Steel steam and flame

Chapter 741 Continuous Events (7)

It took a whole night for Cassia to reach the edge of Manoma. I took a limousine to the center at a station and rested with my eyes closed.

It was already noon when we arrived in the central area. Cassia had lunch in a restaurant and rushed to the military school.

Still using the original method, he climbed up the Blanco Mountains from an uninhabited position and walked through the ventilation channels that were open all year round at the construction site. The people of the Rose and the Knights of the Rose and the Holy Church did not seem to have thought that he would rush back to the military school in this way. In other words, in their consideration, Cassia's return to the military school was already the last one in the queue. option.

"Probably the news that someone entered the military school from here will soon spread to the enemy's ears. Then we have to think more about how to leave here." While breaking the thin ice layer on his body, Ka Xia walked towards the biology building.

Coach Bede and Selmer can't rush there yet. Ever since he went to the Mesalia area and communications were cut off, he knew that there were many things involved in this incident. There are corresponding personnel to restrain them, and it is not easy to meet them.

Although Coach Bolei has said that Military Academy is a natural place of protection for him, Cassia believes that is not the case at least now.

After going to the biology building and the military school, Cassia thought that the only ones who could help him now were the professors who didn't have anything important to do during normal times. The two are very familiar with each other and have relevant agreements. If they take the risk to help this time, the only loss they will suffer is that they will lose a lot of fresh blood.

The unchanging feeling of desertion and white light made Cassia feel that her body temperature quickly dropped a few degrees. Without the use of an ID card, Cassia could not enter the laboratory on the lowest floor. Cassia could only follow her memory to the office floor above the building, hoping to meet one of the professors there.

Never one to be favored by luck, Cassia waited until around 5 p.m. to see a professor coming out of the elevator with materials.

"Cassia!" A slightly surprised voice confirmed Cassia's thoughts. These professors indeed knew something.

"Professor Wadsworth." Cassia greeted.

After looking around and finding that there was no one else on the floor, Professor Wadsworth quickly pulled Cassia into the elevator and went directly down to the lowest experimental floor.

"Why did you come back?" Professor Wadsworth looked confused and said, "You shouldn't come back here now. I think you must know it in your heart. It's best to hide outside, military school personnel. It’s not like you don’t know the structure. Whether it’s the students who come here or the numerous staff, there are too many eyes sent in from other forces.”

While talking, the elevator stopped, and Professor Wadsworth took Cassia directly to a laboratory next to the passage.

"Bruce, someone is coming," Wordsworth shouted to the people in the room. Professor Bruce is the person in charge among them, and he is openly responsible for all aspects of surgery in the military school.

"Really? It's not that bad. Even if we help you, there is no possibility of you seeing him alone." After hearing what Cassia said, Professor Bruce shook his head and said, "I haven't been out of the building in the past few days. The principal and the management have done this for themselves and for the sake of others, and they have done so recently. It is absolutely impossible to call him out."

"It may be possible to help you convey the information. I should be able to find a chance to exchange a few words with you, but there is not much to say. You have to think about what you want us to convey for you." Professor Bruce put down the work in his hands. Er said, "You are quite brave, you actually chose this period to come back to the military school. You came in from the construction area at the end, right?"

Seeing Cassia nodding, Bruce showed a somewhat lucky expression. While the two were talking, several other professors also rushed over at Wadsworth's notice. Without interfering with unnecessary matters, a group of professors had faded away from these disputes long ago. The only thing they were interested in was the latest data on Cassia's body.

"It really fits the character of that group of people. They can do anything." After listening to what Cassia wanted to convey to Bordeaux, Professor Bruce had already guessed what happened, "Wadsworth, you and I are going to do it right now. Go draft a temporary data extraction notice from Avalon."

"It's okay for the others to stay and help Cassia do a full-body examination." There was still a long-lost smile on his face, and Cassia could only nod helplessly, which was what he expected.

"You can't stay here for a long time. I think by now, the news that you may return to the military school has spread. Have you ever thought about how to leave here? Don't think about the place being built at the end of the school. Now Someone must have rushed over and waited for you." Bruce turned around and asked, "You can stay outside for a while, have a good rest, or exercise, or conduct in-depth development of the surgery. At this time, you need your own strength even more, so maybe you can improve yourself quickly. The best way you can resist. As for how to leave, Wadsworth and I will help you think about it. Stay here with them and don't move around at will. There are only a few rooms on the bottom floor of the biology building that are not monitored. "


Looking at the school's protective cover that had turned into a dark color, Bolei felt very dull. The wind blows all year round, but I can't feel the pleasant refreshing feeling from it now.

"It's only been a few days, and I feel like I'm completely separated from the outside world." Standing on the balcony of the building, coming here to get some fresh air in his spare time has become a new habit for him. In the whole building, this was the only place where he could feel a little calmer.

"It will continue for a long time. The deputy chief said it will take at least a few months before the contact is cut off." Himiya came over and added, "That's fine. The military school remains neutral. I think other forces I will also remain neutral. I don’t know why they are so anxious. No matter who it is, I always thought it would take a long time for something like this to happen.”

"Probably some data about Cassia has been leaked except for us. If it were anyone else, I don't think they would be able to keep their temper after seeing his test results. After all, a monster-like person is enough It will cause trouble to the entire empire, and there will be two more in the future, and it is still the time when the Red Star is approaching."

Xemia nodded in agreement, and just as she was about to say something, the footsteps behind her made her shut her mouth. The two turned around, and the principal and Professor Bruce walked over with the same expression.

"Hey, it's about Avalon." Professor Bruce patted the documents in his hand with a helpless look on his face.

Bolei sighed. For some reason, he felt a sense of joy in his heart.

"It seems that the resistance to toxic substances has been inadvertently enhanced a lot?" On the other side, the professors listened to Cassia's words, looked at each other and laughed, "Cassia, as long as you know that in dealing with dragons, except for underage larvae, The Empire has never used biological poisons, so you should understand, right?"

"Think of it as a side effect of the increase in blood concentration. Some biological poisons are immune, and the effects of most biological poisons are greatly reduced. This is your current state. Have you felt any strange changes in your body recently? If so , but it can be provided to us as data. Using the database in the super analysis machine of the military school, maybe we can help you do more things in the future."

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