Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong

Chapter 189: Main Ono cat

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Xie He was held down by the people, and the scene was in chaos. Soon Liang Chengshan was sent to the hospital.

Those people did not kill Xie because of Liang Chengshan’s orders, but they all looked at him with hateful eyes, and violently pushed him into the house and shut it up. He was afraid that he would not endure it if he could not endure it.

[Xie He: Hey, I am not very easy. I have to pretend to kill him very seriously and just kill him. I have to keep him alive and let him be saved. It is much more difficult than killing him directly. Sigh JPG


[Thank you: Baby, this is for your pocket money:)

[444: QAQ host greatly] touched JPG

[Xie He: Ah, there are no monitors and no one at all. I will sleep first and raise my spirits and play well. Come and remember to tell me baby. Smile JPG

[444: (⊙v⊙) Well! 】


There was an intense and solemn atmosphere in the hospital. Liang Chengshan’s men were kept outside the operating room, and all looked gloomy.

When Bishop went to the hospital, he saw such a scene. He had learned about what happened at the wedding from the middle of the road. He thought of the information he had just found. He regretted why he didn’t check it earlier. A little... he can tell Liang Chengshan how to avoid today.

Bishop asked Connie, "What is the boss?"

Connie's fist squeaked and looked low. "Yang Ling took two knives and was rescued. I don't know what it is."

Bishop is cold-faced: "What about Yang Ling?"

Connie hated and said: "Closed up, the boss refused us to kill him."

Bishop didn't ask much. He thought that Yang Ling couldn't stay extremely dangerous, but Liang Chengshan was so concerned about Yang Ling. To kill Yang Ling, they had to pass the consent of Liang Chengshan. They could not surpass them.

If Liang Chengshan is dead, then Yang Ling will die.

The lights in the operating room lit up for a long time, and finally the doctor came out from the inside, and fortunately saved. The doctor said to Connie: "Mr. Liang is no longer in danger, but he has not woken up for a while."

Both Connie and Bishop are relieved. Since Liang Chengshan is not in danger, then Yang Ling’s affairs can naturally wait for him to wake up and deal with it, but they still have to do other things. After all, the wedding has such a big leak... ... is a shame to be thrown home.

Liang Chengshan felt that he did not appear in a dream. In his dream, he married his young man he loved. The young man put a ring on him and smiled at him.

He has never loved a person like this, and he possesses and plunders by any means. He wants to keep him by his side...

Can't let go.

But... this dream is a fake. The last thing he waited for was not the ring, but the cold head and the knife. The person he loved didn't love him. He only hated him.

The beautiful picture in front of me is a little broken, and only the cruel facts are left.

Liang Chengshan desperately wants to wake up. He can't sleep anymore. If he can't wake up, no one can protect his lover, he will be tortured and he has to wake up.

Liang Chengshan opened his eyes. Every time he breathed, he felt pain in his chest.

The nurse next to the guard was very excited. He immediately went out and told others. Soon, Connie walked in. He said excitedly: "The boss finally woke up."

Liang Chengshan barely raised his hand and pulled down the oxygen mask on his face, making a dull and weak voice. "What about Yang Ling?"

When Connie heard the name, he was very angry, but he looked at Liang Chengshan's deep and majestic eyes and did not dare not answer. "Closed up."

In the eyes of Liang Chengshan, there was a hint of worry, and Shen Sheng asked: "I have been in a coma for a few days?"

Connie said: "Six days."

Liang Chengshan's face changed awkwardly. When he struggled, he would sit up. He only had time to let those people not kill him. He didn't have time to give more instructions. Xie He was detained for six days, and he was not by his side. These people would definitely not take care of him. He would have an accident...!

Connie quickly supported Liang Chengshan: "Boss, you can't move now!"

Liang Chengshan chilled: "Take me to see him."

Connie was very embarrassed. He felt that the boss's current physical condition was not suitable for leaving the hospital, and Yang Ling gave him two knives at the wedding. The boss was not only angry but also eager to see him... even he felt unbearable, but he I have always been stupid and can't talk, look at the boss like this, and I don't care what I say.

When Connie was overwhelmed, Bishop came in from the outside.

Bishop directly said to Liang Chengshan: "The boss, Yang Ling's identity has been investigated, you can read it and then decide not to go see him."

