Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 35: return

Is Tangluo injured?

I was injured, of course, and was very heavy.

But this injury has nothing to do with Jack the Ripper.

All the weaknesses and weaknesses just now are pretended.

Jack the Ripper is different from the Survivor, the only evil thing that has an entity in this world.

It's just a collection of grievances.

There is no entity.

I insisted on saying something. In the weakest state at the beginning, I used the rusty dagger as a "trust".

With the enhancement of strength, Jack the Ripper still possesses the characteristics of a dagger even though he possesses others.

But it doesn't need that dagger anymore.

I said, at the beginning, if Tang Luo could find the dagger and destroy it.

This task is completed.

You know, Jack, the ripper, was so weak that he couldn't even kill Li.

I only hollowed out Li Liang's body and strengthened his strength. Later, he was able to kill Bi Wanhui and others.

It was also after the digging of Li Li that Jack the Ripper was "free."

There is no physical Ripper in this dead world.

As long as it doesn't take the initiative to really show up.

Tang Luo, in fact, could not find him.

Unless the world is completely destroyed.

But the injured Tang Luo, for the time being does not have this ability.

Therefore, I can only do my old job.

Pretend to fight the monster born of Jack the Ripper.

I gave Jack the Ripper the illusion of "I can win more".

He is the rare "living soul" in this dead world.

Tang Luo They have great attraction for Jack the Ripper.

It desires to kill and devour Donlow.

This is why they were "patronized" by Jack the Ripper as soon as they entered.

The living soul exists in this world, like the fireflies in the night, the bright stars, the bright dazzling.

No matter where they are hiding in Tangluo, they will be "sniffed" by Jack the Ripper.

Jack the Ripper, as evil, has no real wisdom.

It relies on instinctual action.

Primitive killings, devouring desires, and primitive fears that were born after seeing Tang Luo.

I made Jack the Ripper afraid to act lightly.

I just lurk in the shadows and corners, waiting for the right moment to bite.

At the beginning, Jack the Ripper didn't dare to meet Tang Luo even if he had "others".

秒 "Hodge", who was spiked, hurt Jack the Ripper.

However, it gradually became stronger by devouring other people, and after reaching a certain critical point, it began to initiate mass killings.

居民 Other residents in the town.

For Jack the Ripper, it is also the "grain" that can make it stronger.

I just don't have the same effect as the "living soul" headed by Tang Luo.

量 But quantitative change can also produce qualitative change.

Now the Ripper appears in person, the empty "eyes" and "mouth", and the exposed internal organs.

Puppets are composed of the ghosts of the inhabitants of the town.

Venomous, clumsy, twisted, and extremely powerful.

As the most powerful Tang Luo in "Soul of Life", Tang Luo is also the Tang Luo that scared the Ripper.

I am undoubtedly the greatest attraction to the Ripper.

It is extremely eager to eat him, but also afraid to kill himself.

He has no wisdom, but there are still some "evil wisdom" and evil things.

At this point, the Ripper is much "smarter" than the Survivor.

It never confronted Tang Luogang. After strength increased, he only tried it gradually.

The old John was the temptation of the Ripper.

格兰 Tonight's Grand Field, the possessors dared to strike Tang Luo directly, and it was also a test.

Also when Tang Luo digs the grave, and later bred, the strongest twisted monster apart from the real body.

的 As a result of the temptation, the killing and devouring emotions of Jack the Ripper overwhelmed the fear.

Tap it, eat the soul in front of you!

This is not a thought.

Is emotion.

Once crickets are pressed, they are like fires on dry grasslands and cannot be suppressed.

杰 Jack the Ripper, there is no longer any "sense", or "sanity" on the surface.

Even if Tang Luo is now "you finally came out and beaten".

It won't retreat anymore.


Wu Chutian reluctantly made a sound, this is the only place he can move up and down.

He has many questions and many fears.

Tang Luo did not answer Chu Zhongtian.

A lot of merit is in front of me, and I am sure to take it.

This is fate.

Although Tang Luo created it himself, it is also a fate.

No one stipulates that "fate" is obtained passively. To be a human being, we must give full play to our initiative.

He is the same as a Buddha.

Chu Chuzhong's eyes bloomed, and Tang Luo, who was just now, had disappeared.

By the time he reappeared, Tang Luo was already on top of Jack the Ripper.

The huge skull under the lame foot still kept a slight bow.

The roof of the burial chamber held in his hands had not yet been loosened.

I said it was true body, straightforward.

I mean all the resentment and strength are brought together.

As a result, she looks extraordinarily huge and powerful.

But compared to the possessor, the twisted monster is one level higher than the simple possessor.

Although the strength of the real body is large, it is relatively slow and awkward.

This is, to a large extent, caused by the huge body size.

