Summoning Total War

Chapter 22: Grow stronger! (Down)

Chapter 22: Grow stronger! (Down)

(This is an update to compensate for yesterday’s update and is not included in today’s update.


As long as we can reach 50 *** tomorrow, it will still be a 10,000-word explosion!

As for today, no matter how many votes are raised, it will continue to be 10,000 words. hey-hey. Everyone needs to work hard! )


The production of the fountain has already been planned.

In addition to the one in the Governor's Palace, Murphy plans to make six more fountains in the territory. Except for the two large fountains in the central square of the inner city of Athens and the port business district, all the others have been reduced in size and distributed throughout the city. at. The current scope of territory development is not large, and there are still a large number of empty areas that Murphy has reserved before, so if necessary in the future, it can be expanded to increase the number of additional areas.

Murphy planned the city according to the standards of his previous life.

That is, roads, flower gardens, and sidewalks.

Although transplanting flowers and plants is difficult, trees do not have this problem. The city of Athens is surrounded by mountains and forests. The only thing that needs to be done is to select suitable trees and transplant them.

The average width of the roads in Athens is about five meters, which means that three cars can run parallel to each other at the same time. If it is a road within a port, it should be wider for the convenience of unloading goods. All roads are paved, and Murphy has never stopped building roads since the beginning of the new city plan. Nowadays, relatively neat paved roads stretch from the city of Athens to the lumber quarries and newly established towns.

But the paved roads outside the city are only three meters wide.

Murphy added an additional one-meter gravel path on both sides of the paved road, mainly because the workload was not small. He wanted to lay a foundation first. If necessary in the future, the gravel path could be expanded.

Roads are a very important link in dispatching troops to transport supplies.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

That's it.



October is a harvest season.

After more than a month of hard work, the university finally opened, and all citizens under the age of twenty in the territory were sent to learn basic knowledge in all aspects. In this era of relatively low civilization, the knowledge they learned mainly focused on two aspects.

The first is literacy.

The second is arithmetic.

As for other academic issues, let them be left to the scholars who will be trained in the future.

Murphy also thought about the name of the university and named it after Athens. The courses are roughly equivalent to the first grade of elementary school in the previous life and then to junior high school. Of course, there may still be some gaps, but the ancient Greek period was also a time when the foundation of physics and mathematics was laid, so it is impossible to leave nothing behind. Murphy had no intention of deliberately trying to grow the seedlings. He just laid the foundation for everything. As for how far it can develop, and in what direction.

Everything depends on the arrangement of history.

Every era and every region should have its own unique civilization characteristics.

The result of forcefully applying force is not worth looking forward to.


Murphy recently planned to find a way to hire a magician as a professor in the university. Since it is a university in another world, how can it not have magic courses?

Although humans are not excellent in magic talent, even if they only train one or two magic apprentices, it would be good.

If possible, Murphy would like to lead magicians onto the path of scientists.

Rather than letting them study more destructive magic, it would be better for them to use magic to invent something more useful. He also discovered that the magicians in this world are definitely masters of physics and chemistry. If nothing else, with the primitive craftsmanship of this era, their ability to produce glassware with higher transparency has proven this.

October 15th.

Since the completion of the university, things in the territory have not been so busy.

The scale of the blacksmith shop has been expanded, and new steel casting equipment is being forged. However, due to the low level of craftsmanship, the number of forgings is relatively small. It is expected that the complete replacement of the territory will not be completed until around March next year.

After the land was cleared and winter wheat was planted, the huge labor force in the territory was also liberated.

At present, the moat has been restarted, and the walls of the inner city of Athens are also being reinforced. The original wooden walls are mixed with special soil and are moving towards a half-wooden and half-earth wall. In terms of the port, the scale of the shipyard is expanding, and Murphy intends to expand a shipbuilding workshop.

You can rely on mountains to eat mountains, and you can rely on water to eat water.

Murphy has mountains and water here. Apart from the lack of convenient transportation, it is considered a unique blessing!

There are countless treasures in the Karazhan Mountains, but Murphy has no way to mine them now. Even if he knew that there should be rich minerals here, the level of civilization in this era might not be able to find it. At present, the focus of the territory still has to be on the Nidolia River. Whether it is trade or fishery income, as long as it can be expanded, it is more than enough to support the development of a city.

After surviving the most difficult period, the labor force in the territory began to have a surplus.

There are more than 30,000 goblin laborers plus more than 10,000 indigenous refugees, a total labor force of 40,000 people. If it were not for the inconvenience of quarrying within the territory of Athens, Murphy would have had the idea of ​​building a stone wall. However, although construction has not started, Murphy has expanded the originally planned construction blueprint, that is, including the port into the fortifications, and is preparing to lengthen the moat and city walls.

