Strange Life of a Cat

Chapter 375 Absolute Immunity

After Zheng Tan kicked Boss Huang, he stood on the counter and looked at the person who almost fell over from his chair.

Although Ermao said that he had told Boss Huang not to use such tricks against Zheng Tan, Zheng Tan has always been wary of Boss Huang who has some special abilities. He is not familiar with Boss Huang, the first time they met was because of the weather, Boss Huang let them in to hide from the rain, this Zheng Tan thanked him, but since he knew that this person was familiar with Er Mao, he knew that he must not be an honest person People, otherwise you won’t be able to get along with Ermao. Didn’t you say that things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups? That’s what I said.

Therefore, even though he knew that this person would not have any malicious intentions, Zheng Tan was still vigilant to prevent pranks. He did not expect this to happen now.

When Boss Huang took out the coin just now, Zheng Tan felt a sense of weirdness, which was the same as when Boss Huang was playing with that "Brother Yu" that night, so Zheng Tan was on guard.

Boss Huang thinks that Zheng Tan hangs his head and does not move because Zheng Tan is observing the coin to see if there is any difference between this coin and ordinary coins. As for Zheng Tan's tail not moving, he is not a real cat after all. Except for sometimes thinking about something carefully or moving the tail twice when the mood is more excited, some habits are still different from other cats.

Because Boss Huang treats Zheng Tan like an ordinary cat, he doesn't have much caution towards Zheng Tan. In addition, he miscalculated the strength of Zheng Tan's kick and grabbed the cat's tail like a bear. Well, that's exactly how he got kicked directly.

Zheng Tan looked at Boss Huang, who was full of astonishment, raised his hand and stepped on the coins lying flat on the counter, and flicked hard. The coin was thrown out, hit the wall behind the cash register with a jingling sound, and then bounced and fell onto Boss Huang's head, sliding down his hair.

Boss Huang caught the coin. After all, he was an experienced person, so he quickly calmed down. Apart from the shock just now, he was more curious now.

How could it be ineffective?

He is very familiar with the tricks on small animals such as cats and dogs, and has never encountered such a situation.

Boss Huang got kicked in the face just now, but fortunately he avoided it quickly, his hand blocked some force, and he didn't let his nose get hit, otherwise he would have seen blood now. It seems that this cat is quite strong, no wonder Ermao said it's okay not to mess with it.

Boss Huang got up and walked to a shelf where some mirrors of different sizes were displayed. He picked up one and took a picture to see the injury on his face. It will be restored soon.

Zheng Tan has been paying attention to Boss Huang's movements. From the person walking to the shelf, picking up the mirror, walking to the side to take the cup, putting tea and pouring water, etc., Zheng Tan felt that strange feeling at least three times. Once, Boss Huang looked back at Zheng Tan for a few seconds, the second time he only glanced at Zheng Tan, and the third time he didn't look over, but he paid attention to Zheng Tan's side from the corner of his eye.

After that, Zheng Tan didn't feel it anymore, and left the grocery store to go home after seeing the time was almost up.

In the evening, after dinner, Ermao went to the grocery store to talk nonsense with Boss Huang, and heard Boss Huang talk about what happened to Zheng Tan today.

"Didn't I tell you not to mess with that cat?" Er Mao frowned.

"It was just a temporary idea, and I didn't intend to do anything to it. I just wanted to see if it was a male or a female. I didn't expect to be kicked instead." Boss Huang sighed, "Speaking of which, that cat is very weird. ah."

Ermao knew what Boss Huang was thinking right now. Boss Huang, because of some "folk skills" passed down from his ancestors, was tried and tested repeatedly in normal times, but today he hit a hard nail with Zheng Tan.

Boss Huang's sense is very keen, wherever the target's attention is placed, he will attack from there. a slap.

Of course, Boss Huang is not a stingy person who will take revenge. He feels that if he can't win, it is either because his skills are not up to the level, or his tricks are useless to the other party. In the former case, it is definitely not a matter of overnight if he wants to go further now, and he will not succeed in the short term. As for the latter situation, it is not up to Boss Huang to decide. No matter how much effort is made, it will be in vain. It is an absolute immunity.

Boss Huang is glad that this is just a cat, not someone who has a feud with him. Just because he thought it through clearly, Boss Huang didn't try to test Zheng Tan after a few times, and Zheng Tan didn't have that weird feeling anymore.

"Sometimes I really feel that the cat is not actually a cat, it just looks like it... Well, we are not superstitious. Using the academic explanations of those old guys who are engaged in spiritual science, it is probably called a supernatural phenomenon."

"What do you think?" Ermao asked.

Boss Huang spread his hands, picked up a cigarette and lit it, let's take a few puffs, "I don't have any impressions, no matter how supernatural the phenomenon is, I'll get it once I see it, I'm too lazy to study it, I have to be busy buying goods."

Ermao smiled, recalled for a while, and said, "I think back then, when I first met that guy, I had pasted a talisman on his head."

"Ahem!" Boss Huang choked on Ermao's words, "And then?"

"This handsome face was almost ruined." Every time Ermao recalled that time, he felt that he was very funny, but fortunately he covered his head with a coat at that time, so he didn't get caught.

Boss Huang just laughed. Immediately, I felt balanced in my heart.

Zheng Tan didn't go there for the next few days, but ran into Er Mao while walking around the school, and heard Er Mao say a few words.