Liang Chengshan’s eyes were slightly condensed. He always cares about Yang Ling’s identity. He did not expect to finally investigate it... But compared with Yang Ling’s identity, it’s more important that his life is safe. His face is heavy and he says, “No, etc. I went to see him, let me see."

Bishop’s eyes showed a surprised look. He did not expect Liang Chengshan to care about Yang Ling’s arrival. He couldn’t stop Liang Chengshan from seeing him. He finally said: “He is the son of Yang Jin.”

Liang Chengshan’s movements, the words, as if the thunder fell into his ears, and it was like a cold current, which made him stiff and numb...

He slowly turned his head, his voice trembled and unstable, and he was low and hoarse. "What do you say?"

Bishop looked at himself and finally stopped Liang Chengshan. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out the prepared information. He said in one go: "I have already investigated it. Yang Jin had a wife named Ji Yun. You know this. In fact, he and Ji Yun have a son, this son is Yang Ling, I have repeatedly confirmed that the information is absolutely correct. So Yang Ling came back to find you revenge, because you killed his parents ... forgive me Speaking, you should kill him and get rid of the roots! He has already assassinated you three times, and he will never give up, leaving him will only bring you danger."

Liang Chengshan reached out and grabbed his chest. He felt that breathing was difficult and his eyes were shocked and confused. This fact finally made him messy. Liang Chengshan reached out and took the information from Bishop's hand. He turned it a little... His hand was shaking. He looked at the photos in the document... Yang Jin, Ji Yun... Yang Ling...

The memories that he deliberately forgotten came back to his mind again, Yang Ling... turned out to be the son of Yang Jin...

What did you do again?

He personally killed his best brother, and now he ruined his only son... and also his favorite.

Ajin... He is your child.

You still have a son... I don’t know at all, and he is coming to me for revenge. He came to me for revenge...

Come to me for revenge.

Liang Chengshan suddenly fell down, Connie was at his side, put Liang Chengshan back into the ward, and then called the doctor to rescue!

The doctor quickly rushed in to give Liang Chengshan a first aid, and finally saved him. He wiped his sweat on his forehead: "What happened? What did you say to Mr. Liang, would he be stimulated like this?"

Bishop and Connie are silent.

The doctor did not dare to ask more questions. He had to say: "Mr. Liang is in a very bad physical condition. You should not stimulate him.

The two nodded again and again.

After a long time, Liang Chengshan slowly woke up. His eyes were deep and dark, as if the excitement was just an illusion. His hand slowly gripped and said to Connie: "Help me get up."

Pain, shock is useless... His lover still needs him, he can't fall like this, if he falls, Yang Ling will only die without a place to die.

He is already sorry for Yang Jin, can't keep his only son, can't keep it...

Bishop was very anxious and said: "The doctor said that you can no longer be stimulated."

Liang Chengshan’s eyes swept over two people, his voice was low: “Are you defying my orders?”

Connie lowered his head: "I..."

Liang Chengshan sighed softly. "I know that you are worried about me, but - take me to see him now." He said that at the end of the day, his eyes were firm with unquestionable chill, even if his body was weak. The power of its long position does not decrease.

Connie knew that he could not change the mind of Liang Chengshan. In the end, he obeyed the order and pushed the wheelchair over and pushed Liang Chengshan out.

Bishop looked at the back of Liang Chengshan's departure, showing a helpless expression.

Liang Chengshan returned to his manor, and it has already been cleaned up. I can no longer see the fascinating scene of the wedding at that time...

The wedding he had hoped for was a farce.

Like a dream that passed away.

But this is his fault. He shouldn't expect something that he doesn't deserve. Yang Ling, it is impossible to love him. It is impossible to forgive him.

Until now he knew...

What he falls in love with is someone who will never love him.

Liang Chengshan came to the place where he was detained, and looked at the guardian at the door. His voice was cold: "Open the door."

Those people immediately opened the door, Liang Chengshan finally saw Xie He again, Xie He's hands and feet were tied to the ground, very quiet, motionless... This moment Liang Chengshan felt that his body was cold and cold, fear shrouded him, he even waited Less than Connie pushed him past, and suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, squatting to the side of Xie He, and directly hugged him.

