Summoning Total War

Chapter 8: The direction of history?

Biquge, the fastest update calls for total war!

There is always some kind of coincidence under the rolling wheel of history.

Ancient Greek civilization originated in 800 BC and lasted about 650 years. The civilization of ancient Greece centered on the Sea of ​​Love. From the 5th and 6th centuries BC, especially after the Hippocratic War, the economic life was highly prosperous, resulting in a splendid Greek culture, which had a profound impact on later generations. The ancient Greeks had profound attainments in philosophy, history, architecture, literature, drama, sculpture and many other aspects. After the demise of ancient Greece, this cultural heritage was destructively continued by the ancient Romans, thus becoming the spiritual source of the entire Western civilization.

At the same time, on the other side of the earth, that is, the land of Middle Earth in the far east.

During the period from 770 BC to 221 BC, the most glorious and brightest civilization era in Chinese history appeared on the land of Middle Earth!

Regardless of the Han, Tang, Song, Ming and even today, there is no era that surpasses the blowout-like civilization of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

Perhaps one word is enough to describe that era, and that is—a hundred schools of thought contend! ! !


The origins of Eastern and Western civilizations flourished at the same time, almost during that period of time, the brilliant cultures that would influence the direction of mankind for the next three thousand years burst out like a volcanic eruption! That is to say, from this moment, the ancient Greek culture and the various schools of thought in the Middle Earth began a race between the Eastern and Western civilizations for nearly three thousand years!

The origin of Eastern and Western cultures officially began in 800 BC!

In the field of culture, originating from the Sea of ​​Love, the philosophy, drama, and architecture of ancient Greek civilization have influenced the future direction of civilization in the West. In China, with the Yellow River Basin as the center, hundreds of schools of thought, led by the four schools of Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Law, laid the foundation of all Chinese civilization!

In this kind of blowout development, both the East and the West have seen unparalleled civilizational splendor at the same time!


In the fourth century BC, in Plato's "On the State" and Aristotle's "Poetics", both discussed the important role of music in the country and society and some issues related to art, which is in line with what Confucius advocated in ancient my country. The etiquette and music thoughts are exactly the same. In almost the same age, in two regions separated by oceans, it is really interesting that such similar ideas have emerged.


In the West, a "citizen" class appeared in the city-state system that was influenced by ancient Greece and entered a relatively democratic era. In the East, because of the historical changes brought about by the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the class of "scholar-bureaucrats" began to rise!


Tragic opera appeared in the ancient Greek civilization, while the Chinese civilization focused on "Feng, Ya, and Song", forming the "Book of Songs" and the "Book of Music" that disappeared in the Tyrant Qin Dynasty.


The ancient Greek civilization gave birth to the magnificent sculpture art, and the Middle-earth civilization appeared the bronze casting of the peak technology!


Ancient Greek philosophy flourished, and Confucianism and Taoism originated. The sculpture craft in Athens is going to glory, the Mohist "ware" is gradually appearing, the city-state laws are beginning to be perfected, and the Qin State is becoming stronger and stronger after Shang Yang's reform!

Please forgive my ignorance for not being able to tell this history in a fluent enough language.


But all this is just a coincidence of history? Or is it the impetus behind the forces of civilization?

Well, let's get on with it.

The ancient Greek culture was conquered by the Roman civilization and continued destructively, and the middle land was unified by the Qin Dynasty, and there was a large-scale burning of books and burying scholars!

Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, and the liberated mind was put in shackles!

The entire western civilization is collapsing, and finally entered the dark "Middle Ages"!

After the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty, the great man rose!

In 134 BC, that is, the 12th year after the demise of ancient Greek civilization, Dong Zhongshu proposed "abandoning all schools of thought and respecting Confucianism alone", and it finally took shape in the hands of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty!

The Confucianism of this era has integrated a large number of excellent thoughts of various schools of thought, and it is also the most glorious and brightest era of Confucianism. It is definitely not comparable to that of the castrated Confucian children of later generations! It is precisely because of the emergence of Confucianism that China has maintained its leading position for as long as 1,500 years in this nearly 3,000-year race!

But it was also from this time that Confucianism changed from a pioneering thought to a kind of "religion".


Do you really want to say something?

Let us continue to look at the history.

In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine I of the Roman Empire promulgated the "Edict of Milan", and Christianity was finally recognized by the Roman Empire and eventually became a Roman state. The formation of the power of the Holy See began to gradually influence, influence, and finally control the historical trend of the West! This also laid the foundation for the darkest and bloodiest Middle Ages! The emancipated mind and culture are terminated, and the development of the entire western civilization begins to slow down and even go backwards!

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Christianity dominated culture and knowledge, and many knights of the aristocratic class in the West were even illiterate! Not even an ordinary citizen in ancient Greece!

In 313 AD, Christianity was recognized.

In 395 AD, the unified Roman Empire split.


And at the same time, that is, from 304 AD to 439 AD.

