Steel steam and flame

Chapter 712 Transformation (10)

The golden bank inside the military school is not far from the dormitory, just next to the cafeteria. When Cassia came there, there was no one inside. Walking directly to the reception desk, Cassia nodded slightly and said her name in a low voice.

"Kasiatusos, I just received your notice. Come and get the letter now."

"Please wait a moment, let me take a look." There is a very young woman behind the front desk. She is using a difference machine to check where Cassia's letter is.

About half a minute later, the woman seemed to have the answer. When she walked around among the dozens of rows of shelves behind her, she already had a very common letter in her hand. The empire's communications are already very developed, but if it wants to spread them throughout the region, the price it will cost is something the empire has long considered.

Cassia took the letter and stuffed it directly into her pocket. After thanking the young woman in front of him, he turned and returned to his dormitory. Taking out the letter on the way, Cassia's face turned pale and her pace suddenly accelerated a lot.

The fonts on the envelope were crooked, but Cassia recognized them all. That's how Lilia wrote it. If there was no mistake in the timing, Lilia should have gone to the nearest school to start the first grade of elementary school not long after Cassia left the town last year. By now, she should be a second-grade student in an elementary school. Cassia believed that Lilia would definitely know some common imperial texts and how to use them. As for writing letters, Lilia may have learned it during this period.

But she didn't use it in the right place. Cassia guessed that the address on the letter was also written down by Lilia from the letters he had sent home. In the first few months after arriving at the military school, in addition to sending money home on time, Cassia also wrote letters from time to time to tell her mother not to worry about her.

I have always been afraid of something like this happening, but Cassia didn't expect to be discovered in this way. Cassia had this idea when she first chose to take her mother and sister out of the small town.

After leaving the small town, it seemed that only he knew the exact location of his mother and sister Lilia. It was originally thought that it would be very safe. Even if some forces in the empire wanted to investigate, the difficulty and cost of searching for the names of two people from the empire's super analysis machine would set many people back.

But Cassia didn't expect that Lilia actually remembered the address of the military school and actually wrote a letter. I don’t know whether I should be happy for Lilia’s intelligence, or what other feelings I have. Cassia did not smile when she opened the letter, only a look of fear and seriousness.

"Brother, Lilia will come to find you in the future." It was still a simple sentence, paired with an equally simple painting. Compared with the one Lilia drew when he just left the small town, this one is indeed a lot better.

It's just that Cassia can't feel the slightest appreciation or happiness for her sister Lilia now. As he walked quickly back to the dormitory, he took a turn and took him to the store inside the school, where he bought a complete set of cosmetic items. After returning to the dormitory, it took about ten minutes to transform herself into another person. Cassia then changed her clothes, took her ID tag and bank card and left the school.

"It should be in time, and the other party is a big noble after all, so he would not do such a thing. Even as an ordinary person, there is a basic bottom line in doing things. They are not robbers, they just accept orders, then accept them, and then execute them It's just a person." Cassia sat in the passenger seat, but the light in her eyes gradually dissipated in such self-comfort.

When the limo stopped at the Manoma Center, when Cassia got off the limo, her face was extremely serious, and only pure black remained in her pupils.

"Delya, help me prepare a complete set of weapons immediately, just like the gift box you gave me when I returned. Also, prepare a few more delivery tubes. The kind that are often used to inject anti-inflammatory potions to patients in hospitals. The caliber is enough, the tougher the material, the better. Finally, there is a ticket for the airship, located in Mesalia. I need you to send someone to check and find the fastest flight to the Mesalia area. Empty boat.”

"I know, I'll have people deal with this right away." Delya heard something from Cassia's tone, which was frighteningly calm and cold. "Are there any other arrangements? Captain. Recently. Those hostile forces have been eliminated until only one is left, leaving a lot of free manpower, which can be sent to various parts of the empire at any time. We may not have an advantage in terms of strength, but we have weapons and ammunition produced by ourselves, and we can simply spread them out I think there will be absolutely no problem with Zhang’s dense firepower network.”

"Okay, you can gather these people together. They have been staying at the factory in the past few days and follow my arrangements at any time. By the way, there should be some steel cans left in the cold storage of the factory. I think you haven't put them in yet. Completely move away." Cassia went on to say that he borrowed a communication machine from a street tavern. At this time, I glanced at the big bronze clock on the wall next to me. The hour hand was slowly pointing to one o'clock in the morning. Apart from him, there were only two lonely guests in the tavern, each sitting at a table, drinking their own wine in silence.

After hearing Delya's confirmed answer, Cassia finally showed a smile on her serious expression, but it looked a bit scary. It might be best to describe it as a sinister smile.

"I will go directly to the airport south of Manoma in about an hour. I hope that in about an hour and a half at the latest, I can take what I want, board on time, and rush to May as soon as possible. Airship in the Selia area." Cassia said, "The request may be a bit unreasonable. As for the reason, I will explain to you if there is a chance in the future."

"You are the leader. There are some things that you don't need to explain to us," Delya said.

"Thank you." Cassia said and hung up the communication. Then he contacted Hessler.

Hessler seemed to be resting: "Are you going to introduce new prey to me again? I hope it won't be the ones from not long ago. It can only be used to move your body and kill some boring time."

"This time there may be unexpected gains," Cassia said, "but it is also very dangerous."


"Milton, the new news from the military school is the prey's family." In the spacious hall, Cyprie's crisp voice came to mind, "Resa and the others have rushed to the airport in advance, and this mission The remaining two people also contacted me just now, and they also went directly to the airport."

"That's great, they are quite fast." Milton looked at Cyprie with an anxious look on his face and said, "We don't have to worry. After all, it will take a day or two to get there now." It only takes time. In terms of action speed, I think even the Knights can't compare to the group of people in the temple, right? You must have forgotten that this operation is composed of two parts, us and the Holy The Holy Church of the Imperial Palace. The Holy Church is the most widely distributed and exists in almost every region of the empire. By the time we received the news, they should have already been contacting the local Holy Church to ask them to cooperate. ."

"Also, using family members to threaten..." Milton squinted his eyes and tilted his head slightly, thinking about something, "I really haven't done that much before."


"El, Theodore, don't you two want to take action? Or are you tired of this method?"

The two shook their heads at the same time, and El was the first to speak: "I can't say I like it, and I can't say I hate it. The focus is not on the method, but on the prey itself. There are actually many types of prey. Captain Boyce taught me this before. of."

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