Xie He seems to be asleep, there is no reaction, but the body is a little dirty, and the brow is a bit painful.

The guards watched Liang Chengshan so nervous and thanked him. Fortunately, he did not toss him. He carefully explained: "We didn't move him... I was afraid that he would hurt himself and tied it up, and he kept making noises and refused to rest. We had to give He injected a tranquilizer..."

Liang Chengshan’s line of sight fell on Xie’s face for a moment, and he shivered and reached out, stroking his cool cheek, this face... This face... is not the same as he Did not think of it, did not recognize it.

I finally know why you hate me, you should hate me.

I am sorry.

[叮, the target Liang Chengshan good feeling +2, the current good feeling 96]

Liang Chengshan bowed his head and kissed Xie He’s lips gently. He reached out to untie the rope on Xie He’s body and wanted to pick him up, but he couldn’t hold it now... Connie noticed, and quickly came over and said: “I come. Let's go."

Although he hates thanking him very much, since the boss cares about him so much, he certainly has to worry about the boss.

Liang Chengshan loosened his hand and nodded, letting Connie hold back to the room.

Liang Chengshan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xie He slyly. Even the others advised him to go back to rest.

His eyes were awkward and his eyes were painful... He remembered many years ago, when he found the hiding Yang Jin... I knew that Yang Jin was not only a policeman but also a wife. He was shocked. There are still some sadness, probably because he suddenly realized that he did not understand his best brother.

He hates that Yang Jin betrayed him...

But in Yang Jin’s opinion, he was wrong.

His hands were covered with blood, sorrow, hatred, and killing... He had already gotten used to these things. From the day he walked on this road, he never thought about turning back. He could only keep going forward.

They have different positions.

Liang Chengshan always knows that many people hate him, but he never cares. He thinks that as long as he is strong enough, as long as he has always been a winner, those who hate him are just ridiculous ants, and the shouts of the weak are not worthy of being looked at by him.

Instead of expecting others' forgiveness, it is better to rely on yourself and become the master of the high.

But until now he realized that his heart was not strong enough to be ignorant of everything... he would have feared that others would hate him. This person’s hatred against him is like a hurricane that destroys everything and makes him unbearable.

He did a lot of wrong things, and now his favorite people hate him... This is probably his retribution.

No one can escape.

Liang Chengshan reached out and slowly grabbed Xie He's hand. He closed his eyes and remembered the time when Xie He was fainting at Yang Jin... He finally understood the reason.

What a ridiculous thing he did, he ruined the only son of Ajin, tortured him, imprisoned him, banned him, destroyed him, and then took him to his grave and said he wanted to marry him... I must have hated him.

He saved his life, but he not only killed him... but also ruined his son.

Liang Chengshan cannot forgive himself.

At this time, Liang Chengshan felt thankful for his hand. It seemed to move slightly. He was suddenly nervous and afraid to face. When Liang Chengshan was a teenager, he saw his life and death. There was nothing that made him afraid to face it, but this moment... He was suddenly afraid of facing Xie He.

He didn't know how to face him.

Xie He slowly opened his eyes. He was very painful these days. He could not rest well. Later, those people gave him a tranquilizer before they barely slept. It seems that he has returned to the bed, his hand is held by a warm big hand, and there is a light and reassuring temperature...

But he knows that this is the temperature of the person he hates the most.

Xie He turned his head and saw Liang Chengshan sitting on the side, his eyes showing deep hatred and his voice cold. "You are still not dead."

Liang Chengshan's face was slightly white, and this sentence made his cold heart seem colder... But he shouldn't have had extravagant hopes. Xie He started looking at him from the moment he came to him, and he hoped that he would die.

He is coming to avenge Ajin.

To recover the debts that he owes him...

In the eyes of Liang Chengshan, he was deeply painful and complicated. His lips moved and he found that he had nothing to say.

In the face of the memory of restoring memories, thank you for your identity. He can’t say anything about it. Any comfort, excuse, and inversion of black and white are so ridiculous.

He is not qualified to say those words.

He didn't even qualify for him.

Xie He looked at Liang Chengshan, suddenly turned over and rolled down from the bed, and then grabbed the gun at his waist and pointed at them before Connie reacted!