The darkest, bloodiest and most tragic era has also appeared in Middle-earth-Wu Huan Hua!

Shenzhou fell, the Central Plains fell, and the Han people were slaughtered as cattle and sheep! The population of the entire Middle-earth has dropped sharply, and the culture of the Han family has suffered an unparalleled impact!

From 476 AD to 1453 AD, the West entered the dark Middle Ages, and civilization developed slowly.

middle earth.

From the establishment of the Sui Dynasty in 581 AD, China began to completely throw off the West and lead by a long way!

Although the time of the Sui Dynasty was very short, you must admit that the Sui Dynasty was one of the greatest dynasties in Chinese history!

Just like Tyranny, you cannot erase its achievements in history.

Everyone knows that the Sui Dynasty built the Grand Canal and conquered China. But how many people know that the Sui Dynasty created the unprecedented imperial examination system?

The Sui Dynasty ended the long-term division and war in the Central Plains, established the system of three provinces and six ministries politically, and established the far-reaching imperial examination system; continued to implement and reform the military system in the military; , increase government revenue. The Sui Dynasty also built the world-famous Grand Canal, which consolidated the central government's rule over the southeast region and strengthened the economic and cultural ties between the north and the south.

Then, history ups and downs.

But the overall situation in the East and the West has not changed much.

Tang, Song, Ming.

Song and Jin resisted Mongolia for 70 years. After the fall of Song Dynasty, Mongolia was like a wild horse that had run free, and traveled all over large areas of Europe.

If the Ming Dynasty did not stab the Mongolian chrysanthemum, this conquest would continue.

History turned again.

In 1368, the Ming Dynasty was established, and it was also the last feudal dynasty established by the Han people in history.

The Ming Dynasty does not need too many gorgeous words to decorate, one sentence is enough.

——"There is no marriage between the Han and Tang Dynasties, there is no yearly currency between the Song and Song Dynasties, the emperor controls the gate of the country, and the monarch dies in the country."

History has changed.

The Tartars entered the customs.

In 1644, Li Zicheng invaded Beijing, Ming Sizong Zhu Youjian hanged himself in Meishan, and the Ming Dynasty fell.



And the West at the same time.

Beginning at the end of the 13th century, the buds of the Renaissance sprang up in Italian cities, and then spread to Western European countries. And in the 16th century, it brought a great change in thought and culture to Western Europe. During this period of scientific and artistic revolution, it also opened the prelude to modern European history. Perhaps you could call this 'the germs of capitalism'.

In 1644, after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing court was established.

Middle-earth, like the dark Middle Ages in the West, began to stagnate, and even partially regressed.

However, relying on China's 1,500-year-long leading position, the Qing Dynasty still maintained a relative advantage until the beginning of modern history.

The development of science and technology has shortened the historical transformation that took hundreds or even thousands of years to brew in ancient times.

Since the Renaissance era, the West has aggressively overtaken.

The 1,500-year-long advantage of China was exhausted by the Qing Dynasty, and finally ushered in the tragedy of modern history at the time of change.

History moves on.

Perhaps in the near future, there will be an opportunity for a Renaissance in Middle-earth, where there is little left of the Han family's inheritance.

But who knows?

There are laws in the trend of history, but the wisdom of mortals is limited.

***************************************************** ***********************************************

Ancient Greek culture laid the foundation for the development of Athens towns.

As for which direction the civilization will ultimately focus on, it depends on Murphy's own control.

Is it culture, technology, or military...



The season changes from autumn to winter.

The human city-state and the orc tribe centered on the canyon pass, and opened up a confrontation.

Under the siege of half-orcs and humans, the wolf man completely withdrew from the stage of history. The remaining two protagonists in the southern plains are hurrying to cultivate their health and rest, preparing for the future war for the hegemony of the southern plains. In the two-year war with the Wolf Man, although the human city-state did not shake its foundation, it also hurt its vitality.

The half-orcs who have just been exiled need more time to cultivate. At least they have to survive this difficult winter and insist on harvesting crops next year.

During rare respite.

The city of Athens is also developing rapidly at a speed far beyond anyone's estimation.

end of october.

After the winter wheat is fully planted, the development center of the city of Athens is also moving forward in two directions.

The group of priests headed by the high priest began to comprehensively expand the temple, absorb believers, expand faith, and work hard for the early recovery of the goddess of wisdom Athena. Even a small number of aborigines living in the port have been absorbed into the goddess's followers.

On the other hand, Murphy began to gather outstanding talents from all walks of life.

Summarize the knowledge and culture they have mastered, and then write and sort it out. Lay the groundwork for the establishment of universities to impart civic knowledge in the near future.

Murphy plans to build the world's first large-scale library that includes all aspects of knowledge and culture!


In the future, Athens will be the embodiment of knowledge, culture, glory and splendor in this world!


(First update.

There will be three changes today, and the 4D will explode. )

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