Ermao said that Boss Huang's tricks are useless to Zheng Tan, although Zheng Tan believes this, but he has to think about it, why Boss Huang's tricks can be effective on other people and other animals, but they have no effect on himself. It can be said that Ermao and the others were not recruited because they had their own abilities. As for Zheng Tan himself, he knew his own strength, and the most likely explanation he could think of was his own biggest secret.

After all, it is not a real cat, and now it is not a real person. No matter how he treats people or animals, it doesn't work on Zheng Tan.

After hearing Ermao's words, Zheng Tan noticed Ermao's expression, it was the same as usual, and the next day he went to the grocery store to have a look, Boss Huang was not surprised at all, his reaction was quite normal . This also let Zheng Tan breathe a sigh of relief.

After the summer vacation is the new term of the school season.

Every year when the school starts, I can earn a lot of money. For Boss Huang, the most important thing now is to ensure that the stock is sufficient. Then there will not be so much time to go to stock up. How much and what kind of goods to buy. As for other things, Boss Huang is too lazy to take care of them. In his words, "If you have money, you don't make money assholes." Didn't you see that all the nearby shops are busy with the school season?

Boss Huang has a second-hand pick-up truck, which is a hybrid of a car and a truck. The dual-purpose vehicle is very practical for Boss Huang.

Because Ermao is fine at home, his wife takes care of the children at home, and there is a nanny at home, and he is usually free. After knowing that Boss Huang is going to buy goods, Ermao wants to go out with Boss Huang for a walk.

When Ermao and Boss Huang were talking about this, Zheng Tan was also listening. Ermao followed to buy goods just for freshness, and also wanted to follow Boss Huang to see some "folk art" artists that Boss Huang knew.

Are there still many "folk artists"? Zheng Tan usually doesn’t leave this area very often, even if he does go out, he just looks at the architectural scenery outside through the car window in the car. , although I have lived in Chuhua City for six years, the places I go to are really limited.

I remember that when I first came to the Eastern District Compound, Zheng Tan followed the delivery car of the Dongyuan Supermarket to run far away for fun. Later, after the delivery driver changed, he stopped following. The new driver was too thieves, Zheng Tan was not very trust.

Ermao told Boss Huang that he would follow to buy goods, glanced at Zheng Tan next to him, and asked Zheng Tan if he would go. Of course Zheng Tan wanted to, but he still had to tell Papa Jiao, this task was left to Ermao.

Father Jiao didn't object, it wasn't the first time Zheng Tan had done this kind of thing, he only asked Zheng Tan one thing - don't make trouble.

It seems that in the eyes of many people, Zheng Tan is a master of things. He can encounter troubles wherever he goes. I don’t know if so many things happened because of Zheng Tan, or because Zheng Tan encountered so many things by chance. In any case, this is what the Jiao family is worried about.

Papa Jiao, the owner of the grocery store, met him once, and now Zheng Tan wanted to go out with him again, so he made a special trip to visit the grocery store again. Based on Papa Jiao's understanding of Zheng Tan, Papa Jiao knows that if there is a first time, there will be a second time, and a third time. Maybe in the future, every time Boss Huang goes to buy goods, his cat will follow him out for a run.

It has to be said that Papa Jiao really knows Zheng Tan very well.

On this day, it was agreed that it was the date of purchase, so Ermao went to the fifth floor to find Zheng Tan, and they went to the grocery store together.

When I arrived, Boss Huang was helping to read the list. It was sorted out by him and the clerk on the types and quantities of goods to be purchased. I also checked it yesterday and checked it again before leaving.

"Mats, mats, electric fans, flashlights, cloth wardrobes, shoe racks, hooks, bed tables..." Boss Huang went through them one by one. The list was quite long, and Ermao didn't bother.

"Okay, that's all." Boss Huang folded the list and stuffed it into his pocket, calling Ermao and Zheng Tan to the car.

This pickup is a double cab, Ermao sits in the co-pilot, and Zheng Tan stays in the back row, and now he can relax a bit when going out, and the back row will probably be full of cargo when he comes back.

"Life is like a heavenly book, alas, from which page do you turn, the soul does not know where to go, where is the way back~"

Boss Huang likes to sing as soon as he drives, but Zheng Tan has never heard this song before, and always finds it strange. But compared to the general, it is still tolerable.

"Old Huang, change to a more exciting song. I don't feel good listening to this song." Er Mao said.

Boss Huang thought for a while, and continued to sing: "The big river flows eastward, the stars in the sky...that trembling~"

Zheng Tan and Er Mao: "..."

The white cat in the store was squatting on the shelf, not intending to go with it, it didn’t go out very often, it just watched Boss Huang get into the car, and then followed the car closely, and didn’t turn back until the car was no longer visible . It looked at the clerk who had sat on the boss's seat after Boss Huang left, and the white cat flicked the thing next to its paw towards the clerk.

The clerk who was sitting on the chair at the cash register with his legs crossed and picked up the newspaper to read only felt a black object fall and hit the newspaper.


The clerk almost jumped up in shock, and after seeing it clearly, he said to the white cat with a serious face on the shelf: "Mi, you are throwing mice around again!"

Some girls asked Chen Ci to recommend some non-stallion articles. I looked through the bookshelves and recommended "The Chief Imperial Physician". I have followed this article, and I personally think it is very good. It is enough for everyone to read for a long time. After reading it, maybe I will have more than a dozen chapters when I return to the cat.

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