Connie's face changed greatly, and he quickly stopped in front of Liang Chengshan with his body. He shouted: "Let the gun down!"

Xie He holds a cold gun in his hand, his hand is shaking slightly, his eyes are bitter and hateful, and there is deep fear and despair. He loses again... He can't kill this person, at least he can kill himself. .

He will never return to the darkness, then lose his memory and personality, bear the joy of the person he hates the most, and say to him that he loves him.

Xie He raised his lips and made a sneer. "You can't take me back again." The gun in his hand jerked and pointed at his head, and he pulled the trigger.

Liang Chengshan always pays attention to Xie He, his eyes linger for a moment, and for a moment, he even thought... It is not bad to pay this life to him, but he soon saw Xie He pointed his gun at himself, in the wrist of Xie He. At the moment of turning, Liang Chengshan rushed over!

His reaction speed has surpassed his consciousness, and the weak body has erupted with unprecedented potential. Regardless of the cracking of the wound, he tried his best to pounce on it!

‘砰’, the bullet hit the top of Xie’s head and shot at the wall.

Liang Chengshan’s wound was severely painful, but he did not feel that the pain in his heart was more than a painful than the wound. This is his fault. He pushed Xie He to this point...

He coughed and his voice was painful and unstable: "No, I won't shut you back, I won't..."

Connie was exposed by the cold sweat of this scene. He strode forward and grabbed his gun back. He grabbed Xie He’s hands and grabbed it.

Xie He’s eyes are filled with the color of despair and madness. Rushing Liang Chengshan shouted: “You killed me! You killed me! You have the ability to kill me!”

Liang Chengshan’s throat had a sweet taste. He looked at Xie’s crazy and painful eyes... and these pains were brought to him. The dark eight months have completely killed him.

For a long time, Liang Chengshan suppressed the bitterness and sorrow in his eyes and slowly said: "You are not asking me to take revenge... I am dead, how to revenge."

Xie He hated and looked at him.

Liang Chengshan grabbed his ankle and slammed his foot ring and threw it on the ground. Then he said, "Let's go, I am waiting for you to kill me."

Only by living can there be opportunities to continue to kill me.

Xie He’s expression changed slightly, and he looked at Liang Chengshan with a stunned look. He wanted to let him go? ! No longer tortured prisoners - banned him?

Connie's loud voice: "Boss!" How can he let Xie He go!

Liang Chengshan coughed softly and said, "Let him go."

Xie He slowly stood up from the ground. He looked at Liang Chengshan's eyes. The deep black eyes seemed to have extremely complicated emotions. Not only love, but also something else... Xie He took a step back.

Just leave like this? Really unwilling... I haven’t been able to kill this person after so much, but he still can’t kill him.

Xie He suddenly turned and ran out, and no one stopped him.

Liang Chengshan looked at the back of Xie He’s departure. His eyes seemed to be a lot older. He had done a lot of wrong things in order to get this person, but he could not continue to go wrong, and he could not continue to hurt him.

From the moment when Xie He recalled his memory, he actually lost him...

How could he be willing to shut him back again, that was the last thing he regretted in his life.

Liang Chengshan said to Connie: "Let people follow him quietly... don't let him go wrong." After finally, he couldn't hold on and lost consciousness.


Xie He walked out of Liang Chengshan's manor, his foot ring was taken down, Liang Chengshan not only did not punish him, but also let him go.

He left here, his eyes stunned, but there was no joy to escape from the dead, only deep sorrow.

[444: The host is big, Liang Chengshan actually let you go, what do you do now @_@]

[Xie He: Let me go in the expectation, but Uncle Liang has always been very cautious. If you take his people off, I can brush up the good feelings of Liang Xiaodi. The 8000 experience is waving to me. Smile JPG

[444: (⊙o⊙) Oh! 】

[Thank you: Baby, don't you, guide the way :)

[444: Well O (∩_∩) O~]

Xie He walked for a while, stopped a car on the road, and the good-hearted man driving the car took him to the city. He came to the street and entered a shopping mall. When he came out, he followed the people who were tracking. Lost.

He passed the Rodney family's site and was recognized in a block.

