Steel steam and flame

Chapter 749 Dead Lake (7)

"After that, no one dared to go there. We would get sick if we went there, and the hospital couldn't seem to do anything about it. The officials later came again and emphasized the matter, saying that it was very dangerous and we were not allowed to go in. If we were discovered, we would be There are very serious punishments." The old man seemed to be endorsing, "Actually, even if they didn't say anything, looking at the looks of those people, we didn't have the courage at that time. It's not a good disease, it's very painful."

"Didn't those officials explain the specific reasons?" Cassia asked, "Such a matter must be within the scope of their management and handling. There should be some explanation, right?"

"This... I don't remember clearly. There was no explanation. Later, it seemed that they really didn't say anything. They came twice. Apart from expanding the scope of the danger warning lines, they didn't say anything else. What."

"Young man, you don't want to go inside, do you? It's best not to go in. You look very strong, but those people decades ago were all like you, very strong. But after you come back, Dafan They all look the same." The old man persuaded, but judging from their looks, it was just talk. Whether it can be effective depends on the decision of the young man in front of him.

The sky darkened completely during the conversation, and the temperature quickly dropped a bit, but more old people gathered around, and this seemed to be the only place they could spend time in their lives. Most of them are of the same age, and there are some who are younger and have black hair.

The people here all come from the nearest city and plan to spend the rest of their lives here. Cassia asked several people again and got basically the same answers. The imperial management agency did not do much to deal with it. Based on the words of these old people, he guessed that the reason for this was probably because it was originally an uninhabited area, a long time ago. It won't involve anything else, so the subsequent processing will be gradually forgotten in the delay.

Back at the limo, Cassia was preparing to leave early tomorrow morning. There are no lights ahead. Although the operator's eyes can capture the general scene under the dim light at night, to get more clues, Cassia wants to ask more questions.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, Cassia was the only one left in the small square. Adding a few pieces of wood to the fire in front of her, Cassia sorted out the collected information. It was natural to associate that strange symptom with the second-generation Holy Sword. He had never seen the Holy Sword himself, and he only knew a little bit of basic information about the Holy Sword. In the end, he couldn't figure out anything.

After spending a night in the limo, it was getting brighter the next day. Cassia bought some food from the nearest old people, and then continued to move towards the mountains in front of her along the almost invisible dirt road.

"If you feel uncomfortable, remember to turn back immediately. The current hospital should be able to cure that kind of disease." The old man finally reminded him kindly, and Cassia nodded in agreement.

On both sides of the road, several other towns that the old people mentioned appeared in view one after another, surrounded by lush grass. In a few years, they may become completely ruins covered by weeds.

Soon, the dirt road disappeared, leaving only grass and increasingly dense trees. Some concave earth bags began to appear on the flat ground. When the weeds and soil on them were peeled away, black rocks emerged.

"Have you entered the area covered by the volcanic eruption?" Cassia stopped the limousine and looked at the mountains in front of her. The exposed rocks like ferocious scars could be clearly seen, and the same clusters of weeds gradually It was replaced by dense trees, and the limousine could not drive in.

After camouflaging the limo, grabbing a fire gun and a forged steel sword, Cassia planned to walk to the lake at the foot of the mountain to discuss her plans.

In just a few decades, the surrounding environment has completely changed. According to the old people, there was always flat land in front of the lake, and the town's crops were grown on it. But now the farmland no longer looks like it should. The trees are getting denser and denser as we advance, turning into a forest. The trees became thicker and thicker, but Cassia noticed something strange. They seemed to have a strange disease and could hardly find straight trees. They were all twisted and twisted into a ball.

At this time, Cassia climbed up to the middle of a taller tree, and through a piece of enchanting green leaves, a calm lake appeared in the distance.

There was probably less than five thousand meters to go. When Cassia was muttering to herself, she tilted her head slightly and reached forward with her right hand. When she stopped, something was already caught between her fingers.

It was a green snake, and its soft body changed color at this time, from the tan color of the trunk to a uniform green. Still struggling, his torso wrapped around Cassia's arm, about one and a half meters in length. The color also changed again, becoming the same mottled camouflage as Cassia's clothes. Between the two sharp fangs, a dark red tongue kept moving up and down. Cassia's fingers were strong enough to crush its skull. The pain and danger that passed through made the snake want to escape.

"Natural mimicry?" What Cassia cares about is not its fangs, but the danger signal that never appeared in his perception before the snake attacked him. It's not that the danger is too low to notice, Cassia is more inclined to the snake's own ability. After all, he had never seen a snake with scales like a chameleon in the book, and it had excellent concealment capabilities, so it wouldn't be surprising.

"Class II creature?" Cassia shook his head as he thought. He opened the snake's belly and did not feel anything when his fingers came into contact with the blood. Even if he used the devouring method, he still did not feel the snake's blood. Any trace of dragon blood.

"Probably a species that migrated from the edge of the southern forest." Cassia finally judged. Without thinking much, he climbed down from the tree and moved on. After a few minutes, he stopped and his face became more cautious.

I don't know when I started to feel a slight burning sensation in my fingers. The skin was slightly corroded, and if you look closely, you can see a very shallow pit that was dissolved on it. There is a faint red color right up to the fingertips. However, there was no feeling of poisoning in his body, and the toxicity of the blood that corroded his skin could not penetrate his skin and enter his body.

At this time, Cassia remembered what those old people said - her skin was also a lot redder, as if she had been exposed to the sun for a long time...

Are the animals here suffering from the same strange symptoms? Or, the same situation applies to the plants here. Looking at the twisted trees around him, Cassia breathed out: "Is this the influence of the Holy Sword? It seems that the first generation of Knight King Grote and Sukarius have the same character, always hiding things, and Didn’t tell me everything.”

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