Summoning Total War

Chapter 38 Oracle (Part 2)!

Chapter 38 Oracle (Part 2)!

(Recently, many book friends have said that spoilers are meaningless. In fact, it just introduces a little background. The half-million words of this book are a turning point. Because the famous heroes in ancient times, after 3,000 years of precipitation...

Ahem, have you read the introduction to this volume? )


The mountain wind howled, and Rose Tyrande whispered a syllable in her mouth, and an invisible wind formed around her.

Her slender figure seemed to be lifted up, flying between the tall trees in the mountain forest. She jumped dozens of meters away, tapped her toes lightly on the branches of the tree pole, and headed forward. Sweep away quickly.

"It's Tesili, I'm familiar with its smell." The little black cat that was holding firmly on her shoulder suddenly said.

The little black cat suddenly jumped down from Rose Tyrande's shoulder. With a roar, the muscles all over its body began to twist and tremble, and a dark purple light also faintly emanated from its body, and then it suddenly erupted from the sky as if rising in the wind. A little black cat that was only a dozen centimeters long turned into a five-meter-long black panther that was nearly half a car!

The black panther has smooth fur and smooth lines, full of strange power and beauty.

After the transformation, the little black cat's original green eyes also flashed with a silvery light, and then the pupils transformed into a beautiful silver-white color visible to the naked eye!


Is it the name of the two-headed chimera of ice and fire?

Rose Tyrande fell to the ground, her slender body bent on her knees to release her strength, and she couldn't help but think in her heart.

Her sister Tyranyali-Phantom once followed the most powerful Druid Thorn-Heart of the Earth to practice. She once lived in the Tree of Life for more than a hundred years. Until Tyranyari-Phantom completed all the druid elemental courses and became determined to recover the lost wild druid heritage. She has remained by her side ever since she was trapped in cheetah form after trying some mutilated feral druid transformation spell from the First Age.

Because the only one she can rely on is herself.


The running black cheetah has amazing speed and agility. It avoids all obstacles on the road with extraordinary dexterity and can even leap between tree poles with its powerful limbs. Its huge size did not bring any obstacles to it, as if it was also blessed by some special power. It only made some very shallow marks when walking on the snow-covered road.

This was the second time Rose Tyrande saw her sister in cheetah form.

The first time I saw her, it was when she came to him helplessly.

What surprised Rose Tyrande was that after the Wild Druid transformed into a cheetah form and added elemental magic, he was actually faster than the Moonwalker!

Perhaps, she accidentally created a miracle!

"The canyon over there!" Tyranyali-Phantom jumped up to a big tree in the sky, and then climbed to the top of the tree with extraordinary dexterity.

The two quickly approached the place where the battle took place.

When they arrived, the battle in the canyon was already very fierce!

White Dragon vs Two-Headed Chimera!

The ground was covered with traces of frost breath. After discovering that even the breath could not do anything to the other, the two behemoths, both over fifteen meters in size, finally decided to decide the outcome in a hand-to-hand fight!

White dragons are the smallest and least intelligent of all pure-blood dragon species. Most white dragons are more like beast-like predators.

They are fierce but simple-minded, not as shrewd as other dragons.

When a white dragon is in its hatchling stage, its scales will reflect light like a mirror. As it grows older, this luster will gradually disappear. A newborn white dragon's pupils are the color of ice crystals, but as they grow older, they will eventually become translucent like ice cubes. Generally, the wisdom of white dragons begins to improve after they enter adulthood. Although they are not as smart as other pure-blood dragon species, they have become much more cunning.

Now entangled with the two-headed chimera is a white dragon that has entered adulthood.

And this white dragon is the one Murphy knew about before.

White dragons are very aggressive creatures. They are cruel and greedy, and will show no mercy to any creature that invades their territory.

In the northernmost part of the continent, the war between the white dragon and the frost giant has never stopped.

The cause of this battle is simple.

Although it has entered adulthood, the simple-minded white dragon believes that the two-headed chimera that entered the Karazhan Mountains in search of Rose-Tyrande Moon Descendant is an enemy invading its territory.

So, a battle took place.

Although the white dragon is not powerful among pure-blooded dragons, as a dragon with a higher bloodline, its scales are still real dragon scales!

In contrast, most of the Chimera's body is made of cuticle skin, with only some scales growing on some parts of its back. Therefore, in terms of defensive capabilities, the two-headed Chimera is far behind! But the two-headed chimera also has its own advantages, because it has two heads!

The attack method of beast hand-to-hand combat is nothing more than claws and fangs.

The Chimera with an extra head will be much sharper offensively! It used one head to confront the white dragon, while the other head was waiting for an opportunity to attack its vital parts!

When Rose Tyrande Moonwalker arrived, it was the moment when the fighter's plans changed.

Bailong attacked fiercely at first, but his endurance began to run out.

And this dragon species has a characteristic, that is, it bullies the weak and fears the strong! However, this characteristic is rarely displayed, because there are really not many creatures that are more powerful than it on this continent. Seeing that his opponent was not much weaker than him, the white dragon, which had become much smarter, immediately started to retreat. As soon as the intention to retreat arises in the mind, the will to fight is reduced a lot. Without paying attention, its neck was bitten by the head of the two-headed chimera!


A large amount of dragon's blood gushes out from the wound.

At this moment, the two-headed chimera seemed to sense the aura of the Moonwalker on Rose Tyrande.

It couldn't help but be slightly distracted and looked at where the two were.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the adult white dragon warrior broke off his wrist and threw away a large piece of flesh on his neck, and fled towards his cave with a wound of more than 50 centimeters long that was torn apart by the two-headed chimera.

Seeing the enemy that was about to be defeated running away, the two-headed chimera wanted to pursue it with one head, but the other head grabbed its body.

Finally, the victorious two-headed chimera flapped its wings and came to the Moonwalker.

It glanced at the black panther with one head, its eyes seemed a little familiar and a little confused.

Another head spit out a special scroll from its mouth. The scroll was printed with a silver-white moon emblem, which was the unique symbol of the Moon Temple.

This is the oracle of the moon god Elune!

In this primitive world, the gods' will can only be conveyed through temples.

In this world where gods were born less than an epoch ago, temples and statues are channels for communicating and connecting the will of gods. Even if the gods are serving, it is difficult to directly hear the gods' will without being in the temple.

Rose Tyrande took the scroll with a solemn expression.

Immediately, a silvery white light appeared on the simple ring on her thumb. The light overlapped with the moon emblem, and the scroll slowly opened.

a long time.

After reading the oracle conveyed from the temple, she looked surprised and couldn't help but said to herself: "Why did the oracle from the Moon God ask me to kill a goblin?"

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