay this year's winter wheat harvest before the territory can be upgraded again.

As long as it is upgraded again and becomes a big city, the Athens territory will become truly powerful.

At that time, as long as Murphy had money, he could recruit a large number of armored cavalry without any scruples!

Imagine a group of heavily armored heavy cavalry troops rushing in like a torrent of steel. In that scene, how many enemies can still stand there calmly?

The territory of Athens is surrounded by mountains on the outside and open plains on the inside. If armored cavalry can be formed, then the threat of orcs will not be a threat at all!

The only thing that worries Murphy is that as soon as the winter wheat is harvested, those orcs will take action.

The strength of the Greek faction is in the early stage, and the strength of the Macedonian faction is in the mid-term. As for the power in the later stage, there is no doubt that the Seleucid faction is the faction that consumes the most funds and has the most difficult initial stage! However, the later units of this faction are definitely awesome! Whether it's armored cavalry or a war elephant corps! And now Murphy is preparing to train and recruit the sickle chariot!

One step left!

As long as you upgrade your territory to a big city, new powerful units will appear one by one!

Murphy closed the city page in the "Total War" auxiliary system, and then started to check other page statistics.

Since the battle in the canyon, Murphy has planned to increase the recruitment of long-range troops. After all, the Greek spear phalanx lacks mobility and can only defend passively. In this way, the battle requires the help of a large number of auxiliary troops such as archers. . Murphy has now expanded the size of the Athenian longbowmen to ten teams, plus the elite Cretan longbowmen, so there is now a team of 2,000 archers in the territory.

If the orcs invade, it should be enough to use as output power in defensive tactics.


There are less than six months left until the winter wheat harvest.

After checking other data pages, Murphy couldn't help but look at his own statistics. He has not deliberately looked at it all this time, because he feels that his abilities are within himself. He knows exactly how many abilities he has, and he does not really need to use the "Total War" auxiliary system.

But when he saw it, he was shocked.

It's not because the data has changed drastically, but because there is a special attribute.



Character attributes.

Name: Murphy-Spartan. (A great last name can provide you with many benefits.)

Commander: ★★★★ (Increases the morale of leading the army.)

Management: ★★ (Increase administrative management capabilities and increase city income.)

Influence: ★★★★★★★★★★ (Increase public security, increase the number of guards, and slightly increase morale.) [Note: People feel that your words reveal the will of the gods! 】



Excellent commander (you have proven your military ability to the people! Commander +2)

Handsome (your appearance is always easy for people to feel close to, influence +2)

Strong physique (you have an unusually strong physique, vitality +6)

Alertness (you are born with quick thinking, commander +1, management +1, influence +1)

Bravery (you are a warrior, your bravery inspires those around you. Battlefield morale +2, people's support is 5% higher)

Fierce demagogue (your words have extraordinary appeal! Influence +3, people's support +15%)

Excellent builder (you have good ability in architectural design, construction cost is reduced by 10%, dirtiness -2)

[Dragon Slayer]——You have killed a legendary monster, and your bravery will be sung by the world! (Influence +5, battlefield morale +2, people’s support +25%, personal security -2)



Herald (every qualified ruler needs a herald, commander +1)

Agricultural experts (scholars who are proficient in agriculture, agricultural income +2)

*** Officer (an experienced *** officer can help you handle many things, management +1)

Qualified financial officer (this person has a good business acumen, and with his help you can manage the territory more easily. Management +1, trade income increased by +10%)


Murphy found that his statistics had not changed much during this period. In addition to reaching the full value of influence, he only had the title of "Outstanding Builder". He took a closer look and found that the former agriculturalist who followed him had now become an agricultural expert, and the accompanying agricultural income +1 also became agricultural income +2.

"It seems that the followers will be upgraded as their abilities improve?" Murphy looked at the data page of the "Total War" auxiliary system and murmured in a low voice.

Finally, he settled on the last and most eye-catching label.

At the top of his property page, above his name, there are two words marked in golden font, which are titles.


(The blood of the gods flows in your body!)



Murphy can be very sure of one thing, that is, this title did not appear at all a month ago.

This title only appeared recently!

And it shouldn’t have appeared too early, it probably just appeared in the past few days.

"What's going on? Why did I suddenly become a god?" Murphy stared at the two golden fonts. No matter what, he couldn't figure out why he suddenly became a god, and "Comprehensive" The data evaluation in the auxiliary system of "War" also believes that the blood of the gods flows in his body!

The bloodline of gods?

Murphy looked at his palm and felt incredible.

Inexplicably, he has the blood of a god?

it's out of the question!

There must be something happening in your body that you don't know about!

"High Priest?!" Murphy suddenly seemed to remember something.

Could it be the high priest?

Murphy has always thought that the divine baptism held by the high priest for him was just to strengthen his own system, but now it seems that it is not just that, right?

Staring at his hands, Murphy slowly pulled out the sword at his waist.

If you want to know what kind of changes have taken place in your body, you can see it by doing an experiment.

Putting the sword blade against his palm, Murphy gently opened his skin.

A wound appeared in his palm. The wound was not deep, only less than half a centimeter.


Bright red blood overflowed from the wound.

Murphy looked at his wound quietly, frowning and remaining silent.


He saw something he shouldn't have.

It was a touch of gold.

A trace of gold mixed in the bright red blood, like a thread, overflowed from the wound along with the blood.

The golden substance attached to the blood melted quickly after gushing out of the wound. Then the blood that Murphy flowed from the wound changed from bright red to light red at first. The color gradually changed, and finally turned into a mixture of blood. Pale gold!

And when he wanted to observe further.

He was shocked to find that the wound on his palm had healed at some point.


Murphy stared blankly at the shallow mark on his palm and murmured in a low voice: "High Priest..."


[Note: The current statistical influence of the "Total War" auxiliary system is only based on the citizens of Athens in the territory of Athens, so the influence is full value. After the auxiliary system is upgraded again, the impact will be re-counted with new labels. For example, it can be re-digitized based on its influence in the southern plains or among humans. 】

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