To put it simply, when Murphy first established the new town of Athens, he had already planned the scope of the inner city and the outer city.

The inner city is built with the central square as the point, while the outer city radiates outwards from the inner city as the center. When the port was first built, it was arranged outside the inner city, that is, within the scope of the outer city. Murphy's original plan was to incorporate the port into the city's construction system after the territory gradually developed. After all, the port was an important source of income for the city of Athens.

When the port was first built, Murphy did not consider the port's defense facilities, and did not even build a wooden wall.

The main reason is that it is only five hundred meters away from the inner city. When encountering enemies, you can rely on the inner city for defense. However, now that the port is becoming more and more important in the territory, and the original small towns are gradually expanding into cities, Murphy also has to consider the security of the port. If an enemy attacks, the port without any fortifications will inevitably be destroyed, which will be a very heavy loss to the territory!

What Murphy is doing now is to lay the groundwork and lay the foundation of the outer city in advance!


In the evening, Murphy returned to the territory after a busy day.

The construction of the defensive fortress has begun, mainly under the responsibility of General Marcus Kane. Murphy dispatched to him two thousand goblin slaves and three thousand human natives, a total of five thousand people. Building a fortress is not just about physical strength, so the number of goblin drudges is smaller, while the number of humans is larger. At present, the tasks that the goblin slaves in the territory are relatively easy to perform are digging pits and moving.

The defensive fortress project is relatively large, and Murphy estimates that it will not be completed until around June next year.

"Huh, bell, come here and rub my shoulders." After lying on the chair, Murphy was too lazy to move.

Murphy arranged for carpenters to make chairs, stools, tables, etc. in the city, and they are currently popular in the territory. Because citizens are proud to follow the style of their lords.

The little girl was very obedient today and came over to massage Murphy with her fleshy little hands.

In terms of massage skills in the Governor's Mansion, Angela is better.

Because this girl priest is also proficient in medical skills, and has the highest martial arts skills, with the most outstanding techniques. However, Bell's hands are soft and its small hands are tender and comfortable to hold.

In the past two days, Murphy has been working on mobilizing a group of potters to bake bricks.

Now that we have the right clay, we would be really sorry for ourselves if we did not vigorously develop ceramic crafts.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

There is a saying in China called "Qin bricks and Han tiles", which means that bricks and tiles had already appeared in BC.

Bricks and tiles are actually part of the ceramic craft.

In the past, most of the buildings in the territory were made of wood. It was not until Murphy discovered that Athens already had mature pottery craftsmanship that he realized that he had forgotten something very important!

That is - bricks!

The soil quality in the territory of Athens is not very good, and there is not much suitable clay.

But on the other side of the Nidoria River, near the goblin territory, the soil quality is quite good. Now even primitive porcelain can be made in the territory. Burning two bricks is not the same thing!

The only troublesome thing is that the clay needs to be transported.

But it doesn’t matter. What are the use of so many goblin slaves in the territory? Is it possible to feed them in vain?

Murphy has no shortage of low-end labor now.

Today, Murphy selected a place, then arranged for manpower to expand the cave dwelling, and selected a group of smart people to train as new craftsmen. As long as bricks can be mass-produced on a large scale, the construction progress in the territory will undoubtedly speed up a lot.

If Murphy remembers correctly, the temperature at which bricks are fired is a little higher than that of pottery, but much lower than that of porcelain.

His vague memory seemed to require about a thousand degrees.

It's just 1000 degrees, just sprinkle it with water.

Don’t forget that there is a very powerful resource in the territory!

That is - an open-pit coal mine!

This is also an important reason why the territory can produce original porcelain!


Putting her small hands softly on her shoulders, Murphy felt so comfortable that she almost wanted to ejaculate.

But after a while, he realized something was wrong.

Because he felt that his back was being pushed by a pair of bulging breasts, and then he rubbed them gently, and he could even feel the slightly raised little cherries on them.

With a low moan, Murphy turned over and took the girl behind him into his arms.

Looking at Ling Ding's flushed little face, Murphy's heart felt hot. He gently held the bulging little pigeon on her chest with his hand and played with it carefully.

The girl's face became increasingly red and red, as if she was about to bleed. Inadvertently, a gentle moan came from her mouth.

After carefully measuring the size, Murphy pinched Ling Ding's blushing little face and said with a smile, "The little girl is feeling springy too."


Angela's chuckle came from behind Murphy.

The little girl was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole and get in.

She broke away from Murphy's arms, then covered her face and ran away without looking back.


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