It is still more than enough to deal with most prey.

I was too slow for Tang Luo.

He stomped his right foot and was about to step on Jack the Ripper.

I want to kick it out!

I was at the threshold of this moment.

位置 The hollow eyes and mouth of the Ripper's head were twisted by the mournful soul.

In three positions, many ghosts turned into three huge tentacles.

I turned into three afterimages.

The cricket banged on Tang Luo's back like a venomous snake.

Tang Luo's head turned slightly, his eyes swept away.

I seem to have identified the position of the tentacles.

There is no meaning to dodge, the action of stepping down remains the same, the body slightly rotates, and the right hand follows the sideways wave!

Three feet have thick pillars, and the spirits are twisted into a tentacle composed of balls.

The moment he came into contact with Tang Luo's arm, he burst out!

At the same time, Tang Luo stepped on the head of Jack the Ripper with his right foot.

Chu Chutian saw that the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out from the place where they touched.

After a while, it was a howling wind.

The original stiff body can move again.

Xu's legs softened, Chu Zhongtian fell to the ground.

Support your body with your hands backwards so that you do not fall down.

He saw Jack, the huge ripper.

From the position above the head, a large number of black cracks appeared at a very fast speed.

Then, like a real avalanche.

The crickets crumbled from top to bottom.

However, an avalanche will form a wave of snowflakes and devour everything on the road.

After Jack the Ripper broke down, nothing was left.

Only turned into nothingness.

Alas, the ripper was holding in his hands, and it was too late to put it down. The whole roof fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"This is probably the so-called degree."

Wu Chuzhong doesn't know why he suddenly came up with this idea.


Zhou Zhenguo's voice came from the other side.

I ca n’t believe it with a little bit.

too fast.

It all happened too quickly.

I could not open the iron door, Tang Luo appeared with serious injuries and weakness, telling them that this is the world of the dead.

I saw the "coffin" engraved with their names.

Before I could figure out what was going on, the giant monster grabbed the roof.

At that moment, Zhou Zhenguo was completely desperate.

Then, the peak circuit turns.

Zhou Zhenguo's despair was too late to spread.

When Jack, the huge ripper, was killed by Master Xuanzang.

He is not a war of life and death as imagined, or it has come and gone.

Instead of rolling, spike.

Isn't he still weak just now?

I said good monks do n’t slang!


Chu Chutian said, "It should be over, right?"


Zhou Zhenguo said, "Yes, this tomb ..."

He looked at the words on the "stone wall".

Zhou Zhenguo, Chu Chongtian, Li Liang, Bi Wanhui, Cheng Jing (Cheng Cheng), Zhou Yuze (Xiao Zhou), and ...


Xun was supposed to be the place where Master Xuanzang's real name appeared.

The engraved handwriting is missing a piece.

The maggot was probably caused when some rubble came over just now.

The smashed small piece fell to the ground and has become a fragment.

Can't fully recognize the complete name, birth time.

I can only see one "Tang" character.

"Tang ... Xuan Zang?"

Zhou Zhenguo stayed in place.

Tang monk, Tang Xuanzhang, Tang Sanzang, etc.

As a native of China, I am definitely familiar with it.

Although Zhou Zhenguo knows ~ ~ Xuan Zang is the legal name, San Zang is actually the general name of Buddhist classics.

A monk who knows the Three Tibetans will be respected as a "Three Tibetan Mage".

But Tang is the "Tang" of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

The so-called Tang Monk, Tang Xuanzhang, and Tang Sanzang are strictly "introductions".

的 A monk from Eastern Tang Dynasty.

The monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the monk was Xuanzang.

I came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty and knew the "Three Tibetans" monks.

奘 This Xuanzang master should just happen to be named Tang, so this strange coincidence happens.

He said, didn't he call himself "Master Xuanzang" because of his surname Tang?

This monk can play.

Tang Xuanzhang, this code is quite interesting.

"What Tang Xuanzhang?" Chu Zhongtian asked.

"Nothing." Zhou Zhenguo said.

This kind of thing, there is no need to deliberately come out and say.

During the conversation, the figure at the door was shaking, and Tang Luo had returned.

Xu Hua smiled, how could she be half injured.

Slay and kill Jack the Ripper, get the power of merit, and use it to heal.

Tang Luo's strength has not risen from 6 to 8% without affecting his injuries.

Tang Luo will of course "拈花 笑".

In fact, recovery from injuries is not static.

消耗 The consumption will not be too great at first, but the merits required will gradually increase with the gradual recovery.

After recovering to a certain extent, it will begin to decrease again.

It looks like a relatively smooth parabola.


Two Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Chongtian greeted.

打开 "Open the sarcophagus and come back."

Tang Luo said.

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