On the same day, Xie He assassinated Liang Chengshan at the wedding. The news was of course unstoppable. There were many more people who knew Xie He. Someone soon knew that Liang Chengshan not only did not kill him, but also put him unscathed. Come out, many people are paying close attention to the news of Xie He.

Regardless of the attitude of Liang Chengshan now, I will first grasp the Xie He!

Liang Zegang was here, and he got the news of Xie He in the first time. He personally rushed over.

Xie He wants to go back to Uncle Hall. He is not in a good state right now, but he didn’t go long. He suddenly found that a few black men with tattoos stopped the road. His face changed and turned away, but he watched. When Liang chose to come out from the corner, he showed him a sly smile. "Long time no see."

Xie Hezhen looked at Liang Xuan and looked at the hatred in Liang Xing's eyes... He remembered his use of Liang Xuan and his memory, he did not hesitate to kill him, and immediately understood that Liang Xuan was not good, thank you The man who clenched his fists behind him wanted to escape from here!

However, he was detained for a few days and was weak. He was not the opponent of these people. He was quickly beaten in the abdomen and then pressed to the ground.

Xie He felt that the stomach was tumbling, and the painful face twitched. He looked up and saw Liang Xuan standing in front of him and sneered at him: "It seems that you know that you can't live with me, or why should you escape?"

Liang Xuan said: "Take him away."

Xie He bit his teeth and was forcibly caught in the car. He knew that his current situation was very bad. Liang Xuan would not easily pass him.

Soon the car stopped, and the people took Xie He into an empty warehouse. It was obviously one of their strongholds. Thanks to seeing those people who would push him to a metal seat, his face finally changed and began. Struggling fiercely! "let me go!"

But it didn't work at all. Xie He was pressed on the chair, his hands were behind him, and his feet were also tortured. Even though the clothes were separated, the cold touch of the metal seat was still transmitted to his body, rooted in the soul. The fear rushed into the body from the pores!

Xie He’s eyes showed a look of fear and pain, and he yelled at Liang Xuan: “Let me go! Let me go!”

Liang Xun did not expect Xie He to suddenly react so fiercely. He looked at how he fell to this point. He yelled at him so arrogantly that he did not put him in his eyes, and his heart was even more resentful.

[叮, Liang choose blackening value +20, current goodness degree 93, blackening value 100]

Liang chose to go over and grab the chin of Xie He, sneer: "Who is it for the listener, swearing, do you think Liang Chengshan will save you?"

Xie He’s body trembled fiercely, his eyes were red, and he barely regained his calmness. “ let me let me down...”

Liang chose to laugh, he kissed the pale lips of Xie He and said: "What do you do for my dad? Is it cool?"

Xie He’s eyes are humiliating.

Liang Zuo's hand is thick - Lu Xia - the flow of the touch - he, "You are really a stock, in order to kill my dad, I will not climb my bed, then hooked up on him and then smashed me, even to defraud his trust and kill me. I really love you... you are rewarding me like this."

In the eyes of Liang Xuan, there is a bloodthirsty hate. "You want to kill me."

He already knows what Xie He was assassinating at the wedding. He is even more convinced that Xie He was pretending to be a pretense. In order to kill Liang Chengshan, he used his life as a stepping stone... This sultry and despicable liar, since you can do this Why should I still love you to save you?

Xie He couldn't refute himself, and he felt that he had some apologies for Liang Xuan. Liang Xuan may not be a good person, but he and his hatred are completely unrelated. He used him from the beginning... ...he didn't want to hurt him, but he still hurt the innocent people...

In this world, there is no end to the cycle of hatred. He hurts others and pays a price. This is fair.

Xie He’s eyes are blank and his lips move: “I’m sorry...”

Liang chose to shake his head and his eyes were cold: "Whoever is rare, you are sorry."

[Xie He: Hey, boring, baby hurts to shield one. Smile JPG

[444: Well QAQ]

[Xie He: Let Liang Xiaodi vent it first, wait for him to comfortably let us continue to brush the feelings, Liang Shushu over there, you pay attention, wait for him to wake up and immediately reveal the address to let him find it, the meaning is up, I am afraid of Liang The younger brother is playing off :)

[444: Yes. 】 The host is also very good for good feelings..._(:зゝ∠)_


When Liang Chengshan just woke up, he was hit hard again and in order to save his thanks, causing the wound to crack, and once again fell into a coma. It was already two days after he woke up.

He can't help but thank him. Xie He's physical condition is very dangerous, but he can't bear to continue to imprison him - he can only send people to follow him, so he can make emergency measures according to the situation.

It was already midnight, but Liang Chengshan still called Connie and asked: "What is Yang Ling now?"

Connie said reluctantly: "He took our people off and didn't know where it is now."

Liang Chengshan heard the anger and attacked his heart, and his eyes suddenly became extremely harsh! Cold channel, "Do you do this kind of thing!? Find it for me!"

Connie looked at Liang Chengshan so angry that he did not dare to delay again and quickly went out to look for it.

Liang Chengshan personally commanded, almost used all his powers, and even asked other forces to help him with his good work, and soon got the news of Xie He, Xie He was caught by Liang Xuan, this moment is extremely bad. The foreboding enveloped the heart of Liang Chengshan. He pulled off the infusion tube on his hand and shook it and stood up...

No, it won’t happen... Don’t go wrong...


Liang Xuan tortured Xie He for two days. He was sitting in a chair. His clothes were broken and his body was full of blood. He lowered his head and his pupil was somewhat scattered.

Cold, painful, tired...

Why can't you escape, why is it always such a painful cycle...

Liang chose to grab Xie He's hair and looked at him anxiously. He said coldly: "Why don't you talk, there is nothing to say? When you use me, I didn't think there would be this day."

Xie He looked at him with disappointment... Yeah, he didn't think of it.

But... it doesn't matter... He actually doesn't want to stick to it. He is like a walking dead for revenge. For revenge, he becomes cold-blooded, ruthless, and assimilate himself into... he hates most. appearance……

How much difference between him and Liang Chengshan is also the same for his own purposes.

This is the reason he planted himself, so he also has to bear fruit.

He hates his present, but he can't take revenge... It's really unwilling...

Liang Xuan looked at such a thank-you, and suddenly felt that his torture was like a ridiculous joke. What is he looking for? Do you think that you can get the confession and love of this person? He is like a jumper and a captain, for a person who doesn't care about him at all.

Liang Xuan slowly released his hand...

Just then the door was suddenly knocked open and countless gunshots sounded! Liang Xing's face changed, and he took out the gun and prepared to fight back. However, there were too many people on the other side, and the coming came too suddenly. The people who blinked his eyes were killed and injured! I am also controlled.

Liang Xing looked up and looked at Liang Chengshan in a wheelchair and was pushed forward. His eyes were deep hatred. It was this man... Why is he always so powerful, why he always loses! He is not willing!

Liang Chengshan’s eyes were all on Xie He’s body. He saw Xie He’s head in his metal seat and his blood, and the worst thing happened. He was just sleeping for two days... Why is this? ......

Liang Chengshan’s men quickly stepped forward and gave Xie He down. Liang Chengshan held Xie He in his arms. His nose was pungent and bloody. His hand was shaking. He held Xie He tightly in his arms. Inside, whispered: "Nothing, not afraid..."

Xie He’s consciousness has been somewhat confused. In the boundless pain, he fell into this peaceful embrace. He slowly recovered his consciousness and looked at the focal length a little bit. He saw the deep eyes of Liang Chengshan. Unobtrusive worries and love.

At this moment, he has no doubt that Liang Chengshan really loves him...

Even if he killed him and betrayed him again and again, even if he had already left, he was desperate to come over and save him...

But... who wants his love!

He doesn't want it at all!

Do not want! His love makes him feel sick!

Liang Chengshan wiped the blood on Xie's face with his sleeves. He looked up and looked at Liang Xuan. The first time he saw the killing in his eyes, he really killed the beam! He let him go again and again, but he repeatedly provoked him, and this time, finally touched his bottom line!

At this moment, Xie He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Liang Chengshan’s arm, making a hoarse voice. “Don’t blame Liang.”

Liang Chengshan a trip.

Then he saw Xie Hefeng’s smile in the middle of the night. He smiled, but the words he said were chilling. He evoked his lips and his voice was low and strange: "Why blame him?" It’s hurting me to be like this..."

"It is obviously you."

The author has something to say: Let's order the appetizer first _(:зゝ∠)_The next chapter is a big move...

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